As if unwilling to admit defeat, the girl responded loudly.

I don't know that there are things that cannot be achieved in the world, and I have never experienced a sense of powerlessness, but I simply believe in the heroes in my heart.

Wasn't it the same last time?

"Come on! Tiga! Come on! Empat!"

She ignored the man and yelled at the shelter.



"Come on! Ultraman!"

Maybe it can't be delivered, maybe it can be delivered, no one knows this.

Just the same as last time, to support them.

"Stop calling!"

Anxiety arose in the man's heart, why is this girl so firm when she clearly doesn't know anything?

"come on! Come on!"


He heard the echo, not a child's, but an adult's.

The nurse looked at Nakano with a surprised expression. The young man who was being treated for the wound suddenly yelled for some reason, and the eyes of the adults were drawn to him.

"That, that—"

"Not only for Ultraman, but also for ourselves."

Nakano said seriously.

"We can't give up. We can't give up. Until now, there are still people who are fighting and fighting. If we give up, how will those who fight for us deal with themselves?"

He saw quite a few people on his way to and from the hospital's shelter.

The police who protected ordinary people from fleeing, drove chariots, used TPCs with light guns, and firefighters who suppressed those monsters with high-pressure water guns.

"They have their battles, and we should also have ours. What happened to everyone? Since when did everyone who never gave up, kept fighting, and was not overwhelmed by difficulties become so weak?"

Nakano stood up, and he pressed his right hand to his chest, there seemed to be something warm there.

"The people who protect us didn't give up, and we didn't give up. It's just to protect us who didn't give up. Ultraman will stand up again and again, right? Or is it better to realize the future with our own hands? Destroyed in a dream?"

I will not give up, how can I give up.

"Come on, Ultraman!"

The girl yelled again, and at the same time, boy, girl, someone yelled in response to her voice.

This voice echoes in the shelter, but can it be passed on to anyone?

Emotions are contagious, Nakano clenched his fists, what are people fighting for?

In order to survive, for family, for friends, the will to survive and protect others is so strong.

'Ultraman, we must win! '

He thought in his heart, the next moment, before he could react, the crystal, which was regarded as a talisman, came out of his pocket and passed through the ceiling.

'I have a family, how can I let you monsters mess around! '

The guard's will was extremely strong. The soldier kept pulling the trigger with his right hand, endured the pain of being eaten by his legs, and pressed the muzzle of the gun on the enemy's head.

No one noticed that life itself was light, and the light was sucked into that crystal.

On this planet, there are three crystal balls.

The crystal ball that once constituted the negative energy Empat was also pulled away. Its half owner, Uesugi Tomo, was dragging the wounded to hide in the alley.

Concern and love for others, the light of the composition is drawn into the ball.


They are heroes and guardians of the earth. They can win this time, right?

Ultraman, pray for their victory.

The interior of the crystal, because of the thoughts and emotions of its owner, fulfills similar wishes.

Negative energy collection crystals, if negative emotions can form energy, then what is wrong with positive emotions?

How many positive emotions are there on earth?

Soldiers who keep firing, ordinary people who care about others, and people who convince people to believe in future speakers.

Zoga flapping his wings loathed the disgusting light.

In another country far away, another continent, in the base engulfed by black mist, the energy surging in the crystal ball turned into a golden flame at some point and burned inside.

Its master drives this power with a self-sacrificing heart, and finally turns this power into light.


The base could no longer be used, and Jack, carrying a gun in his hand, subconsciously looked in the direction of the base.

If darkness cannot be stopped by physical means, neither can light.

It was about to sink completely, and the black mist that covered the ground was dispelled.

The black mist that descended to turn the entire planet into a dark nest was cut open, and the golden light spread out, flying fast, like a phoenix spreading its wings.

People who are fighting, people who give up, if people can't see the light, they can't live.

But in this endless darkness, there is light shining.

A small hope is noticed, and the person who notices it lights up the hope, and the person who lights up the hope entrusts his own hope to form a bigger hope.

"Director! The signal is connected!"

Facing different directions, facing different worlds, whoever's prayer was heard, and whose prayer was carried, three golden 'phoenix' soared in the sky.

Buried in pitch black, on the bottomless Pacific Ocean like a black hole, Gatanjeh swayed his body.

Below this ocean, the stone statue of Tiga lay quietly.

Inside the ruins, Empat stood up from the ground again, ignoring the timer ringing on his chest, and once again made a fighting gesture against the enemies.

"What kind of ecstasy soup did humans feed you to make you work so hard?"

Disgusted, I feel disgusted when I see that gesture.

Camilla descended from a distance, and she already felt a little irritated, because the other party's insistence revealed someone's shadow.

"Selfish, stupid, envious of others, start wars, hurt each other, play with nature and life, repeat the same mistakes, long to trample others underfoot, do whatever it takes to gain status, exclude others after gaining status, win by trivial things the lives of others."

Belittling... no, can that really count as belittling?

Just admit it, what the other party said is basically correct.

"But that's not all, selfless, intelligent, working hard for others, working together to realize dreams, and supporting each other, it is precisely because of this that human beings are not destroyed in the cruel nature, Camila, there is something hidden in the human heart that is bigger than the universe. Want broad power, why do you only see the negative side?"

The human heart is like the yin and yang diagram, where black and white intersect and blend together perfectly.

"Could it be possible that the power you mentioned can defeat the darkness?"

Camilla's right hand was swung, and a blue energy whip was formed.

"I'm tired of you, you just die here."

Chapter 210 Eternal Life

The blue long whip can cause damage even without getting close, and with Camilla's swing, the agile 'poisonous snake' attacks the enemy.

Empat jumped back quickly, so in cooperation with Camilla, Hitler shot continuously with Buster's rays, and Durham clenched his fists and sprinted.

A large amount of streamer formed a barrage, blocking all the space except one Darham's advancing route.

And Camilla quickly jumped upwards, which was faster than the comrades sprinting ahead.

With a flick of her right hand, the whip tensed into a blade, but the extended length was reminiscent of a spear.

This blow fell towards the enemy on the ground, piercing through the yellow sand after piercing the air.

She immediately pulled the lightsaber upwards, the weapon made of energy continued to extend even if it missed a hit, and the blade extended to more than [-] meters at some point was drawn from bottom to top.

Empat quickly turned to the left, clenched his left fist, and in front of him was the drawn-in Durham.

When there is no strength beyond the opponent's level, a head-on conflict will only crush one's fingers.

Therefore, fist to fist, the fist confrontation between the two ended with Enpater slightly losing, and he flew out backwards.

When his feet landed, he felt the fluctuation of space.


It was Empat who reached Hitler's rear with teleportation before, and this time it was Hitler who reached his rear with teleportation.

The enemy's right arm equipped with a double-headed fork swept across, while his standing body leaned forward.

Empat's upper body went down at a forward angle, his waist twisted, and his right leg popped up like a spring, hitting Hitler's chin directly.

At this time, his head is facing down and his legs are facing up. This action is even more exaggerated than a football volley.

But with a similar movement, Empat's body went from front to back, kneeling upward.

The heavy blow was not a direct confrontation, but a straight punch that hit Durham from below. Before being hit, the force that exploded on the opponent's wrist caused the movement of the right arm to be defeated and thrown away.

The opponent's reaction was quick, and he quickly made up for the second blow with his left fist.

However, Empat retracted the left foot supporting the body to store power, which is an impossible action for most creatures.

But Altman, who has mastered the ability to fly against gravity, can do it.

Floating in mid-air, he twisted his waist directly, and while retracting his right leg hit by the knee, the rotating body drove his left leg to whip Durham's waist.

The power delivered does make a difference, a little deflection is enough.

Empat used this to evade, allowing the opponent's left fist to slash across the cheek. As the two approached, his straight left palm quickly thrust forward with purple.

Purple arms, black arms, different colors crossed together due to movements.

The brilliance flashed by, but there was no feeling of hitting it completely.

Durham leaned back with his upper body, bent his legs to lower the height, and avoided the blow by sliding with inertia.

Empat's withdrawn left arm swung out again, easily flicking away the light whip thrown by Camilla.


The light whip was just a feint, he turned around quickly, his arms collided with each other, and Hitler, who was speeding back, pushed him, leaving two marks on the accumulated yellow sand.

At this moment, Durham's arms were tilted and pulled apart, and the red thunder gathered strength.

The left hand is accumulating energy, and when the right fist is moved to a symmetrical position with the previous left hand in a symmetrical movement, the energy is poured into the fist.

The extremely blazing flame hit for the second time, and the surging force quickly moved to the designated place.


Hitler swung his right arm horizontally, giving up the stalemate and wrestling between the two. The timing was just at the moment when his advantage in speed was about to disappear.

Empat quickly jumped back, the scorching red flame in front of him was the same as before, like the magma ejected from a volcanic eruption, but it was many times hotter than that.

Suddenly, he felt that sharp feeling.

Turning around quickly and leaning back, the blue sword of light left fierce sparks on the breastplate, and Camilla fell in front of him.

With a muffled grunt, Empat had to take two steps back.

Immediately afterwards, he swung his body wildly, and the lightsaber in Camilla's right hand interweaved into a blue light web in front of him, and countless 'light spots' bloomed in a short time.

The sudden burst of swordsmanship made him tired of coping.

The next moment, the rear exploded, hitting the back.

Hitler's Hugaras gale caused energy to spread again, and the tingling sensation was transmitted to Nangong's mind. What's more terrible was that his posture also collapsed as a result.

With one against two, they were already in a suppressed situation, but the addition of Camilla instantly broke the fragile balance.

Towards his abdomen, an afterimage flashed.

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