Which entrance and exit will the enemy enter from?

However, the other party did not choose the entrance and exit.

The base was damaged, and the people in the monitoring room noticed it immediately.

"Zero Zone, on your—"

The heavy metal block fell instantly, pressing down those who failed to dodge.

Immediately afterwards, the wreckage that was supposed to be part of the base was pulled by some force, rubbing against the ground and crashing towards the soldiers on the other side.

At the same moment, the sunlight shining in the planet's sky fell into the darkened passage due to the destruction of the facility.

The light shone on that person, and the red double-ended blade was held in both hands.

Aisle, what a narrow terrain.


In an instant, everyone was pushed by a powerful force, and they were slapped on the wall like mosquitoes, and the strong impact directly stunned them.

The closest, the rest of the troops who came to support immediately noticed the situation here.

Who goes first?

Who is going to scout the T-junction ahead?

It took time to think, because the wall that made up the passage was cut directly, and the red light blade penetrated someone's body.

The swordsman in the cloak walked out, and he stood in the middle of the two teams, which was a very good position.

You can't shoot, and if you shoot, you will inevitably hurt each other.

Before the order was given, the blade swung down.

The red light blade kept waving, cutting open one enemy after another, and quickly wiped out a team.

This person entering the base is tantamount to leading a wolf into a house.

The so-called map and aisle didn't seem to mean anything to him, the red light blade directly cut through the obstacles blocking the way.

Whether it's a person, a wall, or an energy beam, it's meaningless.

The short time seemed to stretch infinitely, the siren kept echoing in the base, and the closed door was pierced by a little crimson.

The pulling light blade opened another door in the center of the door.

It was at this moment that the purple light bullet was fleeting.

Between the brilliance, the shot was directly bounced away.

The sound of the chains echoed, and the raised lightsaber cut a gap in the following chains.


The sound of smacking tongues echoed in the dark space, where only a narrow passage bridge can reach the opposite side, but there is no one blocking it in front of the bridge.

Blonde hair, red eyes and golden armor.

The Dark Star Babar stopped here again, raising his weapon with his left hand.

A pitch-black stick with a crescent moon at the front end and a nail-mounted morning star hammer at the back end.

The swordsman held the double-ended lightsaber forward with both hands.

There were only two people in the dark environment, and the reckless destruction destroyed the energy transmission path of this base.

The lights have long since gone out, only the red warning light is blinking.

When the old one of this red light ended and the new one began, the battle also started at the same time.

Dash forward, turning into a blurred shadow, the surrounding scenery recedes rapidly, and the red light blade pulls out a long trajectory.

Swinging the double-headed light blade down, Babar accurately captured the line of action, and the crescent blade pierced forward.

One side is pure and sharp, and the other side is composed of energy. The stalemate of collision produces fierce sparks.

The swordsman picks up from below, and the blade at the back cuts the path and goes straight to the opponent.

Babar quickly jumped back and dodged, gripping the long-handled weapon in his hand.

He didn't even have time to rest, only to see that double-headed light blade attacking again.

Swinging, slashing, stabbing, those movements are not so much sword dancing as stick wielding, but this red 'long stick' is comparable in sharpness to a sword blade.

In contrast, Babar uses a similar technique.

The two long-handled weapons kept colliding with each other at different angles. The thrust of the crescent blade was blocked by the light blade, and the slash of the light blade was missed by the hammer of the morning star.

The confrontation between the two sides gradually tilted, upward pick, downward strike, sweep, sparks scattered, the cloak flew, and the sword-bearer was pushed back a short distance.


Babar spoke provocatively, and the fighting between the two sides brought this to his attention.

Although the opponent's movements are of excellent standard, they are monotonous.

To put it simply, it is just the level of proficiency, neither above this nor below this, it is very ordinary.

Is it because you are irritated by this sentence?

The swordsman approached again holding the double-ended lightsaber, just like before, the red blade swung from the side was blocked by the black crescent.

The next moment, the situation changed.


The double-ended blade turned into a one-handed long sword, the contact point of the two weapons disappeared, and the other side of the blade that could not touch him became a deadly weapon at this time.

The collision, sparks exploded, and the sudden change of stick and sword made Babar unable to cope well.

I saw the red lightsaber swinging at a speed that the double-ended blade couldn't reach, pressing towards him frantically.

Vertical slashing, upward slashing, horizontal slashing, and oblique pulling, due to the nature of the weapon, the crimson brilliance really constitutes the so-called sword light.

When the light blade slashed and the long handle met it, the long sword suddenly disappeared again.


One end was extinguished and the other was lit. The sword-bearer took a step forward and swung down the lightsaber with all his strength.

The humming echoed, and the explosive force directly knocked Babar into the air.

This time, the light blades on both sides are lit.

The swordsman threw out his weapon, and Babar was chased again before landing, and the red disc that crossed brought dazzling sparks.

This spark is pulled and fluttered by the wind, that is a heavy punch.

The black-gloved fist exploded on Babar's face, the cloak fluttered, the swordsman clenched his left hand, and the double-ended blade pulled back by invisible force cut off directly.

The blades at both ends constitute two stages of damage, the first section cuts Babar's weapon completely, and the second section cuts his flesh.

Its dark golden armor was useless, and it only made a harsh sound when it fell on the bridge.

Leaving the defeated enemies behind, the swordsman left towards the end of the bridge.

When the second gate was cut open, he sprinted with all his strength, stepped on his left foot, and threw the double-ended blade in his right hand forward again.

The spaceship that was about to escape was cut open, and the red light blade spun and pierced in, all the way forward.

But the engine hadn't been fully started yet, his outstretched left hand seemed to hold something, and an invisible force kept the shuttle in its original position.

"Okay, Nangong, that's it!"

The man who rushed in from another entrance was wearing armor, and his eyes were two red lights.

Holding it, pulling it out, the blue blade of light converged into shape, and the swordsman named Zamsha jumped up, aiming at the frontmost pilot control room of the spaceship and slashing down.

Breaking into the control room, the driver is dead, with a red sword protruding from his chest.

Zamxia slammed his left hand and pressed the emergency stop button.

A sweep of the blue lightsaber in his right hand cut the path from the control room to the cabin.

The upper echelon of the organization who wanted to escape was startled. The next moment, there was an enemy approaching with a blue lightsaber on one side, and an enemy who forcibly opened the cabin to enter on the other side.

The blue light and the invisible force attacked at the same time, and it didn't even take a minute. At the moment when the leader who finally pulled out his gun and wanted to resist was suppressed by the force of thought, his right hand holding the gun was cut off directly.

"Uh ah ah ah!"

Howling in pain, the women on one side stared in horror at Nangong in the cloak and Zamxia with his sword drawn.

"You're done?"

"of course?"

Then, Nangong shook his left hand, and the silver sword hilt inside the cab was pulled back directly.

The inter-galactic slave smuggling organization of I598 was defeated by two people alone. Three days ago, 72 people from the K2399 galaxy were rescued.

Aftermath of the Interval War

"I saw that red blade of light extended hundreds of meters in an instant, and as the cloak fluttered, it pierced directly into the sand, cutting the base of the hateful slave trade organization in two!"

People in the bar were drinking and chatting about recent events.

If you want to say what is the most popular recently, it is probably that Zamsha, the cosmic swordsman who disappeared for a long time, has returned with his new weapon.

The other is someone who doesn't know who it is. He seems to be a mercenary, but he doesn't seem to be a mercenary. He doesn't know his identity or race. The cloak is tightly covered and airtight.

Because the weapon he uses is a special red lightsaber, everyone calls him the Red Blade.

Of course, some people also speculate whether he has something to do with Zam Xia who uses the blue light blade. The problem is that the dragons on both sides can't see the end, and God knows where to see them.

In addition, there is another rumor that there are still survivors from the Baltans.

In front of the bar, the red bartender Pigumont used his three white tentacles to hand the wine glasses to the two guests in front of him who were hiding their identities with cloaks.

Such actions were not uncommon here, the counterattack against the Empire ended, and the different galaxies that were constantly oppressed were liberated.

However, this is not the end.

I don't know why the piles of negative energy monsters are a troublesome problem in the first place. The rebuilt Interstellar Alliance suffered a serious loss of manpower during the war. The next problem is the pursuit of the remnants of the Empire.

Many members of the empire began to look for their own escape the moment they realized that the building was about to collapse, and disappeared to nowhere.

It is not uncommon for soldiers who escaped from war to become space pirates.

Therefore, the current universe is still full of chaos, and chaos has given birth to evil, and mercenary is a profession developed under this evil.

Because the foundation is not clean, many people will use many means to cover up their true appearance.

Black gloves protruded from the cloak, and the person sitting on the left raised his head and drank the glass of wine from unknown ingredients.

Taste... amazing.

"How about it?"

His companion asked the question with a smile.

"Just spicy."

This body doesn't absorb alcoholic blood, so it's just a taste after all.

What the two of them used was a language that no one else could understand. It was a language only spoken on remote planets that no one dared to go to.

"Then again, isn't the [-]-meter light blade underestimating you?"

If I remember correctly, I must have broken through the atmosphere when I fought that Manshin Height.

By the way, is that still a sword?Excalibur Reaching Heaven?

"That's not my strength alone."

It may not be possible to use that kind of trick again, in fact, I just used the action of 'cutting' at that time.

However, the light that breaks through the atmosphere can be used.

The two chatted in the language of 'Earth', to be more specific, 'Japanese'

Nangong and Zamxia are staying in this tavern in the asteroid city in the Hezte galaxy. Mercenary organizations are spread across different galaxies and universes. If you want to know information, this is also a good place to go.

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