Then, she crouched down, flashed past the mirror on the outside of the bathroom, and sneaked inside.

Taking off clothes one after another, bathtub?

That kind of reflective water surface is absolutely not necessary!

Never get close to the mirror, the hot water from the shower hits the head and drenches myself.


I feel very uncomfortable all over my body, always feel that someone is peeping at me, and I am peeping at myself.

It feels even more weird when the palm touches the skin.

'Ah, damn it! '

If that's the case, he might as well be dead!

Just like the afterthoughts that most people would have, it would be better if they knew it earlier. Anyway, it is impossible to go back to the past, so it won’t matter if you just say a few words, right?

Finally, the arduous and messy bathing session was over, and Uniform came out of the bathroom refreshed and tidied his short hair.

"Huh? You are wearing your clothes well today. What's the matter with you?"

Don't you usually look like a girl without a slovenly appearance?

What's going on here?

Could it be that you are in a relationship and want to change yourself?

The backstab from his biological mother made Unii silent.

So after taking a shower, is it that I don't dress well?

Speaking of summer, when there is no one at home, isn’t it normal to not dress properly after taking a shower?

It's normal!

But it won't be so normal in the future.

'Damn it, Nangong! '

It's all your fault!

The fast-changing expression on Unii's face did not escape her mother's eyes. Although the expression was very strange, after all, such a terrifying monster appeared today, there is nothing wrong with being strange, probably.

"Anyway, sit down and get ready for lunch. I'm sure I can't work like this today. Take a good rest in the afternoon."


Turn on the TV, sit at the dining table, and as expected, the news about today's events is playing inside.

If there is any difference between this and ten years ago, it is probably a change in attitude.

Empat reappears with the title 'The Return of Ultraman'

Compared with Dyna, who has only appeared twice, Empat, who once protected humans with Tiga in the past, is more acceptable.

One side is unknown, the other side is known, and of course the latter is more trustworthy.

"Our Ultraman is back, he must have appeared because he sensed the crisis of humanity."

The wording and tone completely regarded Empat as a human companion. Of course, Uniform had no objection to this.

Everyone is not blind, what happened ten years ago is obvious to all.

"Times have really changed."

I still remember that when Ultraman first appeared ten years ago, there were constant voices of doubt.

In the face of such an unknown existence, doubts are natural.

Afterwards, the incident of the Kirielod people completely regained the trust of Ultraman, and all human beings watched them stand like a city wall in front of a powerful enemy, and they were simply undefeated brave men.

"But I wish he didn't come back."

At this time, Uniform's mother expressed a different idea.

The TV angle is 'A monster appears, Ultraman is here to protect us! '

And her point of view is that "the reactivation of Ultraman means the reappearance of the monster disaster"

In that case, who will be hurt, and who will be sad because of someone's injury.

Is Ultraman really happy to appear again?

Different people will definitely have different understandings of this point.

"Hurry up and eat, the soup is going to be cold."


The two focus on their lunch while Yui is still thinking about what his mother said.

Is that thinking wrong?


Even though many people rejoice over the reappearance of Ultraman, they absolutely cannot deny one thing.

If there is a button that when Ultraman disappears, monsters and invaders will disappear together, most people will press this button.

No monsters, no Ultraman.

After all, monsters call death, and Ultraman can't save everyone.

The last battle ten years ago proved this. Even if they defeated the evil god in the end, the dead would not come back.

While thinking about it, Yui drank the soup.

After lunch, it's time to rest.

Although I know that doing so is not good for the body, and it will also have an impact on the figure that girls pay most attention to.


'very tired. '

Uniform directly buried her face on the bed, and soon, her consciousness completely disappeared, and she fell into sleep.

It wasn't just her who was tired, someone was sleeping in her body.

The battle with Galatron MK-II, the battle with Tregear, neither was easy.

When we are weak, we share life with others, and we need to maintain each other's state while living together.

And on this planet, Empat is not the only giant who is adjusting his state.

Silicon element, after analysis, the mechanical combat weapon named Galatron MK-II knew the substance on this planet that could restore its state.

It widely exists in the earth's crust together with other elements, and the earth's crust is the position that humans have not yet explored, and it can even be said to be difficult to explore.

Galatron MK-II was operating inside the earth's crust, or it was devouring the earth's crust. When using space jumps, it entered the ground due to the failure of the body. Fortunately, it happened to hit the silicon element that could repair itself.

The electronic brain began to analyze its own situation again, and finally came to the conclusion that it was still unable to have any contact with the main brain.

That being the case, execute the T-800 order.

After the plan was selected from the system, Galatron MK-II began to move, and the soil and minerals in front of it were devoured to open up a path, and it ate like a hungry beast.


On this planet, the third Ultraman opened his eyes.

It was dark all around, but there were lights and figures there.

Is it because the movement of getting up is too loud?

His action made the other party put down the pen.

That appearance made Tregear feel a little nostalgic. The pictures in the history books of the Kingdom of Light show the appearance of the Clan of Light.

Exactly the same as people on Earth.

"You're awake."

Even the darkness couldn't affect Tregear's line of sight, and there was a female figure on one side of the desk lamp.

'Huh? '

This is a girl who considers other people's feelings, because she didn't turn on the light immediately, and it would be quite uncomfortable if she suddenly saw a strong light in the dark.

When fighting Empat in the universe, Tregear had already understood this deeply.

I didn't expect there to be a trick like the flash bomb.

"how do you feel?"

The girl seemed a little worried.

Facing this question, Tregear chuckled and said:

"If you are really worried about my physical condition, shouldn't you send me to the hospital?"

It was like a sarcasm, and when she heard this sentence, the corners of the woman's mouth curled up.

"Really? Do you really want me to take you to the hospital?"

There is something in the smirk, what does it mean?

"If you are sent to the hospital, your true identity will definitely be exposed."

Did you think I wasn't going to send you to the hospital in the first place?

"Oh? What is my identity?"

Tregear asked with interest.

"The identity of Ultraman."

The woman spoke affirmatively, and she hit the mark.

"Ultraman, Empat, you have changed your appearance when you returned to Earth."

In just two sentences, Tregear sorted out a general idea.

'It seems that Empat left the earth with his identity exposed before. '

At the same time, he naturally noticed the smug smile on the other party's face.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Tregear said that on purpose.

The woman who thought he didn't want to admit it immediately spoke again:

"First of all, just after you disappeared, I saw you fainted in the alley."

The timing was ingenious.

"Secondly, your weight is too light. A girl like me can lift you up. This is really not the weight that a normal adult man should have. To be honest, I am a little envious."

Of course, this inference is not evidence at all, and there is nothing wrong with directly denying the other party.


"Huh... I didn't expect to be discovered by you just after returning to Earth."

Tregear directly admitted the woman's speculation, yes, that's right, it was me.

"My name is Kirisaki, and I'm in a very bad situation. If you don't mind, can I heal with you temporarily?"

If that annoying dog hadn't popped out suddenly, he would have already forcibly possessed that earth woman.

What happened to the dog of light?

Even the Kingdom of Light has no such strange things.

"Of course I don't mind! It's just... I'm actually a freelance reporter."

The female giggled.

"If you don't mind, can I interview you? Of course, it won't be made public. I'm just interested in Ultraman! I don't know if you still remember, when the Kirielods first appeared, It was you who blocked that flame with your body, and I was only 12 years old at the time!"

A long series of words came out suddenly.

"Now I come to Kumamoto because you often appear in Kumamoto City. I didn't expect to see you one day! I'm so happy!"

Tregear... or rather, Kirisaki raised his eyebrows.

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