As a result, Asuka, who felt uncomfortable when she didn't move, was pushed back on the bed again.

It was the morning time, and it was also the class time for the students.

"Teacher, do you have a boyfriend!"

Sometimes I have to admit that in high school, if a beautiful new teacher suddenly came to the class, it would cause some commotion.

"Since it's about getting to know each other, you can't lie about this kind of thing."

It can only be said that after one person takes the lead, others will follow along.

' By the way, don't sit there. '

Nangong, who was watching the bustle, heard Uniform's complaints in his brain, he sat on a certain desk and thought about it, and then he was sitting on the podium.


Is this considered to be possessed by evil spirits?

Leaving aside the troublemaker for the time being, Unii thought about it and decided that it would be better to lie a little at such a time.


This is the experience I got from Xingzi, which can effectively eliminate some people.

The side effect is that the entangled people you meet will be ten times more disgusting than before.

Knowing that you have a lover, you still stick to the composition of the person who has no problem in his mind.

"That's right!"

The student who asked at first didn't take it seriously. It's strange that beautiful women don't have lovers these days.

"But don't worry everyone, I won't bring love to school."

As expected of me, what a genius!

If you ask me, I will not bring it into school!

' By the way, it's time to buy a ring after get off work. '

'Isn't there a ring? '

Nangong's voice echoed in his mind.

'You think you're funny don't you? '

Only children would wear that ring on the street!

Nangong shrugged. After ten years of partnering with Zam Xia, he also contracted this habit of making wonderful speeches.

UNIQ continued to communicate with the students, and the first class of a new teacher basically passed like this.

And he scanned the class with only 40 students.

Frankly speaking... I was deceived by literary works again.

At least this class doesn't use ropes tied between desks as traps, buckets or blackboard erasers on doors.

Oh, the blackboard eraser is already a tear of history.

The class is quite normal, and there is nothing strange about it.

To say that there is only one strange situation, there is indeed.

In fact, it can't be said to be strange, it should be said to be quite a coincidence.

'Chancheng Aoi? '

The short-haired girl sitting in the last row of seats, who was staring at Uniform with strange eyes, was the one who was pushed away by Uniform yesterday.

If you think about it carefully, they were all evacuated from the vicinity of the school yesterday, so it is normal for them to meet by such a coincidence today.

It just makes people can't help but sigh how wonderful the world is.

'Uiyi didn't seem to recognize it. '

Pushing people away without even looking at them is exactly the same as ten years ago. People's personalities are so difficult to change.

'Speaking of...'

Nangong left from the podium and walked to the back without anyone seeing...


He suddenly heard a strange sound, as if someone's foot hit the table.

When I moved my eyes, it was the long-haired girl sitting on the right side. I remember it was called Yanshanmi, which was a very interesting surname.

For some reason, she seemed to be holding her breath.


He stretched out his right hand, dangling back and forth in front of Yanshan's eyes.

'Are you an urchin, Nangong Lan? '

Uniq, angry.

'Feel sorry. '

Nangong immediately apologized, he couldn't control himself for a while.

There's an eerie sense of liberation in a situation like this where no one can see.

If no one can see it, doesn't that mean you can do whatever you want?

Although he can't actually touch anything when others can't see it.

Because in essence he is still in Uniform's body, this is just a phantom projected to the outside.

When Nangong walked to the back of the classroom, it was as expected.

The girls in the first row and the fourth row from the right are playing with their mobile phones with their heads down, the girls in the second row and the seventh row are putting their hands into the bag of potato chips, and the girls in the eighth row in the same row are moving their fingers quickly. Can type blindly.


The girls didn't seem to be interested in the new teacher, but the boys were all excited, so true.

Chapter Thirteen Ten Years

When it was time to leave school, the day ended peacefully, the monsters that attacked the earth were defeated, and the first class also ended in the process of introducing ourselves to each other.

Then the next step is to prepare later.

'What do you think of this ring? '

Uniqre took out a silver 'ring' from the shelf

It is still soft when pinched, with a certain degree of elasticity.

'It's... plastic. '

Relying on the paint to dye it to a similar silver color, it is still plastic in essence, in other words...

'Aren't you something that children would wear? '

Nangong complained, "Fifty steps laugh at a hundred steps?"

'At least it doesn't look pompous. '

It is slender than a man's finger, so Uniform compared this toy ring to his own ring finger.

'By the way, do you know what I wear on my right ring finger? '

She suddenly remembered that the position of the ring is actually very important, although most people don't care much, as long as they know where to wear the wedding ring.

And this point, Nangong is the best example.

ring?Isn't that something you only need to use when you get married?

He who has been single for as long as his age really can't think of an answer.

'I don't even know where the end of the universe is, so how would I know this. '

This response caused Uniform's eyes to narrow slightly, and the upturned corners of her mouth showed that she was snickering.

'The ring finger of the left hand represents marriage, and the ring finger of the right hand represents being in love, believing that the other party must be the other half of this life. '

'I see. '

An easy-to-understand explanation, so Nangong expressed his understanding.

'You know so much. '

He was a little curious, maybe the other party already had a lover in ten years?

'How can I say I'm a girl too. '

Uniq shrugged, since she was a girl, she would inevitably be interested in such things.

As for lovers and the like, to be honest, I don't have the time to think about such things.

All kinds of things alone are enough for her to be busy.

'Okay, go pay your bills and get a cup of coffee. '

'coffee? '

When hearing the other party's words, Nangong had already confirmed something in his heart.

It's just that he wasn't sure if he was ready.

'It's okay, I'm going to drink coffee, you are watching, right? '

Uniq communicated in his heart as he walked towards the cashier.

How should I put it, this strange uneasy feeling probably flowed from the other party's heart.

After all, I haven't seen it in ten years.

'In fact, everyone is like this. For example, when I met Kyoko last time, the corners of my mouth couldn't help but curl up just after seeing that face. '

I couldn't control my facial expression, because I was so happy that my heartbeat would speed up.

The information revealed in this sentence was captured by Nangong.

'Hasn't you guys seen each other for a long time? '

After all, comparing two things means that they are similar.

Hearing this question, Uniform recalled a little.

'I haven't seen each other for about half a year. Although I chatted on the mobile phone, the actual meeting was indeed half a year ago, because I have to be busy with various graduation exams and work. '

In other words, she graduated within six months.

Why?Nangong noticed something strange.

The conversation was temporarily interrupted because the two had moved to the front of the cash register.

In addition to toy rings, mint-flavored chewing gum was also placed on the stage.

The cashier began to scan with the machine, and Unii raised his head and looked at the young man working here.

The convenience store is surrounded by glass, and the transparency of the glass allows people to see the inside and the outside, so she saw the women outside the glass looking inside.


It was no longer staring, but actually moved, its hands touched the glass, and then...


Like a leak in the roof, black liquid seeped into the store from the impossibly cracked glass.

When the fluid accumulated more and more, the female body on the outside also became distorted and shrunk.

Uniq turned around suddenly, and the next customer who was going to check out was startled by her action was puzzled, not knowing why she reacted so strongly.

In the whole store, no one noticed that thing.

'What the hell is that! '

Uniform asked fiercely in his heart, and when he turned his head again, the liquid in front had completely seeped into the store.

The black rose up as if being pulled by something, and finally formed a complete shape.

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