There was a ball of fire wrapped in the sky, aiming at the huge target, Empat's right hand tilted and drew a light golden arc, and his left hand pursued at the same angle.

The X-shaped chopping wave was pushed out by it, and the fireball was cut into four parts, and Barton inside was gradually revealed. There was an X-shaped cut on its body, and its flying movements also became wobbly.

Half a second later, it landed downward as if it had lost its strength.

The distance between the two was crossed, and Empat rushed towards that position.

After calculating this action, Barton spewed flames downward.

The waves of fire spread out in all directions, rising violently until they covered Barton's own figure.

This scorching heat is enough to vaporize the human body without getting close, but it is blocked by an invisible force.

The pilot who couldn't escape, and the helicopter that fell, were both pulled into the air by the force of thought.

Empat faced the used fire wave head-on, with both feet on the ground, and his bent legs burst out with excellent jumping power.

Climb to the sky, rotate, and fall after reaching the highest point, like a swallow swooping.

And inside the orange-red flame, the wings spread out suddenly, and Barton opened his wings to meet its enemy.

One side rises, the other falls.

"Nangong, don't touch its mouth!"

"I see."

The communication is completed in a short moment, and the original straight angle becomes a broken line.

The swallow's kick turned into a forward flip, and the right leg swung round like a battle ax before chopping down.

Amidst the roar, Barton fell downwards.

And Empat borrowed the reaction force of the hit to unload the force, and the rotating body changed its own angle and fell for the second time with the swallow kick.

When Barton barely got up, the hit shattered the bones and shattered the internal organs, and the flowing force raged through the body.

The soil kicked up, and the scarlet giant stood up straight after stopping, leaving only the violent explosion behind.

The remaining venom fell on the ground, and there was a fierce corrosion sound.

"How did you know?"

Curious, Nangong asked Uniform who had given his opinion before.

"Because I glanced at the body over there."

Uniform's face was full of discomfort, and purple blood flowed out from the wound that Camjira was pierced by the bird peck, and spilled all over the ground.

"I see."

After getting the answer, Empat ascended to the sky, and in his perception, at least hundreds of monster larvae were heading in all directions.

His right hand was raised, then clenched.

The breath of life disappeared in an instant, and the clenched right hand was thrown towards the crater with dense fog. The blue light emitted frost at the moment of contact, cooling the scorching heat inside.

Above Empat, there is a dense fog, and higher than the dense fog is the starry sky.

In this starry sky, the existence that received the signal changed direction and flew towards the center of a starry sky.

Chapter 36 The Unstoppable Monster Disaster

"I started thinking about something."


On the tram to work, Uniform and Nangong communicated while thinking.

After the battle ended last night, the digitized Empat sneaked into the TPC database, casually.

The day's fighting had been reported, so the two of them had also learned something.

A pheromone that can awaken monsters, a woman in white, a monster that devours monsters.

In the end, we came to the conclusion that we need to continue in-depth investigation. After combining the current intelligence, the scientific research team is convinced of the difference between pheromone and brainwave, and last night's Barton and Camjila are enough to prove from the side that the incident did not end so simply. .

It is only a generation's time since the ravages of Gatanjae, and peace has disappeared so suddenly.

"Is the earth a treasured place of geomantic omen or a place of evil spirits?"

Uniq is thinking about how many things are still hidden under this planet. The home planet of human beings seems to be cursed by something, and a lot of messy things keep appearing.

"At least the earth is a wonderful planet in the eyes of the cosmonauts."

Nangong didn't know how to evaluate the disasters of this planet, all he could say was the evaluation of Diana, or the Baltans.

A small number of livable planets have even allowed civilization to develop to such a degree.

Although for the interstellar civilization, human beings are just starting, but there are more civilizations that have been destroyed before they can start.

This is a very cruel thing. Meteorites falling from the sky, monsters coming from deep space, and the state of the stars. The development of civilization has never been smooth sailing. It is precisely because a large part of civilization will be destroyed midway due to different disasters. Will help each other peacefully.

Nangong still remembers that at the re-establishment ceremony of the Star Alliance, the role equivalent to the 'President' said such words;

'Because we are civilizations born in the same universe, different races living in the same starry sky. '

Speaking of this...

"You don't have to worry about aliens invading."

Just as Unii stepped out of the tram, she heard Nangong's confident words.


Could it be that during the past ten years, Ultraman has been going around to kick the stadium to express his idea that he is not allowed to hit the earth?

"Because the Star Alliance is developing steadily, if nothing else, the first contact should begin in about 30 years from Earth time."

Nangong gave the answer, saying that he was also born on Earth, and of course he would care about the Star Alliance's attitude towards Earth.

According to the alliance's answer, it seems that they intend to wait until human civilization has the technology to travel through galaxies before making formal contact.

I heard that they plan to engage in a big battle of "unexpectedly, we have been paying attention to you all the time".

"Star Alliance, it sounds very unreliable."


This time it was Nangong's turn to ask back, and Uniq, who was familiar with world history, brushed her hair.

"Because of an unbreakable alliance."

Isn't this broken?



In silence, head towards the direction of the school.

"Probably not."

Nangong didn't dare to guarantee that it was impossible, after all, the only absolute thing in this world is probably time.

He has seen all kinds of people over the years. Most of the time, there is only a difference in appearance between the aliens and the earthlings.

Crying, laughing, longing, giving up, it's the same everywhere.

The heart is the most unpredictable thing.

"Okay, here we are."

Ahead is the school gate, although Uniq had thought about teleporting or something, but in the end he took the tram and came here honestly.

The reason is simple, she doesn't want to form any dependence.

'After all, it can't be like this all the time. '

It is impossible for Nangong not to leave her body all the time.

"So, do you have any plans?"

This sentence is of course asking Uniq about Chancheng.


So, what I got was a helpless answer.

I don't know my character, I don't know the situation, and I don't know anything except the name, so how can I make any plan.

So the answer is a straight ball!

Stepping into the school gate symbolizes the beginning of the day.

Day, night, for most life on earth, this divided time symbolizes action and rest.

It's just that the sunlight during the day doesn't have much meaning in some parts of the earth, and the frost has dyed this place into a pure white world.

It also has a unique ecology here, penguins, seals, wolves, and different creatures have adapted to the environment here and survived and multiplied here.

Their ancestors lived here for generations, but this continent may be older than their ancestors.

Flapping its wings, the Antarctic Skua landed on this smooth plane, with the endless light blue in front of it.

It looked at the base station in the distance, and someone walked out of it, wearing thick clothes.

They are the employees of the TPC Observatory, stationed in this uninhabited world.

"It's so cold, it should be spring now in my hometown."

"When are you going to apply for leave?"

The two people in the monitoring room chatted while watching the stable wavelength.

They were assigned to this area, and there were not many complaints to say.

After all, what is the difference between the members assigned to Antarctica and those assigned to the desert?

"Recently the situation is so bad that I still don't apply for leave."

One of them answered the other's question. Hearing this answer, the questioner smiled wryly.

"It's been a year. Children grow up very fast. If you don't pay attention, you may not recognize them. Go back and have a look sometime."

If I remember correctly, his son should be four years old this year, right?


"It's uncomfortable for a woman to stay alone in her boudoir."

This sentence made the person who refused to take the vacation wink.

"Didn't I tell you?"


"My wife works in the scientific research department of the European branch."

"Ah...then your child..."

"Give it to my parents."


Isn't that a little...too much?

For a child of this age, it's too much for a parent to not be around.

After a short silence, the man who parted from his wife and child sighed, not that he wished this way, but the situation couldn't help them to relax.

"Don't talk about our son if you don't handle it well, all human beings will be finished."

His words were echoed:

"You are right in saying that."

There are monsters sleeping under every continent that human beings live in. What will happen if all these monsters wake up?

They don't even need to enter the city, maybe the continents on the map will have to be redrawn again.

In addition, the monsters known to everyone in TPC have been waking up one after another recently. To be honest, it is very difficult for those who understand the seriousness of the monsters to sleep well.

So the two confirmed the information on the equipment at the same time.

"everything is normal."

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