Gabixiu, that is an extremely cunning cosmic monster, and it is also a new species that has only been discovered in recent years.

In its initial state, it has a cute appearance like a pet. In this case, it will slowly absorb the atmosphere, water, and sunlight on the planet, and convert them into energy.

When this energy is absorbed enough, it will become huge in one go, turning into a 70-meter giant monster.

The mouth, tail, and eyes can not only emit different types of light, but can even absorb creatures into the body as hostages.

This monster was first discovered on the home planet of the Daisy star civilization, and people treated it as a newly discovered species, and at first it was only kept as a pet.

Then suddenly one day, they turned into giant beasts and began to wreak havoc on the city.

Thanks to the timely rescue of the Star Alliance, no greater tragedy was caused.

In this incident, apart from Gabixiu who was killed, some of its kind escaped.

"It is precisely because of this that I joined the Star Alliance as a huntsman, but I never thought that I would suddenly be attacked by Kerubim during the transportation."

There was a little unwillingness on the face of the Dayisian, and the feeling of falling short of success was not good.

"As I said before, Gabixiu feeds on the air, moisture, and sunlight of habitable planets. When they escaped into space, they exhausted their energy and degenerated into their original appearance. Just when I sealed them into the container and prepared to take them While leaving, Kerubim appeared."

His expression became very serious.

"At first I thought it was just a coincidence that Gabixiu escaped to the earth, but Kerubim's situation told me that this is not the case. There seems to be something on the earth that is attracting monsters."

Gabixiu, Kerubim.

Two types of monsters, the head of the Russian branch was lost in thought.

There is a saying in China that there are no more than three things.

In addition to these two monsters, there was an attack by a space monster in Japan before. According to records, the other party was killed by Empat during the landing process.

Three times, plus the monsters on the earth are constantly waking up, what is it that is playing tricks?

'wrong. '

The head of the branch shook his head in his heart.

"Could you please tell us about Gabixiu's appearance?"

He made a request to the Daisians, and what he just said was clear enough.

It is true that the awakening of the earth monsters and the attraction of space monsters are special circumstances that cannot be ignored, but the most urgent task is to solve Gabixie's problem.

Water, air, and sunlight alone can turn it into a 70-meter monster. Depending on the situation, it even caused serious damage to a civilization capable of interstellar navigation. If it is not resolved while it is still a larva , God knows how far it will develop.

"Of course, can you bring my shuttle back?"

"Already here, please."

Of course, it is impossible for TPC to just put that thing there, and in order not to cause any exaggerated impact, the Russian branch decided to move it back together with that large piece of soil, simple and clear.

The head of the branch, the Daisi star, and the two walked in the aisle.

The two were silent. Apart from Gabixiu, is there anything else that needs to be said?

"Where is Empat?"

In the end, the Daisies couldn't hold back. The Star Alliance knew very little about the existence of Ultraman. The only thing they knew was that he came from Earth.

So, the current situation on the earth is so serious, shouldn't he appear?

"Shouldn't you contact him?"

When he heard this question, the head of the branch was stunned. What does this mean?

Do aliens misunderstand Ultraman?

Eyes wide open, but the destination has arrived.

The door opens and walks in.


With the huge soil and the shuttle on it, the Daisy star didn't know whether to comment on whether it was cautious or simple and rude.

The Branch Chief nodded to the investigators who had noticed them, and everyone backed away.

The Daisi star stepped forward, his body disappeared in a flash of light, and suddenly appeared on top of the clod of soil.

The shuttle cabin opened and walked into it.

Five seconds, ten seconds, the voice came through the shuttle.

"This is the appearance of Gabixiu, and the landing point calculated by the computer."

The projected image is a furry, cute creature like a puppet.

In addition, there is a calculation of the landing point.

The observation of part of the earth's landforms was completed during the fall. This technology is amazing.

However, the head of the branch cared more about another thing before admiring it.

"Damn it."

He really couldn't bear this weird feeling of being ready to come out.

The calculation of the landing point is an island, and there is a country called Japan on this island.

'Why did Japan hit everything? '

How unlucky is that little country, where a bunch of things happen.

Take out the WIT, and the branch chief connects it to the command room.

"Help me contact the leaders of various bases and countries. We have made important discoveries here."

Time for TPC to move.

When an order is issued, action must be taken immediately after discussion.

After learning this, the invisible two left quietly.

"By the way...the feeling level is completely different."

This is the first time for Uniq to see the internal structure and practices of TPC. If there is one thing that impressed her the most, it must be the words of the head of the Russian branch, 'contact the bases and leaders of various countries'

It turns out that the TPC has such a large platoon that even the leaders of various countries can directly contact it.

"What are we going to do?"

She was ready to ask for leave in the afternoon to find the monster.

"Go and drop."

Nangong gave a concise answer.

"The next TPC action is probably to call the city system's camera to find Gabixiu's traces. In addition, there are satellites in orbit."

Cities are found by urban systems, and satellites are used to search for no man's land.

There are two landing points, one is at the seaside and the other is in the forest. Go to the seaside first.

Hearing Nangong's inference, Uniyi blinked, the city system, the orbiting satellite, this...

"It feels like everything is out of reach of ordinary people."

To be honest, what would an ordinary person like her think of when she said TPC?

Probably an organization to prevent monsters, other than that, I don't know anything.

It is only now that I suddenly realize that TPC seems to have mastered many things that ordinary people can't even imagine.

"I think a game can be released in the future. In the end, the boss will change Freemasonry to TPC."

"Then it must be published."

Nangong complained.

"How can anyone turn a positive organization like TPC into a villain?"

Disasters, monsters, rescue, why isn't TPC at the forefront now?

"Conspiracy theories know no bounds!"

Uniform said categorically, but she didn't say a word.

'Aren't you the clearest about this? '

The Ultraman conspiracy theory ten years ago was rampant and unscrupulous.

Floating with the air, the bottom is the deep blue sea.

They moved quickly towards one of Gabixiu's landing points.

At the same time, the Daisies in the Russian base are waiting for the result of the meeting in the lounge.

"Can we have a chat?"

He speaks to the soldiers here.

'Chat with aliens...'

The soldier blinked and said it was an alien. In fact, compared with humans, the other party seemed to have more eyeshadow in his eyes.

"What do you want to talk about?"

I can't refuse it, here we have to show the etiquette of our earthlings... No, can the incomprehensible etiquette be called etiquette?

The soldier complained to himself inwardly.

"About Empat."

The Dayisian thought of her daughter who was far away in her hometown, and one of her favorite questions as a child was...Who is stronger, Empat or Guregel.

"If you want to say this, then I will... cough cough."

The soldier who almost brought in the Internet term coughed twice.

"For our earth, Ultraman is like the savior ten years ago!"


The Daisi star nodded, it was indeed so.

As a relevant person, he has naturally been to the Star Alliance, and he has also seen people from various civilizations.

When asked about 'Ultraman', everyone gave the same answer.

'Dancing in the air, the god of green pupils. '

But for the Daisians, he had a different answer.

'A strong man who can kill monsters with one blow. '

Because there is no savior in the world, at least Empat didn't show up when the Daisimu planet was ravaged by Gabixiu.

Those who appeared on the planet were the Zamsha clan and Guregel.

Don't think of anyone as a savior, because no one can be a savior, and no one can save everyone by himself.


'It's really like it. '

The Daisi people looked at the soldiers who were talking about Ultraman. After Guregel defeated Gabixiu and saved the Daisi mother planet, the young people did the same, talking endlessly about ancient times. Regal thing.

But is this really good?

Of course he'd seen Gregor, that man... or that young man who seemed to have a mask on his face.

Listening quietly, waiting quietly, the time passed by every minute and every second, and the information was also transmitted in the communication.

Inside the Japanese base, the moment the first-hand information was obtained, the action began.

In the combat command room, Asuka's expression was a little subtle.

The small creature has become so huge, that's fine, why even the face has changed?

Is it possible that this is what is often said, 'Don't judge by appearance'?

"That is to say, Senior Ryo is actually a gentle beauty, Captain Xibi is a hot-blooded idiot, Vice Captain Koda is impulsive, Nakajima... no, no, it's impossible, it was impossible from the very beginning."

"I heard."

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