It is already the current situation, why continue to take in others?

Even if you want to be a good person, you have to be a good person within the scope of your ability.

The things in the memory kept repeating, but suddenly all disappeared.

I had a dream. I dreamed that the blue sky and the sea were endless, with no end in sight. The dark color of the water and the light color of the sky converged at the farthest point.

So steps were taken, feet wet, down calves, up to knees, and everything began to crumble as the sea continued to rise.

"Nish...miya...Nishomiya...Nishomiya Ryo."

Hearing someone calling his name, he suddenly opened his eyes. In front of him was a classroom with sunlight shining in. Some students were staring at the books, and some students were secretly looking at it.

"It's not good to doze off in class."

The female teacher with glasses said so.

"Is it okay to rest recently? I see that you have heavy dark circles under your eyes. Do you want to go to the health room to rest?"

Hearing these words of concern, the boy quickly shook his head.

"It's okay, sorry, I fell asleep in class."

Nishinomiya could feel that the eyelids were very heavy, and from time to time, there was a feeling in the eyes as if something was crawling inside, or something was stuck to a foreign body.

"take care."

Giving up on persuading the tired student, the female teacher resumed her lecture.

While she turned her head, someone secretly glanced at the boy.

'It's really heavy...'

Kyoko commented on her classmate, Ryo Nishinomiya, whose eyes have become very empty. Like herself, she has no friends in school. Since entering school, various small groups have formed, but he is different.

Sleeping after class, missing after school, and not having contact with anyone, should it be called withdrawn?

Or is there another reason?

'never mind. '

In life, it is not easy to manage your own affairs well.

Not intending to delve into this matter, the girl refocused her eyes on the textbook in her hand.


At this time, Nishinomiya seemed to see something in his eyes, but he didn't seem to see anything. There were crooked bloodshot eyes engraved in the white of his eyes, and his consciousness was drowsy.

The morning class passed so naturally, and it was the lunch break at noon, when everyone rested and ate, outside the corridor, the two girls were chatting.

Then, with short hair, she looked at the person in the classroom.

"Sure enough, I started to sleep as soon as this time came."

Uniq couldn't help but feel a little emotional, the afternoon before yesterday, he just thought of this incident temporarily, and found something when he started to observe yesterday.

Nishinomiya Ryo is like an overloaded machine, seeking rest every moment and oppressing himself at the same time.


After eating the last bite of bread, Uniq crushed the package into a ball.

Noticing her groaning, Kyoko turned her gaze away.

"Let me first declare that if you want to talk to him about something and do something about the situation, I advise you to stop."

She directly saw what her friend was thinking, and she tried to stop him before he actually did something.

"The most annoying thing about that kind of person is that when others don't know anything, they just come close and say something that seems to be concerned. Because you don't know anything, so don't point fingers at other people's affairs."

In a sense, it is resonance.

Kyoko felt that the other party and she might be the same kind of person.

These words made Uniform's eyes roll, and then he snapped his fingers.

"Then as long as you understand it, you can tell me what to do, right?"

So it is so, it is indeed so, it is very important to understand!


Is this person really listening to me?

It's too difficult to communicate, why do you always want to break into other people's world on your own initiative?

"But not now, the timing is bad."

The enthusiastic girl nodded seriously.

"You have to find a good opportunity."

"No, what kind of opportunity are you looking for?"

How does that sound like a crime?

"A chance to rummage through his drawers."

Yui said it as a matter of course.

"Hey, I'm going to report to the teacher."

Are you really going to commit a crime?

Is this guy enthusiastic or just a psychopath?

"just kidding."

Patting Kyoko on the shoulder, Yui acted as carefree as usual.

It's a pity that the suspicious eyes never moved away. The indifferent girl felt that it was not impossible for her friend to do such a thing.

Time passed gradually, and before I knew it, it was time to leave school.

As in the past, without saying hello or companionship with anyone, the teenager left the school quickly.

The mobile phone he took out of his hand has been around for a certain period of time. It is a tool for contacting others and a channel for obtaining information.

Where and what kind of part-time jobs are available, what are the requirements for part-time jobs, what is the time, and whether they can meet the standards.

Different websites have different information, and different discussion groups have different statements.

Among them, what Nishinomiya saw was a very interesting message.


He stared at the information in silence, then put away his phone and walked across the road to the previous McDonald's.

Changing shifts with the staff, working night shifts, changing clothes, looking at myself in the mirror, I don’t know if it’s because of malnutrition, or because of the usual damage to the body.

As long as the height of 170 is not considered tall, it is also a little thinner than ordinary boys.


Turn around, walk out of the locker room, and start entertaining customers as the front desk.


"Package B is packaged in cash."

What appeared in front of him was a person with an impression of Nishinomiya, first of all with his pale complexion, and secondly with his strange behavior of using cash to settle the bill in this era.

Does anyone really have more than [-] yen in cash in their wallets?

Change, delivered.

"Thank you for your patronage, please take the number and wait."

The white sticky note was printed out, and the young man took it away and left the front desk to receive the next guest.

During this off-duty time, modern young people like to use fast food to solve it. Even if they know that it is harmful to their health, they still can’t stop, because few people will think about themselves in a few years or more than ten years.

After all, it is far away and unreal.

After 10 minutes, he handed the package B in a plastic bag to the strange young man who paid the bill in cash. Perhaps out of curiosity, Nishinomiya subconsciously glanced outside the store.

'what. '

Quick, I don't know if it's an illusion, it seems to see a giant black and white dog leaping forward, when it passed by, the plastic bag in the strange young man's hand disappeared.

Was this robbed by a dog?

Before he had time to think about it, the next customer stepped forward to order.

So the boy continued his work.

The air conditioner in the store is always on, and the front desk keeps recording, sticking sticky notes into the needles, and putting the prepared food on the dinner plate.

Walking forward, backward, forward, backward, continuously, this made the drowsy Nishinomiya's brain wake up a lot.

Once moving, drowsiness will disappear.

Slowly, the number of customers in the store decreased from more to less, and the busyness was relieved. After nightfall, there were still young men and women dating besides lunch.

At night, who is working, who is studying, and who is doing what they like to do.

After all, it is time to rest. If it is not necessary, generally everyone is enjoying this time.

Cars are coming and going on the street in front of me, passing through light yellow and red from time to time, which is the light brought by the headlights.

Gradually, the light also decreased, and after midnight, the city became deserted.

Changing back to his original school uniform, Nishinomiya took out his phone and responded to a certain message.

After he left through the back door, he didn't take the usual way home.

Instead, he went to a route that he would not usually take, feeling uneasy and in a daze. Is it right or wrong to do so?

No matter what, as long as you can get a lot of money, it should be right.

While still struggling, he had unknowingly arrived near the designated place, but he couldn't go there right away.

Instead, he stood far away, waiting there, watching, and soon, he could see who parked the car there.

As promised, it was a black car.

The middle-aged man who came out of the car leaned against the car door, as if he was waiting for someone.

He took out the cigarette, lit it with a lighter, put it in his mouth, sucked it and exhaled it, the smoke ring floated in front of him and then spread out.

A skilled smoker, Nishinomiya, who had never been exposed to such things, was not unaware of the smell of second-hand smoke.

After being silent for a while, the balance in my heart finally began to tilt.

He took out his mobile phone again, canceled the agreement under the pretext of being 'discovered by his parents', and after sending this message, he ran away without looking back.


My mind was in chaos, the uncomfortable feeling of breaking the contract, and the remnants of previous struggles.

'Really is......'

No matter what you do, you are half-way, no matter what you do, you always give up halfway, you have an idea but dare not make up your mind, and you are always afraid to do something.

It is because of this weakness that until now...

He bumped into someone, and with a bang, he fell backwards on the ground, and his white school uniform was also covered in dust.

"It hurts! Why are you running around at night!"


Get up, apologize, run away again, just like always, just run away.


You still run!Heibuliuqiu runs so fast that you are not afraid of falling again!

The thin figure disappeared into the darkness, and the man stomped his feet.

"do not care!"

Anyway, it's none of my business if I fall again.

Tonight, there is no moonlight, just overcast clouds.

In front of the door of the second-story building, the blond woman was worried.

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