

'No, now is not the time to think about that. '

Asuka turned his gaze back to Liang, and what he saw was Liang in a hurry, not knowing how to deal with the children.

At the same time, in the small park composed of sand pools, slides, and fitness facilities, the Daisi people failed to find Liang and Asuka.

A brief absence caused them to separate, and the object of his absence was the girl squatting there alone.


Like, really too similar, almost exactly the same as the daughter in my hometown.

Why is a child of her age here alone?

A surge of anger subconsciously surged up in the heart of the Dayisian. He had to admit that vision was sometimes quite troublesome, and the overly similar appearance made him project his daughter's figure onto the opponent's body.


Running around might cause them to disperse even further. Realizing this, the Daisians walked towards the interior of the park.

He spoke in the language of his home planet, and the pronunciation became the language of the earth through the transformation of the equipment:

"Why are you here alone?"


Lifting her head silently, the girl stared at the Daisy star, and then did not respond.

"What's your name?"

Instead of giving up, he continued to ask, and the Daisi star took a step forward.

Suddenly, he felt a vibration in his wrist, and the internal device beeped, which was a signal that something had been found.


Her eyes were wide open, and she moved her gaze. The girl's pocket was bulging, and in terms of volume, it could indeed hold Gabixiu.

"Put that bag down! No, give it to me!"

The Daisi people recalled what happened on the parent planet in their minds, how many compatriots who regarded Gabixiu as a cute pet were bound as hostages.

The vigilance was raised to the limit, and even the tone of voice was affected.

The young girl was stunned for a moment, and she noticed the terrified expression on the other party's face.

Every muscle seemed to be tensed, and the eyes were wide open.

"I do not want!"

The tone that seemed to be an order made people feel scared, but the girl hugged her waist bag tightly, and she took two steps back.

'no solution anymore! '

The Daisi star stretched out his hand, intending to snatch the pocket.

At this moment, someone witnessed this action.

"What are you doing!"

It is natural to be wary of unknown existences.

And this vigilance caused Liang, who rushed back, to draw out his gun when he saw this scene, and aimed it at the Dayisians.

"Gabish is in this girl's pocket!"


The moment he heard these words, the muzzle moved instinctively.

A man and a woman, the former stretched out his hand as if to snatch it, while the latter raised his gun.

"Okay! You all calm down!"

The front of the muzzle was blocked, it was the back of Asuka.

"Didn't you see that this girl is about to cry! Leave it to me!"

He turned around and pulled, Liang was stunned, and the gun in her hand was taken away.


Asuka didn't care about the voice behind, but slowly approached the girl who didn't know what happened with the gun.

"Little sister, I'm Asuka, Asuka Shin, a member of the Super Victory Team, the very powerful Super Victory Team that fought monsters."

'Is it time to introduce yourself? ! '

Liang was worried.

"Don't worry about those two idiots, let me tell you what happened, brother."

Asuka squatted down, and he just threw the gun he took from Ryo casually.

"Actually, this matter is not aimed at you. Did you pick up a cute little pet at the beach not long ago?"


The girl nodded silently, and after getting this answer, Asuka made a serious thought.

"That's right. In fact, it's a very, very scary monster. Brother, me, and many people are looking for it to protect everyone. If you leave it alone, it will become very big, very big, and finally Become a terrifying monster!"

As he spoke, he raised his hands up and made a pair of horns.

The antics made Ryoji wonder for a while whether Asuka was a member of the Super Victory Team or the kind of supermarket worker who often gets along with children.

"In that case, many people will be injured and many people will be in danger. Little sister, you sure don't want to see such a thing, do you?"


This is the girl's response.

"So can you give it to me?"

Asuka said in a pleading tone, half a second later, the girl took off the purse and put it in his hand honestly.

'Is this all right? ! '

Liang couldn't figure out what was going on, but the effect of pointing a gun was not as good as saying a few words to the other party?

'Hey! '

Asuka snickered in his heart, children are actually very special, it's not that they don't understand anything, it just depends on whether you are willing to tell him or not.

He couldn't be more clear about this.

Opening the waist bag, the first thing that catches the eye is the blue fur.

"it is good."

After confirming that there was no mistake, Asuka stretched out his hand and gently stroked the girl's little head.

"Let go of it!"

Suddenly, they heard the urgent warning sound of the Daisi people.


Weight, different.

The light object that could only be picked up with one hand suddenly tugged at the arm and fell.

'This? !'

Asuka instinctively pushed the girl closest to her away, and the next moment, she slapped her palm.

Pain came, and breathing seemed to be interrupted.

"Flying bird!"

In the eyes of the other two, only the young man who had been sent flying could be seen falling to the ground in embarrassment and not moving.


Liang rushed forward to pick up the pistol that was thrown aside, and when he pulled the trigger, the light flew and exploded on the face of Gabixiu, who had become one person tall.

On the other side, the Daisy star picked up the girl, and the equipment in his left hand shot out lavender light, and the attack exploded on Gabixiu's body.

At the girl's original position, a light of almost the same color flashed.


The roar sounded, and the body of Gabixiu, who failed to take the hostage, swelled again, and the energy absorbed during this period was enough for it to complete its gigantic transformation.

"Flying bird!"

"Come on!"

Without waiting for Liang to resist, the Daisi star directly led her away with the other hand.

As for Asuka...

The hearts of the Dayisians felt a little more heavy, and no one lost their lives due to the raging monsters.

Chapter Forty Where the Resentment Goes

"Hey, what is that!"

Someone is asking a question, and as soon as the voice falls, there is no need for others to respond, and everything is already known.


The body continued to expand, and everything in the small park, together with the surrounding houses and walls, were forcibly crushed in the expanding volume.

There is only a small part of the fur left on Gabixiu's body, the sides of the thighs, the head extending to the tail, and the rest is hard outer skin.

The face that was originally hidden under the white fur was fully revealed, it was the face of a ferocious beast.


The moment the roar came out, Captain Xibi in the small town pulled the ordinary people beside him.

"Hurry up and take refuge!"

The moment they heard these words, the residents reacted.

One person started to run away, and while noticing the movement, more people also started to run away.

Different from the flow of people, everyone in the Super Victory Team began to run towards the unoccupied position. They took out their own guns and prepared to pull the trigger to attract the monster to the unoccupied position.

The sound of running people reached Gabixiu's ears, and he looked in the direction of the crowd.

This action was noticed, and Kariya immediately pulled the trigger.

"Come on! I'm here!"

The light blasted Gabixiu's face, and it turned its head, red eyes noticing the small figure.

Immediately afterwards, it completely ignored the attraction, and headed directly towards where the crowd was.

In one step, a large number of buildings were destroyed, and someone's house became a pile of wreckage under the trample.

The blue sky was pierced, and several rays of light hit Gabexiu's body and face.

The lure of the Super Victories didn't do anything, the monster just headed in the direction of the heavy traffic.

It is very clear that if there is such a small creature in the body, if there is such a small creature next to it, the attacks of the prey will be weakened.

"That bastard!"

Liang gritted his teeth, but no matter how hard he pulled the trigger, it was pointless.

The people's constantly swinging legs pushed the speed to the limit, but Gabixiu only took a step forward, and shortened the distance again.

Aiming at it, the TPC members who also came to the town have been separated from the crowd.

They raised the guns they were carrying, and the stream of light pierced the sky, constantly bombarding the monster, hoping to attract its attention.

However, the fourth step was stepped down, and the weight shook the ground.

The shock made people wake up again, Asuka suddenly opened his eyes, and he touched his chest subconsciously.

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