"Unsurprisingly, but that's how I think about it."

Fergas still stepped on Dyna's face, it felt happy about the matter of 'humiliating Ultraman'.

"Let me see how you struggle and beg for mercy!"


Dyna could feel the enemy's movement change, the hands and feet from binding to pulling, and the tentacles that locked the neck were also pulling.

In ancient times, there was a kind of torture, which used ropes to trap people's limbs and head, and then tied the ropes to horses and let them run, so as to tear the victim to pieces, which is the so-called "five horses torn corpses".

Today, what Fergas does is such a thing.

Dyna struggled, but couldn't move. All he could feel was the beginning pain in his limbs and neck.

This kind of pain was like one needle after another piercing him, slowly piercing him into a thousand holes, from pain to excruciating pain, and the excruciating pain continued to increase.

' Am I going to die? '

Such thoughts arise unconsciously in my heart.

"You are not going to die."

As if seeing through his thoughts, Fergas said so.

"Torture the human beings you love to death one after another, and it will be your turn in the end. If you don't let you taste all the pain in the world, how can we vent our hatred in our hearts?"

He clenched his fists tightly, and the hatred in his tone was undisguised.

'Screw you! '

Asuka roared in his heart, he couldn't lose here, how could he lose here.

Fergas' provocation was like adding fuel to the fire, but the reality couldn't be changed, and Dyna couldn't struggle from this bondage.

"Heh, hahaha!"

Of course Fergas who restrained him could feel the force, but the force had no effect at all.

The next moment, a sudden violent shock caused his balance to collapse completely, and he fell off Dyna's face.

It was an earthquake that only lasted for a moment, and at the same time, it felt strong enough to destroy its body together with the 'Mushroom Fortress'.

At the moment of concentration, things ushered in a turning point.

'It's now!Unleash all your strength! '

Is your subconscious mind talking?

Asuka didn't know clearly, but instinctively obeyed the trustworthy voice.

'Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! '

Roaring in his heart, Dyna let out a roar, with one heart and one body, and burst into liberation.

The tentacles broke layer by layer, pulling and tearing the bondage.


Fergas reacted immediately, the tentacles formed a shield, and the tentacles were aimed at the struggling Dyna and flung out the tentacles.

Up, down, left, and right, there are tentacles all around, and even the top is locked.

Dyna's fists touched the chest, and then turned into palms, and pulled out an S shape symmetrically, and the surrounding energy was turned into white light energy and sucked into the timer.

And these lights disappeared completely, because the tentacles locked everything inside like a cage.

The moment the cage was completely formed, the blue 'sword blade' penetrated everything.


There is nothing blocking it, and the Solgate light, which seems to hide the starry sky inside, penetrates the cage, the mushroom, and the dark clouds, heading out of the atmosphere.

Forgas's movements stopped, the erupted spores were mixed with blue flames, the golden ring expanded, and its body was completely burned before it had time to escape, and light gushed out from the inside of the huge mushroom.

There was no violent explosion, just ashes after the destruction, and Fergas was blown away in the wind.

Inside the cage, Dynato was half-kneeling on the ground, supporting his body with his right hand, and the timer on his chest kept flashing red.

Before he could catch his breath, he raised his head suddenly.

With Ultraman's perception, the flow of resentment and negative energy was noticed.

'What the hell is this...'

Although I don't know what's going on, it's definitely not a good thing.

Instinctively aware of this, Asuka dragged his tired body up, jumped up, and followed the whereabouts of resentment.

At the end point, the Antarctic glaciers are shaking violently, and a huge iceberg is slowly rising.

Chapter 49 Breaking Through the Ice

The monster woke up, and the battle started. Facing this crisis, which should have been handled by TPC, they failed to respond immediately, or in other words, they were unable to respond.

After entering the battle with the monster, the Shenying deployed to each base suddenly lost control, and there was no time to change the manual operation. The entire fighter was destroyed by the monster, leaving only a few fragments.

Another part of the Shenying also lost control during the process of rushing to support, fell to the ground, and fell into the sea.

This era is the era of electronics. People create more convenient machines to do their jobs better, but when the system fails...

Where are you?

In which direction is the place you want to go?

They can't even contact the base, and Fergas' spores are not just a tool for self-proliferation.

At this time, in every base that could not be contacted, the members of the electronic class were fighting back with all their strength, but they could not stop the erosion no matter what.

The members of the engineering class broke into the computer room, and the moment they stepped in, it was like stepping into a spider's nest.

From the ceiling and the walls, the white spores were as thick as a liquid, continuously oozing and spreading, trying to turn the entire huge machine room and all the equipment inside into their own.

Instead of communicating through a wide electronic network, the original walkie-talkie completes the frequency adaptation.

"This is the engineering team. The situation in the hangar is not optimistic. I don't know what kind of thing is lying in the hangar, and it is even continuing to spread."

It is slow visible to the naked eye, but 'visible to the naked eye' means it is not negligible.

In the command room, the commander of the Chinese branch was silent for half a second and then made a decision in his mind.

He issued an order to the electronic squad, which is an order that every TPC base cannot issue until the last moment:

"Engineering squad evacuated, and now there will be an order to blow up all the corroded equipment."

The painstaking efforts of more than ten years were destroyed under his own order.

'If you want to be uncomfortable, wait until the matter is over! '

The commander's expression became resolute, even if such a bad situation happened, it didn't turn into the worst situation.

The members of the electronic class danced with their fingertips, and finally completed all the confirmation and safe unlocking. When they pressed Enter, everyone's heart seemed to be empty.

In the world of electronic networks, the firewall is not smashed from the front, but slowly, bottom-up, like being bitten by insects.

However, this world has come to an end. In an instant, whether it is a virus or everything that originally existed here, it will disappear along with the destruction of the world.

The sealed computer room is full of burnt smell, and the overloaded current directly burned all the original components. If it can't run, then what's the invasion?

This anomaly instantly re-locked the security lock that was almost completely disarmed, and added a new lock.

All the missile silos that were already preparing to operate stopped, and the internal systems were locked. Before about a second, Beijing, London, Washington, Moscow, Paris... Almost all important cities in major countries in the world were blocked. included.

The weapons that the TPC stockpile to fight against the monsters are only a short distance away from being aimed at human civilization itself.

The electronic network that took 20 years to build since the establishment of the TPC was destroyed.

At this moment, the unfinished backup facility began to operate, which was a plan proposed by Keigo Masaki, the founder of TPC's new firewall ten years ago.

The existence named 'Apo people' has counted against TPC once, so how could they not learn their lesson?

It's just that under the control of Fugas, they can't even replace the backup electronic network.

No longer connecting the whole world together like before, all the Chinese branch can contact is their own sub-base.

The device restarts and the data transfers.

"Investigate the location of the flight team first."

Following the commander's order, the electronic squad that had not completed the data rescue began to act.

Two seconds later, I got an answer that made it impossible to judge.

"Can't get in touch, the Shenying's signal has completely disappeared!"


The commander is silent. There are two possibilities. One is that the system of the Condor has also been eroded like the base, so that it has completely disappeared. The other possibility is that the flight team has...

'what is going on! '

Yeah, what the hell is going on?

It's not just TPCs who want to know what's going on, but ordinary people too.

"Get in, get in, get in!"

Opening the door of his house, the owner waved his hand and called to passers-by on the road.

On the street, someone fell down, but no one helped him, because there was a white unidentified object on his body.

"No, you can't go in!"

Suddenly, someone was stopped, and her face was covered with white spores.

These spores are the divisions of Forgas, and they are also living beings.

Itchy, so itchy that people wanted to scratch, but she still endured it.

"At least let her in."

The woman prayed to the owner, and she handed out the baby in her arms, and the face of the baby in her arms was rosy.

"I, I know..."

The moment the owner took the baby, there was a crying sound, as if he realized that it was not the mother who was holding him. The baby struggled with its short limbs and screamed with its underdeveloped throat.

The mother takes one last look at the child, and...


Before the man holding the child could yell out, he was pulled back by his companions.

Nobody wanted to die, didn't know what the hell was going on, what the hell were these spores?

Why did TPC not warn?Why is there nothing in the news?

Why is there only 'Goodbye, Human' on TV?

The woman's figure disappeared in the 'fog', the house was accommodated to the limit, and the door was firmly closed.

In late April, in spring, the windows were stained white, not because of a cold snap, but because of fallen spores.

The young mother returned to her previous position after giving the child to the good man, and the man who had been there had been wrapped in spores.

She sat down and hugged the man's body.

Under this thick fog, the fragile body of human beings can hardly resist its erosion, but monsters are different.

Has the order been given?

The order has been given.

'Stop that Ultraman who is heading towards the South Pole, act now. '

The monster named Guhuo bird evolved from plasma mutation 3000 million years ago. After it fell asleep, a new creature named "Lightning Man" was born on the earth.

At this time, it has no way to do anything. If you want to ask why, it is precisely because of the existence that blocks in front of it, exuding an ominous atmosphere.

The saturated energy in Guhuo Bird's body was mobilized, and it attacked the existence it judged as an enemy.

The sound of crackling electricity was endless, and the Forgas spores floating in the air were directly destroyed, but the berserk blow had no effect.

If it is a 'bird', then its opponent is a 'snake'

Lowering the body, the active legs allow the body to move rapidly.

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