For him, forcibly possessing himself was also a terrible experience. Until now, he felt inexplicably hungry without a body.

Nangong, or Empat Altman, he woke up because he felt some kind of power.

When he arrived at the city, Tregear, who exuded power fluctuations, had already left the scene one step ahead.

The surrounding discussion made him understand what happened before, in other words, the monster appeared and Ultraman knocked it down.

It's just that this Ultraman is Tregear.

"What does he want to do?"

Uniq tried to ask the person next to him who knew something about that Ultraman, but all he got was shaking his head.

"He is good at inciting people, but how is he going to incite?"

Do you plan to use the identity of Ultraman to make troubles everywhere, so as to destroy the trust relationship between humans and Ultraman?

Nangong thought in his heart that the reason why Tregear attracted so many people's discussions was because of the battles that took place from ten years ago to the present. As Ultraman, they proved that they are human partners with their actions.

Coupled with the precedent of the Kirielods, people should not be so easily incited by him.

More importantly...

"He should know what's going to happen if he shows up again."

Nangong raised his head and stared at the place where the other party disappeared.

And Tregear was no longer there, his huge body shrank to the level of a human, and Kirisaki, who was wearing a two-color costume, walked leisurely on the street.

"I really hate the kind of people who do things without considering other factors."

Specifically referring to Empat, that guy is a straightforward and rude psychopath. If he stays there for another ten seconds, the other party doesn't care if he just defeated a monster and saved the next city. About to rush up.

In order to avoid such a bad situation, of course, you can't expose yourself casually in front of the other party.



The dissatisfied voice directly drew his attention back, and standing in front of Kirisaki was Arisukawa who was full of displeasure.

'The eldest lady's temper is really as bad as ever. '

He evaluated the other party in his heart.

"Where did you go again?"

"I said I went to save the world, do you believe me?"

Kirisaki gave an answer that was correct in a certain sense, and in return was a scrutinizing look.

A few seconds later, Arisukawa looked away.


Her answer made Kirisaki laugh out loud.

"It's okay to give me more trust, right?"

"When someone says they're going to the toilet and comes back with a bucket of popcorn in their hands, they don't have any trust anymore."

"But I don't have anything this time."

"I suspect that you learned to finish eating on the way back."

"This is really..."

Kirisaki was speechless, this lady is really troublesome enough, but trouble is troublesome, but people are rich.

Free food tickets, if you don't catch them, you won't catch them.

"Okay, today you are going to act as my bodyguard, okay?"

Arisukawa cheered up, Saitek was really different, and he absolutely wanted to ask the truth from the other party.

If you can't do side-by-side attacks, you can attack head-on. Anyway, there is an Ultraman next to me. If you have the ability, come and hit me!

"Leave it to me, Miss."

The two walked towards the base camp of Saitech Company in Kumamoto City, but before they could get close, the gate was opened a few seconds later, and the young man who was held up was yelling.

"Let go of me! Let go!"

Immediately afterwards, he was released as he wished, but the action was a bit rough.

The two security guards threw each other directly and threw them out.

The young man fell to the ground in embarrassment, and his face became clearer as he approached.


"What are you doing!"

Before You Qichuan could speak, another person made a louder voice.

'Oh? '

Kirisaki's expression was a bit playful, he could clearly see the light energy contained in the opponent's body.

It is not an integration, but a gradual influence.

In other words, this person is...

"Are you OK?"

Asuka picked up the young man who was thrown out.

After receiving the return order and immediately receiving the news that the task was completed, the confused Asuka originally planned to return to the base directly, but when he passed by, he saw something that made him feel angry.

If those two rough security guards were thrown any farther, the young man would have rolled down the stairs.

"Hey! How can you treat others so roughly!"

This accusation caused the two security guards in charge of doing this to look at each other.

"This gentleman has come to our company to make troubles again and again."

They explain the situation.

"Even so, there should be a better solution!"

Asuka was about to step forward to reason, when his wrist was grabbed.

The young man who was thrown out earlier shook his head to stop him.

"Are you okay! Mr. Yamazaki!"

At this moment, Arisukawa also rushed here.

This place has already attracted the attention of many people, Yamazaki got up and wanted to leave.

Noticing this movement, Asuka turned his head and glared at the two security guards on both sides.

Although he didn't know what happened, he didn't intend to just let it go.

Chapter Sixty Forced Investigation

"what is the problem?"

Sitting down in a building away from the Saitek Group, Asuka asked aloud to find out what happened.

Listening to what the two security guards said, it seems that this is not the first time.

"Mr. Yamazaki's lover was originally a person who worked at Cytech, but he committed suicide for some unknown reason. We want to find out the truth, but we have not been able to make any progress."

Arisukawa told the situation, something more serious than expected made Asuka stunned in place.

'suicide? ! '

Could something like this still happen in this day and age? !

He looked at Yamazaki, who had thick dark circles on his face, and his thin body was even thinner compared to the strong and strong security guard before.

"Not only are the people in the company silent about this matter, but they are also unwilling to say more when asked in private, just like the united front."

Seeing Asuka seemed to be persuaded, Arisukawa strikes while the iron is hot...there is a ghost.

Kirisaki, who has been silent all the time, looks left and right, this one is a young man, and that one over there is also a young man, and when he gets excited, he starts to express various subjective opinions.

"Regardless of why the woman committed suicide, isn't it strange that everyone in the company keeps silent? No matter what it is, there must be an answer."

Arisukawa spoke angrily, and hearing her narration, Asuka's emotions were also mobilized.

If it is really so innocent, why bother to be aggressive and keep silent?

"Okay! I'll help you!"

Asuka intersected fists and palms, and suddenly got up.

'This is really...'

Kirisaki felt a little weird in his heart, but Arisugawa was very happy that he had added a new companion.

Then, she suddenly remembered another thing.

"By the way, if it's dangerous, hide behind my bodyguard...that's behind this guy, he's actually super capable."

'Don't add work lines to me without authorization? '

Kirisaki complained in his heart, not to mention, does this person really need protection from others?

"It's okay! Don't look at me like this, in fact, I can also play very well!"

Asuka was gearing up, he looked at Yamazaki.

"Mr. Yamazaki, as long as you follow me, the four of us rush in and ask if something is true or not!"

However, Yamazaki's expression is not very good, at least from the outside, neither Asuka nor Kirisaki can be regarded as physically strong, rushing in like this...

He didn't quite understand where these people's self-confidence came from.

But no matter what, it's better than going alone.


Yamazaki stood up, and the four soon arrived at the Saitek Group's building again. After the previous riot was over, the onlookers naturally dispersed.

They walk up the stairs and into the interior of the company.

Compared with other people wearing formal clothes, the clothes of these four people are really unreliable.

So just after entering the door, two people immediately surrounded him.

As security guards at the gate, they had to stop people who had nothing to do with their work, not to mention that there was a person here who had just been kicked out.

"My assistants and I would like to interview Mr. Sato Hitoshi. Here is my press card."

Arisugawa took out his ID card, and 'Sato Ren' was the target she wanted to investigate, one of the executives of Saitek Group.

There is not the slightest problem with the legality of this document, the only problem is... the wrong name.

"Madam, although there is indeed an interview today, the person who made the appointment is not you."

But another woman called 'Fujiwara Misaki'.

"I came in her place—"

"Sorry, we have not received such notice."

The security guards shook their heads, and their response was very simple, that is, not to give way.

"Please come back."

The tone is very polite, but the action is very firm.

"What if I have to go in?"

Arisukawa's words made the scene full of gunpowder, the two security guards looked at each other, and then...

"Ouch, what do you want to do?"

Asuka took a step back, dodging the grasping palm.

"I think not only for women, but also for men should be given full respect."

Kirisaki completed the evasion at the last moment unhurriedly, still speaking out of tune.

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