Without leaving any strength, throw it forward.

"You liar!"

Accompanied by the roar, the ordinary human drew an arc, and the confused brain couldn't remember what was reflected in the sight, and an uncontrollable scream came from the mouth.

Sato rose in the air for a short period of time, then spun and fell downwards.

If it falls completely, the fragile body will no longer be recognized with any characteristics, no matter what, a family will be completely destroyed.

The exclamation was so obvious that the TV camera caught the man who couldn't control his body for a moment.

The arc gradually stops and becomes a straight drop.

At this moment, the red figure flashed past.


Yamazaki's eyes widened, and he floated there, hugging Sato was an existence that was far from human.

His original huge size has now shrunk to the same size as a human being, but those blue eyes are absolutely unmistakable --- Empat Ultraman.


Purple mist spewed out from the body, and at this moment, on Yamazaki's right middle finger, a huge ring emerged, with a strange face carved on it.

"Why do you want to shield that kind of villain!"

In an instant, the explosive air wave directly blew away the birds on the roof.


The wall acted as a buffer, and his tinnitus continued, and his breath was stuck in his chest.

Yamazaki in sight was completely wrapped in mist, and then Sato in Empat's arms disappeared without a trace in the brilliance, and was teleported to another place.

As the mist surged, the brilliance also overflowed.

In an instant, gold and purple were mixed together, bright light on one side and dull fog on the other.

The earth shook violently, and the people who were still watching the excitement fell to the ground.

"what happened?!"

"Hey! Look there!"

The huge figures are entangled together, one is Empat, and the other is a strange monster with a purple body, a large number of tentacles covering the neck, and the front ends of the arms are also tentacles.

At this time, it is being restricted in its original position and cannot advance an inch.

The monster that would have crushed the entire building, and even the ordinary people below it, had been forcibly brought to this location.

"So, how will things develop next?"

The two giants could be seen a hundred meters away, and Kirisaki was looking at them with interested eyes while chewing gum.

"Night Fang... No, Yamazaki, will you just die like this, or will you survive?"

Chizuru, Sato, Yamazaki, two men entangled because of the death of one person, they all have considerable prejudice against each other, this is the crux of the matter, and it is what makes him very interesting.

At this moment, the flash of flames dyed the night sky with color.

"Played well."

Kirisaki made a comment. At this time, Empat's face was a violent explosion. The monster known as the night fangs exposed its mouth on its forehead, and fireballs hit the enemy's face one after another.

But Empat didn't fight back, and there were horrified cries in his ears.

"Run away!"

The people who had enjoyed watching the excitement before wished they could grow two more legs, swinging their legs crazily in order to stay away from this area.

The blazing sound of the flames made people feel frightened. At this moment, Night Fang turned his head back, and the sharp horns growing above stabbed fiercely.

Before the full hit, the undisappeared flame was torn apart by the brilliance, the crystal on Empat's head released a fierce blue color, and the counterattack of Emelim's light hit the tentacled face first.

With a cry of pain, Night Fang's body was pulled, and Empat's knee hit the enemy's abdomen.

He let go of his hands and did not run up. He directly exploded with his own strength, delivering the impact with his shoulders, and the impact knocked Dark Night Fang back a few steps.

Before he took any further action, Empat applied the power of Otto, instantly locking the enemy's movements with powerful mind power.

Night Venom's head seemed to be about to open, but the action was only stopped halfway.

Empat seized the opportunity, raised his arms in front of each other, and the thunder was formed.

"Could it be—"

Noticing this movement, Asuka immediately took out the flashing sword.

In less than half a second, the ejected blade released light, completely enveloping his body.

The conversion of body and light was completed, Night Fang, Empat, and the new giant that fell in the middle of the two, Dyna blocked in front of the attack.

"Wait! This monster was transformed from a human!"

He wanted to stop the next attack, because he felt the strong energy of the crazy jump.


The moment he noticed this scene, Kirisaki clasped his right hand, and a mask appeared in the blue-black swirl on his palm.

Chapter 65 Questioning

"I know."

So now I am planning to change him back to his original form.

Regarding the existence of being forcibly transformed into a monster, Nangong has never fought before. The cell transformation beam exists for this purpose. He uses the mixed light that was used on Ebolon to turn the opponent back to its original appearance.

It was only natural that Dyna, who didn't know about this, would stop him, because the other party knew almost nothing about this.

It's just that before Nangong could say this, he felt that strange energy first.

"That's not okay. As an Ultraman, you still plan to let go of the monster. What are you thinking?"

Intense thunder came to the ears of the two of them in an instant, but this attack was not aimed at Dyna or Empat, but Night Fang.

The monster bound by the power of the ultra thought made a piercing cry and felt severe pain from the electric shock.

One end of the current is the monster, and the other end is naturally the releaser.

Mask, red eyes, restraint armor, Empat instantly recognized the other party's identity.

"Tregear, are you also playing tricks behind the scenes!"

The Zapelio beams he combined into an L changed the target of the attack, and blasted towards Tregear over there.

The golden light tore through the darkness, and the blue lightning disappeared, turning into a blue light shield.

The two forces collided together, and immediately after, the golden particle storm spread and exploded in all directions, and light spots fell from the air downwards.

In the strange scenery, a blue-black body jumped out.

Tregear patted himself on the shoulder, and light golden particles sprinkled down.

"How can someone shine light while asking questions? Are you going to ask questions about my dead body after killing me? There is no dead body after Ultraman's death."

As expected, the neurosis hit me regardless.

"And don't you think about the current situation? It's not a good thing for a light messenger who protects justice to attack another light messenger in order to protect a monster."

Tregchia turned his wrist, and it was not easy for him to block the blow just now, and the two sides were equally divided.

In the face of his words, Empat was completely unaffected.

"Stop talking nonsense, can you also be called an emissary of light?"

His tone can be said to be without the slightest politeness. Indeed, during those eight years of entanglement, he didn't catch any clues about what the other party did behind the scenes.

But that initial encounter already sets the tone.

This rebuttal made Tregear laugh.


The index finger of his right hand is raised.

"I'm not referring to you, but to the people on this planet."

As Tregchia said, hovering over the city, the helicopter filming the scene recorded and rebroadcasted the entire process.

First Empat was about to attack the monster, and Dyna prevented that.

Immediately afterwards, Tregchia appeared to attack the monster again, and Empat attacked Tregchia in turn.

Even if Tregear's name is not known, the blue Ultraman has already entered people's field of vision.

When the blue Ultraman attacked the monster, Empat attacked him in turn, and this is the current scene.

"Why did Empat attack the blue Ultraman?"

"And Dyna protected that monster..."

The people who fled couldn't accept this. They saw the monster at close range. When Ultraman appeared, they expected the monster to be killed, not the current picture.

The blue Ultraman attacked well, but Empat suddenly interrupted the opponent's action.


The four behemoths present mirror each other.


Empat smacked his lips, just as he thought before, the other party really took the humans.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Dyna didn't understand the situation at all. For him, the blue Ultraman was seen before and saved the existence of human beings.

But that doesn't seem to be the case?

"It's simple."

Tregear snapped his fingers.

"Just swing your righteous iron fist and kill the monsters, fulfill your duty as the messenger of light, just like this."

With a flick of his right hand, the burning energy fireball was thrown towards Night Fang.


Dyna acted instinctively, and he constructed a circular barrier with his hands forward to block the blow.

"Stupid boy."

Tregear taunted and turned his body away, and the palm light arrow that came from the lasing flashed past his chest.

The body twisted and punched out.

The fists crossed each other, and the head shifted at the same time. The attacks and counterattacks of both sides failed to hit.

Blue and red, the two giants collided at close range, and even the colors of their eyes were diametrically opposite as if they were facing each other.

"Tregear, what are you trying to do?"

"Do what I want."

The loud noise reverberated in the night sky. Head hammers hit head hammers at a close distance, and the mutual impact caused them to take two steps back at the same time.

At this moment, there was a muffled groan of suppressing pain.

Empat looked back subconsciously, and there was Dyna staggering forward.

When he helped Night Fang to block the attack, Night Fang, who had recovered from the trauma, naturally did not miss this opportunity.

Human consciousness has disappeared, and Yamazaki has been used as a carrier in exchange for the appearance of monsters.

The pure monster didn't care if the giant protected it just now, the fireball and the tentacles hit it at the same time, knocking him staggering and falling out.

"It's really a stupid kid who can't be relieved."

Tregear flicked his right hand, and the blue and white light bomb formed by the electric arc exploded on Night Fang, preventing it from chasing Dyna.

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