Nangong shook his head. He killed all the fleet brought by the Imperial Stars when they invaded. How many people died at that time?

He never flaunted his own hero, because he didn't think he could be considered a hero if he killed enough people.

He also never advertised himself as a god. If he really was a god, then there should be the best solution that no one would sacrifice.

He thinks he is just a person who moves forward in reality and keeps making choices.

"Borrowing Kyoko's words from before, people have double standards, and I'm just one of them."

In the end, Nangong concluded in one sentence that he really couldn't find any legitimate reason to hurt monsters so that humans would not get hurt.


After a few seconds of silence, Uniform showed a wry smile.

"It's really strange to hear you say that about yourself, but I don't know why, but I feel a little relieved."

Why is it?

She felt her emotions, thought carefully, and finally found the reason.

"Probably because I really feel that you are also a human being, just like me, but someone who is tens, hundreds, hundreds, and thousands of times stronger than me."

Everyone is the same, constantly choose in this reality, and move forward according to your own choices.

Uniform found the humanity in Ultraman, found something human-like in the martyr and the ascetic, so he suddenly felt relieved.

"Speaking of... I'm hungry."

"So the topic can jump like this?"

Nangong pulled with his thoughts, and the refrigerator in the kitchen suddenly opened.

"I can try to make you some dinner."

"Isn't this more like a human being!"

Uniq could not help but praise. Afterwards, there seemed to be a ghost in the kitchen... In a sense, it was indeed a ghost cooking. The floating kitchen knife quickly cut through the ingredients, and the rice, oil, and salt unfolded like a scroll.

The communication is over on one side, but not on the other.

"Is that that's the case. In this case, the matter at the police station makes sense."

"Where is the police station?"

The base of the Super Victory Team, in Asuka's room, Vice Captain Koda is the only person who knows the other party's identity.

So Asuka was able to confide his thoughts and tell him what happened.


Koda began to talk about what happened after Empat and Dyna disappeared. In the police station in Kumamoto City, a man turned himself in with a recording, saying that he was related to Chizuru's death, and then told all kinds of things. Come clean.

That person is like being manipulated, by whom?

Needless to say, it was naturally Tregear.

" he an enemy or a friend?"

Asuka's mind was in a mess, and he couldn't figure out what Tregear's purpose was.


Koda answered decisively.

"No matter what his purpose is, the people present were killed by him with cruel means, which is undoubtedly a contempt for life and the law."

Listening to his words, Asuka hesitated a bit.


Just like what Tregchia said when he incited, Asuka really had a "killing heart" at the time

He also really believed that these people should pay for their lives.

The deceased could not speak, what kind of mood did Chizuru die with?

Just thinking of this made Asuka's heart feel extremely uncomfortable.

At this moment, Koda was watching him, and from that expression, he could guess what he was thinking.

"Asuka, do you really think it's right to circumvent the law and sanction others?"

That is, the so-called "private law sanctioners" that often appear in various literary works

Sanctioning those whom the law cannot sanction, the problem is that...

"They did unforgivable things, so they killed them, but at this time, have you thought about the families of these criminals?"


"Yes, criminals must be punished. What they do cannot be called human beings at all, but what about their family members? What about their friends? Are you going to blame the other party's parents for not giving birth to him, and accuse the other party's friends of not being human?" Should I make friends with him?"

"That is......"

The perpetrator is by no means innocent, nor are his relatives who know nothing about what he has done?

"How do we tell his parents that he was tortured and killed, and he couldn't even put his body together? I think legal trials are necessary, so that people who are related to the criminal can know what he did. ended up like this."

Koda said seriously, this also let Asuka know what he missed.

"Then what if the law can't sanction these people?"

Asuka tried to ask, but he didn't get the answer he wanted, because Koda shook his head, and he said:

"I don't know, because I don't have any power above the law, above the country, what about you? Asuka, what would you do if it were you?"

What will Ultraman, who can override the law and the country and human civilization, do?


Asuka couldn't give any answer, and he didn't know what he wanted to do.

", Ultraman Dyna."


Koda put his right hand on Asuka's shoulder, his expression was very serious.

"Whether you are willing or not, everyone in this world is watching your every move. Your choice will undoubtedly change the world, so don't make a hasty choice, think carefully, and ask yourself. "

After leaving these words, Koda got up and left the room.

There is only one person left here, and there is only a silent electronic clock in the quiet room, and now it seems that even the drop of a needle can be heard clearly.

Asuka looked at the window, and the base built in the deep mountains reflected a green, natural scenery.

No matter how dark the human heart is, it has nothing to do with the plants. They feel the gift of the sun and grow slowly.


Whispers echoed in the room.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The bashing of the world stops because the truth has been fully revealed.

The attack on Ren Sato stopped, and Yamazaki, who was the carrier of the monster's dark night fangs, was imprisoned in a prison.

It didn't take long, when he woke up he couldn't remember what happened, he didn't even know that he had turned into a monster.

TPC also used lie detectors, hypnosis and other methods to investigate, but in the end they failed to get any clues.

Who is behind the scenes that turned him into a monster?

Fortunately, Empat appeared in time and did not let the night fangs cause casualties, otherwise Yamazaki's charges would not be limited to that.

The sun had not set in the afternoon, and the sun was shining from the sky, and the open gate was closed.

Dividing the inside and the outside, the crying sound heard before was completely locked inside.

Asuka was silent, he didn't like this task, very much.

Because he knew one thing, that is, no matter how scumbag a person is, there are still people who will care about him.

The people killed by Tregear found their identities through the belongings inside the 'wreckage', so one by one they went to inform them of their deaths.

Mr. Hao Hao is a sunny person. Those completely different descriptions let Asuka know that people are not just one side.

'Killing' is really a very heavy thing.

He looked at the street, there was a lot of traffic, and there was an endless stream.

A fork in a road leads to a completely different road. At this time, on a certain road to school, before turning into the fork, two people were walking together.

"Speaking of which, it's not good to eat junk food all the time. Why don't you come to my house today? Shall I make you some healthy food?"

Uniq made a suggestion to Chancheng, and then, the complaints in his mind were not delayed at all:

'You want me to do it. '

Nangong recalled the matter that this person shouted 'delicious' and decided to give him three meals a day.

'I am you!You are me!What you do is what I do!There is no need to distinguish so clearly! '

This response is pretty straightforward.

Chapter 69 Emotions Born from the Heart


Faced with UNIQI's proposal, Chancheng felt rather strange.

She stared at this teacher with very puzzled eyes, the position of the ring represents 'in love', a teacher who has a lover.

In fact, she has been wanting to complain since before:

"Do you really have a lover?"

Yui's heart skipped a beat.

"Why do you ask?"

What went wrong?Where did the flaw appear?

"Because you don't seem to have... No, it should be said that you always walk with me as if you have nothing at all at night, and now you invite me to your house. This is really not like someone who has a lover Would you do something? You're totally without... What kind of life is that?"

Finally, Chancheng still couldn't hold back what she wanted to say.

'Vulgar language. '

Nangong accidentally misunderstood the young man's knowledge reserves ten years ago because of Diana's imitation from the Baltan star, but now he feels that he has not misunderstood.

How come it's only been ten years, and even high school students are so open?

What kind of nonsense is being circulated on the Internet?

"Ah, actually my lover is also a woman."

Uniq responded without any psychological pressure, making Nangong turn his head and stare at her instantly.

What the hell is this man talking about?

"Then forgive me for declining your invitation."

Chancheng rejected the initial proposal.

"Don't be shy, my family is actually quite big, and I often take in some beautiful women."

Uniyi showed a meaningful smile. In fact, she had noticed before that Chancheng's attitude towards her was not as refusing and denying as before.

In a sense, though, she wasn't very happy.

Because the change of attitude starts from 'the person who cares about me the most is my teacher'.

In order to color the hidden darkness inside, Uniform decided to spare no effort to attack.

"Don't approach me, if you approach me again, I will call someone."

Chancheng covered his chest with his right hand, pointed forward with his left hand, and took a step back.

"Scream, scream and break your throat—"

'Um? '

Before the two people's small theater could finish, Nangong noticed the vehicles approaching in the distance.

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