In the distance, the Shenying, which had brought back its companions, rose again.

They can easily see which side the battle is on.

"The victory and defeat are already divided."

Liang couldn't help sighing, Dyna really got stronger and stronger, from the beginning when the red light was always on, now it can beat monsters even if the light is not on.

'The victory and defeat have been divided. '

At this time, the same conclusion was drawn in the eyes of a certain bystander.

No matter who it is, Dyna will win.

Moss Ajia roared unwillingly, the voice stopped abruptly in the middle, and an uppercut hit its chin.

The next moment, Dyna's movements became a little bit wrong, and the heavy punch stopped suddenly in the middle.

'What reason are you going to use to kill the monster? '

In his mind, the blue Ultraman seemed to be laughing.

'Why did the monster attack the Super Victory Team?Maybe it's just because we've stepped into its territory? '

Asuka, who was in a state of confusion, had such thoughts unconsciously, and he didn't know why he lost his mind during the battle, but when the monster roared due to being injured, he unconsciously heard the wailing hidden inside. .

No, did you hear that?

Or is it simply an illusion under psychological influence?

No matter what the reason was, Dyna's movements had indeed slowed down, and this was an opportunity.

As if seeing a ray of dawn in the dark night, Moss Ajia swiped out both claws at the same time, one left and one right.

The desperate blow will instantly bring out a series of intense sparks on Dyna's body.

The sharp pain made him take a step back, followed by more severe pain.

After the claw attack came shooting, Moss Ajia released red light all over his body, and the destructive light bomb blasted out regardless of Sanqi 21, and hit Dyna who was only ten meters ahead.

Impact, damage, explosion, and a muffled grunt, Dyna, who had the upper hand a second ago, drew an arc, and crashed into a rock pillar not far away in embarrassment, and the broken rubble was scattered all over the ground.

The ferocity was completely aroused, and Moss Ajia rushed forward. Before Dyna could stand up, he grabbed his neck and swung him to the right.

Pulled up, thrown out, the earth shook.

Dyna stood up after tumbling for a few weeks, posing a fighting posture, and when he was about to meet him, he unconsciously slowed down his movements.

In his eyes, Moss Ajia's originally hard skin was covered with cracks, and even fragments peeled off with his movements.


Sparks splattered, and the force of the upward swing even lifted his body.

"What's wrong! Dyna!"

The Condor immediately opened fire on the raging monster, beam after beam hitting and bouncing off the undamaged back.

Mosi Ajia moved forward with his left hand, locked Dyna's neck directly, and forcibly pulled him up.

It doesn't matter what is attacking it, it wants to eliminate the existence that is posing a serious threat to it.


A fierce roar resounded through the sky, and Moss Ajia pushed forward with his left hand, pulling the bound Dyna away a short distance, and stabbed out with sharp claws.

In an instant, the dull collision sound echoed, and the sound of bones breaking came.


Dyna staggered back a few steps, and a strange existence appeared between him and the monster.

Chapter 72 The Fighter Seeking Answers

"who is it---"

Kariya couldn't help but asked aloud, his body was silver-gray with blue stripes all over the place, but instead of a colored timer on his chest, there were three strange hexagonal crystals, and two scars on his pitch-black face. Red, it seems to be the eyes.

The reason why "who" is used to describe it is because the other party is still wearing a cloak, and the raised right leg is slowly lowered.

Just now, the opponent used this high kick to help Dyna get out of the siege.

"You are......"

When Dyna asked this question, the timer on his chest began to flash red.

The momentary hesitation made him suffer a lot.

"Let's watch over there."

What kind of third-rate fighting style is really unbearable.

The strongest combat force of the Star Alliance, his name is Guregel, he came to Earth in order to seek answers to some things.

It's just that before arriving on the earth completely, it was delayed because of the incident between Melani Star and the destroyer Moss Ajia, and witnessed the battle of Dyna.


Guregel began to think about whether he could really get the answer he wanted from Ultraman. He admitted that Dyna was really strong in the first battle and was an opponent not to be underestimated.

But after that?

It is immature to hesitate in the battle of life and death.

The contrast between before and after was so strong that as a fighter, he couldn't bear it any longer.

Guregel took a step forward. He didn't even intend to take off his cloak. He moved his right hand forward, with his index and middle fingers together, pointing at Moss Ajia.

"Come on, Beast."

For the sake of those who died at your hands, I will finish you here.

The next moment, as if responding to Guregel's provocation, Moss Ajia roared and rushed towards the enemy with its right hand.


So fast!

Dyna was shocked by Guregel's speed.

At this time, Moss Ajia's right arm was completely locked, and the thrusting claw hit the air.

Guregel borrowed the opponent's speed to pull the enemy in turn, kicked his right foot backwards, and hit the opponent's calf to destroy his posture.

Throwing and spinning, Moss Ajia's body spun around in mid-air and landed on his back.

Before it could react, Guregel pulled the monster up again with both hands, ignoring the flailing right claw, and hit the middle of the face with his knee, severely wounding it.

At this time, the retreating Moss Ajia showed his strange appearance.

It keeps waving its right paw, why not use its left paw?

Because the first kick had broken the bone in its left wrist.

Guregel jumped up quickly, the cloak was down first, and then it was up because of the fall, his raised right leg slammed down, and the ax kick turned his ankle into a heavy hammer, directly smashing Moss Ajia Head blue crystal.

The monsters that have been hit one after another can no longer pay attention to defending their own weaknesses.

In an instant, a large number of sparks spewed out from the shattered position like blood, continuously sprinkling a large number of light spots.

The body without strength swayed and fell, Moss Ajia fell to the ground and closed his eyes.

Guregel who landed turned his head and looked at Dyna who was on the side.

Noticing the end of the battle, Dyna's gaze also shifted from Moss Aja to Gregor.


What should I say?

Accused him of killing monsters?

"This asteroid is about to explode, time to get out."

Guregel jumped up and quickly disappeared at the end of the sky.


Dyna's brain hadn't been able to comprehend the situation, but the shaking ground said it all.

"High-energy response! It came from the inside of the asteroid!"

The Shenying also detected this abnormal energy.

"Dyna! This planet is about to explode! Get out!"

Liang's voice was transmitted through the loudspeaker, and the Shenying began to climb rapidly, escaping towards the outside of the asteroid.

So Dyna also jumped up. He lowered his head and glanced at Moss Ajia lying there again.


Red, yellow, little figures are there.

Half a minute later, in a radiant brilliance, the Melani star exploded completely, and this power continued to expand outward, hundreds of meters, kilometers, and continued to increase.

The new Magus power system was activated, and soon the Condor was out of range of the explosion.

"It's really, really dangerous..."

Nakajima was paralyzed in position, and it turned out that the paradise in that universe was just a hoax.

"Dyna he... all right?"

Kariya was a little worried because he saw Dyna suddenly turn downwards, followed by the explosion of the asteroid.

"Don't worry, he's Ultraman Dyna...Look! Let me tell you!"

Koda raised his head. On the outside of the Condor, there were giants flying together. For Dyna, it seemed that the speed of the new Mags power system was no more than that.

Half a second later, Dyna opened his right hand, wrapped in a faint light, and sent it in regardless of the barrier of the fuselage.

"This, what is this?"

Liang's eyes widened. Sitting on her lap was a very strange little creature.

It looks like a puppet, but its swaying little head and the movements of looking left and right show that it is a living being.

Handing over the creature rescued from that planet to Ryo, Dyna's figure gradually disappeared.

It's not about returning to Earth, because before that, he heard a wonderful sound of passing through the letter.

The colorless and invisible particles gradually gather together, transforming from light into human again.

Asuka opened his eyes, and in this white space, a person turned around.

His appearance is not much different from that of a human being, and he is still wearing black clothing.

"You are......"

"If I want to talk to you, it's better to use this posture."

Although the Star Alliance has limited information, they still know that Ultraman will mimic the posture of a human being.

"who are you?"

"Before then, why did you hesitate in the fight?"

Guregel did not answer the other party's question immediately, but asked what he cared about.

He doesn't like this kind of battle. For him, if he continues to decide to fight, he should fight with all his strength. The half-baked approach is uncomfortable.

"That is......"

Asuka couldn't answer directly, but in fact he didn't need to answer.

"Judging from the way you turned back to save the little creature at the end, it can't be that the sympathy monster can't make a move?"

The moment he heard this, he suddenly raised his head.

This reaction didn't take much, and Guregel knew he had guessed right.

"Immature kid."

So he made such an evaluation unconsciously.

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