At the same moment, after waking up from madness, people who always felt that there was something missing in their bodies blinked suspiciously, and the emptiness in their hearts seemed to disappear inexplicably.

Now there is only one figure left on the mirror of the building. Empat nodded to the Super Victory Team. Just as it was about to disappear, a new existence appeared.

"That is---"

Liang opened her eyes wide, of course she knew that person.

A pair of red eyes shine in the night, and three medal-like crystals are on the chest.

The gigantic Guregel appeared in front of Empat, and he knew that the Ultraman in front of him was a more mature existence than Dyna.

So, he came looking for answers.

"Empat, I don't take the liberty to interrupt, but I hope you can give me an answer."

After finally seeing him, Guregel didn't want the other party to disappear all of a sudden and never be found again.

'Gregor? '

'Gregor? '

The former is the memory of Nangong. As a mercenary who moves around in the universe, of course, he has seen each other's figure in different reports.

The latter is Uniform's doubt. Could it be that the alien in front of him is an old acquaintance?

Chapter 79

What kind of planet is the earth?

Although many people have come and gone, Guregel is the first time to personally visit this planet and observe the living beings here.

To be blunt... a little disappointed.

Noisy and... lagging behind?

It has been 12 hours of earth time since the appointment last night. He finished his recuperation and completed part of the things to be done. There is no need to worry anymore, so he just wandered around in this city.

The civilization of the earth is still very backward. He has known about this for a long time, and he has a deeper understanding after actually coming here, such as this.

Guregel looked at the vehicles on the street that had stopped due to red lights, and the gas gushing out of the exhaust pipe slowly floated towards the sky. How much pollution would this street produce?To put it bluntly, it is just a corner of it.

No matter whether it is to pause or move forward, it will cause environmental pollution, and human beings have not yet obtained non-polluting technology.

As for the other thing, it's the news that's playing on this huge display.

The so-called idols should exist like public figures.

She died, and then there was an uproar.

The report told about the unfair treatment she suffered before her death, and about the darkness under that glamorous appearance.

For Guregel, this is very incomprehensible. How could someone really attack such a public figure?Don't they think that these public figures with many fans can overthrow them with a wave of their arms?

What made him even more incomprehensible was that the dead idol really didn't raise his arms, which was completely unreasonable. Why didn't she do so?Is it because something has been caught?

Even before her, there were silent victims.

'I really don't understand Earthlings. '

After being hurt, say nothing, keep silent, as if the victim is at fault.

It is because of silence that fuels the arrogance of the perpetrator, isn't it?

Guregel was born on another planet, where the civilization is completely different from the earth, and people who grow up in a completely different environment will naturally have completely different views and opinions.

So he was even more puzzled, why Empat would protect these logically chaotic species.

At this moment, he heard undisguised footsteps approaching in his ears.

'finally come. '

Guregel turned around, then couldn't help being surprised.

The woman who appeared there had a calm face, but the problem is... fundamentally gender wrong.

At least it was a male voice when we communicated last night...I see.

He understood that there was very little information about Empat in the universe, but he could still deduce some characteristics from the opponent's actions.

For example, Empat does not contact any forces, but just repels monsters everywhere.

If you don't want to contact any forces, of course you have to pretend.

The simplest and purest form of disguise is that a man disguises himself as a woman. It's hard to imagine, right?

"What do you want to know?"

Nangong arrived at the agreed place, and he only knew superficially about the strongest player in the alliance.

'Could it be possible for all aliens to masquerade as humans? '

Synchronized with Nangong's gaze, Unii also saw the man who looked serious.

In the end, isn't this still the shape of a human being?

Nangong gave a very positive answer to her question:

'In fact, it is true. '

It's not just about pretending to be human.

'There is a special camouflage device that can cover the projection on the body, and even the smell can be completely simulated. '

Nangong also used that kind of equipment, and then looked at himself in the mirror and felt a little ugly to himself.

He has to admit that even if he becomes Ultraman, his aesthetics are still within the scope of human beings.

'It's so powerful. '

Uniyi thought of the figure he saw last night, it was indeed very different.

'Since he is the strongest in the alliance, is he here to invite you to participate in the universe's first martial arts meeting? '

Divergent thinking is very good at association.

'Deciding who is the number one in the universe or something like that. '

The communication between the two is only connected in the brain, and it is completed quickly in a short period of time.

In front, Guregel was silent for a while, and what he said was a question that surprised both of them:

"Why do you want to protect others? What is the reason for fighting for this?"

Nangong instantly realized one thing, which was the fact that the other party 'had two faces'.

At least the Guregel who appeared in the alliance's propaganda work is straightforward and righteous, which seems to be a necessary disguise.

There is no better vehicle for publicity than the man with the most exploits.

However, a pretense is just a pretense after all.

Facing Guregel's question, Nangong didn't answer immediately, but asked a rhetorical question:

"Why are you asking me this question? Don't you have someone or something to protect?"

This rhetorical question made Guregel silent again, because he didn't have anything to protect, so he wanted to get an answer.

He didn't know what was the person to protect, since he wanted to play that role, he had to find something to protect.

Otherwise, it will only maintain the current state-tired and confused.

"I didn't, that's why I came to Earth."

Guregel had nothing to hide, he stated his purpose straightforwardly.

Therefore, Nangong fully understood the situation.

Regarding Guregel, if the information he knows is divided directly by keywords, it is probably like this:

'Fighter', 'Strongest', 'Defeat the last general of the empire in a one-on-one battle', 'Warrior who protects justice'

Now the last one is crossed out, what about the rest?

"Want to practice with me?"

Nangong still remembered what Zamxia said back then, which he didn't understand.

'When swords and halberds meet in battle, you will read the opponent's will from the action. Of course, you who are just fighters probably don't understand what I mean. In short, fighters are always eager to learn and improve in battle and enjoy fierce fighting with others. '

This is the difference between him and Zamxia, he is just a warrior who regards fighting as a means, while Zamxia is a warrior who regards fighting as an enjoyment.

What about Guregel?

"...I see, come on."

At this moment, even Uniq could see the change in the opponent's atmosphere.

Like a sword out of its scabbard, the serious expression became sharp because of the sharp eyes.

And Nangong also noticed this. Although he didn't understand the deep feelings in Zamxia's words, he could still understand it literally.

So he made a test and was convinced that Guregel was a 'Warrior'.

Since he is a warrior, why did he go to the battlefield and get so many military exploits?

"It's not suitable here, change the place."

Nangong said that if it was still his own body, it didn't matter how he fought. To be honest, he didn't even need the spark prism anymore.

Today, however, the situation is different.

Hearing what he said, Guregel nodded. Anyway, if you want to fight, of course it is better to fight where no one is obstructing you.

In this busy city, no one will notice that two people leave.

The daytime sun was now as bright as a lamp, pure white.

As the center of the solar system, the sun, the star, spreads heat and light to every planet in the galaxy.

But because of the difference in distance, it will cause completely different scenery.

The earth, with its water and atmosphere, is a miracle gem.

The planet that is close to the earth but cannot be developed is Venus.

The temperature above 400°C alone has eliminated the possibility of human survival, and the ground is the same as the sky, showing an orange-yellow color.

However, this sky is difficult to see from the surface because sulfuric acid clouds obscure it.

The dead planet is not disturbed by anyone, and the two giant beings face each other.

I have heard of it and have video data, but it is the first time to face it like this.

Guregel threw off the shawl, which is a respect for the battle, because the opponent is a fighter with rational thinking.

He looked around, and for a moment, a certain sense of nostalgia rose.

"The last time we fought in such an environment was when the war was not over."

At that time, the weapons used by the empire directly shattered one-third of the habitable planet. On the eve of the planet's destruction, Guregel and his opponent decided the outcome.

Heat, pollution, unknowingly, such feelings reverberate in the brain, and I still remember it very clearly.

Thus, the blood boiled up.

This is not an exaggerated description, the excitement that has not been felt for a long time makes the heart beat violently, and the body temperature also rises amidst this excitement.

Who is in front of me?

It is a legend circulating in the universe, only its name is heard, but its person is not seen.

If you want to fight against such an opponent now...

Guregel moved his hands forward, posing in a fighting gesture.

This action proves that the prelude to the battle is over. On the contrary, Empat is also ready.


Uniform, who was lamenting the horror of Venus before, also shut her mouth. She is not the kind of person who will talk too much at critical moments.

Who goes first?

Stepping forward and rushing out, it was Empat who attacked first.

There is no light technique, just a simple straight punch.

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