However, there is no need to think about these things anymore.

Because after only half a second, these stone piles exploded suddenly, flying in all directions.

The nearly thousand-meter-high extinct volcano turned into pure rocks, and these rocks flew at high speed due to the impact force, radiating towards the surroundings like shells, smashing the ground and the mountain.

The center that caused this situation didn't care about it.

The fists crossed to form an X shape, Guregel's blow brushed Empat's cheek, and Empat's blow hit Guregel's face.

'Um? '

Empat sensed something was wrong.

After 0.1 seconds, one of them was sent flying, and the other naturally moved forward quickly.

The jumping power plus the anti-gravity ability quickly shortens the distance.

The blow he kicked was dodged, and Guregel, who rose in time, completed the evasion.

This is just the beginning, after 1 second, the earth finally does not need to suffer from the destruction of the two, and the sky becomes the stage of the battle.

Empat and Guregel bumped into each other and separated from each other from time to time.

Flying kicks, elbow strikes, knee bumps, head thrusts, and irregular flight trajectories are intertwined to form a chaotic roadmap.

Immediately afterwards, this pair of pictures added new colors.

The light bullets and light arrows passed by quickly, Empat opened the barrier with his palms in front, and converted all the attacks hit above, and then bounced back at the same time.

The shotgun counterattack hit, and the explosion set off.

Guregel clenched his right fist, and the next moment, Empat turned his body sideways, and he locked the straight punch from the explosion with both hands.

Pulling, throwing, and throwing skills directly destroy the opponent's posture.

Empat aimed at Guregel, who flipped in the air, and the falling kick exploded.

Kick away, get closer, sweep your legs and kick away.

Is it because of the gap in strength between the two sides?Or is it because one side is good at air combat and the other is not good at air combat?

Guregel was completely suppressed, and his back smashed the top of the mountain. Empat ignored the falling rocks and smashed his elbow to knock his opponent down to the ground.

In an instant, the cracks spread in all directions.

Guregel, who supported the ground with his legs and hands, suddenly raised his head, and there was no one there.


Behind him, Empat swept with a clenched right fist, the back of his hand slamming into his opponent's upright arm in time.

The dull sound caused by the collision continued, one side approached and the other side retreated.

Guregel slammed forward with a heavy punch, but missed the opponent's sideways for the second time.

Grab, pull, and flick, an irresistible force came.

Accompanied by Empat's movements, Guregel's body spun around in the air and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

'What, I...'

He immediately got up to fight back, but found something, a wonderful thing.

If Guregel's attack still required Empat to block it before, this time he was avoided just by swinging his body.

'The body is out of control! '

I can't exert my strength well, is it because I have suffered too much damage before?

No, the damage received was only a dull pain, not to the extent that it would affect the battle.

That's why——

At this moment, a loud bang resounded through the sky.


Guregel hit Empat in the face without any reservations, and then Empat just stood there, standing there without any reaction.

'how is this possible!So strong... No, no! '

Taking two steps back, Guregel suddenly realized something, his right hand was shaking all the time.

That's not because of strength, it's simply because of...

'I, am I tired? '

The heart is beating, and there are signs of exhaustion coming from all over the body.

Why is this happening?

It shouldn't be like this, why are you tired after only this little time?

'Could it be that! '

Guregel recalls what happened during those long days.

How long has he not fought with all his might?

"It seems that you have noticed too."

At this moment, Empat said so.

He noticed something strange when Guregel was shot into the volcano, that is, the more the opponent fought, the weaker he became.

"...what a disgrace."

Guregel fully understands this point. Although he maintains daily exercise, how long has it been since he has done a fierce battle, a death fight that is enough to kill his life?

"Before I knew it, my body had become so dull."

At the very beginning of the battle, you can still maintain your state, but the more you fight, the more your state declines, and your body forgets the feeling of fierce fighting.

"What a shame."

He repeated this again, and watching him like this, Empat thought for a while.

Warriors, the reason to pursue fighting and guarding...

"Is life in the Star League torture for you?"

These words made Guregel raise his head, tormented... Although he didn't reach this level, he did feel that he was gradually rotting.

"What did you set foot on the battlefield for?"

Empat asked a crucial question again.


Guregel was stunned for a moment, what he originally wanted to say was 'to protect the innocent'

But there was no way to say these words, because he suddenly realized that this was not the case.

First set foot on the battlefield because...

'I do it because...'

Memories of the past flashed in my mind, wandering in the universe, and then one day, I heard about the war.

'Remember this...'

Guregel caressed the three crystals on his chest, which was the proof of the champion.

The champion of fighting is not enough, just this is not enough.

"I... I stepped onto the battlefield to prove that I am the strongest."

Yes, it's not for protecting others, nor for any other boring reasons, it's just very simple, I have already won the strongest honor in ordinary battles, but I am still dissatisfied with this desire and want more, so Will go to the battlefield.

Hearing Guregel's words, Empat nodded.

"Isn't that why you fought?"

The idea of ​​protecting others makes people stronger...Of course, there are such reasons in this world, but in fact, there are always more than one reason.

For example, Zam Xia, he doesn't have any idea to protect, he is just simple, he likes the feeling of intersecting swords and halberds, and "loyalty"

This is the reason why he fought on the earth, and the reason why he will continue to fight in the future.

Because the earth is a comfortable planet, and because there are friends on the earth, we will stand up and fight.

Isn't that good too?

"People are always different. There is no need for anyone to be someone else. What kind of person you want to be and why you want to fight should be decided by yourself."


Empat's words made Guregel fall into contemplation, and a few seconds later, those red eyes froze again.

"I'm going to challenge you, Empat!"

"Well, come on."

Then, there was a boom and explosion, and the brilliance flew away.

Chapter 81 The Alien Raider

In this sky, there are only sulfuric acid clouds, no sunlight, and the environment is too harsh to make people uncomfortable.

Especially after the fierce battle is over, it feels even worse.

Guregel lay on this piece of land that had become pitch-black due to the aftermath of the battle. All the extinct volcanoes that had surrounded him disappeared, and within a kilometer, only flat land remained.

"Before I knew it, I had forgotten who I was."

Is it because the battle is over?Guregel became relaxed.

"People say that I am a warrior who protects justice and fights against oppression. All eyes are on me, admiring me, and praising me. This is the result."

He challenged Empat again 5 minutes ago, and then was completely defeated and knocked to the ground 3 minutes ago.

Even if the heart is passionate, the dullness of the body cannot be relieved.

The more you fight, the more you find your rusty place.

The only thing to be happy about is that 'the consciousness has reacted, but the body has not reacted'.

At least this proves that his fighting spirit is still there.

"It feels really good to be admired and admired by others. After becoming famous, no matter who knows me, no matter who will praise me, so I play that role."

So I unconsciously left my original self behind.

"The most ironic thing is that I can't completely forget my past self. Deep down in my heart, I cry out that I shouldn't be like this. I don't desire such a thing. I finally ran out alone in the conflict."

It turns out that people's admiration is not all good things. As a winner, as a champion, I thought I was used to those things, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"I see why you hide yourself from people."

Guregel looked at Empat on one side. The other party kept a sense of mystery, probably to prevent himself from getting lost because of these praises.

'So why? '

Uniform asked Nangong in his heart, in fact, his attitude towards Ultraman on Earth turned into praise later, why didn't he feel complacent about it?

There was even an 'I sue myself' situation.

'Because... there is nothing to be happy about. '

Nangong is not the so-called person who suddenly received a big prize on his head.

He was killed by the Babar Stars together with his friends, and got the power of Empat by coincidence.

And because of this incident, I was entangled in 'darkness', and then experienced a series of events. Under such circumstances, how could I lose myself because of those praises.

Rather, he has no chance to enjoy praise from the beginning to the end, and he is still worrying about Uniq.

As for Tiga and Dyna... The Victory Team and the Super Victory Team have had many tests and have seen various things.

To put it bluntly, there is a certain difference in mentality from the beginning from ordinary people.

Shaking his head in his heart, Nangong refocused on Guregel.

What he recalled was an old saying, once said by a thinker:

"There is such a saying on the earth, I reflect on myself three times a day: Do I not be loyal to others? Do I not trust my friends? Is it not used to pass it on? It means that I reflect on myself many times a day: Have I done my best for others? Have you been honest with your friends? Have you practiced the knowledge you passed on to others?"

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