But, a little strange?

"Kisaki, help me find out what's going on."

"Isn't it just that the police put up tapes to keep people from approaching and reporters to interview the other party?"

Kirisaki replied very casually, he was quite clear about why he did this.


Arisukawa was stunned, why is the police still prohibiting interviews now?

what's the situation?

At this moment, there seemed to be a quarrel in front of them.

"Don't you understand me when I told you that the interview is not allowed?"

At the forefront, the young man in police uniform frowned, and he and his companions stood in front of the reporters.

For this blocking of new 'news', it naturally aroused strong dissatisfaction.

"Why should interviews be banned? We should expose more of those dark places to reduce the number of victims, right?"

The leading reporter was pushed back just as he took a step forward.

"Sorry, I declined the interview."

The answer to the formula comes from the mouth of the police.

"So why is the interview banned? When that kind of thing happened, you didn't see anyone at all. At this time, you jumped out? Is it because you are afraid that people will know what you are doing behind the scenes?"

The presumptuous words seemed to be provocative.

However, the police stationed here did not answer and did not move.

Because he knew that there was no point in arguing. With so many cameras here, there are some reporters in this world who don't care about the authenticity, but just want to make some big news.

'Although I can already guess what news will come next. '

The police banned interviews, right?

Anticipated this, but still didn't back off.

If you want to ask why, it is because Mizuno Mirai personally dialed the number and turned to the police for help, hoping to protect her so that she would not need to be interviewed again.

Was it because she had been warned?

Or for some other reason?

Only she knew this, and the task of the police was to protect her safety here.

"Look at you people. You didn't do anything before the incident happened. What about after the incident? Did the culprit find out? Why didn't you go to the case and block us here?"

The reporters vented their dissatisfaction, and Arisukawa was indeed a little annoyed at the things that could not be covered.

But she didn't vent with these people, because she had suffered enough from what happened before.

Instead of messing around here, it's better to think about whether there are other opportunities for interviews, and think about why Mizuno refused to interview.

"Let's take a look at the situation from a distance."


Kirisaki was a little surprised, it seemed that the young girl had indeed absorbed some experience from the previous incident.

The two are slightly away from the crowd. For Kirisaki, what is happening here now should be regarded as 'human observation'

In particular, the attacks on the police by reporters just now are really interesting.

'Is there something going on between you'

'Why didn't you do anything before it happened'

Combined with some opinions on the Internet... Interesting, quite interesting.

'Humans are really creatures that attack the living on the grounds of the dead. '

After all, the dead can't speak, and they can't express their objections.

Kirisaki is also thinking about Mizuno's reason for refusing to be interviewed.

If it's what he thinks...

'Another interesting thing to do. '

Wouldn't it be interesting to shake Ultraman's reason for protecting humans?

It is also very interesting to shake TPC's reason for trusting Ultraman.

At this moment, a sentence interrupted Kirisaki's thinking:

"Why are you smiling so brightly?"

Arisukawa stared suspiciously at the inexplicably bright spring Kirisaki. To be honest, this person sometimes behaves like a psychopath. Is it really okay for Ultraman to look like this?

"I remember happy things."

The smile on Kirisaki's face didn't fade.

Chapter 85

'Although I thought about various ways, but in the end I did it. '

'I don't mean to blame you. Birth, old age, sickness and death are normal in the world. '

'After all, ten years have passed. '

At this time, what was surging in Nangong's mind was the words he heard before.

Yes, ten years have passed, and it is only natural that Mr. Nishinomiya will pass away.

After all, time is an invincible thing.

Even so, there was still no way to let it go.

Life is so fleeting, why so fast?

Ten years gone so quickly, what about... 50 years?

What if the next 50 years passed by so quickly?

Today's humans have already reached Mars after ten years. If it weren't for the appearance of Sfia, they might still be working hard to develop interstellar travel technology, and even achieved phased results.

What will happen in 50 years?

By then, perhaps Mars has become a habitable second home.

As a result, the earth's environment slowly recovered, and exploration ships began to head towards the universe.

Maybe the earth and Mars will become a situation that I can't imagine now. Of course, this is not a bad thing.

However, in that scene, will there be anyone familiar with him?

On top of that, what about the past 100 years?

Ten years is like one second, and 100 years is like ten seconds.

Suddenly, the friends who laughed with me before, shared joy, sorrow, chatted with each other, and joked with each other were never seen again.

As a result, the only one who saw the future was himself.

In this case......

"Are you... scared?"

Suddenly, the phantom beside him gradually changed from blurred to clear.

It was the first time that Unii could feel the uneasiness coming from that side.

Today, the other party behaved very strangely.

What I want to say is that the ripples on the surface of the water continue to spread, without stopping.

In the end what happened?

Is it because of the death of the old man of the Nishinomiya family?


This noun is expressing a kind of emotion, will Ultraman also raise this kind of emotion?

Of course it will rise, the ultimate person is also a human being, and he also has the seven emotions and six desires.

"Probably, I'm really... really a little scared."

At this time, the color of the outside world had settled down. On the bed in the apartment, Nangong sat up and admitted his thoughts.

Imagining the death of someone close to you inevitably creates a sense of panic.

But generally, just thinking 'it's ok, it's a long time'

It's a long time, is it really long?

Nangong suddenly realized, and clearly realized that this period of time did not seem to be long for him at all.

Therefore, this sense of panic is lingering.

'If there are monsters or enemies who intend to harm you, I will fight with all my strength to protect you. '

There is such an idea and the determination to do so.

But how to fight time?

How to fight the end of life?

The visible smashes with fists, with kicks, with rays of light.

Intangibles... how do you fight concepts?

That is the common sense of life and death, and it is a natural rule in this world. Everything must end one day.

However, Nangong seems to be able to vaguely see the end of others, but not his own end.

This feeling, really, sucks.

For him, there is no sense of relief that 'I might not be able to live until then anyway'.

"What's bothering you? Are you going to tell me?"

Yui sat next to him, watching him with worried eyes.

Of course I feel worried. The person who is usually not afraid of anything and acts very calm no matter what he sees suddenly becomes like this.

Isn't it natural for friends to worry about friends?

Faced with this worry, Nangong remained silent.

Although he didn't have much self-awareness, since before, he has been this kind of person, and he would hold back when he had something to do.

'I am the only one who is troubled. '

So what if you say it?

At this moment, the sound of the door lock being pierced by a key and turned open was heard.

"Yuyi, are you there?"

It was Mrs. Asakawa's voice.

"give it to you."

Taking advantage of this time, Nangong emptied his mind, turned all his troubles into nothingness, and returned the right to use his body to its original owner.

The perspective in front of him changed, and Yui blinked.

"A silent hero?"

She gave a rather subtle expression.

"Although I usually think it's handsome in the works..."

It's the type that bears everything alone and speaks from the back.

"But when this kind of person is really around, people really want to slap him."

You are talking!Your long mouth is not just for eating!

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