"Walking on stage, shedding a few tears, bowing in repentance, being humiliated, and then being forgiven, are these people sincerely repentant?"

It is precisely because he is at TPC that Liang deeply understands how different it is from other places.

"Repent ass, they just regret being caught when they did bad things. To put it bluntly, don't they push people to the front to attract firepower?"

There must be many people involved in this matter, someone must come out to attract everyone's attention, right?

Of course, this matter may not be able to be suppressed.

The evil result of "pressing down at the first moment of the accident" finally came out.

"This matter will not end so easily."

Leung can be sure of this, and it's not just one person who feels the same way.

One of them, he was near the conference site.

The apology statement was issued first, and then many people who did not know the details began to appear and confuse the public.

At least after the past of the girl Gao Qiaofeng was exposed, those people have been holding on to these things, biting these things.

It is 'voluntary' after all.

If there is any difference from ten years ago, Takahashi Feng's family information has not been exposed, and the Internet Act has played a sufficient role.

Reporters are crowded here, ready to enter the venue and enter the interior of the company.

Watching them, Nangong was also waiting.

Of course he didn't come for an interview, nor did he come out of curiosity, just... a little uneasy.

What Tregchia said before made him very concerned. Those words both seemed to attack him, shake him, and seemed to give him hints.

"Excuse me, can you give me a break?"

At this moment, the words reached Nangong's ears.

"Feel sorry."

He backed away after apologizing, and it wasn't just the reporters who came to the scene, Takahashi Kaede's diehard fans also arrived at the scene, so that the place became a bit crowded.

"Thank you."

The young female reporter who wanted to pass by had a camera hanging on her chest, and she was looking for something as she squeezed through the crowd.

"Kirisaki, where did you go again?"

Nangong could hear such a sentence.

Soon, the doors of the company opened and reporters filed in.

All I saw was that the female reporter stomped her foot fiercely, and in the end she could only follow the flow of people towards the entrance with an unhappy expression on her face.

Unfortunately, fans are not allowed inside, only journalists are accepted.

Inside the company at this time are the company's employees, the upper management who came out to speak, and the reporters who are very concerned about this matter.

In other words, the actors have all been there.

The center of the oval-shaped black fog reflects the scenery, and the inside is the press conference site that has attracted the attention of the public.

Even from a far corner, the scene of the scene can be observed, and Tregear has already moved his hands and feet, waiting for something to happen.

"First of all, thank you for coming to the scene."

The one who came to the stage was the spokesperson of the brokerage company. Apart from him, there were naturally other people present.

For example, the broker of the combination, such as the manager of the company.

Just seeing those faces...is already disgusting.

"What will you say?"

Tregear waited for these people to speak, although he could basically guess the situation.

'Sincerely' apologies.

Sorry for the time allocation error.

Apologies for not noticing the idol's mental health.

Apologies for not coming out to speak for so long.

As for the "pillow business" you mentioned, the overlord's treaty certainly does not exist.

Oh, it should be said that if I don’t mention it or respond to it, then it exists?

or what do you want

Rush to the company to grab the contract?

Can you do it?

Or how?

Where can you find what video proves the pillow is in business?

So what if you find it?

You love me, two love each other, what's wrong with love between men and women?is it not OK?

Very basic, simple and easy to avoid.

Some things are absolutely unacceptable, and once you admit it, it's over.

Anyway, the other party has no physical evidence. As for witnesses or something... Ha, just one side of the story, what do you say?

Then I said no, does it mean that there is no more?

To put it bluntly, the enthusiasm of the public always has a shelf life. How can unorganized and undisciplined words on the Internet compare to organizations that spend money to do things?

Once the heat is over, and some new songs will be released at that time, won't the matter be over?

As for this idol group... just Xuezang, don't let the public think about it again, let the public forget it slowly.

After a while, don't you just do what you should?

"It's not nutritious to talk about it, and these reporters understand it very well."

Tregchia stroked his chin, and the reporters who asked the question had already explained everything.

Especially the person he knew... Arisukawa was about to jump up, and the higher ups just didn't let her ask questions.

The journalists who ask the questions are always asking the trivial things.

In short...there are all my people here, how do you fight with me?

"It's so realistic."

To have power and money is to be free and easy.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps beside him caught his attention.

Tregear looked back, and a woman who was very young compared to him was turning away.

"Didn't you see it?"

"Look at their nonsense?"

After the woman choked on Tregchia, she jumped from the top of the 45th floor.

"I'm really anxious, but that's normal."

Once a person has the support of strength, he will easily go astray in his heart, and the same is true for exchanging strength for money and power.

"Then, let me watch from the wall."

Tregear leaned back, floating in midair.

At this time, the woman who landed crushed the surrounding ground, and the loud noise attracted the attention of the surrounding people.

Her right hand is clenched tightly, and the middle finger wears a strange ring, which is a green face.


The emerald green light is accompanied by the phantom of the monster, and with the user as the carrier, huge energy begins to overflow.

At the same moment, Nangong noticed this wave of fluctuations, and the diffusion of energy contained another wave that was very similar to the waves of space.

'If you can protect one side, you can't protect the other side... tsk. '

He immediately rushed towards the surrounding alleys, holding his right hand in the air, and at some point, he was unfolded by the spark prism dyed black.

Chapter 91 Revenge

The world has collapsed, this is just an adjective, a false illusion caused by the collapse of cognition.

This is the case for Rei Saotome, what happened during this period is too disgusting for her.

Takahashi Kaede, Feng, that senior, that senior who was very kind to everyone, and a friend who was very important to me died.

Why did she die?

From the very beginning when things happened, Saotome already had a vague premonition.

Because the message above was the so-called 'don't talk nonsense', at that time, she noticed something.

It's just that she doesn't believe that this kind of thing will really happen in reality.

However, the reality is that it really happened.

Things start to go down, keep going down, and in contrast, there are people who want to dig out the truth no matter what.

At first, she believed in the public.

Then, gradually, something different happened.

It seems that for most people, this incident is just a topic of conversation for them. They don't care how things will develop, they just want to see how it will turn out in the end.

According to hearsay, maybe today he still stands from the perspective of the victim, and tomorrow he will start to accuse the victim of what he deserves when he hears other news.

Just because there is no price to pay for offending others, you can make random comments casually.


'sorry. '

'Feel sorry. '

'no. '

Someone is apologizing, why are they apologizing?

Because they don't want to lose their jobs, and they don't want to speak out for Takahashi. Everyone has their own life, and work is necessary for their own life.

Even if they can be regarded as friends at ordinary times, the relationship may not be so deep.

Especially in the case of a gag order issued by the top, who is willing to speak out for the dead?

And who wants to speak for the dead who can never be seen again, who can't get thanks from her?

With your future and your career ahead, it's time to make a choice.

It's just that for Saotome, the choices made by other people are not the choices she wants to see.

Rationally, understandable.

Emotionally, absolutely unacceptable.

Even with so much focus, even though things are slowly fermenting, they still haven't been able to achieve good results.


Why are those people able to sit firmly in the back? They may still be drinking a little wine in peace and laughing at others' overreaching.


Because they sat in that position, in an unshakable position.


So Takahashi died in vain?

One month after the incident ended, everyone laughed and lived their daily life as if this incident had never happened?

Of course it would, since the dead were not part of their lives.

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