The forest is the place where life lives, surrounded by mountains and rivers, this is where the village is built.

Here, rich food and water can be found, and more abundant materials can expand the village.

However, life has always been in competition with each other, so when human beings are asking for it in the forest, something is also staring at human beings.

Falling from the branch, the soft body straightened instantly.

It was silent, and the people it was staring at did not notice anything.

Mouth open, fangs ready, a ray of light spans the distance before biting the limp neck.

The surprise attack of the poisonous snake was difficult to catch with the naked eye, but that person caught it.


The broken wreckage landed on the hunter's shoulder, and he backed away in shock, before noticing that the poisonous snake that had been broken in two fell to the ground without any blood from the wound.

This is enough to prove who the person who did this is.

"Thank you."

The hunter thanked the wonderful man in the special clothes.

The people in the village still don't know who it is, they only know that the other party seems to be much stronger than them, and they can fight with strange weapons.

Although the language is still difficult, after listening to it a lot, I still know what this sentence means.

So Dagu put away his gun and nodded with a smile, and continued to follow the villagers who were assigned to hunt.

While paying attention to the situation of the villagers, he was also looking around, trying to find some clues.

This is the fifth day here, and he vaguely knew where this place was in disbelief.

When Dagu saw the unfading Pyramid of Light, everything was answered.

This is the past, just as the past things in the space-time vortex were pulled into his own modernity, this time, he arrived at the ancient times, where Tiga was still sleeping in the pyramid.

If that's the case...what's the matter with the darkness I saw before?

Uneasy about this, Dagu followed the hunting team, at least in this way he didn't have to worry about getting lost.

Unfortunately, no clues have been found yet.

Besides that, there is another thing.

'Can I fight? '

As early as the next day, Dagu had already thought about transforming into Tiga to explore.

But when the spark prism was activated along with his will, a strange feeling instantly filled his whole body.

His intuition told him that something unpredictable would happen in the transformation.

This strong feeling made Dagu give up his transformation, even if he wanted to transform, it shouldn't be under such circumstances.

At this moment, the cheers attracted Dagu's attention.

Looking over there, the prey has fallen, and the hunting team has obtained today's ingredients.

So, everyone returned to the village.

Daily life is actually very simple, that is, go out with the hunting team, and then come back, eat and sleep.

In today's era, it seems that there are no candles, and it is basically a direct rest at night.

Soon after, Dagu returned to the village with everyone.

The next step is to process the ingredients. Today is the same as yesterday...not so.

10 minutes, 10 minutes, the atmosphere in the village began to become tense.

Dagu also began to fidget. Even if the language is different, he can still get certain information through observation.

The hunting team that hunted live animals came back, but the other team that went outside the village to collect water and fruits was nowhere to be found.

No one came back, where are they?

It was another 10 minutes, and for a while, the village couldn't sit still.

The villagers summoned by the village chief obeyed the village chief's distribution and formed troops to search outside.

Da Gu was also among them, but he joined on his own initiative.

I just went out again not long after I came back from the outside. In the vast forest, even these people probably are not enough.

The moment he entered the forest, Dagu felt a pull.


He subconsciously counterattacked, and the turned elbow was only a short miss.

What appeared in his eyes was a woman who was somewhat familiar to Dagu.

"You are......"

People who are in the village from time to time and not most of the time.

Women are very clear about the language barrier between the two parties.

So, she poured out the water in the container, wet the soil under her feet, and then drew patterns with the branches she didn't know where she got.

Streams, fruit trees, people.

The meaning is very clear, referring to the missing villagers.

However, the picture is not over yet. Behind the fruit tree, what is drawn is a...humanoid monster?


Dagu frowned tightly, and soon, the woman began to draw new pictures.

A humanoid monster is carrying a man, and in front of it is a cave.

In other words, the missing villagers were taken away.

"Why do you know this?"

Dagu asked subconsciously, but if he didn't understand, he just couldn't understand.

The woman tossed the branch, pointed to herself with her right hand, then turned and headed in one direction.

She took two steps, then turned her head and stared at Dagu.

"I see."

Dagu nodded immediately, in short, he just followed her, right?

Seeing the young man following her, the woman nodded in satisfaction.

She has been tracking down the 'darkness', so she came to this village.

Then, I saw the 'Giant of Light' and the 'Monster'

At this moment, she was certain of something.

It just so happened that today she was investigating the incident and saw the man in the black robe abducting the villagers.

After quietly following her, she took note of the other party's location and returned to the village, waiting for the moment when Dagu took action.

Because there is no way to defeat the enemy by relying on her alone, just by seeing the 'darkness'.

This 'darkness' is abnormal, anyone who sees it can immediately understand it, and Dagu is no exception.

When the woman in front of him stopped waving, he stepped forward and saw the cave.

The green grass that should have existed turned into barren land, and the light around the cave was distorted, as if the surrounding brightness was sucked into it.

Even without vision, Dagu could instinctively feel something was wrong, it was the light in his body telling something.

"Is it in there?"

He whispered a word, and slid down the slope without waiting for the woman to stop him.

'The sooner the better. '

He didn't know anything about the interior, but Dagu took out wonderful props.

"Is that a sword?"

The woman looked at the golden hilt suspiciously, and the center of the sword grid unfolded, revealing a white crystal.

The next moment, the light appeared.

The originally handsome young man disappeared, and what was advancing there was a 'giant' about the size of a human being.

Without hesitation or fear, he walked straight into the dark cave.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Great Demon God, this is my sacrifice to you!"

The man in the robe had a fanatical tone, and behind him, the women who were only in charge of collecting around the village cuddled up to each other.

The body temperature of each other made them feel a little warmer, but the surrounding cold still took away their body temperature.

They didn't know what the weird existence in front of them was talking about, they just stared at each other in fear.

Immediately afterwards, a spot of light appeared in the pitch-black darkness.


The man turned his head, the white oval like eyes in front of the hood of his robe only made people feel weird.

"Be joyful, your lives will be dedicated to the Dark Demon God, and the Dark Demon God will awaken the ancient darkness. At that time, the world without disputes will be completed!"

He raised the scepter in his right hand and poked it on the ground.

In an instant, all the villagers present were surrounded by a scarlet ring, and strange characters were engraved on the ring.

If the Horii members of the victory team were here, they would definitely stare wide-eyed.

Because of these characters, he has done some research, which belong to super ancient characters.

Red light blanketed the cave, and the villagers could see each other.

However, in their eyes, their faces are covered with red light, which complements the surrounding darkness, making them look extremely strange.

The sense of fear swelled instantly, and it seemed that there was no one who could be trusted.

The cold is not only outside the body, but even penetrates into the body.

Their lives are slowly passing by, and it won't be long before they are noticed.

Fear, cold, despair, will form a strong resentment after death, and this resentment will be absorbed as energy.

The man watched with satisfaction and waited.

Soon, very soon——

For a split second, a conflict of intransigence is felt.


Light, strong light stepped into the darkness and drove the darkness away with it.

The man subconsciously turned his body away, and the blue and white crescent-shaped light arrow tore off the hood covering his face, and smashed together with the altar behind him.

"Leave quickly!"

Before the villagers understood what happened, they heard that unfamiliar voice ringing in their hearts.

The spiritual dialogue crossed the language barrier, and the darkness that originally permeated the interior of the cave was dispelled by the appearance of one person.

The sunlight from the outside penetrated, and behind Tiga, there was a clear road.

"Quick, quick!"

Pulling each other, the villagers ran towards the outside world.

Over them, Tija stared at the man covering his cheek.

In his eyes, it was a mass of darkness, and at the same time, this mass of darkness had a human face.

"Who the hell are you! Why did you kidnap the villagers!"


Did not answer the question, just said the term.

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