There is no machine, but energy is used to amplify energy. How is this done?

It is completely different from the technology currently known in Baltan.

"Could it be something left by a civilization in the past?"

Some people speculate that this is not a rare thing, and there are countless things like the machinery they left behind after the destruction of civilizations.

Investigation, research, non-stop.

A machine Galatron was locked in the research room, allowing others to conduct research.

This is also the only Galatron discovered so far.

Where did it come from and why does it exist?

Some people are investigating this, but more people, or ordinary people in this universe, don't know that there is such a thing.

So they are still living their own lives, people who go to work, people who teach, people who are mercenaries, people who take risks.

Different people travel through the vast universe, and it is only natural for someone to disappear occasionally.

On the beach, the wreckage of the spaceship was scattered all over the place.

On this primitive planet, small animals run around. One of the small animals ran forward, and the tree fruit it held fell on the ground and rolled out, and finally hit a large white 'rock' stop.

Picking up the fruit, there is no sense of crisis about where you are, and the animal tastes the fruit happily.

And on one side, the huge 'rock' is a different color and is more of a 'hill' than a 'rock'

In the middle of this hill, is a red 'jewel'

A figure can be vaguely seen inside, this person is doing... a dream?

The large-scale migration of the Kerubim population has been observed, so it is natural for a scholar to investigate.

According to the route and traces, the scholar came to this planet that did not encounter any natural disasters. In this case, the migration of the monster population is abnormal.

It's just that the spacecraft was shot down before he could make a report or return to the voyage.

The ground is shaking.

The animal that was still in the normal fruit last second was startled and ran away quickly.

At this time, there are new existences on the beach.

Another 'hill' exactly the same as the white 'hill' fell, it moved, scanned the surrounding environment, and also noticed its 'same model'

Data is transmitted instantly, and the brains of curious scholars are filled with information.

One piece of information that makes them impossible to ignore is that...



Two nouns are firmly recorded in the data stream.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

had a dream...

"Is it really a dream? Or is it actually Dad, your soul talking to me?"

The green grass, under the starry sky tree, is exactly the same as the last dream, where Asuka saw his father, and Asuka got away.

The two looked at each other, without any movement, Asuka walked under the tree and stood side by side with his father.

"It's different this time. I won't say anything like I don't want to fight."

His mood became lighter, but he couldn't really say that.

"Xin, if you want to save people, you must first know that you can't save people."

There was a contradiction in Kazuma's words.


Asuka also heard this.

"You have to accept the fact that you can't save everyone first, so that you won't be crushed by the reality in front of you. Everything may not have a perfect choice, such as the monster thing."

Kazuma understands exactly why his son is troubled, but because the two parties are in a strange state, he can't just appear casually.

"Monsters stand on the opposite side of humans. If you want to protect humans, you have to fight monsters that show malice. This malice may be born with you, or it may be because of the competition for survival. What you have to do is bear This malice, and overcome the opponent."

This is the responsibility of Ultraman, and it is also something that should be recognized as a "life taker".

"You are not a judge, nor are you some high-ranking god. If the world is a chessboard, you are just one of the bigger chess pieces, an actor on the stage."

Kazuma's words were completely listened to by Asuka, because no matter how much he complained about his father who disappeared without authorization, the other party was still the hero he admired when he was a child.

"Don't put yourself in a high position, because after all, you are the same as everyone else, facing one thing after another to make your own choices, choices, and bear the consequences. This is life. The consequences may be good or may be It's bad, accept it."


Listening to his father's words, Asuka remained silent.

Afraid to choose, having to choose, and finally making a choice.

So the next thing to do... is to live with that result.

"Life is a battle, and the real battle begins now."

Asuka gave a thumbs up.

Hesitation, pain, sadness, these are all normal.

Even if you become an Ultraman, there is still no difference.

He is deeply aware of this, and the answers to many things still haven't become clear.

But this is life, and life is a process of constantly encountering problems and solving them.

"Come on, Xin."

Kazuma gave a gentle smile, and then...

"Wait, are you going to fall again this time?!"

Asuka noticed that the surrounding green grass began to shrink and disappear.

As if hearing his complaints, the whole world turned upside down.

"It's still falling even if it falls———"

Is it up or down?

In short, the bird disappeared into a starry sky.

Standing here, Kazuma put away his smile, his eyes were a little far-reaching.

"After all, I can't stay with you all the time."

This sentence, only he himself can hear.

In order not to affect Asuka's own will, Kazuki closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep again where he didn't know when he would wake up, or he would never wake up.

In contrast, Asuka who suddenly opened his eyes saw a familiar face.

"Wow, I was taken aback."

It was Mai who was startled by his sudden eye opening.

"Why do you always pass out after the mission is over?"

This is a good way to complain about him.

Asuka looked around, it was a very familiar place.

"By the way, why am I in the infirmary again?"

He raised his head, it was the familiar ceiling.

"So you have this self-awareness."

Kariya couldn't hold back for a moment, and laughed out loud.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The crisis is over, and life is back on Earth... except for the city that was spread for several blocks by the fall of Kerubim.

Once monsters appear in the city, it must be accompanied by a long or short, most of the time long restoration work.

In addition, for people, this time, although it seems to be very difficult to execute, it is actually a refuge with a lot of wind and rain.

Because it is true that no ordinary person died because of this crisis.

Well, only normal people.

Fighting must be accompanied by risks, and it is only natural that someone dies because of it.

Conferment of military ranks, commemoration, burial of clothing, and no bodies of TPC soldiers killed by Kerubim remained.

Today, a new monument was put down again.

Yet none of those present wanted to see the new monument, especially one that was essentially a 'comfort for the dead'

Asuka was dressed in black, staring at the scenery ahead.

No matter who it is, it is impossible to laugh in such a place.

There are reports of people who sacrificed, but there is no witness or experience. Everyone knows these things, but they lack real feelings.

In order to evoke that sense of reality, someone is also writing a press release.

In the spacious apartment, Arisukawa bit his nails carelessly.

She didn't know how to describe it until Kirisaki said something like this:

"Soldiers are like this. Just like the guardrails on both sides of the bridge, everyone takes it for granted. But when the guardrails disappear, will anyone dare to walk on the bridge? You can usually forget about it, and it must exist."

This is the soldiers, if there is no their existence, will your peaceful existence continue forever?

"As expected of a person who has lived for more than 1 years, he speaks differently..."

Arisukawa looked at the young man casually leaning on the sofa with a bag in his left hand and potato chips in his right hand in surprise.

Kirisaki shrugged, feeling nothing special about the compliment.

What he described were only TPC soldiers, not those "soldiers" who acted as "minions"

After all, those people might as well be well-armed bandits.

It has been five days since the invasion of the Kerubim population, and the things that should be dealt with should also be dealt with.

As for people returning to their daily routines... Anyway, that's what happened.

Hearing about it and experiencing it in person are two different things. This is the same no matter which planet you are on. Ordinary people can’t be asked to go to the battlefield in person, right?

"Having said that, are you sure anyone would read a press release like this?"

While shaking the bag of potato chips, Kirisaki asked Arisukawa who was working.

He has also spent a lot of time on the earth, and he has some understanding of the situation on this planet.

True to his name, curiosity drives him to know, and to learn all kinds of things.

In this era, a certain kind of "entertainment" atmosphere is spread too much, and everything is regarded as something that can be ridiculed and ridiculed, and there is also an inexplicable hostility. Everyone denies and attacks each other.

"Even if someone reads your press release, what should they do after touching themselves? Maybe after an hour or two, they will forget about these things."

Human memory is unbelievably poor for Kirisaki. To put it bluntly, if you don’t learn from it, you won’t have a long memory, and if you learn from it, you may not have a long memory. It’s just...

Has it really evolved completely?

It makes one want to ask this question.

Arisugawa blinked at Kirisaki's words of 'giving up'.

'Is this testing me? '

She really didn't think 'Empat' who never gave up no matter what desperate situation he encountered would say such a thing.

"Even if there are only dozens or hundreds of people who have seen it, as long as there is resonance, it can be considered a success, right?"

Arisukawa didn't know how to answer specifically, she hadn't really thought about these things much.

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