'Obviously, I never felt that way when I was fighting monsters. '

When fighting monsters, the most serious thing is the fear of death, and other than that, it is just the fear of not being able to protect others because of defeat.

The solution is very simple, that is to defeat the monster, after defeating it, the matter is over.

But this time, it was different.

He knew it was abnormal, but he couldn't do anything about it.

'The darkness hidden in the human heart is more terrifying than monsters. '


Asuka turned his head suddenly, and there was no blue Ultraman beside him, but it seemed that someone was whispering in his ear just now.


The two people in the combat command room were thinking about their own affairs, and soon, they were freed from redundant emotions and focused on the task of staying behind.

A short-term desertion without accident can be regarded as within the acceptable range, and what is even higher is dereliction of duty.

The movie star they mentioned before was named Hideichiro Tanaka.

Regardless of his real name or stage name, his affairs were ignored because of the follow-up events triggered by Takahashi Kaede's death.

For Tanaka Shuichiro, this is a good thing.

"It's a good thing."

The city he is active in is Sapporo, and inside the high-rise buildings, the top management of the company is spurring him.

"Thanks to the fact that a new shield came out to attract attention, your matter has not been bitten."

It refers, of course, to domestic violence.

For the company, it doesn't matter what the situation on the woman's side is.

What matters is that the man who is a movie star is a cash cow.

"So how is your matter handled? Didn't you ask you to get the woman's understanding as soon as possible? The key is here. As long as the two parties reconcile, no matter how the outside world plans to operate through this matter, it will be useless."

As a result, it dragged on for so long, and I had to issue an apology statement, but I still didn't get a letter of understanding or other things that could prove the reconciliation.

Facing the urging of the company's upper management, Tanaka's face showed an irritable expression, which was not at all similar to the gentle expression in the photo.

"I'm working hard, but don't tell me to go to see Sha... I can't even get in the door after seeing her. Her family background is not bad, and she doesn't lack that little money. I don't know now. How can this be done.”

He described the situation he was facing and how difficult it was for the other person to understand him.

It's a pity that the upper echelons don't want to understand, and they don't bother to understand.

"That's your problem. If you don't solve this matter properly, just watch it. People I know told me that you have been targeted by feminist organizations. What's more important is that they have enough motivation to attack you. "

After one wave was not settled, another wave rose again, and the pressure again made Tanaka even more irritable.

"Then what can I do, do you want me to kneel in front of someone else's door?"

"If you can get forgiven by kneeling, then what's the matter if you kneel?"


After that, the attitude of the upper management was very tough. When Tanaka left, the upper management rubbed his aching eyes.

There are only two results in this matter. The first result is that there is no reconciliation at all, and Tanaka gets out. The second result is that the reconciliation is completed. Although Tanaka has black spots, it is not fatal.

There is no other answer. What happened to Takahashi Feng turned the entire entertainment circle upside down. I don't know how many people are staring at this place.

Especially those reporters, these reporters have no position to speak of, and they have worked well before, so they can be used.

However, now these reporters have all become enemies, and they can't wait to stab the entertainment industry again, like hounds looking for blood.


She is already a fiancée and can do this kind of thing. The upper echelon who is still a normal person really can't understand the brain circuit of this movie star under his banner.

The other party also said just now that the woman's family is not short of money. In other words, the woman is not the kind of money-digger who seeks his money.

Since this is the case, how can it be so troublesome?

It was inexplicable.

Of course, the upper echelons were not worried at all about whether Tanaka would kneel down.

As long as he still intends to hang out, he will definitely go back and kneel down, and his manager and operation team will sort out the situation for him.

As a movie star, you can make a lot of money.

From extravagance to frugality, can he do it?

If you can't do it, kneel obediently, and pray that the woman will forgive him.

It's that simple.

"Ah... it's making me burnt out."

The upper layer picked up the water glass on the table, leaned on the seat and spun around.

The back of the office on the 35th floor is glass that can only be seen from the inside to the outside. Sapporo shrouded in night is beautiful.

However, the most beautiful is really that time.

"I don't know if there will be Empat's ice sculptures this year."

The 53-meter translucent ice sculpture comes to life with precise lighting.

Stars, moon, white clouds.

When the lights are brightly lit, few people will raise their heads to see what the night is like tonight.

When the white cloud was pushed away by the wind, the moonlight passed through the window and sprinkled in the room.

"How is Saya?"

Four bedrooms and two living rooms, the spacious home is a couple.

Their beloved only daughter was alone in the room at this time.

Facing his wife's question, the husband sighed.

"It's okay, I'm asleep."

When the word 'sleep' appeared in my husband's brain, his body trembled uncontrollably.

Because he still remembers what happened in the afternoon:

When I got home, I found that my daughter was missing. I instinctively realized that something was wrong, and spent a lot of time looking for it. Finally, I found her on the street that my daughter liked when she was not an adult.

However, slow.

The only thing that came into my eyes was the falling figure.

A sense of desperation welled up, no matter how much he surpassed ordinary people, it was impossible for him to cross a distance of nearly a thousand meters to save his daughter.

The one who drove away the despair was Dyna who suddenly appeared and rescued Saya.

After that, although she didn't know what they talked about, Saya's mood became much more stable.

What happened in the afternoon, the man dared not tell his wife.

"I said a long time ago that everything can't go according to that Tanaka."

His wife's words instantly pulled the man out of his memories, and his face became serious.

"We don't want to mention that man in front of Sha Ye in the future. From now on, we will treat it as if this man has never appeared before. Spend a while and relax with Sha Ye. After a long time, the pain will always be relieved."


The woman nodded to her husband's advice, and then looked at the closed door.

The daughter of the two has been having nightmares recently, and when she wakes up the next morning, she will know it just by looking at her expression.

The man also looked along the line of sight, and then, an uncontrollable sense of anger rose from the bottom of his heart again.

Can anyone see their family members hurt like this and not be outraged?

'Daughter almost lost her life'

The resulting fear turned into anger towards that man again.

'I don't care if you're a movie star or something...'

All he wanted to do now was to arrest that man and beat him up, nothing else.

At this time, the person concerned by many people, Hideichiro Tanaka, was walking into his studio.

His expression was very gloomy, and the manager was constantly analyzing the pros and cons for him.

He was listening and thinking, thinking about why that woman suddenly treated him so fiercely.

That woman who had no opinion but only wanted to be with him had caused him such terrible trouble.

'Sha Ye, you...'

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The morning sun has not yet penetrated into the living room, and the clear sky is only white clouds drifting across. The weather is fine, without rain or high temperature.

After washing up, I looked at myself in the mirror, and the redness in my eyes was much less than before.

Hang up the clean towel again, and the woman walked out of the bathroom.

"Sha Ye, your complexion looks much better today than before."

He had just arrived in the living room when he heard his mother's greeting. On the table were relatively bland wontons.

Women should take good care of their bodies after going through such things, so this mother decided to take care of her at home temporarily for her daughter.

"Slept well last night."

There was a weak smile on Sha Ye's face, and her mother felt a little relieved about it.

At least I didn't hear sleep talk mixed with screams last night.

It was precisely because of this that the mother was curious.

No matter what she said, she has been with her husband and daughter for more than 20 years, and she can't hide any secrets between the two of them.

"Then I'll start."

A pre-meal remark interrupted her thinking, and then, her daughter was eating breakfast well.

"good to eat."

Saya blinked, was it because she didn't eat well recently?

Even the wontons are so delicious.

"Then make it for you tomorrow."

Mother said with a smile.


Saying no more, Sha Ye concentrated on breakfast.

I saw him yesterday, my father had a mixed face of anxiety and worry.

No matter what the other person says, he still loves you.

Saya's family is very normal, so this is a matter of course.

What should I do next?

She still couldn't understand this point.

But at least he won't casually run to commit suicide anymore, because there are still people who care about him.

Feeling a little relaxed, Saya did what she usually does.

She turned on her mobile phone during the meal, only then did she realize that there were a lot of information in it.

Open them one by one, and write down the words of concern from friends who are still in touch after graduation, juniors from the school, and teachers who had a good relationship with them in college.

There are many people who care about her.


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