"There is no news related to TPC, and there is no news related to Ultraman."

Asuka touched his chin, showing a little lack of interest.

Seeing him like this, Koda couldn't help laughing.

"Isn't it good to have no news? This means that the world is still quite peaceful."

Without monsters, there is no need for TPC and Ultraman.

"It's true that you say so."

With his hands behind his head, Asuka is looking forward to it after careful consideration. Maybe there will be a world without Ultraman in the future, just like the ten years after Empat and Tiga defeated the evil god, it is really peaceful.

If Asuka used to think about fighting monsters to prove his strength, now he doesn't have that idea at all.

Because the appearance of a monster represents the passing of life, whether it is its or human beings.

Compared with life, his desire for expression is insignificant.

The vehicle is driving leisurely on the street, heading towards the destination.

And at this moment, an exception appeared.

"Koda, put on the brakes!"

Asuka's eyes widened, his excellent vision and responsiveness allowed him to immediately notice the person rushing forward.

"This person?!"

Although Koda was a bit late, he also reacted.

He slammed on the brakes, and the girl who suddenly rushed out of the road in front seemed to be frightened by the lights of the vehicle.

Half a second later, the girl who fell on the ground was panting, and the car was only two or three centimeters away from her.

The two people in the car looked at each other and quickly left the car.

"Are you OK!"

"Are you OK!"

Two voices, the same words sounded at the same time, mixed together.

Asuka raised his head, and running over there was a young man in a police uniform.

"and many more!"

The girl just wanted to get up and run away, Koda, who noticed that something was wrong, blocked the girl's way first.

'what is the problem? '

Asuka, who was completely bewildered, was puzzled.

Five minutes later, Koda and Asuka, who temporarily parked their vehicles in a nearby roadside parking space, understood the situation with the police.

This girl is not some lost lost child, but... someone who has committed a crime.

"Did she steal something?"

Asuka looked suspiciously at the restrained girl over there, from the outside, just by the uniform, she could tell that she was still in school.


The young policeman in charge shook his head, and he sighed.

"We caught her outside the Internet cafe because she was involved in cyberbullying incidents."

I guess I thought that I don’t have to worry about surfing the Internet in another place, and the police won’t be able to catch me. I’m so naive.

"Internet violence?"

Koda frowned, this is not a trivial matter.

The flood of malice kills people, such a young child...

"Well, in short, I don't know the specific situation, but in short, we have caught 57 people in Tokyo, Osaka, Sapporo, and Yokohama. Most of them are women, and they seem to be fans of a certain movie star."

That is the so-called groupies, right?

"There were many such incidents in the past, but I didn't expect there to be more in this era."

Koda shook his head helplessly, and Asuka who heard what he said looked at him suspiciously.

"do you know?"

Asuka, who has no interest in such things, wants to get an answer, and the young policeman also looks at Koda.

Noticing the curiosity of the two, Koda, who actually didn't really want to recall that time, could only tell what happened back then.

That was when the regulation of the Internet had not yet begun.

Celebrities are really exaggerated, and their fans also have extremists.

There is nothing wrong with using this word to describe it. I worship my favorite idols as gods, feel that they are perfect, and do not allow anyone to say bad things.

People who are targeted by these people will encounter all kinds of online violence, which is not limited to abuse and exposure of privacy.

For the former, can you imagine someone harassing you 24 hours a day?

For the latter, there will indeed be lunatics who will come to the door, and then it will lead to irreversible tragedies. What's more, most of them don't want their information to be known by strangers, which is a serious security risk.

After the Empat incident, the Internet supervision fell into a rock. At that time, the police station really couldn't pretend to be enough, and they had to arrest them in batches.

After such a strict crackdown for a period of time, no one dared to do this kind of thing again.

That's why Koda feels uncomfortable that such incidents are still happening today.

"After all, he is a child."

The young policeman sighed. As a member of the network supervisor, he has seen these young children fearless more than once, but they were used as gunmen by people with ulterior motives.

"Anyway, we will educate her well, and I will cause you trouble."

He saluted and turned to leave, not recognizing the two men in civilian clothes as members of the Super Victory team.

"Then let's go too."


After Asuka responded to Koda, he took another look at the girl who lowered her head.

"To do this for a so-called idol..."

Suddenly, he recalled the movie star Mai said at the beginning, a personality cult or something.

'It's not the same, is it? '

He murmured in his heart, at this moment, he heard such a sentence beyond the hearing of ordinary people.

"Kageyama Sayo, that stinky woman..."

The girl gritted her teeth and scolded such words.


Asuka turned around suddenly, he knew the name 'Sha Ye'.

Chapter 110 The Opened Passage

If it hadn't been reported by a newspaper reporter, Tanaka wouldn't even know what happened.

He was woken up by his agent's phone call the next day and found out that something had happened.

Things that were gradually calming down began to heat up again, and he wanted to curse people.

To put it bluntly, I was angry, but after that, I calmed down again.

If you rely on fans to eat, you must be responsible for the behavior of fans.

That's all, things are very simple.


"no problem."

Tanaka responded to the photographer's question and got ready.

So the shooting started directly, and what he had to do was very simple, that is...

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The day's plan is in the morning, even if the night passes, Mr. Kageyama's mood is not much better.

According to the news sent by the police, the police had already dealt with the incident last night.

It is said that many of the people who do these things are underage girls, and maybe they don't even know the laws about the Internet.

Should I say that I let out a bad breath?

Or is there still some kind of inexplicable depression left in the heart?

He hung up the clean towel and walked into the living room. Although he pinched his private mobile phone, his public mobile phone was still intact.

Turn it on, and open Twitter to browse.

Shuichiro Tanaka, released a new video.

This is the first activity after such a long period of silence.

Mr. Kageyama turned on the video, and heard what the other party said:

"Various things have happened recently. First of all, I want to apologize for what I did, which caused trouble for many people."

He bowed and apologized on the screen.

"Then, I would like to thank all the fans for supporting me all the time, but I think you should cherish yourself more, and don't take irrational actions for my affairs, so no matter it is bad for anyone, I am very grateful for your kindness. At the same time, I still want to ask you to cherish yourselves more.”

The words are not over yet, and there are still a few seconds before the end of the short video, what kind of words will you say?

"In the end, I'm really sorry for the people who got hurt because of this, although I can't replace my fans, but I apologize, I'm sorry."

Apologize again, apologize again, so the video ends like this.

What is the meaning of this video?

On the surface, it's a sincere apology, an apology for what the fans did.

It's only on the surface.

Mr. Kageyama is also getting old, no matter what, he is a person who has children.

Therefore, it is easy to see the hidden meaning. Hideichiro Tanaka just like his "character design" takes fans' matters on him, which will make his fans appreciate him more.

In other words, this is just another show like his profession.

Actors need fans, so naturally they can't speak against the fans. This is very risky, and if they are not careful, their careers will be involved.

This is a matter of course, and it is also easy to understand.

No matter how disgusted Tanaka Hideichiro is, the knocked out teeth have to be swallowed in his stomach.

However, this is nothing more than dispassionate rationality from God's perspective.

As a person who participated in it, Mr. Kageyama only felt disgusted, extremely disgusted.

Show, show, all show.

Originally, I even thought that maybe the other party was sincerely repenting, but it turned out to be a show.

So, where is the truth about this man?

Even when he was with his daughter at the beginning, maybe he relied on putting on a show, and finally exposed his ugliness?

Disgustingly hypocritical.

However, those fans who put on the fan filter can't see anything, only a standing up avatar.

Relying on this 'personal design'

Hideichiro Tanaka will probably live a healthy life in the future.

The world talks about equality between men and women, but it is a pity that the concepts that have been passed down for thousands of years cannot be changed so easily.

No matter how chaotic a man was in the past, a prodigal son can be cleansed and live a good life.

If a woman was chaotic in the past, even if she changed her mind, she still had to face criticism.

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