This weapon is no joke.

Without the approval of the above, even the staff of Gondo would not dare to make it casually, not to mention, where were these mines made?Where did the material come from?

The middle who can be counted as the upper echelon of the doves knows nothing about it.

In other words, the TPC has been completely controlled by the hawks, and even has the support of countries all over the world.

This is also a matter of course, think about what a monster is.

From ten years ago to now, they have hardly brought any benefits to human beings, and that kind of power, the weak ones can be dealt with by modern weapons, and the strong ones are enough to destroy all life on the earth.

Before the crisis of extinction, no one will cheerfully say that there is no need to worry.

Essentially, it was the crisis that made the TPC what it is today.


Dagu spoke, but his words paused.

"I believe that humans are not such stupid existences."

Having power, why do you need to have power, as long as you don't forget this, it will definitely not lead to tragedy.

"I also believe... no, I should want to believe it."

Unlike the more optimistic Dagu, the intermediary working in the Ministry of Information is not so easy to draw conclusions.

What's more, isn't the disbandment of the victorious team the hawks' blow to the doves?

What will the future TPC look like?

The two pondered this.

What will the future TPC look like?

Someone else was thinking about it too.

"The new battleship Prometheus... good, good."

Staff Gondo is not worried about the funding issue. The previous attack by the Kerubim population caused countries to spend more military expenditures on the TPC.

This is what he wants, and it has come to the present, and human beings still have to rely on external forces, that is, Ultraman to protect him, which makes him feel sad.

This can’t be the case. When Ultraman falls, human beings will perish. He absolutely doesn’t want to see such a scene, so he keeps operating the Hawk Faction and has achieved outstanding results.

At present, human military power is still too weak.

For a single monster, several monsters can barely handle it. I thought that in a place like the universe where there is no need to worry about environmental damage, it can exert [-]% of its power, but the result...

Like Gatanjeh ten years ago, TPC cannot handle more than a hundred monsters.

So, get stronger.

Let Masaki continue to study the matter of Ultraman, and now he has to work hard on the development of various new weapons.


Gonto frowned.

"I didn't expect the Kulakhu to be so fragile. Although it was a trick, but..."

The Kulakhu, which was raided by Kerubim at the beginning, suddenly appeared in the wilderness of Mars. Human beings were about to lose their strongest weapon at present, but this time it was thanks to Ultraman again.

'If you can master that power...'

Staff officer Quandou had such thoughts more than once, this is not the first time, and it will definitely not be the last time.

There is another person who also raised this idea.

Zheng Mu stared at the mirror used for grooming in the public toilet. The person inside had an obvious haggard face.


All are failures, no matter how many experiments are carried out, no matter how many methods are changed, there will always be only one result.

Tyranoid was motionless.

Frustration, unwillingness, irritability, all kinds of emotions mixed together in the heart, turning into dark emotions.

'Asuka letter...'

That young man became Dyna.

'Yuan Dagu, Nangong Lan. '

Those two were Tiga and Empat.

Because just so, because of coincidence, they inherited the power of light.


Splashing cold water on his face, Masaki tried his best to calm down his brain. It seemed that his body temperature had risen a little because of the turbulent emotions.

'Don't think about it, Masaki, are you such a lowly person? '

How stupid and despicable to be jealous of others and then hate others.

He poured cold water on his face continuously, and the sound of running water kept flowing.

In this Mars base, people are busy with their own affairs.

Unlike other people with complex minds, the captain of the Black Storm team, Saeki Rika, is just a simple soldier.

She was looking at the Kulakhu parked in the hangar. This was not maintenance, but maintenance.


Saying that name in a low voice, a wonderful emotion welled up in my heart.

The guardian of human beings, that should not give birth to a sense of peace of mind.

'Unbelievable existence. '

A hero who has good intentions and exists in reality.

110 Chapter [-]

June, which is the last month of the first half of the year, also symbolizes the arrival of summer.

Neither can the clouds block the hot rays, or the thin long sleeves you wear to prevent sunburn, or the short sleeves you put on because you don't care.

People began to look forward to rain during this period, hoping to feel the coolness and wind.

It's really not the same as the wetness in the spring period. Different seasons expect different things, and different times may also produce different ideas.

At the same time, this month also proved a point.

That is......

"Before you know it, it's almost a semester."

Unii floated beside Nangong. In fact, she was fishing for half of this semester, and it was the person next to her who was doing the teaching task.

In fact, she didn't feel very happy about it.

If it's a vacation where you can do whatever you like, of course, it's welcome with hands up.

It's a pity that's not the case, just as a spectator, chatting as a ghost.

But occasionally I can come out and wander around.

For example now.

Nangong held the doorknob with his right hand and pushed it. The moment they entered the classroom, the two completed the switch.

"So, today's class begins."

The tone, the look, are completely different.

"Today is different."

There are students whispering under the podium. Everyone is not a fool. Of course, we can see that there is something abnormal about this teacher.

If I really want to say, the split personality is actually by my side.

Of course, in fact, everyone has a joking attitude. After all, the personality of the teacher is not very important.

The important thing is whether we can chat together and whether the class is interesting.

The world history and the small knowledge of various countries in the classroom are quite interesting to the students, and the interest is limited to the classroom.

After class, homework assignments, I began to feel uninterested.

Teaching in the classroom is already a familiar thing for Uniqlo. If you do one thing dozens or hundreds of times, no matter who you are, you will become proficient.

The classroom is located on the fourth floor, and there is no sunlight coming in from the window, because there are green trees covering the window at this location.

On the branch, the bird with its head tilted shakes its wings from time to time, not knowing whether it is watching the excitement or doing something.

With the hot wind blowing, it spread its wings and leaped out of the branches, soaring towards other places.

The wind and the clouds go hand in hand, and the white clouds cast their shadows on the earth.

People who had to go out for various reasons on this day breathed a sigh of relief and walked as long as possible in the shadows.

A white cloud leaves, another white cloud comes again, blue and white are reflected on the floodlit glass windows.

Shadows always change with the environment, or the position of the sun, or the size of a cloud.

How to block this strong light?

On the street, Kirisaki, who was holding a plastic cup in his right hand, put the straw on the top into his mouth, and comfortably sucked on the irritating soda.

He was not shaken by this stimulation at all, and enjoyed this special feeling wholeheartedly.

On his face, the raised left hand pushed the sunglasses, and leisurely gazed at the scenery over there.

Scores of shops are connected into one piece, with clothing, catering, electrical appliances, and a dazzling array of displays.

In such a shopping street, Arisukawa put the recording device back into his pocket with his right hand, then picked up the camera, and took pictures of this somewhat dirty street one after another.

It has nothing to do with the previous scandal or exposure.

After the entertainment circle, there are ordinary environmental problems in the streets.

"Obviously taking money, but not fulfilling the responsibilities that they should perform, there are really people like this no matter where you are."

Arisukawa took photos of the sanitation problems on the street that should have been dealt with by the office of the shopping street. Now relying on the spontaneous cleaning of the shopkeepers is still tolerable. What will happen next?

This is about to enter summer, if all kinds of garbage pile up together in summer...

"This is intolerable."

She also took a stroll while visiting. There are still many good shops in this street that she has never been to before.

At this moment, after finishing his soda, Kirisaki accurately threw the plastic cup into the almost full trash can, and walked towards Arisugawa.

"Just filming this stuff doesn't make big news."

What he said is true.

Everything in this world can essentially be measured from different angles, and news is no exception.

How can the mess of a street be more eye-catching and popular than the scandal of a certain star?

"I'm not interested in big news. Compared with that kind of thing, I want to see how the streets will be rearranged after this incident is exposed."

Arisukawa thought so, and there was only one reason for her to think this way.

"It's good to have money."

Kirisaki had never seen this young girl short of money, whatever her background was, as long as she knew it.

Why are other journalists constantly looking for big stories?In order to get more bonuses.

This is something that human society cannot avoid - money.

Kirisaki's exclamation made Arisugawa show an uncomfortable expression, and she recalled what happened before.

"Why do I think there is something in your words?"

As if mocking her.

"That's not true. I'm just thinking about what human beings will pursue once they don't have to worry about food and drink, money and wine."

Mental pleasure?

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