In the mirror world, the earth is still the earth.

It's just that it is the innermost and the most center of the earth, that is, the earth's core.

Millions of atmospheric pressure lock Sai Gang firmly. If it was in the real world, Dyna would not dare to take the risk of destroying the earth if he was not careful, but if it is here, it will be different.

Even Sai Gang couldn't mess around under such terrible pressure.

Unfortunately, this world is the world it created.

Dyna failed to continue to do something, and the whole different space began to collapse.

In the endless darkness, white glowing fragments fell layer by layer, like rain.

The surrounding gravity disappeared, and the two present went up and down.

The spread of the wings is the signal for a collision, and then...

These fragments reflect different scenery, but it is always those two existences that make up the scenery.

The aftermath of the collision wiped out the debris around them, disappearing whenever the two were clearly reflected.

Finally, after unknown number of collisions, the world came to an end.

At this moment in Sapporo, the police, fire brigade, and TPC city branch all took action.

"hurry up!"

The vehicle was propped up with tools, and the rescue team carefully took out the painful wounded below.

The appearance of the evil Bogaru symbolizes terrible disasters.

The person being picked up falls and hits. The human body is a very fragile thing, and a slight mistake in posture may cause injury.

What's more, it's not just humans who are pulled up.

A small rock fast enough can transform into a 'stone bullet'

So what would a ton-heavy vehicle look like if it went fast enough?

From the ruins, it wasn't just the comatose car owner who was carried out, the guests behind the wall, and the shop owner fell to the ground without knowing what happened.

"What the hell is..."

Helping the wounded out, Liang glanced at the hardest-hit area. She only escaped unharmed because there happened to be a wall next to her.

What exactly is causing this situation?

What exactly are monsters?

Flame, lightning, even trampling, she can understand all these, but this time it's completely different, it's 'inhalation'

Looking up, above this piece of sky, I don't know what it has become.


It didn't exist in the last second, but I don't know how to appear in this second.

Dyna's legs stepped on the ground, pulling a deep ravine.

He moved his arms forward, and immediately after, Sai Gang who appeared together hit his palms, and the vibration and strong wind knocked the nearby people to the ground.

200 meters, 500 meters, still advancing non-stop, Dyna resisted the attack tenaciously, and finally stopped in front of an office building.

In his ears, there was the sound of terrified mourning.

"OK...look around!"

The voice was almost squeezed out, resisting the attack in a miraculous state, Dyna could hardly tell any strength to speak.

"Are you really going to hurt other innocent people for personal reasons?"

He knew that Kageyama could hear because he had discovered one thing, that Kageyama existed in Saigon's body, and he saw it.

If there are humans among the monsters, can Ultraman still fight?

Smart approach.

"If you don't get in my way..."

Kageyama felt angry. If Dai hadn't been in the way, he would have made Tanaka pay the price.

It was precisely because of this that Asuka knew that he had to do this.

"Then tell me, what are you going to do to Hideichiro Tanaka in that empty space?"

No one's space, no spectators, no laws.

Just imagine, if there is no Ultraman's intervention, an angry person will face-to-face with the person he hates, even close to the person he hates, when absolutely no one can stop him, and he will never be exposed, and the other party will let him handle it , how will things turn out?

One who is confused by abnormality, one who has power and has no supervision.

Knowing that Ultraman exists, but still acting, what would Kageyama do in such a situation?


Dyna recalled the scene when he met Empat before, after meeting the other party and Hideichiro Tanaka.

I believed in Tanaka, so it became like this.

It is difficult for people to control themselves under normal circumstances, let alone Kageyama who holds Saigang in his hand.

"Calm me down!"

The arms that had gradually become weak suddenly surged with new strength, Dai Na lifted his hands up, and then, his raised right hand suddenly fell down.

Otto's thought power exploded, and Sai Gang who was thrown flying fell into the ground before he rose much.

"Think about it! Is what you are doing really normal!"

"Are you asking me to hold my breath as a father! I'm going to—"

"The person to be sanctioned is not you!"

Before Kageyama could finish speaking, Dyna interrupted him.

Do you have the qualifications to lynch with superhuman strength?

The law must exist. Dyna still remembers those people who were killed by Tregear at the beginning, and their families could not accept such a result.

The same thing cannot be repeated a second time.

"Listen! There are as many ways as you want, violence is the most stupid!"

"Hmm, so you plan to intervene in human affairs, right?"


The sound came, and the fluctuations came, as if the half was made up of the blue-black mist, and the blue Ultraman appeared in this city.

"You are---"

Tregchia has a play to watch, and when the play becomes interesting, it is not unacceptable to jump on the stage and become an actor.

Knowing the cause and effect, he appears here, and says this:

"This father who has been dazzled by anger, think about it carefully. Compared with killing him, wouldn't it be better to let him be ruined and cast aside by everyone? Is it better to die than to live?" it is good?"


Dyna couldn't react for a while, which side is this blue Ultraman on?

Chapter 120 Suppression and Reinforcements

Eight-point light wheel, this move can be classified into cutting skills.

Compared with light techniques that focus on continuous output and follow-up attacks, cutting techniques pay more attention to instant lethality and energy conservation.

After throwing this attack, Empat opened his palms and placed them on the left and right sides of his waist.

From bottom to top, he drew two completely symmetrical arcs, and in the center of the arcs was a huge fireball made of energy.

With the shortening of the distance between the arms, the fireball is also gradually shrinking, and finally it is compressed into an orange-red light ball of flowing flames and floating sparks while the palms are facing each other.

Holding the light flow of Dilla Hume learned from Tiga in his hands, the extremely unstable flame inside is the proof of its control, even such unstable energy can be firmly contained.

At the same time, the evil Bogaru also came into contact with the purple eight-point light wheel.

When this blow collided with him, the particles escaped from the surface of the light wheel as if attracted by something.

The evil Bogaru didn't take any defenses, but happily enjoyed the energy that constituted the light wheel.

Immediately afterwards, Empat threw his right hand forward for the second time, and Dillahulme's light flow turned into a compressed light ball, hitting him at an extremely fast speed for the evil Bogaru.

In the blink of an eye, the flames in the sphere were detonated, and there was no follow-up pursuit. The light flow of Dillahme, which increased the instant lethality to the maximum, exploded, completely devouring the enemy's figure.

A small sun seemed to appear in front of it, and there seemed to be a black hole in the center of this small sun.

The flames expanding outward twisted and deformed, and were pulled toward a point.


Empat stared at the abnormal scenery silently, and finally, the evil Bogaru patted his stomach with satisfaction, the exuberant deliciousness and spicy energy are really delicious.

"Idiot, the light from your Otto family has no effect on me, it's just food to replenish energy."

He has not forgotten the provocation he suffered on that planet before, and after the counterattack, there will be a battle.

Fast, very fast.

Sight and sight interweave, body and body pass by.

Not separation, but contact.

A blood-red tail was wrapped around Empat's leg.

Pulling, throwing, accelerating, in front of the evil Bogaru is Empat who was forcibly moved in front of him.

Just like his kindred, the hook claw at the front of the arm swung down suddenly, colliding with the raised silver arm.

Empat defended with his left arm and clenched his right fist.

The right hand hits the enemy's chest with all its strength, and the left hand draws a crescent moon downward.


Following the impact, the evil Bogaru gave up the restraint of his tail and floated back a short distance.

He had to admit that the fist of the prey in front of him was indeed powerful.


"It's just powerful!"

Stopped suddenly, rushed forward, and then there was a violent vibration.

Empat threw his head back and it was the evil Bogaru's head that hit him in the face.

Before he flew back, the red tail that restrained him before swung out again, tightly wrapped around his waist, and pulled him back.

Seizing this opportunity, the evil Bogaru's arms were stretched apart, and the empty door was wide open.

So Empat slashed down with his hand knife with his raised arms, and slashed on the enemy's shoulder.

Immediately after completing this counterattack, he bent his arms, and the elbow hit collided with the embraced arm, pushing it to the outside.

It's a pity that it was only the first attack that was blocked, and what was entangled together was the huge gaping mouth behind the opponent.

The next moment, the evil Bogaru felt pain.

Empat transformed from an elbow strike to a hand knife, knocking down the enemy's arm.

After completing this movement, he pushed his palms forward suddenly.


It was the palm that hit the chest, but it wasn't just the chest that was hit.

The evil Bogaru could feel the impact all over his body, and he had experienced this kind of attack before.

The skill called Ultra Mind Power turned into a transparent heavy hammer and hit him hard.

That tail was held before he flew out.

This time, it was Empatra who pulled his tail to prevent him from flying out, and forced it back.

The heavy blow resulted in a loud noise, and the head of the evil Bogaru was deflected with force. Half a second later, he laughed.

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