At this moment, the person inside Saigon spoke, and as a monster weapon, Saigon naturally also has the function of 'transmitting information'.

The language was compressed into wavelengths and transmitted to the ears of Empat and the others.

"My matter has not been resolved."

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

It is a wonderful question that death is worse than life.

Where is the wonder?

If you die, you will leave behind the cognition of 'I am a murderer'.

If you don't live, it will become the cognition of 'this is what you deserve'.

Even if life is worse than death, you are still alive, in other words, not a 'murderer'

You don't want to be a murderer, do you?

The key to Tregear's success in persuading Kageyama was the self-deception.

Today, the city of Sapporo, despite its devastation, has indeed become quieter.

Because monsters and Ultraman are not fighting in the city, the efficiency of evacuation and rescue is very high.

Tregear, who returned to the earth, changed back to Kirisaki's posture, and he behaved very leisurely.

In this incident, he did nothing.

So, interesting developments have also been seen.

For example...Dyna intervened in human affairs.

He acts out of a sense of justice, and now he is only interfering in things between people as a human being.

After this?

What will become of seeing more things and seeing more things?

Will you fundamentally want to change this society?

That's when things get interesting.

Kirisaki touched his chin. He was still very interested in this incident, so he went to find out about such things.

"Personality cult and operating personality cult, as expected, things like feelings are easy to exchange for money."

Everything can be measured by value, and it is generally measured by value. This is the shortcoming of human society.

Love, friendship, family affection, admiration, dislike, liking, nostalgia, exchanging feelings for money is really interesting.

"So, what will it be like in the future?"

It's really exciting.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

In the distant universe, there is a country called the Kingdom of Light.

It can shatter the earth with one blow, and the 'light' it wields can dispel even the dark sky. It protects the planet and the earth, and works hard in the wrong way for peace.

It is because of that wrong effort that it becomes a hindrance.

Under the protection of heavy soldiers, the cylindrical object calculates the coordinates.

It is shifting its destination and departing towards a more distant parallel universe.

A troublesome organization called the 'Space Guard' has found its way and destroyed its base more than once.

Those who protect not only their own universe, but also other universes... are really stupid.

'If you can use your power correctly, more universes will have gained eternal peace. '

It was thinking like this, but flashed what 'that person' had said.

The giant with a red body and two horns on his head once said:

'Peace without life is not peace, but eternal silence. '

So, how can we count as real peace?

While thinking about this, it traveled to other universes.

Interesting information came from the derivative, saying that Ultraman also existed in that universe.

But compared with the Space Guard, the number is pitifully small, only a few people.

120 Chapter Four

The Internet is a very interesting place. Here, as long as people face the screen, no matter whether the screen is a computer or a mobile phone, whether it is large or small, they can come into contact with various things and all kinds of things. all kinds of people.

You don't know whether the person sitting at the other end of the screen is a billionaire or an ordinary office worker.

In reality, people wear one, two masks to communicate with others.

And what about the network?

Some people take off the mask and feel relieved.

Someone has prepared thousands of masks, which can be taken out and used anytime and anywhere.

Sometimes, they are successful people who have achieved fame, sometimes they are exhausted debtors, sometimes they are fanatical fans, and sometimes they are critics who criticize social chaos.

Reality, the Internet, has never been completely true since the dawn of man.

Everyone has their own ideas and things they don't want to talk about.

Because of this, there is also a situation where one person has thousands of faces on the Internet.

"Huh... I didn't expect someone to actually go there."

In front of the computer screen, the young man laughed at the person at the other end of the screen.

He just incited it a little bit, and the idiots honestly went to support their so-called idols.

This is really funny, even if you spend a bunch of messy money, isn't the result still meaningless?

The idol you follow won't even look at you, maybe it just uses you as a tool to make money.

So silly, like a clown.

I remember that there was a term from China called 'licking dog'

Simply put, it is as humble as a dog.

If it's just an ordinary liking, then naturally there is no problem.

But if you chase stars like this, and even go to the scene to pull up banners, yell that he is right when he is wrong, and keep posting random comments on the Internet and attacking others, then you must be out of your mind.

Oops, this is so funny, remember that there were monsters in Sapporo before?

It really made me laugh--



There was a knock on the door, and the young man stood up, moving his stiff body.

He walked towards the porch and looked out the door through the 'cat's eyes'.

Standing there were two men who had never spoken before.

"who is it?"

Ask directly, and this voice let the two outside know that the owner of this house is in the house.

One of them felt in his arms, and the last thing he took out was a certificate.

"We are officers from the Cyber ​​Security Department of the Metropolitan Police Department."

For the network security department, this sentence stunned the young people in the room.

After 10 minutes, with trembling legs, he was sent to the 'special car'.

He dared not yell outside because he was afraid that other people would know that he was being sought.

The moment he got into the car, he finally couldn't help it.

"I didn't do anything!"

There is neither cyber violence nor anyone who digs privacy and spreads privacy. Why does this department come to me?

Hearing this young man's words, the policeman was not disturbed, because there are always people who have done something and then shouted that they did not do anything.

Like this guy, they don't have that self-awareness.

"Two days ago, fans of an actor gathered in Sapporo City. Earlier, his fans had committed cyber violence against others. In this incident, a fan named 'AAA' kept Inciting."

The moment his screen name was read out, the young man's heart skipped a beat.

"Police officer, I'm just following what these people say. I'm not the one who commits cyber violence. They should be responsible for what they do, right? To put it bluntly, these psychopaths don't even have brains. They have nothing to do with me. It doesn't matter, I'm not even a fan."

He tried his best to get himself out, but the vehicle had already started, and no one planned to let him go.

"You should know we can find chat records, right?"

For these excuses, one of the police officers couldn't hold back his mouth.

What's more, the self-explosion just now was too straightforward.

You are not a fan, and then you are in the fan group, and you are filled with righteous indignation with the fans, what is your purpose?

"But things would have developed like this without me!"

The young man spoke anxiously, but the police officer didn't intend to take care of him, and he could tell whether it was abetting him or not.

"If you don't guide the minors correctly, you will add fuel to the fire instead. I don't think what you did is a good thing."

The police officer's words made the young man retort angrily:

"How do I know if the other person is a minor!"

"So you can do this if you're not a minor?"

In a word, let the car become quiet.

In any case, it is getting darker and darker.

For the police officers in the network security department, they have seen this kind of person a lot.

It doesn't matter what the reason is, what matters is the result they left behind.

There are always people in this world who want to do bad things but dare not do them, so they incite others to do bad things.

In the driver's seat of the vehicle, another police officer in charge of driving can see the green light just ahead.

This road is unimpeded.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Hideichiro Tanaka, starting from tomorrow, there is no need to come to the company anymore.

Because he was fired, the originally valuable cash cow became a hot potato.

If you ask why, because the news came from 'above'.

First, the incident triggered by Takahashi Feng's death.

And then there's, this time, the questions raised by Tanaka's fans.

The attention from the above itself has continued, and now, they have discovered a new problem.

No matter who it is, as long as it is normal, it will feel something wrong to see the fanaticism of those fans.

The rectification that was already under consideration was taken out again.

They wondered what exactly led to the current situation.

Coincidentally, the case file of the network security department was taken out.

At this time, I suddenly discovered a commonality among them, that is, the online violence caused by star chasing has continued more or less all the time.

While the laws of a decade ago have reduced the number of such incidents, they do happen once or twice a year.

From then to now, it seems that such things have not changed much.

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