One noun after another flows through the heart, and these nouns are passed on to other parts.

Inside the power supply room of the Mars frontline base, the energy equipment inside was running quietly without any abnormalities.

It's just that the current they output can't reach the place where it should be.

The cables spread all over here were corroded by the white existence, what Sfia did was not an invasion, he simply fused at the initial part of the cables to block the current.

No matter what kind of equipment it is, if it loses its energy supply, it will be paralyzed.

"what happened?"

"Damn it, the data obtained just now won't be all gone!"

In the laboratory, the researchers beat their chests and feet. They hate this kind of thing the most. Don't think that the human brain is such a powerful thing that it can clearly memorize all the numbers.

That's impossible, and that's why there are such convenient things as computers.


Compared with the chaos, it was more of a complaint. In such an environment, Masaki felt that something was wrong.

For such a long time, there has never been a power outage at the Mars frontline base.

It is precisely because there is a long distance between Mars and the earth that no effort will be spared in the usual maintenance.

If all the equipment is paralyzed, will the supply of oxygen also disappear?

What lies ahead now is the crisis of life and death.

"Fortunately, I was a little late today. Otherwise, if my experimental data disappeared, I would pick up and smash the screen."

"Tsk, you're lucky."

The researchers over there were talking and laughing.

"But I just did it... huh? Did you get something on your shoulder?"

It looks like something white.

"Probably dust or something...?!"

Subconsciously, I shot it, and then, there was a wonderful sense of touch on the back of my hand, and something dripped down.

After half a second passed, it was the screams that attracted everyone's attention.


The yelling that contained fear stopped abruptly, and the moment Masaki saw that person, everything was over.

There are black net-like lines on the top of the white liquid, and now this puddle of liquid does not seem to be liquid, because something is struggling under it.

The vaguely human figure is gradually disappearing, while the volume of the liquid is increasing.

It's just...

Masaki raised his head suddenly, and the ceiling that was supposed to protect the internal existence began to 'leak'

What dripped inside was a white being.

"Get out of the way!"

He lunged forward, colliding with one of the researchers, and the two fell to the ground.

"Help, save me——"

"This, this is?!"


"Why would they?!"

"Could it be that---"

Under the spread of liquid, there is no trace of any human beings.

And the liquid suddenly gathered together, and about a second later, the disappearing researcher appeared there.

"Come with me."

He said so.

An abnormal scene appeared in front of the eyes, people were eaten clean, and people appeared again, one after another white 'thin lines' leaked from the ceiling like quicksand.

"Don't, don't come over—"

The researcher made up of Sfia took a step, and in front of it, the researcher who was still laughing took a step back, but somehow fell to the ground.

What broke this scene was a ray of light.

Hit the head directly and exploded suddenly.

"Hurry up, everyone! Get out of here!"

Masaki still held a gun in his hand, and in his sight, the 'human' whose head was blown to two-thirds was still moving, and there was nothing in the dug hole that could be related to 'human beings' .


Using both hands and feet, the researcher who wanted to escape panicked. When he saw the 'white liquid' in his sight, it was too late.

The Sfia that dripped onto his head expanded instantly.


In Masaki's sight, the man was wrapped up without even screaming. From the head to the body, Sfia's volume is increasing, and the human outline seems to be 'melting'

"Run away...why are you back again!"

Those who wanted to go out, those who ran back after going out, the two sides collided into a ball.

This funny sight makes people unable to laugh out loud, because the sfia in this laboratory is spreading along the ground.

"External, it's not good outside!"


In the research room, there is no view of the outside world.

So Zheng Mu didn't see the scenery outside the Mars frontline base.

"damn it!"

The firearms kept firing beams of light, hitting the black and white 'sky'.

"Back up!"

Someone gave the order, and the soldiers backed away while firing.

50 meters, 30 meters, at this moment, someone shouted:

"The door is open!"

After two seconds, the soldiers who rushed into the base closed the computer-controlled gate tightly, and the sfiya that was crushed in the crack of the door was sprinkled on the ground, and was completely burned by the light gun.

"What the hell is going on? Why—"

Before the soldier could finish speaking, Sfia splashed out like a liquid from inside the crack of the door, knocking him against the wall in an instant.

Before he could even say a word, his human figure dissolved and disappeared with the flowing Sfia.

On the outside of the Mars frontline base, neither the barrel nor the shield can play a role.

Because they are no longer there.

On this red land, there is only a huge layer of Sfia with a diameter of nearly a kilometer. It is like a piece of cloth, covering the entire Mars frontline base from the top to the bottom.

"Huge...huge sfia reaction!"

"damn it!"

Inside the base, the equipment was running again, and what was shown on the radar was Sfia's reaction that could not be ignored, but it was too late.

In the sky above Mars, the dark hole swallows even the light.

120 Chapter Seven Death

TPC, Terra Noid, Kulakhu, New Mags Powertrain.

There are many explanations for the nouns that already exist.

Thoughts, thoughts, memories, all of those things have become someone else's.

The arming, leadership, distribution, and information of the army have all become the property of others.

Under the dark hole, the huge Sfia sphere that was released was tightly stuck to the ground, and what it performed was the "fusion" that Sfia was best at.

Merge with the formations of the Martian front base, become part of it, and travel through the rest.

The thick armor has no effect, and even the wall becomes part of it.

Appearing from different positions, the fast-moving soldiers with guns in the aisle were thrown against the wall and on the ground before they had time to react.

From above, from the side, there seemed to be no safe place left in the entire base.

Sfia may appear from any direction.

"Even here—"

Sfia sprayed out from the computer screen, and together with the seat, the soldier was knocked down, and his figure disappeared with the precipitation of Sfia.

The entire Mars frontline base has changed, and the huge Sfia is enough to completely swallow and destroy the entire base.

But doing so defeats its purpose.

'United Nations, five permanent members, continental plates, seven oceans. '

One knowledge after another surges in consciousness. Compared with data, people's cognition is also very important.

Sfia gradually understands human civilization through these human consciousnesses, so it is constantly looking for objects for assimilation.

It doesn't matter who it is.

The huge mass is split into exaggerated quantities, and Sfia erodes different places in the base.

Inside the laboratory, those white liquids with dark nets are gradually disappearing.


Front and back, everything was blocked.

Masaki, who originally thought so, was stunned, and Sfia ignored the people who were still here, and penetrated a large amount into the deeper underground.

What's in the ground?


He realized.

At the same time, in the hangar of the frontline base, the Victory Phantom stayed motionless.

"Going out now is courting death!"

The situation at this time is so desperate, the front end of the attack port is Sfia.

No one knows what will happen if you just drive a fighter plane head-on and collide with it.

Now the people in the Mars frontline base are like flying insects caught in a spider web, no matter how hard they struggle, they cannot escape from here.

"The Kulakhu was—"

Hearing someone's shout, people suddenly turned their heads. The huge fortress was almost completely dismantled, and what existed inside was the new Magus power engine that existed as a power source.

At the same time, this new Magus power engine is also the largest engine that exists in the world today.

Drips, spreads, exactly as water spreads over the earth.


Raise their guns, shoot, and the soldiers' attacks hit the enemy's body and penetrated it.

Then, more sfia oozed from the ceiling, enveloping the entire engine.

Without anyone operating, the Kulakhu's engine started to operate, and the energy generated inside dyed Sfia light red, with an inconspicuous light flickering from time to time.

'The strongest weapon of mankind, the Kurakhu was paralyzed by the attack of monsters, and it is being repaired at the front line base on Mars'

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