The icy sea water washes, but it can't cool the heart that is burning with anger.

Above the sea, the submarine has already risen to the surface.

The two from TPC still couldn't contact their base.

"What exactly happened here?"

"I have a bad feeling."

They all felt uneasy. This kind of situation of being unable to communicate has happened before. Could it be that the monster that swallowed electromagnetic waves has returned to the earth?

At this moment, the sea surface was directly broken.

The giant with strange-colored lines on its body flew straight to the sky, changing from a 'swimming fish' to a 'flying bird'



Words can no longer describe that feeling. The water droplets falling from Dyna's body reflected the brilliance in the sunlight, and a light-colored giant wrapped around his body, like a god.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Like a god, exactly.

Sfia fully understands why some human beings on the earth regard the existence of 'Ultraman' as a 'god'

Because of this power, this power, which is enough to judge the life and death of the planet at will, why not call it a god?

The most gratifying thing is that the power of this god is obtained by it.

From now on, it will be the one who wields the sharp blade of the gods and brings down the sanctions.

But before that...

No longer Terra Noid, Ultraman Sfia Gilganold turned to look at the blue-eyed giant who landed on the red earth.

130 Four Chapters Go All Out

Eyes, forehead, and chest, presented in front of Empat's eyes, are somewhat familiar, but very strange existence.

The shape of the timer is exactly the same as that of the Dyna, the forehead is also the same, and the eyes are the iconic milky oval.

Even though it has changed beyond recognition, there are still some familiar parts that can be seen at a glance.

What the hell is going on at this Mars frontline base?

Empat is not very clear about this. The only thing he can figure out is the reason why the branch of the TPC universe cannot notify the earth.

The mouth of the hole floating above the sky is a black hole.

The scary thing about this black hole is that it is completely controlled by Sfia, and it can even selectively swallow what it wants to swallow.

From the universe to the earth, and from the earth to the universe, the communication wave is completely swallowed by this hole.

Sfia, the invader who only had a glimpse of the earth, suddenly revealed his long-hidden fangs.

Now, a part of this fang appeared before his eyes.

'Dagu, what happened here?Just think about it and tell me. '

On the wilderness, Empat saw a familiar person.

That was the man who died once as Tiga ten years ago.

Hearing his voice ringing in his heart, Da Gu was not frightened at all, the two of them had similar communication more than once ten years ago.

From the mutation to the present, everything has flowed through the brain.

Dagu thought without resistance, so Empat understood part of the situation.

Man-made Ultraman, Terra Noyd, human beings have created weapons enough to protect themselves.

Terra Noyd was fighting to protect the people of Mars before, and there was no sign of losing control or going berserk, which is something to be happy about.

The only surprise was the last mutation.

The sfia that sprang from the ground transformed Terranoid into other forms.

'I'm afraid they were separated when they sank into the ground. '

Empat speculated about the situation at that time in his heart. Since the Sfia synthetic beast fell into the ground, it could take this opportunity to separate part of its body.

It is not a loss for Sfia to exchange the new Magus power engine for Terranoyd.

As he was thinking, Gilganod, who also noticed him, was unwilling to wait any longer.

If you want to test the power of Ultraman, Enpat, who is also Ultraman in front of you, is the best object.

There are three other Ultraman in this solar system, and they are also the target of Sfia.

Towards the goal in front of him, Gilganod started a movement that he hadn't used for a long time, or a movement that Sfia hadn't used for a long time, that is 'running'

Terrifying physical ability brought terrible speed, Empat clenched his fists in front of him, and the next moment, something strange happened.


Gilganold's movements stiffened suddenly, and his mouth opened, shouting from within with a struggling growl.


Empat's movement also stopped, it was not an illusion, he could see what was revealed from the body of the alien giant.

Light and consciousness, the two are resisting.


It was not the roar of a wild beast, but a strange scream similar to that of an insect. Gilganod took a step forward, and the power in his body exploded completely.


Sensing the fluctuation, Empat leaned forward with his upper body and made a sprint movement.

Without any cover-up, and without any savings, if it were on the earth, this blow would be a terrible storm that could shatter a block.

But even in the atmosphere of Mars, there are still strong winds that can throw humans away.

Not only the people nearby, but also those heavy off-road vehicles were swept away by the turbulence.

At this moment, Dagu's eyes reflected a strange scene.

It seems that there are not only two figures appearing on this piece of land.

Empat and Gilganold, they seem to be everywhere.

Directly in front are the two who rushed forward and approached at the same time. In the diagonal upper corner, Empat hit Gilganode with an elbow, and on the right side, Gilganold knocked and bombarded Empat with his knee. On the ground was Empat, who uppercuted Gilganold directly to the jaw.

There are dozens of different figures, either hitting the opponent hard, or being hit hard by the opponent, which one is real and which one is fake?

Or all of them are true, from ten to twenty, the number keeps increasing as the two in the middle approach each other.

Gilganold hit Empat right in the face.

Empat's backspin kicked Gilganold's head to the side.

The distance between the two sides was only a mere [-] meters, but it took nearly five seconds to get close to the [-] meters.

When the strong wind hit Dagu's body and took him away, Empat and Gilganold collided head-on. In the conflict of strength, both sides bounced away due to the reaction force at the same time.

All confrontations are real.

The earth, the sky, almost every location is a battleground.

If you don't care about the damage to the surroundings, what kind of scene will it produce?

The entire land was stripped away, flying away together with the wind pressure pushing in all directions.

Numerous gravels, unstoppable turbulence, the red earth within a kilometer around was dug a hole more than ten meters from the center of the collision between the two, and the shattered rocks were completely shattered. become a 'bullet' enough to kill a human being

People who have been unable to control themselves and can only wait for the final outcome suddenly feel an invisible force, and the power of the Otto mind is exerted on everyone.



A loud bang resounded through the sky, it was the sound produced when Gilganold's straight fist hit Empat's face.

He had known for a long time that his opponent would take care of those nearby who were too late to leave, so he did this.

In an instant, all the blurry figures in different positions disappeared, leaving only Empat flying upside down and Gilganold stepping on the ground and jumping up.

The clenched left fist suddenly swung down, and this heavy blow shattered the ground directly.

As soon as the scene changed, Empat sideways dodged the punch, and Gilganold's fist missed him.

The next moment, the arm was blocked by the arm.

Empat directly pulled Gilganod down and swung it down. His left arm bound the enemy's arm, and his right hand pressed the back of the enemy's head, pressing him directly on the ground.

The speed of the two sides was so exaggerated that hundreds of meters of ravines instantly appeared on the red ground, and these hard rocks and soils were torn apart like tofu before their eyes.

One hundred meters, one thousand meters, and then, Empat was directly ejected.

Behind Gilganod, the tips of the three pairs of tentacles released orange light, and this light formed a round shield of the same color.

The impact of the warp barrier directly bounced off the enemies restraining him behind him.

Turning around quickly, Gilganold faced each other with his arms at his waist, and swung them together again.

Two red light whips combined in front to form a triangular light vector.

Empat, who was thrown into the air, immediately leaned back to dodge, and the red and white energy flashed past his eyes.

When the arrow of light disappeared, what appeared there was the face of the alien.

Mouth opened and closed, Gilganod's lowered right fist collided with the opponent's raised arm.

The atmosphere shakes and the two separate.

Gilganold immediately pursued, and took a full blown punch.

After being pushed back a distance, Empat stabilized his body and immediately sprinted back.

This time it was his turn to pursue, the whip legs swept out brought a gust of wind, and a new storm was set off in the collision.

Gilganold defended with both arms in front, firmly defending against the attack.

At a very close distance, one of them clenched his fist, and the other withdrew his right leg.

At this very moment, all the fists and feet turned into murderous weapons, colliding with each other frantically from different angles, the loud noises were continuous, overlapping repeatedly, and the positions were constantly changing during the entanglement.

Empat's sweeping hand knife tore through the atmosphere without hitting anything.

Consciousness moved, but it was still a step slow.

Gilganold jumps from 'this one' to 'that one' in the same second

The clenched fists were smashed down with all their strength, and they hit Enpater hard on the back.

He fell from a height of nearly a thousand meters, and when he collided with the ground, hundreds of meters of dust were thrown up.

Located in the air, Gilganode didn't care about energy consumption at all, he waved his hands crazily, and dozens of red crescents fell down in the blink of an eye.

One shot is enough to bury everything within tens of meters, and dozens of shots fall together.

This is just the beginning, if you can throw dozens of blows in a blink of an eye, how many more times will you blink?

It was as if countless intercontinental missiles were bombing. The red explosions completely covered everything on the ground. Waves rose again and again, and the continuous explosions mixed together, engulfing everything below.

This is not Gilganod's strongest move, but even so, it has already caused the entire Mars to vibrate uncontrollably.

Dust, fire, explosions, and light.

From that light comes darkness that is darker for this reason.

Zapelio's rays crossed the distance and charged straight at the enemy.

Facing this too pure and straightforward attack line, Gilganold dismissed it, and just easily turned his body away.

Then, he felt the fluctuation of space.

Although this move was different, he had known it for a long time.

Turning straight to the rear and attacking with an elbow, smashing it to pieces in one blow.

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