Sfia told his thoughts.

"Because everyone has their own self, which is unique because of experience, knowledge, and environment. It is because of this unique self that everyone has this unique self that leads to fights and conflicts. What you hold dear For me it's like walking away, and that difference in perception leads to fighting."

You can't understand me, and I can't understand you. Even if we understand each other, it's just a part of it, a part we want to show.

"People can't see each other's heart, can't feel each other's pain, so when people hurt others, they only care about their own feelings. This kind of incomprehension is the root cause of fighting. If the human senses are shared , your pain is my pain, how can there be a situation of hurting each other again?"

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Empat interrupted Sfia's words. He has met too many people, and he has seen too many people who talk to themselves. He feels that his thoughts are righteous people. Is this one in front of him one of them? one?

"Fear of the end of life, fear of destruction in battle, and finally integrate all organic and inorganic substances on the planet, as well as civilization itself, with the planet. This is me, and this is our Sfia."

The black hole in the sky tells of its own origin, and also explains its own wish.

"Differences in ideas lead to the beginning of the battle, and the development of the battle leads to the crisis of extinction. It is not too late, let human beings assimilate with us, so that we can escape from the darkness of the future. Before the earth is destroyed, let me welcome human beings , and that is the only right way."

Sfia finally confessed her thoughts and purpose fully, hoping to make the earth and human beings a part of herself.

Empat stepped forward, taking a step.

"Are you asking all humans to renounce themselves?"


"Then why not communicate?"

"Because human beings will not agree, almost no one is willing to abandon their useless self."

"That's why you did these things?"

"Wait until human beings refuse to regret it, and it will be too late to regret everything."

That's the end of the conversation, there's no need to continue.

"You are nothing but a self-righteous fool."

Empat mobilized the energy in his body and prepared for battle.

"This also proves that the ego is the root of the struggle. You can't understand me and regard me as a fool. In my opinion, you who are obviously a higher-level life form but guarding the lower life form are nothing more than you. Fool."

Sfia already knew one thing, the existence named 'Ultraman' would definitely hinder him.

Because the so-called 'Ultramans' have a preference for humans that is hard to ignore, and as long as people pray so, they will respond.

Human beings who must refuse to give up themselves will call them, and then they will appear and fight for human beings.

So Ultraman is the existence that must be ruled out first.

"Enpat, Dyna, it's good that you also become a part of us, and then you can understand our thoughts."

From the black hole in the sky, something fell.

That is not a white Sfia sphere, but a solid, condensed existence.


Falling to the ground, on all fours, like a beast.

But when it stops its body, it looks like a giant.

The body covered with Sphia's skin, the milky white oval eyes and the timer on the chest prove its real body - the hypersynthetic orc Gilganod.

"This is......"

The same existence kept falling from the sky. They stood up straight after landing, and the three antennae behind them were straight.

From ten to twenty, twenty to forty, Gilganod kept falling from the air, and the number kept increasing.

When Dyna recovered and Empat fought Neogagared, Sfia didn't intervene because he was analyzing.

Unlike synthetic beasts that need to be fused with other beings to create, Gilganod's carrier is an Ultraman named Tyranoid.

The essence of Ultraman is light, a kind of energy.

In other words, as long as there is energy, he can create a new Gilganod.

Hundreds of super-synthetic orcs stood up straight, and they stared at the two surrounded by layers with their eyes.

"One person fights fifty... No, one should win by hitting one hundred?"

Dyna turned around and scanned the number of enemies who were still increasing.

"Taking a planet, a civilization as an enemy, I never thought of such a thing before."

Empat stood back to back with his comrades in the rear, not only the ground, but also the sky was occupied by Gilganold.

On the dull red soil, there are countless enemies.

'Sorry to involve you in this. '

In his heart, Nangong said words of apology to the other person.

'Anyway, if we lose, humans will be finished, right?It's just the difference between earlier and later. '

On the contrary, Uniq is quite open-minded. In a literal sense, she can be regarded as experienced in many battles.

'So, can you win? '

She asked the most crucial questions.

'Don't know, but...'

'Fight even if you can't win? '

'I love this planet and there are people who want to protect it. '

Nangong talked about the thoughts in his heart, but that's all.

Following Sphia's order, an unknown number of Gilganods began to attack.

In an instant, red light, gorgeous explosions, and fuzzy shadows brought about by the rapid flight were mixed together.

In the dark world, there is only the brilliance of destruction.

"Human beings, I'm here to welcome you. I am the future you should be moving towards. The self-abandonment that leads to conflicts should be integrated with me, so as to avoid the crisis of extinction."

Inside the screen, there was nothing but Gilganold's figure.

The hope brought by Empat's victory over the monsters was hit by deeper despair. With such a large number of monsters, how can they win?

They didn't even know if Dyna and Empat, who were among them, were still alive.

"You have been suffering for too long. After all, the system called society divides different individuals into different classes. Individual differences also make the value of human beings unequal. Together with me, we can achieve eternal and complete equality. .”

Sfia continued to talk because he wanted to 'save' this civilization.

130 Chapter Nine

There are a large number of them, and their voices are strange. When they are mixed together, it is like a swarm of insects constantly attacking around.

After the terrifying numbers gathered together, even the light couldn't penetrate the interior, and the center was completely filled. If you want to go out from here, you have to actively open a passage.

Forward becomes backward, but this is not the result of exchanging one's own consciousness.

The light pushes and then penetrates, and the blasted particle storm blows away a large number of enemies.

From there, it was Empat.

His right hand swept across, cutting open an incoming enemy.

He swung his left hand forward, and Gilganod, who was caught in the head by him, flew out of balance.

The momentary gap was filled again, and then an even bigger gap appeared.

The two palms were pushed left and right, and the blasted Ultramania pushed all the enemies out.

'Sure enough, it's weaker, much weaker. '

After all, it is just an imitation, not as good as the prototype that actually has the carrier of Terra Noyd.

With a swirling swing of the dyed arms, the extended light whip engulfs a large number of enemies, or blows them away, or shatters them into pieces.

After opening the road, it is to leave towards a higher position.

Empat received a straight punch with his left palm, and slashed the attacking enemy vertically with his right palm.

Almost identical enemies attack in different ways from different angles.

The light whip, the crescent moon, and the light, didn't care whether they would hit their companions at all, and the red light kept flying in the air.

On the ground, the blue light kept sweeping along with the releaser's movements, blasting or smashing the enemies one by one.

Dyna leaped back, elbowing and turning, smashing one of Gilganod's head in half.

The right arm swept forward brought out a bright light blade, cutting several enemies open.

Leap, knee-butt, kick enemies falling from above and lift into the air, breaking free from the siege that opens your way.

However, after breaking away from a siege, what awaits is more sieges.

One front, one back, one left, one right, Empat and Dyna each took charge of one side, and the strafing Solgate beams and Zapelio beams were able to hit the enemy without aiming at all.

And as if responding to their actions, Gilganods who were not hit connected their wrists together, releasing red light in a cross-shaped movement.

One is bright enough, so what about nearly a hundred lights?

From the gaps created by the gaps between the individuals, an unstoppable red light gushes from within.

In the center of the siege, they failed to hit a single enemy.

But this is not a big deal, when these rays converge at the same location, the mixed and exploded energy storm spreads in all directions, bringing stinging pain and damage.

Empat's right arm, whose body was thrown out, was pulled straight and horizontally, and the crazily spinning Spiriole Nimbus was thrown out.

This giant light wheel is different from usual, and there is a long 'tail' behind it

It first cut several Gilganods apart, and then the straight trajectory changed.

That 'tail' is the 'rope' attached to the nimbus

Empatra pulled the rope and swung the sharp circular saw, cutting more enemies.

But this only lasted for one rotation, and Gilganold, who was flying kicks, passed by his side.

After dodging the first blow, more attacks appeared.

He kept swinging his body and changing positions, attacking his shoulders, arms, waist, and chest.

On the other side, Dyna, who punched an approaching enemy back, noticed the out-of-control light wheel. He aimed at the light wheel, and pulled it away with a shining and not strong thought.

Aiming at this light wheel, Spetsium's rays were released from the front of the palm.

When the two forces collided, the power of Spetsium resonated and exploded, spreading to the surroundings.

Reciprocating, the storm of energy bounced off the surrounding Gilganod, and the cutting particles tore their bodies apart.

The shot down ones fell to the ground, and after a few seconds, white liquid gushed out from those wounds, and they formed again.

Dyna's sweeping whip kicked an enemy away, and another enemy thrown by Empat fell from the opposite direction. The two Gilganods collided, and the surrounding light was still bright.

The next moment, their figures disappeared from the encircling net.

After the teleportation, they arrive at the same position, and when the wrists meet, the same skills are released.

Blue is the main color, purple is the auxiliary, and the inner flow is sinusoidal.

Purple is the main color, blue is the auxiliary, and the inner flow is sinusoidal.

Empat doesn't know why Tyranoid has such skills, nor does he know whether Dyna is also an ultra-ancient giant, but that kind of thing is not important now.

The contacted and combined light instantly engulfed and evaporated a large amount of Gilganod, and before the light hit the ground, the energy inside was detonated by the two Ultramans together.

The energy storm that spread out involved more enemies.

Gilganod was engulfed by the light, blasted away by the light, the wreckage that fell on the ground remained motionless, and there were also enemies that had lost parts of their bodies floating in the air.

Dozens of enemies were buried in one blow, but hundreds of enemies fell from the sky.

Just how huge is Sfia, which fuses the planet with everything on it?

Was it difficult for him to separate and transform these individuals into Terranoid?

There are enemies everywhere, and nothing else can be seen.

"I take back what I said before, maybe one person can win by fighting a thousand."

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