The most important thing is that they didn't realize that this was an abnormality caused by being influenced by other existences.

Naturally, he accepted the current changes casually.

"There is no news recently."

Arisukawa put down the camera, the picture inside was of the young man who helped the fallen girl up, and the next picture was of the young man who took out the candy from his pocket and handed it to the girl, which immediately made the other party smile.

"Whether it's a conflict between husband and wife, or a conflict between the property owner and the owner, or any company whose employees have suffered persecution and unfair treatment, there is nothing."

It was as if the world suddenly became peaceful for no apparent reason.

"What? Are you afraid that you will lose your job?"

Kirisaki withdrew his gaze from observing the crowd. If he found it interesting at first, he is a little tired of watching it now.

This false world is just a background board, the main character should be 'the person who recognizes the falseness of this world'

In other words, it should be Empat and Dyna.

Then again, the person who can turn the world into this is probably not a good thing.

At least that's what Kirisaki's instincts as a bad guy told him.

At this moment, Arisugawa who heard his teasing said:

"It's just a little emotional, and I feel that the world has suddenly become better for no reason."

Young female reporter flips through photo album in digital camera.

From morning till now, dozens of photos she took are piled up.

There are people chatting with each other in the park, people smiling and greeting each other on the street, and people working together to clean things together.

There are also two shops on the same street that no one will let anyone suddenly engage in activities together.

What exactly happened here?

Isn't it a little too good to be true?

From Arisugawa's words, Kirisaki could hear some disbelief.

So, a look of interest appeared on his face.

"What if I say that this world is fake?"

"Uh... am I dreaming?"

Suddenly unable to understand what Kirisaki wanted to express, Arisukawa wrote puzzled in his brows.

"No, I mean that this world is formed by man-made manipulations. If you think about it carefully, recall what you have seen and experienced before. Do you think that human beings may suddenly become like this in just a week? ?”

Kirisaki's words guided the other party to think.

At this time, Arisukawa also fully understood the meaning.

Recall the past and look at the present.

"You mean all of a sudden the entire human race is mind-controlled?"

"That's probably what it means. How about it? Do you like this world?"

A world where everyone is so kind, where everyone corrects themselves and wants to be better.

"Compared with the previous world, how do you feel?"

The world in the past was complicated, where light and darkness intertwine, and people would turn into 'ghosts' just because of a single thought.


Arisukawa opened his mouth and closed it again.

Seeing her performance, Kirisaki felt that he could probably understand the thinking of the mastermind behind the scenes.

I hide myself, and when all human beings are addicted to this world, I will announce everything.

After that, it's an interesting decision.

Ultraman is very likely to become the opposite of human beings at once, what will Dyna do?What will Empat do?

It's really despicable, why are one or two of these people so despicable?

"Are you kidding me or are you telling the truth?"

Probably because the smile on Kirisaki's face was so happy, Arisugawa felt that she might have been fooled by this unscrupulous Ultraman again.

After all, it sounds unbelievable that all human beings are mind-controlled.

"It depends on whether you like the world or not."

To this, Kirisaki's response was just a sentence with deep meaning.

If you like this world, saying anything is nonsense.

And, would anyone really hate such a world?

In the end, it will be a utopia where both productivity and spirit are liberated, and there is no evil or inequality.

If such a society can be achieved, a united civilization will have a better future.

Isn't this all harm but no benefit?

'The premise is that the man behind the scenes really has such good intentions. '

Chapter 150 False or Beautiful



"What kind of expression do you have!"

In the morning, the sun is shining brightly.

There are people everywhere in the neighborhood.

At the door, a friend knocked on the door.

Yanshan's expression at this time is not very good, the time is only 8:30, and the most important thing is that this time is 8:30 during the holiday

Please, why don't you sleep at this hour?

Whether you are a student or an office worker, you generally don't want to get up on the morning of the holiday.

"Come on! Let's go shopping!"

Saito smiled happily, fashion, shopping, shopping, these are her three favorite hobbies.

"I didn't say that."

Facing her like this, Yanshan grabbed the black hair that hadn't been tidied since he woke up.

"It's about time for you to think about further studies, right? I remember yesterday that you said that every math test is one or two points lower than the last one, and if you go any lower, you won't even get 60 points."

The overly realistic words made Saito show a heartbroken expression.

"Don't talk about it now! Let's have breakfast first!"

She quickly took out the bag hidden behind her, it was the breakfast she bought along the way.

After two years of acquaintance with Yanshan, Saito knows a lot about each other.

One of the most important points is that Yanshan's weight has not increased, and part of it can be attributed to the fact that the other party never eats breakfast.

This is actually very bad for the body.

Saito walked towards the entrance while pushing Yanshan.

And Yanshan also sighed and obeyed, the door was closed, and the two returned to their home.

After 10 minutes, all the washing is done.

The tired look was put away, and the messy long hair was tidied up.

Back in the living room, there was a microwaved breakfast on the table.

And Saito had already sat on the sofa very unceremoniously, and the TV that was turned on was broadcasting today's news.

"There are so many celebrities who blew themselves up recently, so I don't even know who to chase after."

She watched the host's report on TV, who was exposed today and did what.

"Don't always look at celebrities, there are too many people who blew themselves up."

Yanshan is really speechless for this friend who pursues popularity.

"The director of the TV station the day before yesterday, the university professor yesterday, what these people did is really disgusting. You said that people may turn bad once they reach a certain position?"

She does think about it sometimes.

Aren't many people like this?

Sit in a certain position, collect money, do errands, and give the green light to related people.

"If you think about it carefully, this world is really a world full of relationships."

Yanshan's words made Saito smack his lips.

After careful consideration, she decided to do this:

"Then see if someone blew himself up again today."

Pick up the remote to switch to the regular morning news.

What the host said this time was about the deputy director of the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Ah, there really are."

It is said that it is not only a financial anomaly, but also contains black-related content.

"According to the suspect, this situation has turned into a black industrial chain, and the relevant situation is still being sorted out, but according to the information obtained so far, at least five police officers have died as a result."

The host on the screen was still talking.

The audience outside the screen is also watching seriously.

In front of the sofa, Nangong casually changed into a casual outfit. I don't know how many times he heard similar news.

It is precisely because the world today is changing, constantly changing, that the facts that were originally hidden in the dark, may be found out one day in the future, and may never see the light of day will be exposed under the bright sky.

Today's situation is hard to ignore.

If it continues like this, if the influence is further expanded, how much darkness that was originally hidden will be pulled out?

'A man who arrives at the police station leads to a cold case from the past'

This kind of story-like thing is exactly what is happening now.

Nangong saw a lot of such news.

He even had an idea of ​​'just wait until everything is over before solving everything'.

However, the later it is, the harder it may be to get rid of this influence.

There's even the possibility of never getting rid of it...or is that a good thing?

'Forget it. '

Nangong pressed the remote control to close the news that was still being reported.

His right hand holds the black spark prism, and with the unfolding of the sword grid, the flesh also turns into energy particles, and from energy particles into another form of entity.

'Under the sea, the solar system, land, all the places that can be found have been found, where else? '

Nangong was thinking and reasoning in his mind.

'Could it be interference from outside the solar system? '

The problem is here, since the first time I felt the fluctuation, I have never been able to detect the second time.

Without positioning, it is equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack.

Empat raised his head slightly, he jumped up, his body disappeared in a sway, passed through the clouds, and soared under the blue sky.

At this moment, the TPC at this moment is also vaguely aware of something abnormal.

The news that is reported every day has been compiled and is now presented at the base of the super victorious team.

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