"You're not going anywhere!"

Laris immediately counterattacked, who was the one who pretended to be defeated during the battle!

The two began to bicker tacitly. If they didn't find something to distract their attention, the two days would be too difficult.

Chapter 160 Delivered to the Power of Hands


"I'm sorry, does it hurt?"

"Why are you apologizing instead?"

There are only two people in the spacious home. Unlike in June, the summer vacation for teachers and students begins with July.

Chancheng, who has no interest in going out, naturally stays at home. Since he stays at home, he naturally stays with his mother.

Now, the mother's right hand is covered with an ice pack.

Hitomi felt that she was already clumsy as if she was getting old when she got burned when she tried to cook before.

Not only that, but the daughter was restless when she was at home, so she was distracted.

All because of her own problems.

That's why I subconsciously said the previous rhetorical question.

Chancheng was silent for a while.

"I said that without knowing it."

'Because of concern' such a short sentence was unexpectedly unable to be uttered, and there was a feeling of shame.

In order to alleviate this feeling of embarrassment, Chancheng raised his head to look at the balcony on the side of the living room, and he could see the somewhat dark sky at a glance.

It is not necessarily sunny in summer, and the strong sense of sultriness outside is the gigabyte of rain.

A large number of dragonflies fly chaotically, and the passing birds seem to be looking for a place to rest.

Pieces of dark clouds are connected into a line, blocking all the sunshine.


Suddenly, Chancheng blinked, and the vision he had seen before disappeared without a trace.

'illusion? '

At that moment just now, I don't know if it was a hallucination or an illusion, there seemed to be a strange light shining in the dark clouds.

Looking away, Chancheng took his mother back to the sofa.

"Come on, you rest for a while, and don't let the wound get wet."

Compared with the illusion, the important thing is the family in front of me.

At this moment, on the other side of the cloud, the strange existence has disappeared.

He crossed mountains and seas, and went to the place chosen by others under the guidance.

There are very few places on this earth that have not been discovered by humans.

But discovering does not mean living. Those uninhabited desert islands are isolated from the world and naturally maintain their style.

The animals living a leisurely life subconsciously escaped from their original positions, the dark clouds in the sky were torn apart, and what descended was an existence they could not understand.

That spaceship changed its attitude, from a satellite to its original shape.

Echoing it is the existence that landed in front of it.

One after the other, maintaining the size of a human being, Empat and Dyna stepped on this piece of land.

'Tick tick tick. '

One drop, two drops, not too big, the falling water droplets hit their bodies, slid down, and finally dripped onto the ground, turning into mud together with the soil.

Soon, without waiting for the two Ultramans to speak, the entrance of the spaceship opened directly.

Walking out of there was a man with black hair.

He has the same appearance as a human, and even his clothes are suits and leather shoes worn on formal occasions.

This is not his original appearance, but a posture made of mimetic equipment.

"Empat, Dyna, it's the first time they face each other like this."

Not only was there no rush in his tone, there was no fear in the slightest.

"That's the end of the gossip."

Dyna spoke immediately, without any intention of exchanging pleasantries.

"What is your purpose? Why do you do this?"

At this moment, Empat's gaze moved.

The entrance of the spacecraft opened, and the fluctuations that had been glimpsed before became extremely clear.

It spreads in all directions and affects the living beings that exist on this earth.

Empat's energy mobilized in the body, and then noticed the abnormality inside the spaceship.

The space inside is different from the normal space, there is no way for him to just instantly move inside.

In a short half a second, the plan to directly seize it was in vain.

The next moment, the Mephilas star Laris who mimicked a human raised his left hand.

One action brings vigilance and strange cubes.


Following the user's command from inside the ship, the device that can guide the thinking of intelligent life floats above the palm.

The seemingly pitch-black cube is not fixed in posture, and layers of blue waves are constantly moving on its surface.

Once you leave the spaceship, you completely expose your existence.

At this moment, both Dyna and Empat realized what it was.

But before they could do anything, Laris gave the order.

He moved forward with his left hand holding the cube, so the box moved forward slowly, and finally stopped in front of the two Ultramans.

The 'enemy' who uses this tool to interfere and influence human beings is very easy to hand over such a special thing without even saying a word.

No communication required, no persuasion required.

"What do you want to do?"

Empat was convinced that the fluctuations came from the inside of the cube, so he questioned the other party in this way.

"What's the purpose?"

This question is exactly the same as Dyna's question before.

And after Laris actually threw that 'hot potato' out, he didn't have to worry anymore, because neither Dyna nor Empat had any reason to attack him.

He naturally folded his empty hands in front of his body. That movement was used when 'chatting', not a starting gesture for fighting. It was difficult to show his hands to the opponent at the same time.

"I don't have any special purpose, I just learned a little bit about this planet."

Laris smiled as he spoke.

"Humans have reached the ability to travel to planets other than the earth, and are working towards the direction of interstellar travel. At the same time, there is still a big problem, that is, before they leave the earth, they are already thinking about going to a more distant planet." The distant universe has set off."

Obviously, it is intended to directly omit the intermediate steps and move forward.

"It is an unreasonable choice to go to the universe before solving our own problems. Human beings have to work hand in hand and twist together under the threat of monsters and invaders. This does not mean that everyone accepts each other. "

As an alien, Laris has indeed had a good understanding of human civilization, because this is also a part of it.

"Different religious beliefs, different national systems, and different ideas, of course, do not require everyone to form a unified idea, but I think human beings do not even have the ability to take a step back and tolerate each other."

Is what he said true?

The answer to this can be found by asking only one question.

'Can all people in a country be harmonious and loving, and make progress together? '


'How many countries are there in this world? '

197 countries.

197 different countries.

How many people are there in a country?

How many people in 197 countries?

"There has never been harmony between people. How much malice disguised as a joke is casually spoken out? How much pain is caused by the hands of others?"

"Don't you think it's one-sided to be an alien but define a human being?"

Empat's speech interrupted what Laris hadn't finished speaking.

But Laris doesn't really care about this, what he's going to say next is the key point.

He took a step forward and nodded vigorously in agreement.

Then say this:

"Compared with me, I naturally have deeper feelings for this planet, have spent more time on this planet, and you who guard this planet are more defined."

That's why I handed over that device to you.

"So it's up to you to decide what to do. You should also understand the ability of that mind box. As long as it exists, the human beings on this earth will remain as they are today. I don't think anyone can learn from your mind box. Take it out of your hands."

After saying this, Laris took a few steps back and opened his hands, expressing again that he did not show any hostility.

"Then, I will take a step first, and hope to see better humans in the sea of ​​stars in the future."

Leave a word, and the entrance of the spaceship is closed.

In the sight of Dyna and Empat, the spaceship disappeared after ascending, without concealing its whereabouts.

It escaped from the atmosphere and traveled all the way without any intention of stopping until it could no longer be felt.

The two refocused their sights on the 'mind box' floating in front of them, and the fluctuations released did not stop at all.

After a brief silence, Dyna looked at Empat.

"What? What to do with it?"

There was a feeling of helplessness in that tone.

How to deal with it?

Next, Empat moves.


Dyna felt his whole body tense as Empat's left hand jerked forward to grab the tiny contraption, which didn't quite fit the exaggerated circumstances affecting all of humanity.

'Of course, crush it directly'

That's how it should be.

But the moment it touches the mind box, the particles of light melt into it.

"External hacking detected, do you need to deal with it?"

"This is......"

Because it was a mental call, Dyna clearly understood the voice from the mental box.

"Why are you asking?"

Empat asked while maintaining the invasion.

That's a dumb question for a mind box.

However it doesn't care.

"Because you are the user."

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