Its name, Galatron MK-II.

The vanguard of Xia, the arbiter of civilization, arrived on this planet under orders.

Empat turned around, and the two pairs of completely opposite-colored eyes met.

Is there any hope?

Can you still win?

At least once given up, the hope that might have existed must die.


There was no sound echoing in Nangong's consciousness, and there was nothing on this planet that could communicate with him.

He is the only one in the whole 'world'.

But in another 'world', there are still people fighting.

'it's not finished yet. '

It has not yet reached the point of no hope of recovery.

The ringing of the timer was accompanied by the battle roar. In the dark night and the boundless silence, even the steps were so clear.

The palm knife swung by Empat collided with the arm blade of Galatron MK-II, sparks splashed out.

It was almost exactly the same as in the first battle, with one side's energy consumed intensely and the other side intact.

The sound of metal impacts almost overlapped, and the alternate double punches in front hit Galatron MK-II's chest.

It was knocked back a step, opening a short distance.

At this distance, Empat's upper body tilted, and the ensuing side kick aimed at the same position, only a short miss.

The air was torn apart, and the teleportation circle swallowed Galatron MK-II from top to bottom.

Empat immediately turned his body sideways, and what slid down from his side was a battle axe.

The already devastated ground was cut with a trace, and the enemy's body hadn't even fully emerged.

He turned quickly and stepped on his left foot.

The handle of the ax was used as a foothold, and Empat pressed down with the weight of his whole body. In contrast, the slender and narrow foothold did not affect the balance.

When the Galatron MK-II fully emerges, its head is thrown back, kicks exploding in the face.

Aiming at the head, Empat pushed out his right palm, and the heavy hammer of thought force was applied again.

This time, Galatron MK-II couldn't stand still, and it staggered back.

In contrast to Empat who is sprinting forward, the right palm is 'push', then the left palm is 'pull'

The battle ax that had sunk into the ground due to its weight was pulled out and held in his hand.

From back to front, he swung a semi-circular dark golden battle ax and slashed down vertically, embedded in the body of Galatron MK-II.

In less than half a second, its heavy body also smashed into the ground due to the impact. Empat, who was holding the handle of the ax, took a step back, and the red beam in front of him went straight to the sky.

Galatron MK-II formed the teleportation array again, but before entering, its right leg was locked.

With the battle roar, Empat pulled it out of the teleportation array, and the heavy fall after turning around brought more damage than this.

The battle ax that had been embedded in Galatron MK-II collided with the ground, and during the interaction of forces, the ax blade completely penetrated its body and came out from behind.

The data flow in the electronic brain ceased, and the Galatron MK-II stopped moving.

The sound of the breaking wind reverberates, the overlapping roars are transmitted, and the vibrating ground symbolizes the arrival of the uninvited guest.

From the smoke and dust, two pairs of red eyes are extremely clear.

Empat turned around, and pulled with his left hand again, holding the previous battle ax with both hands.

There is no sunlight, the location changes greatly, and the temperature of the earth keeps dropping.

As a result, the scorching light heated up the surroundings, and the light from the eyes of Galateron MK-II collided with the battle ax in Empat's hand.

The intense red light split into dozens of paths, tore apart the streets, burned vegetation, pierced through buildings, and shattered houses.

In another space in another world, the red light continued, but it didn't work.

Tyranoid's wrists absorbed the scorching light completely, and he took a step forward, splitting his right arm and turning the energy into a half-moon.

The beam released by the Galatron MK-II was cut in the middle, and finally hit together with the main body.

The crack was so obvious, so Tyranoid's stabbing knife pierced through the crack, his powerful arms exploded with the movement, and the enemy in front was torn apart from the middle.

The destruction of an enemy means the arrival of the next enemy. He keeps swinging his body and adjusting the angle of the integrated wrist armor.

Contact, reflection, contact, reflection, the rays of light attacking Terra Noyd were not absorbed when they hit the wrist armor, but were instead bounced off. The offset angle allowed the originally precise attacks to hit each other.

Sprint straight punch, smash that head.

With a sweep of the wrist, the blade of the ax was shattered.

Terra Noyd did not hesitate to attack with all his strength, and the abundant energy brought incomparably powerful lethality.

The light whip extending from the front of the arm entangled one of the Galatron MK-IIs, and the whip turned into a rope, pulling the enemy and spinning along with the movement.

The collision brings a loud noise, seize this opportunity, the enemy in the other direction raises his hands, and the light released from the inside of the fingertips spans the distance.

Facing this volley, Tyranoid moved forward with both arms, forming a special barrier.

Galatron MK-II's finger beam didn't make any contact with the orange barrier.

Because it is not so much a barrier as it is a passage.

Being controlled by Sfia and turning into Gilganod is not only bad.

At least the current Tyranoid has mastered some abilities that didn't exist before.

Unlike ordinary energy barriers that consume energy to fight against, the openings opened by the warp barrier swallow incoming attacks.

The falling arms turned whips into swords, cutting through two Galatron MK-IIs again.

In the case of abundant energy, the fighting power of the Ott family is indeed very strong.

So far, Gilbaris has collected the combat data of Empat, Dyna, and Tyranoid.

Therefore, there is no need to continue fighting.

Although it is a data world, it will be damaged to a certain extent when it is destroyed.

The Galatron MK-II Legion all disappeared, and at this time, it was the Condor that appeared around Terra Noyd.


"Are you only going to use this cheap method? Despicable villain!"

In contrast to the fierce tone is a quiet heart, Tyranoid did not notice any more fluctuations, and the enemy mastermind that had been hidden before was not provoked.

Gilbaris chose the simplest method. The easiest way to make these Ultra fighters submit is to let humans attack them, nothing more.

The tornado thundered and fired, and Tyranoid, who tried his best to evade, was still hit, and sparks exploded, shining in the red space.

At the same moment, sparks exploded, shining in that dark world.

Staggering back, Empat swung his ax out, forcing one of the enemies back.

The next moment, two beams of light exploded on his wrist, and the tomahawk, which was bumpy due to defense, came out of his hand.

Left, right, from different directions, two Galatron MK-IIs arrived at the same time.

The raised arm blocked the sweeping arm blade, and the collision brought intense pain.

Immediately afterwards, before Empat could react, the two Galatron MK-IIs grabbed it forward with the two free hands.

His body was pulled up in the air, and then his back collided with a building nearly [-] meters high.

Buildings built on the basis of 'years' are instantly shattered.

The two Galatron MK-IIs continued downward, smashing Empat into the ground, covering him with the collapsed building.

The falling wreckage was crushed and he was pulled up again, this time with a hand locked over his head.

The building was connected to the building, and the Galatron MK-II smashed Empat's head towards the building, and another building was smashed.

Pull up, crash into, pull up, pull, it directly regards the head in its hand as a rag, and treats one building after another as glass that needs to be cleaned, and rubs it along the way.

The wreckage kept falling.

The glass continued to rub against Empat's face and eyes.

A large amount of dust spread from here to the surroundings, Galatron MK-II let go, and Empat fell down as if losing strength.

The next moment, Empat, who was kneeling on the ground, put his arms forward and locked the enemy's waist.

The anti-gravity ability is used, and half the street is crushed.

He raised his fist forward and aimed it at the enemy he pushed to the ground.

It was only 1 cm away from hitting, but unfortunately the other Galatron MK-II was not a decoration.

The huge battle ax slashed down, starting from Empat's right shoulder and pulling it all the way to his waist.

His heavy punches became weak, and there was no ripple on the enemy's face.

The limp body fell, and was roughly thrown aside.

After a few seconds, more than a dozen buildings were shattered, and Galatron MK-II pulled Empat to spin, and finally threw him out.

He didn't know how many buildings were smashed, and how many streets were crushed. He lay on the ground and saw only two blurred red lines due to the speed.

The loud noise exploded, the surrounding gravel floated up, and the mechanical feet stepped on Empat's abdomen.

Galatron MK-II faithfully carried out the mastermind's orders, ruthlessly attacking the targets below it.

Stamp, punch, repeat non-stop.

One of them pulled Empat off the ground, locking out the action from behind.

The other clenched its fist, and kept swinging its arm blade from different angles, cutting the body, cutting the face, and the strings of sparks dissipated before they fell.

This scene plays out in front of Tyranoid.

"The companions you have worked so hard to save, the earth you have worked so hard to tear out, there is no hope at all"

This is what it means.

Even so, Terra Noyd was still resisting.

In that picture, the swung arm blade slashed under Empat's ribs, Empat jumped up, and kicked Galatron MK-II's chest softly.

Immediately afterwards, Galatron MK-II aimed at the blue right eye, and slashed across with the arm blade from top to bottom, exploding a large number of sparks.

Coincidentally, at this time another Ultra warrior also suffered trauma to his eyes.

Dyna's whole body was restrained, piercing sharply into his body. Around his eyes, a large number of tentacles were burrowing into the inside.

He clenched his fists tightly, endured the pain, and tried his best to break free. Every movement made the sharpness pull and cut in his body.

"Don't you understand? You have no hope."

Gilbaris spoke up, because it seemed that pain alone could not make these beings despair.

"You have lost what you guarded, you have no hope of winning, the sun has abandoned you, and all that awaits you is despair."

Its voice does not contain tone, it only has a mechanical sense, on the contrary, it has a feeling of 'telling the truth'.

"In this vast universe, your existence is just a drop in the ocean. You are weak, stupid, and powerless in the face of destruction."

Around Dyna's timer, tentacles poked.

In front of Empat's timer, the beam burns.

Behind Tyranoid, the Condor fired wildly.

"In the cold darkness, no one will come to save you. You are like the eternal truth of the universe. You will eventually be destroyed. There will be no future, no assistance, and everything will be lost."

On the dark and cold earth, Galatron MK-II took out the battle ax from behind, and the ax blade touched Empat's head, as if confirming where to cut it.


Without the slightest movement, Tregear was disappointed at the end of the story.

After all, it is so, but it is so.

Behind him is the dark blue fog gate, and in his eyes is the battle ax raised high, aiming at Empat's head.

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