The energy fluctuations brought about by the bombardment covered up the spatial fluctuations, and a large number of Galatrons entered the teleportation magic circle led by MK-II.

They're going to be in a good position, a position that can tear the fleet down the middle.

It was only half a second, and even the volley hadn't arrived yet.

A large number of wormholes appear here, gathering energy, and Galatron, which is ready to bombard at any time, appears from the inside. Around them, in front of them, and behind them, there are forward fighter planes, which seem to be unable to return to defense at all. .

So what if he returns to defense?Rely on the airframe to defend?

At this moment, the surprise Galatrons were cut in the middle and split in two.

The tunnel for their transmission suddenly began to shrink and disappear, and the two parts that left and those that were still inside were thus separated.

"Unfortunately, we have already prepared."

Gilbaris' blunder was that the interstellar civilizations in this universe joined forces, and they used their wisdom to fully analyze Galatron's space transmission principle.

Half a second later, the darkness of the universe was dispelled, and it was a bright light.

On the moon and on Mars, the remaining human beings can see the second sun shining in the sky.

Intense energy conflict constitutes light, heat, and destruction, forming a group of intense destructive energy, and this expanding ball of light releases unimaginable brilliance.

"What the hell is this..."

TPC couldn't understand the situation in front of him at all, what happened?

Why did it inexplicably evolve into such a situation after the disappearance of the earth.

What happened to this burst of energy?

What about those lights?

If you usually look up at the sky on the moon, you will see the faintly visible stars, and the whole black curtain with no end in sight is dotted with pure white.

Today is different. When I look up at the sky, I see a red sun.

Now, that sun is slowly disappearing.

After this sun goes away...

"But so."

The front end of the fleet was formed by a shield that blocked the salvos of the Galatron Corps. Although the consumption was a bit serious, it was not a problem.

The protective cover disappeared, and there were a lot of wreckage inside, and the Galatron that was cut was smashed by the battleship's gunfire.

"Go on!"

In today's solar system, countless meteors cut through the darkness.

170 Seven chapters of a universe's struggle

"This thing is... really big!"

In front of the fighter, the same colors are mixed together, and the beam cannons installed in different positions continue to output.

Pulling up, skimming, the mechanical monster named Galatron was unscathed.

"Are we fighting an entire army of monsters?"

"I don't think it's too bad."

A large number of light beams hit Galatron. The body of this mechanical weapon is even larger than that of ordinary monsters. At the same time, its huge size has stronger power and more terrifying defense. The shooting of the beam cannon brings only Slight black scorching marks.


Unfortunately, the warning came a little late.

It was an arm, and the arm that flew over from nowhere instantly smashed several fighter planes into pieces.

Galatron's chest, eyes, and red beams are enough to engulf any fighter plane and melt it.

Under the cosmic environment, on the battlefield, the Galatron Legion is essentially two parts.

One of them is a turret with high defense and high attack power.

The other is their arms that can be used as floating cannons.

These arms are constantly walking through the battlefield, and the same material as the body is exchanged for a simple and rough attack method.

Under the superposition of speed, as long as it is slightly touched, the entire fighter plane will crash.

There are as many floating cannon arms as there are Galatrons.

These things constantly shuttle on the battlefield, causing damage.

At this moment, the internal calculations of the fleet are completed.

The blue light beam twisted like lines, and these lines were entangled and combined, and finally turned into a blue sphere.

In an instant, the earth, which was originally floating near the virtual planet Kesia, moved.

That is gravity, powerful and restrained gravity.

The gravitational sphere formed by the Interstellar Alliance faithfully performed its mission, pulling the earth with such force that it would not tear it apart.

The distance between Earth and Kesia is too close, and some more powerful weapons can be used only if it is in a safe position.

Unfortunately, there are no humans on Earth at this time, which proves that Ultraman's goal has not been achieved.

Fortunately, there are no human beings on the earth at this time, otherwise, the gravitational pull of the planet alone would cause considerable casualties.

For the Interstellar Alliance, it is very simple to destroy a planet, and it is also very easy to destroy a civilization. The gravitational ball can tear the planet apart, and it can also stop the planet. If the rotation of the planet stops in an instant, the civilization will be destroyed. will be destroyed instantly.

' Too bad it doesn't seem to be working for that thing. '

Baxter, who was the commander of the fleet, was at a loss for what to do with that virtual planet.

"How about parsing?"

"No, it's completely cut off."


What he was asking was about the Galatrons, the Galatrons that had been brought with them, captured by the Star Alliance, and which was used by Tyranoid to complete the invasion before.

Now it seems that the link between these Galatrons has been severed.

"Xia has something strange!"

On the surface of the virtual planet, part of the red gradually faded, and what appeared was a mechanized surface.

A huge gun barrel extends from the front end, and iridescent energy is brewing inside.

"A high-energy response is a long-distance bombardment!"

As soon as the words fell, iridescent beams shot out.

That strong energy does not move forward in a straight line. Every time a colored magic circle appears, it will disappear from its original position and reappear from the position where another magic circle appeared.

When it disappears from this world, the energy reaction will disappear directly.

It is impossible to predict exactly where the blow will appear from.

Compared with Galatron's pure space transfer technology, this is undoubtedly a further development.

At the same time, it also caused the fleet to be unable to deal with it, and it was also unable to intercept it.

The next moment, that beam of light pierced through a battleship in an instant, and moved straight forward, rushing towards the next one.

However, the previously penetrated battleship did not produce any explosions.

Because what the beam hits is nothing but a residual shadow.

If defenseless, let the enemy miss the target.

It's only a few seconds, but it's enough.

Borrowing the four-dimensional technology of the Ikars aliens, the fleet disappeared from the original world.

When they returned to the normal world, a rainbow light disappeared in the distance.

And the main guns of the fleet completed the concentration of energy within a few seconds, and the earth was out of the dangerous position, so the ready-to-go attack began.

In an instant, the plasma beam spanned the distance and blasted towards the location of the virtual planet.

Within the range of the rays, Galatron, who was unable to react in time, was instantly vaporized.

However, this is only part of the inability to respond.

More Galatrons disappeared in the package of the teleportation array, and Xia was infected by light, and then thousands of strong lights passed through Xia, flying to an unknown distance.

After that, Galateron, who had previously evaded, appeared in the solar system.

This is the trouble with space technology, no matter how powerful technology you have, no matter how terrible weapons you have, as long as they cannot attack another space, they can complete evasion.

Neither Gilbaris' shelling nor the Star Alliance's shelling caused any damage.

Fighter planes shuttle across the battlefield, aim, shoot, and carry warheads that fly.

When detonated, the gravitational field unleashed twisted Galatron's body, crushing parts of it completely.

Ordinary weapons are meaningless, only stronger weapons can do damage.

For a time, a large number of gravitational fields bloomed in this universe, and one after another blue light clusters lit up.

Followed by one after another, there are purple-black energy clusters, which are the annihilation produced by the conflict between positive and negative matter in the universe.

The floating cannons that were still flying around before disappeared without even a moment's hold.

Conventional weapons don't work, only unconventional weapons do.

However, whether it can hit is also a question.

Compared with the Galatron fort, those floating cannons flying around are the most troublesome enemies.

They are like huge, indestructible space fighters, not only shooting, but also hitting.

On this battlefield, the brilliance tears apart the darkness, and at the same time lights up countless fireworks.

It's just that one group after another of fireworks represents the disappearance of life.

The gunfire on the battleship changed its target, continuously attacking Galatron within range.

The next moment, a colorful teleportation array appeared.

At this moment, the centers of several warships were directly penetrated.

"Where did the shelling come from?"

On the back of Kesia, the muzzle continued to gather energy.

If even the attack can be teleported in the process, the direction of firing does not have any meaning.

The fleet opened the energy-consuming shield again, and colored water droplets fell from above.

It was a scattered bombardment, hitting the enemy within a whole range.

The sudden attack made it difficult for some fighters to react, and the pilots, who were already concentrating on chasing the floating cannon, were unable to respond to it.

In an instant, thousands of flames appeared.


The Star Alliance has long known that Gilbaris is strong, but it is better to appreciate its strength on the battlefield.

That's not just the level of beyond-horizon strikes, even the existences that can span parallel universes naturally have a deeper understanding of space. doesn't work now, the opponent can hit our side, but our side can't hit the opponent.

'The planet must be materialized, or simply destroyed from within. '

To be able to do this, you can only rely on that existence, that existence that sneaked into the interior of Xia Xia before.

The person expected by the Star Alliance, that is, Terra Noyd, is constantly avoiding.

The battle outside is indeed going on.

However, this does not affect Gilbaris inside to deal with the foreign objects in his body, the computing power of an entire planet is not false.

Why is the fleet here?

Why did this unknown Ultra warrior invade?

Everything has been deduced in Gil Barris' calculations.

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