Ten years later, the fleet that arrived in this solar system came with good intentions. It is the human heart that calls out the darkness, and it is the human heart that calls out the light.

The next moment, using the body as a weapon, Tiga's attack completely destroyed several Galatron MK-IIs.

He continued to look at the next enemies, towards those enemies who were constantly attacking and tireless, he turned into a blurred shadow, and kept destroying one Galatron after another.

Slash horizontally with the palm knife, and punch through with heavy fists.

Kicks shatter, light evaporates.

Compared with the size of the battleship, Ultraman has the firepower above the battleship and the agility above the fighter jet. Tiga who joined the battle does not have a single enemy, and he is reducing the Galatron army at an exaggerated speed. quantity.

The battle situation is always changing rapidly, but I never thought it would become so much.

"How about it?"

Inside one of the battleships, Diana asked her colleagues who were working hard here.

"Not yet!"


She smacked her lips and continued to wait for the coming opportunity.

Is this battle over?

not yet.

From the other side of the battlefield, a completely similar side, an army that can only be said to be worthless compared with the Star Alliance fleet has appeared, because they are just a civilized military force.


Dyna's body that had been pulled up fell down again, and the top-to-bottom bombardment completely shattered the Galatron surrounding him.

'Why, how? '

Looking up suddenly, new troops appeared on this side of the planet. They have been waiting for a signal, and now is the time.

The population of the Baltan clan has decreased, and the army has lost two-thirds in the previous catastrophe.

However, the remaining one-third does not need to rely on weapons that are more fragile than the flesh.

Firepower is justice, and a large number of white light bullets fell like rain.

Facing the Xia, the bombardment continued continuously, and the violent explosions continued, disintegrating the hard surface of Xia, causing quite a threat, and at the same time interfering with the internal battle.

Gilbaris is calculating, it is constantly calculating, it is this planet, this planet is it, and it does not prevent it from dealing with the external situation during the challenge.

A large number of planets were devoured to obtain resources, and these resources were turned into military power, and at the same time, they were constantly sent out.

The surface of Xia changed shape again, the barrels, launch ports, missiles, light beams, and suddenly, the planet showed a further form.

The fortress is naturally equipped with a great number of different armaments with which it is defending itself.

At this moment, both Dyna, who is still standing on the Xesia, and the Baltan Army, who is attacking over the Xesia, all feel the 'gravity'

This gravitational force was released from Kesia, pulling them and disturbing them, but on the other hand, the attack from Kesia was not affected at all.

The shield was formed, and after the explosion, the Baltan soldiers no longer appeared, and they returned to the ship.

Unlike Ultraman, their energy is not so comprehensive.

"What happened this time?!"

Before Dyna could figure out what was going on, he found him floating.

Immediately afterwards, two forces exerted on his body.


Pull, that is, gravity.

From Kesia, and from the side of the Baltan army, the two gravitational forces confronted crazily.

The mixed gravitational force was neutralized, Dyna floated in the air, looking at the sky, it was the missile that was destroyed by the air defense system on the battleship.

In addition, the missiles that landed on the battleship exploded, releasing a large number of special particles inside, forming a new force field.

Countless beams of light were exhausted in this mist of particles.

The attack aimed at the Baltan fleet was deflected, and Dyna, standing on the surface of Xia, found a chance, and he called for the existence to follow him.

From a distance, Sai Gang, who kept avoiding attacks, charged at super high speed.

'It really doesn't work. '

Dyna had noticed before that there was no way to use the manipulation space here, and the entire space was completely locked.

He jumped up, got on Sai Gang, and left towards the outside of Kesia.

There is not much power left in the body, so I will retreat temporarily, replenish it and come back first.

Now it is difficult for him to even release light, but it is different from before, even under such circumstances, he has not changed back to a human form.

This is probably because the thorough integration made him further become something other than a human being.

In the distance, the situation on the battlefield began to tilt.

Chapter 180 My Hometown Is Earth

This is the enemy's world, and Empat had known and understood this before entering.

But he had to enter this world, which was also what Jill Barris calculated.

Before, when he blocked Dyna, he had extracted the data of "human beings" separately, so there were no human beings on it after the "earth" was re-materialized.

As long as the Ultra fighters still want to save mankind, they will definitely enter its home field.

Since it is entering its home field, then...


Empat, who was flying fast, felt a strong sense of weight, and the sudden gravity pressed him, pulling him down.

When it fell, hundreds of missiles fell.

Half a second later, he rushed out from the explosion that had just begun to spread, supported his body with his feet, and ran at an exaggerated speed.

In front of it, the gun barrels on Gilbaris fired at the same time, red, green and orange, and various colors of light intertwined together, chasing that figure.

Empat was overwhelmed by the light, but after that, the converging light began to scatter and chase.

Because he moves, avoids, and finally jumps in the gaps.

He adapted to the gravity, kept changing directions in the air, and hit nothing with the heavy punches that matched his speed.

Gilbaris, who was originally there, disappeared and appeared behind the enemy, and the beam shot from almost zero distance hit the enemy's forward leaning.

Cooperating with Empat's forward leaning action, the straight right leg hooked up with the ankle, but still missed anything.

Its body is not bound by the 'human body', and it swings continuously to avoid shelling from different directions.

Jill Barris's speed can't be said to be very fast, but in the world of data, he can go wherever he wants.

Relying on this method, it does not change its position in the same way as teleportation.

Unlike the outer material world, Empat can't feel space-related fluctuations, and only passively avoids when he detects an attack.

The next moment, the evasion that should have been completed was in vain.

Because the ground under his feet moved, he forcibly changed his position and sent Empat to the ray.

He crossed his arms to block the attack, and after the explosion, his surroundings were completely surrounded again.

When the fire light drifted away, the originally empty space changed and became a space blocked by the city wall.

Hundreds of Galatrons aimed and fired at the same time. At the same time as a salvo, the ground under Empat's feet also changed its posture, and mechanical tentacles with sharp blades entangled one after another.

Facing the siege, his body was ablaze with black flames, ready to fight back against those tentacles.

But very suddenly, everything around him disappeared, and the ground under his feet disappeared, and he was pulled by the strong suction.


What appeared at the foot was a huge black hole.

The black hole of Sphia constructed by Gilbaris releases the suction, restraining Empat's movements.

Everything before was just a blindfold, and everything was data anyway.

Aiming at the immobilized enemy, it fires another salvo.

And Empat crossed his arms in front of the timer, and around the Sfia black hole, he couldn't feel anything else that would affect him.

The gushing energy turned into a ball of light, and then, the ball surpassed gravity and smashed Gilbaris into pieces.

At least it seems so.

When the light dissipated, Gilbaris appeared again in front of Empat's eyes.

"Your actions are meaningless. I am the master of everything here. You are just a poor bastard who jumped into the trap."

To build, to compose, to emerge.

In front of Empat, an asteroid with a diameter of a thousand meters suddenly appeared.

There was no acceleration process, but it crashed at an exaggerated speed.

Because from the very beginning, Jill Barris was 'setting the speed and direction'

Raising his hands, Empat collided with the asteroid. He was pushed all the way forward. The moment his hands touched the planet, the sphere was shattered by the conflict of two forces.

Because the 'not rocks' that make up this asteroid

It is an unnamed fictional metal with the same hardness as Empat's body.

"Give it up and accept the peace I give you."

Following Gilbaris' declaration, a larger sphere was formed.

This planet has the same size as the earth, but its mass is completely different, because the material is also an unnamed fictional metal.

Even Gilbaris and Empat are nothing more than ants in this existence, not even ants.

Prepared, so roll.

"Compared to this huge universe, you are small and stupid, and you can't even protect a small planet."

Towards the asteroid over there, towards Empat, which resists the asteroid, the fictional earth falls.

At the moment of contact, the asteroid sandwiched between Empat and the virtual earth was crushed into a strange shape.

Empat's back formed a larger virtual planet again, and now he and the remains of the asteroid are sandwiched in the center.

"This is my world, do you really think you can fight me?"

Gilbarris continued, the force of the front and back to crush Empat, but it was meaningless.

Violet light flowed from one end to the other, and from the hole that pierced the planet, Empat broke free.

"Your words have inexplicably increased."

At least he hadn't heard the other party talk much before, so why did he start talking non-stop now?

"What's the matter, are you in a hurry? Is the situation on the outside not good?"

It's a pity that there is no expression on Jill Barris' mechanical face, and nothing can be seen.

"Self-comforting like this is also a manifestation of the unwillingness of creatures to believe in the face of despair."

"Or I did hit the mark."

Empat put on a fighting posture, and once again rushed towards Gilbaris who seemed to have no way to catch it.

Every attack he makes misses, every light attack is dodged.

Sometimes the world becomes an endless ice sheet, sometimes an endless sea of ​​flames, sometimes a deep sea with exaggerated pressure, and sometimes a torrent of thunder.

Not all that falls from the sky are beams of light, there are also falling stars.

Breaking free from these predicaments one by one, Empat is like a stubborn Trojan horse that cannot be destroyed by antivirus software, shuttling through different files.

Different scenes appear in the sky, the fleet can be seen being destroyed, Dyna can be seen being chopped into pieces by Galatron, and the earth can be seen being pierced and detonated in the beam.

The scenery keeps appearing, and even the scenes of human beings being thrown into the vacuum of the universe and struggling frantically can be seen.

Empat didn't know what was happening on the outside, he just knew the scenes were repeating.

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