'I'd better not look at it. '

She hastened to take a step forward. During this period of time, she has fully understood some concepts, that is, the concept of 'person'.

For this universe, the intelligent life that created civilization is collectively called 'human'

Therefore, other races are just human beings, who naturally have emotions, sorrows and joys, as well as their own ideas.

In other words, an alien is another person who is different from humans in appearance and ecology.

Then, choose one of them who has a funny personality————

"Oh, oh, oh, return with a full load! Return with a full load! Not bad, not bad, native to the earth, and we will definitely be able to make more money when we return to our hometown."

"Don't forget about the subject matter, when the time comes to shoot a work related to Ultraman, we will make a lot of money!"

One after the other, the two Vatican stars happily held a large number of handbags, which contained various peripherals, such as piggy banks, pillow dolls, everything that one expects to find.


UNIQ began to think about one thing. It seems that many people like to ignore 'portrait rights' and 'copyrights' to do some miscellaneous things.

In other words, does this count as buying and selling?

Buying and selling across galaxies?

"You two wait for me."

While the two Vatican stars were imagining the future, people other than Uniq naturally noticed their actions.

The chest of that person is a prismatic blue crystal, and a pair of red eyes are staring at the Vatican.

With a shake of the Balki star's right hand, it doesn't matter even if he doesn't have a weapon.

"The bastards who buy things everywhere so that others have no place to buy them are you, right?"

"Ah, hahaha! No, no, no, you made a mistake."

'Liar! '

Uniq complained in his heart, who is he trying to deceive with a bag around his neck?

"Don't want to go!"

How could the Vatican's small backing movements fool the Balki's? He roared angrily, and when he was about to rush towards the opponent, a new voice came.

"What are you doing? Everyone should have read the rules before entering the country."

I don't know when the Baxters came to this street. The tone was majestic, and there was a very important rule in it, that is, no conflicts on the earth.

"Commander, save us! He wants to rob us!"

"Fart! Buy up everything and plan to buy and resell it, what a ghost!"


Hearing this sentence, Baxter's gaze shifted, and it was true that the two Fantons were covered with handbags.

"I'm first come, first served, it's not good for people who are a step behind!"

Seeing that his situation was safe, the Vatican star found a backer and relaxed, which made the Balki star itch.

After a few seconds, Baxter nodded.

"I have already understood the specific situation, Vatican, all the goods you purchased will be returned."

"Ah?! Why?!"

'Because I didn't buy either... no. '

Baxter quickly pulled back the wandering train of thought.

"If I'm not wrong, you should use some small props on your body as the currency of the earth to purchase, which violates the seventh rule. The value of the props should be appraised by TPC before you can get the currency of the earth. "

In order to get rid of commodities first, this method was used to cross the process of 'exchanging currency'.

"In other words, what you are doing is bartering. If the value does not match later, it may damage the reputation of our Star Alliance. Will you be able to take this responsibility?"


A few seconds later, the Balki star gloated and watched the Vatican star dejectedly return to the store accompanied by the Baxter star.

'Could it be said that buying and selling is a common culture in the whole universe? '

After watching the whole theater, Unii complained in her heart, and at the same time, she also noticed another thing.

'The anger towards this kind of person seems to be a common culture of the whole universe. '

Look at that Balki star, how happy he is smiling, he swaggered into the shop without knowing where to get the money and prepared to——

"Everyone, come to my side, those two people have been caught, and there is still a good show to watch."

'Oh, I plan to bring more people to swagger to buy the goods that the other party failed to buy and sell. '

Uniform nodded to express relief, and then continued to move towards the destination.

On the commercial street, more cosmic beings are wandering around, it seems that everything on this earth is very novel to them.

On the corner of this street, the coffee shop that was supposed to be bustlingly opened today abnormally put up a sign of 'Closed Business'.

Uniq was close to the door, and some lively enough voices could be heard inside.

She stretched out her hand and turned the doorknob. In an instant, the coolness released by the air conditioner made her look comfortable.

However, the moment he entered the store, his expression changed from comfortable to weird.

"What are you doing?"

People's hands were raised high, as if the young man who was lifted up had won some great award.

"Oh, Uniform, you're here!"

In the crowd, Shili waved his hand with joy on his face.

"Listen to me, this boy Nangong really doesn't even weigh 25 kilograms!"

The young man lying on people's hands showed a strange expression of helplessness.

This scene gave UNIQ a strong sense of déjà vu for a while, probably... the person who rubbed the cat and the cat who was unwilling to be rubbed but could not resist.

180 Chapter Five Residual Influence

All kinds of messy things happened, all kinds of messy things happened.

After such a period of time, after a gap long enough for a person to grow up, enough for a person to start a family and start a business, he still returned with his original identity.

In the coffee shop, Nangong drank the coffee in the cup in one gulp. Unlike before, there was no feedback from the stomach or the beating of the heart.

Recalling the past when I was a human being, I also accept the present self as it is.

The previous gatherings have disappeared. Compared with idlers like him, jobless people like him, people will change.

To pick up the children after the cram school, or to pick up the wife after get off work, everyone has their own lives.

"What's the matter? A happy expression."

At the bar, Ryoko was cleaning the cups and noticed the relaxed look on Nangong's face.

If you want to say it, it's closer to the kind that is about to laugh.

"Because it's really nice."

Nangong put down his glass, wouldn't it be nice to see people have their own lives?

Ordinary living is the greatest success and happiness.

"Speaking of this."

Putting down a clean cup, Ryoko spoke as if remembering something:

"Do you want to continue working here?"

This is a good suggestion, but Nangong still shook his head.

"Before, there were only two women in the store and I became a target. Now that there are so many women and I am the only man, I am afraid that people will block me when I walk on the street after get off work."

He is very aware of one of the reasons why this store attracts customers, and he understands that capital is capital.

Hearing these words, Ryoko stopped what she was doing, and looked up and down at the young man in front of her with a strange look.

At least outwardly it looks youthful.


She pondered for a while, and asked such a question:

"Who is blocking whom?"

"Of course I surrounded them all by myself."

Nangong replied as a matter of course, a person knows what he is asking, and a person knows what he is going to answer, in other words, he is flattering.



They both laughed at the same time, then relaxed.

"But I didn't expect ten years to be so different."

Nangong looked around, and the decoration of the store was naturally the same style as the old store in the past, but in terms of capacity, it must be at least three times larger.

"After all, the people who make money have become three people."

What Ryoko was referring to was Kyoko who didn't come to today's party. She was still the same as before, she hated a large group of people getting together.

"Then again, I really hope she doesn't say the wrong thing."

Although I know it won't happen, I still can't help worrying. This is probably my family.

To this day, Ryoko still remembers what Kyoko said when she was choosing a university:

'This makes money, I want to develop in this direction. '

It's really too straightforward.

For this worry, Nangong naturally knew why.

"Don't worry, she...can tell the difference."

After much deliberation, he could only use this sentence to describe it.

'To put it bluntly, it is a transaction, you give money, I give treatment. '

These are the exact words of Xingzi. There is no benevolence of a doctor, only firm professional ethics.

"Huh? Wait."

Before the conversation could go any further, Ryoko yelled to stop.

Because she found something.

"Why does it seem that you have met her many times before?"

How is this understanding?

This question also made Nangong start to think. If you think about it carefully...

"It can't be counted as much, but it is indeed more than coming here."


"Probably because you don't have much rest most of the time, Kyoko has a public holiday, and the previous situation..."

Having said that, Nangong raised his cup again and drank all the remaining coffee.

In life, fortune and misfortune depend on each other, as the ancients said.

It's a pity that according to his experience, under normal circumstances, only misfortunes and misfortunes depend on each other, and the so-called ups and downs are mostly ups and downs.

For example, after the end of Sfia, it was a mind box, and before the mind box was over, Gil Barris popped out.

I just hope there won't be any weird things coming up next.

Putting down the cup, the coffee in it was completely emptied this time.

As soon as I started thinking about it, another thing came to mind.

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