He sprinted forward, noticing this movement, Di Jia also pulled his hands left and right, turned into a palm knife, aimed at the waist of the enemy of the empire and swung it out.

The front and back, the two attack is to test how far the enemy can do, the next moment, both Dagu and Nangong are stunned for a few tenths of a second.

Hit almost at the same time, the sword in the waist, the fist in the chest, no dodge, no evasion, no defense, this existence just took the attack on purpose.

Pain, the Imperial Stars can feel pain.


'very good! '

This is the third evaluation. How long has it been since the war ended?

'Let me see how far you can do it! '

Turning the body, both Dijia and Empat had to retreat. With hard claws and a cloak as sharp as a blade, no one wants to try to see what it feels like to be concentrated in the front.

'From just now, it looks like your strength is stronger! '

Withdrawing his right hand and flicking forward, the blue and white lightning whip became straight, and all the way forward became the light of thunder.

Turning his body sideways, the breastplate blocked the aftermath. Even so, he still felt numb.

Before he could make his next move, the enemy was already approaching.

He raised his arms, and swept the claws to make his arms vibrate. Empat, who was knocked out for a distance, saw the thin wings spread behind his opponent.

That's not a cloak, but a part of the Imperial Starman's body. When he needs to fly in the universe and the atmosphere, his wings will spread out.

Exaggerated speed allows him to easily pursue further.

One left, one right, the pair of pincers from the pincers aimed at the head, and the giant with blue eyes raised its arms, and just touched for 0.2 seconds before being pressed back with difficulty.

I tried to raise my right foot to fight back. Before that, I felt pain in my abdomen.

'Uh! '

The imperial star kicked Empat's abdomen first, and when he arched his body, the claws that fell hit the back of the head hard, knocking him off.

Turning around immediately, the person chasing after him was the purple and silver Dijia.

'soon! '

This is the first time that Dagu has seen an enemy whose flying speed is comparable to that of an air type.

'Judging from just now, your speed is very fast. '

Accompanied by the mental wave and the opened claws, the white-eyed giant's eyes flashed with light.


It was so blurry that it was almost invisible, and in an instant, five sparks exploded from the shoulders, abdomen, chest, and thighs.

'This is? ! '

The pain, the damage, the light hits too fast to see completely.

Depressing the pain, Di Jia tried to avoid it, but the blurred light could not be accurately captured, and three more rays of light exploded on his body.

Noticing the situation over there, Empat, who flipped twice, directly connected his arms, and the instant Zapelio beam blasted towards the enemy in the upper corner.

Attracted by the scorching heat, the Imperial Stars gave up attacking and stepped back to avoid it.

The speed of the air-type Tiga is meaningless in front of the enemy, and the flash of white light makes him change back into a four-color composite form.

But at this time, the blue pupils were two, and the red pupils were six. The fighting that broke out was dazzling. The palm knives swung from different directions and the fists were blocked by flexible claws.

The pincers, not much bigger than a real fist, are neither dull nor obstructive.

Attack, parry, counterattack, parry, the sudden kick was caught, the calf met the calf, the impact force was forcibly removed, and the painful and vibrating right leg was withdrawn, the giant aimed at the head and kicked the hook and was caught in the same way. The action is blocked, or even pushed back.

Unstoppable, pulled by this intense force, Empat spun his body, overlapping his hands while turning his back on the enemy.

The next moment, the opened arms were connected with the palms, and the purple light blade had a crescent-like arc, but it failed to strike.

Just as he was preparing for the blow, so was the Imperial Starman, the blue gushing from inside his right jaw colliding with the purple cutting knife, and countless light particles floated from the point of contact between the two.

The left jaw opened, and before it bombarded forward, someone arrived.

Restraining his left hand to prevent it from attacking, Di Jia kicked high from bottom to top, kicking away the right pincer that was stalemate with the cutting technique, and finally the crescent moon flew out and slashed on the enemy's body.

Following this impact, he threw the opponent he caught.

What is needed is an attack that can definitely hit.

Arms are connected, and two people who come to the same judgment at the same time use the same skill, Zapelio light and Zapelio light, white and black, light and darkness, when they touch, there is no conflict .

The straight line turned into a circle, and the front of the circle became a flowing wave. The imperial star who couldn't dodge was hit directly, sparks flew, and the explosion was set off. The released power made this space bright as day.

'Heh, haha. '

This is the laughter of the enemy, and the flashes of lasing exploded on the bodies of the two Ultramans in an instant.

A muffled groan sounded, and they were knocked backward by the impact.

When Tiga and Empat lost their power, the imperial star in front also showed his state at this time.

'The power is good, but not enough. '

The scorched black on his chest covered the original blue, and he still performed with ease when he was attacked by Zapelio's combination of light from the front.

'Call back! '

One sentence is like a signal, one side is the thin wings of the cloak, and the other side is the unique flying ability, approach, approach, approach, impact.

At the same time, due to the reaction force, the green-eyed giant swung his sword back a short distance, the white-eyed giant kicked sideways, and the six-eyed invader caught it directly with his pair of pincers.

A flash of light flashed, and two blue lightning whips gushed out, attacking like a poisonous snake that had caught its prey.

Immediately evaded, accompanied by the waving hands of the imperial star, the whip chased Tiga and Empat.

Rolling over, spinning, and frantically moving at high speed to avoid, at this time, the two Ultramans noticed that the long whip was even more sensitive than the enemy's limbs, and it kept turning out of the arc, chasing them.

Distance?Can't keep distance.

Once the distance is opened, the previously unimaginably fast light will strike.

Approaching, Empat and Dijia passed by, and their eyes of different colors met.

Waving his hands, the imperial star released the energy supply when the lured long whip was about to touch, and the disappearing thunder whip was built again when his raised hands swung forward.

On the other side, the blue-eyed giant moved forward with both hands, forming a larger purple circular barrier than usual, with countless currents leaping above it, and there is one more person?

His hands were facing each other in front of the timer, the red light on his forehead had long since disappeared, and his more robust body showed his current form.

Passing over his comrades from above, the white-eyed giant threw out the fireball that had just gathered in his hand.

Dilla Hume's light stream, the high-temperature flame stream accurately hits the enemy and is difficult to avoid, and it even hurt the chest before.


The leaping flames brought further pain to the Imperial Stars that they hadn't experienced for a long time.

Before it exploded, the thunder whip retracted, and the energy and energy offset each other, avoiding the damage caused by the final explosion.

But what this action reveals is a huge flaw.

Empat clenched his left hand into a fist at his waist, and swung his right arm to the right, as if a swordsman was swinging his favorite sword, showing the tricks he used when fighting the Babar Stars.

The entire arm was dyed purple and then bent, with the elbows facing backwards, and the five fingers together, the eight-point light wheel movement has been formed.

Flicking forward, it was no longer a palm-sized light wheel, but a huge light wheel with a diameter of 50 meters, almost at the same height as him, using his right arm as a medium.

Facing the flying purple, Tiga formed a cross shape with his hands, and the light of Spetsium shot out and hit the sharp blade of the light wheel.

In an instant, the originally condensed particles scattered and turned into dozens of lines to block the surrounding routes, preventing the enemy from dodging with that excellent flying ability.

The combined skills of the two are surprising. The next moment, the imperial star faces the special eight-point light wheel. If it is on the earth, you should be able to hear the extremely ear-piercing friction sound that can shatter even glass, but this is in universe.

Restraining the enemy's movements, the fists are collected at the waist.

Tiga, who has reverted back to the compound type, crosses his hands at the front to form an X shape.

Empat, on the other hand, stretched his clenched fist left and right to form a straight line.

When the latter's dark lines and flowing particles merged into the timer, the former began to pull its arms.

The actions are completely opposite, and even the timing of charging is completely opposite.

Finally, the arms of the white-eyed giant formed a line, releasing white light from its body, and the arms of the blue-eyed giant formed an X shape, releasing darkness from its body.

The arms joined together, Zapelio's light burst out, and the power in the body gushed out. The timer on the chest finally flickered because the replenishment could not keep up with the consumption, and the wavy combined light shot towards the imperial star.

Chapter 41 The Winner Is

What blocked the light wheel was the seemingly soft long whip, which was condensed into a sharp long sword.

Cross-slashing, the shattered light particles are disappearing. Facing the combined light attack, the movements of the imperial stars are very simple.

That is to mobilize the strength of its whole body, the left hand, right hand, and claws are opened to an angle that has never been seen before. After the thunder dissipates, the inside is scorching hot.

He has become stronger and stronger in years of fierce battles. In order to make better use of his power, he has developed tricks that have never been used against any enemy.

But if it is facing these two Ultramans, the Imperial Stars are willing to go all out.

The nameless golden light burst out without even actually fighting.

Waves and straight lines, when the light skills conflict with each other, the brightness that is not too much compared to the sun makes this space region look like daytime.

Resist, stop, the particle and the location where the particle exploded and scattered are not far from the Imperial Stars, and the two are at a stalemate.

Not only the fleet of the invaders observed this phenomenon, but also the TPC space base could detect the burst of energy.

What a terrifying power this is, it can even instantly burn a continent into ashes.

On the earth, someone is looking up at the night sky, what are those shining stars?

In the distance that cannot be seen, at the end of the sky, in a part of the universe, the two sides are still strengthening each other, or unilaterally.

Behind is the blue water star, the sun shining on the back, and the front is bright that never goes out.

'Tiga, Empat. '

The Imperial Stars thought they had traveled the universe for decades, fought uninterruptedly across countless Shura fields, and fought against a large number of powerful enemies.

Looking at the past, these two are also powerful enemies that they have never seen before, but...

'This guy......'

In Nangong's heart, there was a bad premonition that the enemy could still speak at such a time?

'You are really strong, but still not strong enough, what I use is only [-]% of the power. '

The enemy said so, and then the Zapelio combination light was pushed back directly.

'Varied? ! '

Before the two could react, the light that was directly pressed back directly shattered the black and white, yin-yang fish-like sphere.

Left, right, the light drawn by the imperial stars pushes back the two Zapelio rays. The attack that is approaching rapidly is so terrifying, and what is even more terrifying is the words spoken by the other party.

Seventy percent, just seventy percent of the strength was a tie with the two giants who teamed up.

Empat and Tiga forcibly detonated the light, and used the energy to retreat quickly. Countless particles bloomed with dazzling brilliance, which was not solid, and the light spots with a little lethality were captured by the imperial stars. Colored skin blocks.

Who is the target?

The six eyes could not see the movement of the eyeballs, and he was completely serious, no longer just testing like before.

Empat, Tiga, locked, is a silver-red giant.

He could see that the opponent's speed had slowed down, and considering the increase in strength when the opponent turned into a mixture of four colors, he could deduce something even if there was no definite evidence.

With both arms crossed in front of the forehead, the right pincers were thrown towards the giant, and the result was comparable.

The left pincers were lifted together, rotated to increase strength, and Empat, who shortened the distance and smashed his legs with all his strength, failed to achieve results.

But at least it stopped the enemy's movement.

Maintaining a stalemate, he punched Blue's face with his left fist.

The next moment, white gas was ejected from the curved pipes on the left and right sides of the face of the imperial star.

The mist spread rapidly, enveloping the two Ultramans.

After half a second, they retreated backwards, and the white mist wrapped around their bodies corroded their bodies, and the intense toxins were difficult for even large monsters to support.

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