There was a gust of wind, and following the direction of the wind, Hayase froze.

The colleague who was still in the corner of his eye last second appeared 20 meters away, holding an intact flower pot in his hand, and placed it on the side of the street.

Are you dazzled?

Or an illusion?

But when many people showed strange expressions, it was no longer a coincidence.

In an instant, that figure disappeared as if it had never existed.


Hayase opened his mouth wide. This was the last time he saw a man named 'Nangong Lan'.

190 Chapter Three Considerations in Peace

There are no aliens in the solar system anymore.

They left with the return of the fleet, leaving behind some not so exaggerated technologies.

Invisibly, there is also a goal, a sense of urgency.

Ten years ago, human beings encountered creatures called monsters, as well as invaders from outside the earth.

Today, human beings have initially possessed the ability to fight against monsters, but they are still helpless against those invaders who surpass technology.

This feeling is really bad, and what's even worse is that as long as Ultraman doesn't appear, TPC doesn't even know whether they are still on the earth.

TPC has never had a strong sense of dependence on the patron saint of unknowns, nor can it.

It took ten years to chase, but there is still a big difference.

But now, it wasn't just them who found out that they were far apart, there was also the existence of the 'Star Alliance'.

An organization composed of extraterrestrial civilizations, with more than a hundred civilizations inside, all of them have mastered the ability of interstellar travel proficiently.

Upon hearing the news, TPC felt a strong sense of urgency.

At this time, under the power of the hawks, certain voices are gradually gaining momentum.

Human beings are the masters of the earth. This kind of thinking has been broken ten years ago, and now it is even more bruised.

There was a more glorious civilization 3000 million years ago, and the products left over from 3000 million years ago are those monsters that are still underground and sleeping in the sea.

They are always hidden threats.

Humans may be forgetful creatures, but they are not forgetful of things that happened until this year.

The fresh water resources originally stored in Antarctica have completely disappeared, leaving only deserted islands in the world of ice and snow.

A large number of Antarctic creatures became extinct, all of which began with the rampage of a monster.

'A mighty animal with strength but no brains'

TPC's perception of monsters was originally like this, but over the course of so many events, they realized that not all monsters are like this.

What's more, the power contained in this "empty power" is far beyond everyone's imagination.

Monsters that manipulate nature have the ability to shatter the environment. If there are more such incidents, the nature of the earth in this era will be completely destroyed.

The influence from the mind box had completely disappeared, and what was placed on the table again was the same proposal.

"How can we go to the sea of ​​stars without even conquering the earth?"

With such slogans as the main tune, the hawks listed a large number of arguments.

Leaving aside the lone monster that woke up from the dream, the "monster chief" that appeared in Antarctica has proved that there is also a leader among the monsters.

What's more, there are monsters like 'Bogaru' who specialize in devouring monsters.

In other words, the dormant monsters on Earth are not just time bombs, but delicacies that attract enemies to Earth.

Elimination as soon as possible is the best policy.

Monsters have proved more than once that they can bring nothing but destruction, and it is only natural for humans to treat them as enemies.

Overgeneralization, perhaps.

But this is the most beneficial choice for human beings. Killing all confirmed monsters is the best way to eliminate threats.

The TPC meeting only discussed this issue, and the final vote was almost overwhelming.

Different from just "hearing" in the past, the earth now has seen the power of extraterrestrial civilization with its own eyes.

Not willing to lag behind others, not to lag behind others, so we must become stronger.

First of all, the earth must be completely controlled first, otherwise God knows if the monsters will cause more damage in the future?

In this way, TPC has made a preliminary decision.

The ocean will not comment for the time being. The five continents, the continents where humans live, cannot tolerate the existence of monsters.

Not only human beings, but also nature today, the ecological chain cannot tolerate the existence of monsters.

The time was August 8th, nearly two months had passed since the defeat of the virtual planet Kesia.

During this time there was only peace, no monsters or alien invaders.

Taking full advantage of this time, TPC's armed development has never stopped.

The perspective shifted to the Japanese base. At this time, everyone in the Super Victory Team only left Mai as the communication soldier, and the rest of the members were all concentrated in the hangar.

For them, the Victory Condor in front of them is a good friend they haven't seen for a long time.


"Why do I feel like nothing has changed at all?"

Asuka put his arms around his shoulders, even with his eyes, the Shenying was still the same Shenying, there was no difference in appearance.

"There is really no change in appearance, because this is just the first batch of prototypes put into use."

Captain Xibi patted the outer armor of the fighter plane, and introduced the current half of the new fighter plane with satisfaction.

"The original weapons have all undergone a brand-new transformation. It is conservatively estimated that the power is three times that of the original, and the strongest weapon, the Tornado Thunder, can even reach ten times the original power."


Even though they knew that the missing Victory Condor was going to repair new equipment, everyone couldn't help but be amazed by the results of the modification.

"Three times? Ten times? Is this Kaiou Fist?"

After thinking about it, she had only seen such exaggerated multiples in a certain comic.

Now it's just a modification, will the new fighters in the future be [-] times directly?

"By the way, what did you change to suddenly become so exaggerated?"

Kariya asked suspiciously, this is also the question of almost everyone.

Before Captain Xibi could answer, Asuka spoke first, because he had personally used that equipment more than once, so it was easy to think of it.

"It's the light particle amplifier, right? The equipment that both Dyna and Empat used before."

"Huh? Can that thing be used on the Shenying?"

Liang felt a little puzzled by this.

"So, is Ultraman's life form similar to energy?"

Nakajima's instincts as a scientist allowed him to use his brain immediately.

Also at this moment, Captain Xibi nodded, agreeing with Asuka's speculation.

"As Asuka said, after miniaturization and morphological modification of the light particle amplifier, the original Shenying weapon was redesigned, and after a slight modification, the amplifier was embedded on the weapon."

He went on to explain the situation on the Condor.

"The Shenying has now become a test machine in the actual sense, and the data obtained in actual combat will be used in the next generation of models."

This is the rationale behind the modification of the Condor.

Captain Xibi's words revealed a lot of things, such as actual combat data and new machines of the next generation.

"Sounds great."

Liang and Kariya looked at each other and could see the excitement.

They, or normal people in TPC, are not reconciled to TPC's failure to keep up with Ultraman's battles.

With stronger weapons, you can get closer to Ultraman, which is something to be happy about.

However, in this joy, they noticed another thing.

The newcomer in the team, the young man who always wanted to show himself in actual combat, had a complicated expression on his face.

I don't know when it started, the other party became less impulsive, and would show this expression from time to time, which was incomprehensible.

Raising his eyebrows, Liang, who had no scruples at all, asked directly:

"Asuka, what's wrong with you?"

One sentence directly pulled the other party out of contemplation, and at this moment, noticing the eyes of everyone, Asuka scratched his hair.

He himself had no scruples, and directly expressed his thoughts:

"It is of course a good thing that human power can become stronger, but the actual combat data is still somewhat..."

In the memory, the battle so far flashed.

Invaders, ancient monsters.

It's not a good thing either way.

"I think it is better to have no chance of actual combat than actual combat, because once there is a real fight, someone may be injured or die."

Asuka's words were like a basin of cold water, splashing others from head to toe.

'Practical combat' is not a good thing.

Everyone understood this point, so after being pointed out, the mentality that was a little lost due to excitement became calm.

"So, yes."

Kariya said in a tone that could not detect emotion.

At this time, a voice was heard:

"Cough cough."

It was the coughing captain Xibi who drew everyone's attention.

"In any case, the new equipment has already been delivered, and the mission of our super victorious team will not change. Naturally, everyone will be happy if there is no actual combat, and we will not escape if there is actual combat."

Fighting is accompanied by pain and death, and normal people don't like it, and everyone in the Super Victory Team is the same.

It's just that their task is to fight instead of those who cannot fight, and they fully understand this.

"Now, all the staff are in place, go to the interior of the Shenying for simulation training, and use the latest procedures to familiarize yourself with the power of the new weapon!"


Everyone broke away from the relaxed state, and ran to the Shenying after giving the answer.

Among them, Koda stared at the back of the one in front.

'Asuka, you have changed a lot. '

Who would have imagined that the impulsive and showy young man would become what he is today?

Koda knew what Asuka's true identity was, so he paid more attention to him.

It is also because of this attention that Koda can feel the changes in Asuka more clearly.

'Now is not the time to think about that. '

After getting rid of distracting thoughts, everyone entered the interior of the Shenying together, and today's simulation training of the Super Victory Team began.

Now, it's only eleven o'clock in the morning.

The weather at the end of August is still so hot that there is no relief.

On this day, the summer vacation of the students is coming to an end, so the vacation of the teachers is also coming to an end.

Of course, this matter has nothing to do with Nangong, who no longer replaces Uniq in class.

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