So now she doesn't want to involve Di Jia.

"Dagu, no matter how unwilling you are, reality is reality. People are always entangled in various causes and effects, and Dijia is the same."

It is unavoidable to be paid attention to by all mankind.

To this day, TPC and Ultraman have maintained a good relationship on the way of 'protecting humanity'.

"And this time, you, Ultraman, may stand on the opposite side of humans. I don't want this to happen. I don't want humans to be hostile to Tiga."

It was precisely because of this that Junjian never asked Dagu for help, nor told Dagu anything.

But now, Dagu came to find him.

In other words, Junjian believed that if Dagu knew everything, he might become an enemy of mankind.

Even so, to know the truth?

After being silent for a while, Dagu still spoke:

"...Please tell me the ins and outs of the matter."

190 The Sixth Chapter Plan Begins

The fighter plane flew under the blue sky, sometimes hidden among the clouds, and sometimes exposed to the sun.

The shadow was reflected on the sea below, and was immediately torn by the waves.

Inside the Condor are all the members of the Super Victory Team, but a mere day has passed. Of course, they can't let go of the fact that Asuka was removed from the list.

But the reason why Asuka was delisted was a conflict of ideas.

They didn't know when it started, that young man who always wanted to prove himself by defeating monsters in actual combat would actually think from the perspective of monsters.

'No, maybe not the angle of the monster. '

Liang denied her initial thoughts in her heart, because in fact, as an ordinary person, as an ordinary person who had witnessed the disaster of monsters, she was instinctively hostile to monsters from the beginning.

That's why she also felt some disapproval towards Asuka who said that.

But in fact, is Asuka speaking from the perspective of a monster?

not like this.

'Should be a neutral angle. '

If you don't favor humans or monsters, you can easily draw a conclusion:

'The monster to be killed is doing nothing but sleeping innocent life, now TPC is going to kill this innocent monster because it may become a threat in the future'

Kill the existence that may become a threat first, that's all.

TPC doesn't even know what kind of ecology the monster code-named 'Magra' is, so it has to act first.

From a neutral point of view, this is really unreasonable.

"Captain, what do you think?"

At this moment, Kariya asked a question, and he was also confused about the current situation.

"What do you think?"

Just as Staff Gondo thought, everyone in the Super Victory Team didn't lose their comrades-in-arms and important people because of the monster disaster, so they didn't have that kind of hatred.

However, Captain Xibi is different.

He lost his comrade-in-arms in the battle against Gorzan ten years ago. However, this hatred is not only for Gorzan, but also for his impulsive, arrogant and reckless self.

"Asuka's idea is too naive."

Even so, Captain Xibi still denied Asuka's idea.

"We are human beings, so we naturally think from the perspective of human beings. We make weapons to protect ourselves. This has been the case since ancient times. Our ancestors made weapons to protect themselves from the threat of wild animals. This is not the same as the current situation. Big difference."

Everything is for self-preservation. For today's human beings, monsters are beasts that threatened survival in the past.

At this moment, Nakajima shook his head.

"That being said, is it too hasty to act in such a hurry when you don't know anything? I think it's wrong to attack the unknown without trying to understand it."

As a scientist, he actually did not agree with this battle.

Because in his view, this is an irrational behavior of "roughly confronting the unknown without trying to understand it".

"And yet someone dies trying to understand."

Ryo denied Nakajima's words again.

People's thinking is divided into two directions:

One, it is wrong to fight against the unknown without trying to understand it.

Second, in the process of understanding, someone may die.

Which side is correct, the former or the latter?

Listening to everyone's discussion, Koda sighed in his heart.

In his opinion, either side is correct, but it is a pity that only one of the two correctnesses can be chosen.

At this time, he recalled the poems he saw when he read the article, which came from China.

'The method of safety and security in the world'

Although the causes are different, what I want to express is the truth that 'you can't have your cake and eat it'.

"It's almost there."

Following Captain Xibi's words, the existence of Tadara Island also appeared in everyone's eyes.

The island that was ravaged by King Red ten years ago has also recovered its natural ecology.

About 5 minutes later, the people who had left from the Shenying entered the crowd.

They came here as a fighting force, and the logistics force is constantly making arrangements to place various equipment.

The observatory established on the island is still performing its tasks, and Magra's brain waves and physical signs are very stable, and there has been no change in the past ten years.

Huge new drilling machines were placed in place for fixing.

A large number of power supply lines are connected, in addition, data lines are also connected to the computer.

Corresponding professionals jump at their fingertips and make various adjustments.

In this busyness, there is one person who seems to be very leisurely, and that is Staff Gonto, and no one will care about this.

It is precisely because of his actions that the new drilling machine can be completed, and human beings have mastered the method of killing super ancient monsters before they appear.

Human beings now seem to be about to master further force.

Among the busy crowd, Liang was walking around.

"The parameters here——"

"Wait, the charging efficiency seems a bit—"

"How? Is this okay?"

All kinds of voices around them poured into their ears, and they were working hard for this operation.

No matter what the idea is, everyone is working hard for one thing.

The original TPC served as an investigation team and a rescue team after the global disarmament.

When Gorzan, Melba, and monster disasters appeared, TPC maintained the original mission and also took on the mission of repelling monsters.

For such a long time, TPC has fought against all kinds of monsters, from the earth and from the universe.

In a battle, it is quite normal for someone to die.

It is only natural for the deceased's friends to feel sad, angry, and unwilling.


Liang looked at the clear blue sky, where pure white birds flew by.

'There are only a few people who think the same as you. '

Under such a big environment, the members of TPC certainly don't have a good impression of monsters.

It doesn't even need to be limited to TPC, if you send out a survey form in any city, the votes in favor of killing monsters must be an overwhelming advantage.

The current situation is the general trend.

To put it bluntly, those who go against the wheel of history will only be crushed.

"Okay, there is no problem with the simulated shooting."

At this moment, the researcher who completed the parameter adjustment said so.

Preliminary preparations are ready, so what's next?

Staff Officer Gondo, who received the news, nodded and gave the final order.

"Everyone returned to the transport plane and took their positions. The Super Victory Team kept preparing for the battle. The observation station monitored Magra's situation in real time. If Magra was still alive after being directly hit, immediately contact the retreat and escape. Don't relax."

The new type of drilling machine can be operated from a long distance. In his opinion, if Magra was still alive, he would definitely rush to the ground and make a fuss.

So let the Shenying stand by, and if it dares to come out, give it a tornado and thunder.

About 5 minutes later, the previously lively uninhabited island became quiet.

Below the sky are more than 20 planes floating in the sky.

In the verdant forest, the squirrel standing on the branch stared at the huge metal object standing through the gaps in the leaves.

"Countdown, ten, nine, eight."

Slowly, the temperature inside the new drilling machine began to rise, and the charging by the new Mags power system gathered power.

"Seven, six, five, four."

Noticing something strange, the squirrel began to flee into the forest without looking back.

"Three, two, one."

When the trigger was pressed, the slender beam hit the ground directly, and then began to expand in an instant.

In an instant, a scorched black hole with a diameter of ten meters was formed.

The soldier in the observatory held his breath, and he didn't react until there was a voice of inquiry on the communication.

Magra's body temperature rose sharply, just...

"The brainwaves are gone."

This sentence declares the final result.

Forty kilometers underground, the monster named Magra felt nothing, not even pain.

Its head disappeared, and the wound was pitch black, only the smell of burning was locked in the ground.

The first launch of the new drilling machine was successful.

A new weapon in the hands of TPC, success.




"We finally have a stronger weapon at our disposal."

Smiles appeared on the faces, and everyone looked at each other and smiled, feeling happy that they had completed the task.

Seriousness emerges on the face, the other side of the distant land, there are special existences on this earth, they are named 'Ultraman'.

Holding a fishing rod in his hand, Nangong stood in the park and looked into the distance.

Asuka, who was about to enter the orphanage with his luggage on his back, looked up at the sky.

Standing on the grassland, Masaki looked down at the earth with a herd of elephants in the distance.

At this moment, their unique perceptions all sensed the abnormality, and a powerful force penetrated the earth.

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