"You don't want to stand at the door and listen to me?"


It's really weird.

Therefore, Kazama subconsciously kept a distance from Nangong, and the two walked on the street illuminated by street lights.

Dark night, that is the existence that human beings have wanted to conquer since ancient times.

Progress has continued since the invention of the electric light, but even so, humans have not yet been able to completely conquer the night.

There is always a place where the light cannot shine, and there is an existence that blends with the darkness.

Its name is Zaki, and it came to this planet from other universes.

Fear, restlessness.

These two sentiments are strongest in this country.

Because for other countries, the so-called 'red comet' is just a video, an image data.

Japan, who actually witnessed him, has already begun to have a bad mood.

And this emotion is the best catalyst and the best food for the 'alien beast'.

"I can still drink!"

"Minister...you drank too much."


In the distance, a middle-aged man with a swollen face was blushing from alcohol. He staggered and couldn't even stand still.

Beside him, the young man looked bitter, as if he was very resistant to this job.

Unfortunately, he doesn't have the power to choose.

"I'm going to the next one right away...vomit!"

Before the middle-aged man could finish his rhetoric, he staggered and fell forward, propped his hands on the wall, and vomited out the contents of his stomach, and the disgusting smell began to spread around.

The young man's expression of resistance was more obvious, and soon, this expression began to change, becoming surprised and puzzled.

A 'cosplay in a strange costume' came out of the originally empty darkness

The black body is engraved with red stripes, and the center of the chest is a strange 'V' shape, which seems to be a pair of special wings.

There are vertical lines on its red eyes, like a cage, making people doubt whether they can see things clearly.

The next moment, the middle-aged man who was still vomiting 'floated' up.

"Uh, ah."

He tilted his head up, muttering strange onomatopoeia in his mouth.

The sound of tick-tock echoed in the young man's ears. He lowered his head subconsciously, the water drops were dripping, and he subconsciously raised his head again. The black and red figure walked into the light.

The middle-aged man was not floating in the air, but was lifted up.

His body was a mess, blood, stomach acid, all kinds of things gushed out and accumulated in his body.

The young man's brain shut down instantly, and in this blank mind, a strong sense of fear was engraved.

Because the body of the middle-aged man began to become distorted, the bones, blood, flesh, organs, and the substances in the body were breaking out, and the body surface was cracking, turning humans into strange shapes.

The young man who witnessed this scene at close range wanted to shout, to roar, he couldn't even close his eyes, he couldn't feel his body.

The middle-aged man's body began to change, the reddish bones became distorted, wriggling like a living creature.

'Alien' started to move around, and he muttered what he didn't know what it meant.

Even so, he is still alive.

Was that voice calling for help?

Or scream?


Leaving the two of them here, Zaki turned and looked into the darkness where he had been before.

There, there are creatures twisting.

Fear is swallowed up, urging the growth of the alien beast.


Zaki gave the command, and he stepped into the darkness, touching his right shoulder, as if to feel wings that weren't there.

Flashes of the past, clones, prototypes, fakes.

The red eyes seemed to be forcibly sewn shut, preventing him from seeing anything.

Even so, he still got his freedom, the freedom he bought with death and blood.

'Clone, Fake'

This is the essence of Zaki. In a completely different city, it may be a coincidence that Nangong is telling the existence of 'Zaki'.

That's not from his universe, but from another universe being chased by 'Noah'.

Earlier, the two seemed to have passed through several universes and fought several battles.

Noah's enemies are not only Zaki, but also a group of alien beasts.

After a long battle, Zaki, who was seriously injured, came to the universe where Nangong was located, but was noticed by the Star Alliance before arriving on Earth.

A new battle broke out, and Zaki unleashed the ability to reverse everything into darkness, and fled to other universes again.

A little later, Nan Gong and 'Noah' met.

A more intense battle broke out between him and the "King of Alien Beasts", and Zaki left the battlefield at that time, so he arrived in the new universe first.

After that, Nangong took over the mission from the opponent and pursued Zaki himself.

And Noah consumed too much energy because of chasing, fighting, and saving across a large number of universes, and degenerated into an incomplete posture in order to recover.

Both Noah and Zaki are already quite weak.

That's why Zaki must be completely wiped out at this time.

The other party has the factors of alien beasts. If that thing spreads out, the earth will face a terrible disaster.

"...let me take it easy."

Kazama felt that the amount of information on these matters was too great, and it was difficult to sort them out thoroughly.

Across many universes, Noah, alien beast, Zaki.

Rather than saying that there is too much information, it is better to say that there is no way to accept such nonsense.

When unbelievable things are in front of us, it is difficult for people to accept them immediately, and what is even worse is to escape from reality.

Nangong understood this, so he was also waiting.

The reason why he was able to cross the parallel universe was all because of a little power given by Noah.

Not much, just a few abilities across the universe.

'Zaki must be in this country. '

Nangong was sure of this, because the country must have felt uneasy after witnessing Zaki's arrival.

And Zaki holds the alien animal factor, and there is no better farm than this country.

If you don't act quickly, the alien beast——


The sight, the ability to feel the sight.

There was spying and malice in this gaze.


Kazama was stunned, because he suddenly became a bystander, this strange feeling was indescribable, the only thing that was certain was that his body no longer belonged to him.

The body began to move against his will, performing cartwheels in a movement he had only imagined to dodge the vague shadow.

The bench that was originally sitting on was directly smashed, and the falling Nangong covered his left shoulder, and blood gushed out from between his fingers.

One heart and one body... no, it should be said 'different hearts and one body'

This pain also reverberated in Kazama's brain.

"what have you done!"

Insecurity and fear stem from losing control of your body.

"I'll explain it to you later!"

But Nangong didn't have time to say more now, he rolled away from his original position again, sand and stones splashed from the shattered ground.

In the dust, the black spark prism was taken out.

Outside the dust, the blurry shadow rushed out, punching the lightning bolt with a fist that could pierce steel.


With a painful snort, the blurry shadow revealed its prototype in the back.

The wrinkled face is spiky, human, but not human.

And with a little rainbow light, the blue eyes and the timer light up here.

Empat was ready to fight, and what he felt was a strong thorn in his heart.

'Already there are alien beasts. '

Alien beasts combined with humans.

Zaki only needs to spread the factors, and the alien beasts will continue to appear in this environment.

Attacking humans, generating fear, absorbing fear, making alien beasts stronger, spawning more alien beasts, a vicious circle.

The ground supported the body, and the fingertips of the strange beast that sprinted closer extended its claws.

Touched, but missed.

Before the alien beast could react, Empat locked one of its arms, turned around and pulled it, smashing it into the ground with a throwing technique.

The clear vision in his eyes was covered, and he punched heavily on the face, making a dull sound.

Empat immediately grabbed the opponent's waist and lifted him high.

He ignored the opponent's shaking hands and feet, and from top to bottom, smashed the head of the alien beast into the ground like a tombstone.

At this time, one-third of the body of the alien beast was buried in the ground, and Empat's right hand was held empty, gathering strength.

The red light began to flash, and the warning sound continued continuously.

Fast, unimaginably fast, the hearts of Empat and Kazama are not unified, and they cannot exert their original strength, and they don't even have enough energy.

But this amount of energy is enough, Empat's palm released a blue ray.

The alien beast hit by this ray began to struggle violently, and after half a second, the struggle became weak.

The consciousness belonging to human beings is returning, and the alien animal factors are expelled from the body.

If the alien beast is to transform the creature, then the cell transformation beam is to transform the creature back into its original form.

A few seconds later, Empat pulled the immobile man out of the ground, and the man had returned to his original appearance, but fell into a deep sleep.

Chapter Three Goes Viral

How does it feel to sleep on the sofa?

I feel uncomfortable all over.

Not to mention standing, even sitting feels weird.

However, Kazama didn't have any extra energy to care about this matter.

During the lunch break after the morning's work, he rolled up his sleeves and looked at his arms.

There are no scars and no pain.

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