"That's why I came here. Then, I believe you still have a lot to sort out. I will come again later. Of course, I will notify you in advance."

Empat stood up from his original seat.

"If you don't mind?"

He looked at the handcuffs around his wrists.

Soon, in the sheriff's complex eyes, the handcuffs that restrained him disappeared.

Judging from the ability to fly a monster with one punch, he really didn't think the handcuffs would be useful.

But now, the handcuffs are working, showing respect and equality.

Empat walked out of the cell, of course he couldn't leave so swaggeringly.

Therefore, in the eyes of a few insiders, his body gradually became transparent and disappeared.


Even if Empat couldn't exert all his strength, it wasn't something the original alien beast could defeat.

The fact that the alien beast was killed has long been known.

It's actually very simple, Zaki just needs to try out the commands and see which ones don't respond.

His strength is not complete, and even so, it is very simple to carry out some invasions.


There was a gunshot, Zaki threw the pistol aside casually, the strange beast in front of him remained motionless, and the bullets fell on the ground.

Since this human weapon has no way to cause damage to the alien beast, the existence of killing the alien beast is obvious.

Yes, kill.

'Is it the same ability as Noah?Or......'

Constitute the same manifestation with different abilities?

If it was still in its heyday, the Ultraman chasing him was nothing more than a 'tricky' level.

But now...but that's okay too.

'I will kill one of the existences bearing the name of Otto. '

The game has already started, and the chess pieces of both sides are placed on the table, humans and alien beasts.

Zaki turned around, his tall frame thinning, slowly transforming into a human form.

Behind it, the young policeman who was exactly like him was eaten by the greedy alien beasts, leaving nothing left.

Facing the light, stepping into the light.

The midday sun does not affect the bustle of the store, rather it is because of the glare outside that the air-conditioned fast food restaurant is very lively.

In such a store, Yoshii Reiko was playing with her recently bought camera.

It's got first-hand footage of the fallen, the police on alert, and the bizarre... Superman?


After going to university, she is no longer a child, and she will think more carefully before doing things than before.

For example, if this photo is sent out, maybe the man in the suit and sunglasses will come to his door.

Thinking of this, Reiko put the camera away again, then got up to leave.

But before that, let's settle things first.

Two minutes later, Reiko washed her hands.

Then just when he looked up, he realized that it wasn't the man in black and sunglasses who came to him, but an unknown life form with blue eyes.


An uncontrollable voice came out, and her mind was in chaos.

Then a strange sentence blurted out:

"This is the women's restroom..."

'Wait, what am I talking about? '

The face Reiko saw wasn't ugly, but it didn't show any emotion.

She didn't know if it angered the other party or what, maybe the other party didn't even know what she was talking about.

So she didn't know that there was a certain wave in Empat's heart at this time.


This is the women's restroom, and it seemed that he was used to going in and out of the women's restroom casually because of a certain previous experience.

Now is not the time to care about it...probably.

"Did you take the picture?"

Empat temporarily put aside his weird thoughts, and asked the girl in front of him in fluent Japanese.

Reiko's eyes widened suddenly, and the unknown life form was speaking.

"Delete that photo, it's also for your own good."

Before she could react, she heard such a sentence.

"I, I know."

'It's better not to provoke the other party. '

Reiko thought silently in her heart, she quickly took out the camera and deleted the photos stored in it.

After witnessing the process, Empat reached out and touched the camera before retracting it.

If his photo is published at this time, it will be another new trouble.

It should be up to the government to announce his existence.

And then, while the government will certainly say it later, but...

"Try not to go out with friends and relatives at night, it may be dangerous."


This is another shock for Reiko today, what is this guy in front of her?what's going on?

It's full of... full of kindness what's up?


Before she could react, Empat's body disappeared again.


After a few seconds, Reiko lowered her head and fiddled with the camera in her hand.

so-called 'delete'

But it may not be a real 'delete clean'

Of course, it was another matter when Reiko found out that the previous photos could no longer be restored an hour later.

Now, in the company's underground parking lot, Kazama's consciousness gradually became clear.

"What... where am I? Why am I here..."

He found himself sitting in his car, fragments flashing through his chaotic mind.

"It's just a nightmare."

Rubbing his eyes, the time was written on the watch on his wrist.

All this proves that this is not a dream.

"Empat, you bastard stole my body again!"

Kazama was unconscious for an hour and six minutes.

This time it was an hour and 6 minutes, what about next time?forever?

Just as he feared, he has no ability to resist.

"We need to have a serious, non-judgmental chat."

On the co-pilot, Nangong appeared there with a serious expression on his face.

To put it bluntly, the relationship between the two parties is not far from confrontation.

Such a bad relationship will only make his strength weaker and weaker.

For example, now, after transforming, he can't even become gigantic.

"This matter is important."

Nangong added another sentence, while thinking silently in his heart:

'I don't want to go to the end. '

What is the so-called last stage?

He couldn't watch innocent people continue to suffer and die, and he couldn't abandon Kazuma Kazama and make Rino and Xili lose their husband and father.

Then, there is only one last resort.

He will force Kazuma Kazama's consciousness to sleep until everything is resolved.

But if he does this, it means that he will live with his wife and daughter instead of Kazuma Kazuma.

It is unfair and disrespectful to either party.

That's why he calls it 'The Last Stand'


Be silent, breathe, inhale and exhale.

Kazama kept taking deep breaths, what made him do this was neither trust nor calmness.

Simply because Empat who is beside him can easily make him 'disappear'

Five chapters communication

The deep universe is a place that human beings cannot explore at present.

Galaxies that were never born with life have now reached the end of their lives.

Exaggerated heat drives away the cold, leaving only unimaginable heat.

After nearly [-] billion years of evolution, the star gradually expanded and turned into a terrible red giant.

It is such a dead zone, ushering in uninvited guests.

The temperature seemed meaningless to them, and every fist and kick brought a fierce roar.

No sound is transmitted in a vacuum, simply because the contact is transmitted to the consciousness of both during the confrontation.

On the one hand, the main color of the body is silver, and the black lines are just embellishments.

On the one hand, the main color of the body is black, and the red lines show its danger to the fullest.

They have similarities, but their essences are completely different, even their pupils are completely different colors.

The two figures clashed in this area at super speed, arcs, straight lines, broken lines, spirals, and the flight trajectories were constantly changing. Not changing is the will to put each other to death.

The giants who are harder than most metals in this universe confront each other, and suddenly, the heat beyond this area appears.

The black giant kept swinging his palms, leaving a long 'tail' from the black and red fireball one after another, as if to ignite the universe

In response to this, the silver giant kept shaking his body to avoid it. He connected his arms, and the light he shot was consistent with the blackness of the universe.

Fire, light, and darkness are mixed together.

In the storm of energy, the pale golden blade cut through everything that stood in the way, and the black giant possessed an incompatible ability, which was inherited from his prototype.

The next moment, the blades collided with each other, and the front of the silver giant's palm also extended a purple-white blade.

The figures of the two disappeared again, only a series of sparks produced by the collision formed a tortuous light path.

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