Nangong once held prejudice against all aliens because of his own death, and then gradually transformed into extreme ideas. He can best understand why this kind of hatred arises.

'One heart and one mind'

This is what Nangong said, Kazama was silent for a while, he was thinking about what he really thought.

It's actually very simple.

"I still can't let go of it like this, and I can't say that you and I are companions."

Humans are not machines, and it does not mean that inputting a code can execute it accurately.

There is still resistance in Kazama's heart.

"But I know this is my last chance."

Zaki was dying, he couldn't be let go, he couldn't die here, he had to take revenge.


"I must get rid of him here, not only for me, but also for Xi Li."

Hate and love, the two do not conflict.

If you die, neither hatred nor love will remain.


Consciousness overlapped, and in the burst of supergravity waves, the timer that had been stopped turned on again, emitting a red glow.


In Zaki's eyes, Empat, who should have died, stood up again.

His energy should have been exhausted, where did that come from...

'? ! '


Stepping out, the flame ignited.

Empat's body was ignited by a strong flame, forming a pitch-black human figure.

The ultimate final skill that I have wanted to use many times but have not been able to use is shown here.

At this moment, Zaki immediately swung his fist, several red and black light bullets hit the pitch-black flame and exploded.

The explosions were connected together, and his mutilated body was tightly hugged.

'This guy------------'

In an instant, the piercing chill spread in all directions, and the temperature didn't change at all, but all the creatures in the entire city felt the coldness that was more terrifying than any winter.

The pitch-black flames were constricted in one position and kept rising towards the sky, covering up the moonlight.

The unintelligible icy flames lasted for more than ten seconds and then completely disappeared, leaving only scorched black soil.

The two giants that should have existed inside completely disappeared without a trace.


The mechanical figure was silent, and it quickly disappeared from its original position.

Zaki is dead.

In this night, it is not the only one watching all this.

The man who was no different from a normal person raised his head and closed his eyes, he was feeling everything.

Soon, he opened his eyes again.

In this chaotic city due to the battle of giants, no one would notice him, so no one noticed that the corner of his split mouth spread all the way to the position of the earlobe.

Chapter Twelve Loss and Promise

How do people react when fantasy shines into reality?

That's definitely not a good thing, just like the zombies in Resident Evil are killed in the game and in the movie, people will be addicted to it, but that thing is absolutely disgusting in reality.

Behemoths are fighting each other, and when that happens in reality, things can get out of hand.

Their every move may cause someone to die. The extra giant pits in Tokyo were completely sealed off, and the government took samples of the scorched soil for investigation.

Officials rejoiced at the outcome of the incident. If it weren't for the curfew policy, how many deaths and injuries would have been caused by the battle between the two giants in the city?

Of course, one of the people currently fighting, Empat, has not yet appeared.

Is he dead?Or left?

Governments without contact information can only wait passively. At the same time, countries all over the world are stepping up research on Ultra armor.

The battle between giants is too destructive, and at the same time, people around the world have begun to witness the presence of alien beasts.

When Empat and Zaki were fighting, the whole world was wreaking havoc with alien beasts. If all the sighting reports were added up, the number would be 377.

Compared with the world population, this figure is not worth mentioning at all.

The problem is that the reproduction of creatures like alien beasts does not rely on mating, and there is no so-called growth period.

It has all the functions at the moment of its birth, and harbors malice towards all existence on the earth.

It is not uncommon to kill alien beasts that night. The problem is that the government used military equipment, assault rifles, grenades, and shock bombs. It was difficult to combine all kinds of equipment to kill a alien beast. Live animals kill.

If what Empat said is true, then these alien beasts killed by ordinary weapons are essentially 'temporarily losing their bodies'

They can be regenerated no matter how many times, so the research and development of Ultra armor has become a top priority.

"May I ask what are the two giants that appeared in Tokyo!"

"What does the so-called alien beast have to do with them!"

"As the folk rumors say, are these monsters all alien life forms?"

"How does the government plan to deal with this?"

At the press conference, one question after another was asked.

The reporters kept pressing the shutter, eager to press the end on the spokesman's mouth to make him say more things.

'Is Empat an enemy or a friend? '

On this point, the government cannot jump to judgment.

The entire press conference was still practicing Tai Chi as before, but the publisher repeatedly emphasized that they are already stepping up research and development of equipment that can cope with the current situation.

At this moment, in the laboratory is placed the so-called 'prototype armor'

Completely different from the finished product, it glows with a strange brilliance, and is almost entirely made of Spethium ore.

"Try it."

"it is good."

The man who got close to the armor took a deep breath. Under the control of the researchers, the whole armor opened as if it had life, wrapping the man who was conducting the experiment.

Half a second later, the man wearing the prototype armor raised his hands and stared at the crystal clear hands, which was an incredible feeling.

"How about it?"

A question pulled him out of his distraction, and he hastened to speak:

"It's unbelievable. This armor is just like... without weight. Not only does it have no weight, I even think it's very good, it feels... very good."

The researchers watched the monitor, and the body data of the experimenter inside the armor was somewhat abnormal.

The special radiation emanating from the Spethium Ore seems to have certain effects on the human body.

"Then try to move and run?"

"it is good."

One step, two steps, without the slightest delay.

If the experimenter really wants to say what is different from the usual exercise, it probably feels like he is wearing a weird 'doll costume' all over his body.

But this doll suit is not heavy, nor closed.

'It feels like it can still accelerate. '

The pace gradually became faster, and after a few seconds, the researchers looked at each other, and they could see the incredible in each other's eyes.

"Did we just see that the world record was broken?"

That speed is too exaggerated, besides that, there are some faint lights left on the armored path, like flames.

The flame lasted for less than half a second before it was completely extinguished. After the Alt armor was activated, the energy of Spatium filled the entire armor.

"No wonder it's a prototype."

The researchers understood the flaws of this suit of armor, but the energy flow could not be restrained, and the energy was constantly overflowing just by moving.

This cannot make better use of Spethium Ore.

It seems that the combination of this ore and the metal on the earth can play a better role.

Even if no one else taught it, researchers have noticed the direction in which to move forward.

In the experimental field, apart from the fact that the experimenters have no sense of touch when touching themselves, they feel that the armor is as light as clothes.

Sprinting, stepping on the wall, he was perpendicular to the ground, running against gravity, and reached the highest point.

"haha a!"

Before he could be happy, he stopped moving and was ripped off by gravity.

The height of the laboratory from the ground is 15 meters, and the impact brought by this 15 meters has no effect, and the armor completely removes the damage of falling.


And it was just such a fall that some parts inside the armor became loose, and just moving like this has already caused considerable wear and tear.

After all, it is a trial work, and the shortcomings are inevitable.

"Okay, that's all for today."

The experiment was stopped, and of course the problematic armor could not give correct data.

The outside world has nothing to do with the laboratory for the time being, and the researchers are obsessed with the latest special technology without sleep or food.

There are people coming and going under the sun outside. The curfew is one thing, but the daytime is another.

If you don't work, you have no money.

Without money, you cannot live.

However, one person in this company did not come to work.

During the lunch break, Su Yuan picked up his mobile phone and made a call.

He scratched his hair a little irritably, Kazama hadn't come to work for a week.

What happened?

What exactly is going on?

Sent a message and got no response.

Same as before, that's the 'Call dialed not answered' prompt.

"Kazama, don't do anything stupid."

Suwon whispered, and he made the call again.

During this period of time, of course he went to Kazama's house to find him, and the only one who opened the door was Rino's father.

Rino died in that attack, but...

"You're not such a weak person."

Xili has already lost her mother, and she cannot lose her father anymore.

The second time, and the third time, there was still no response to Suwon's call.

The internal battery has already run out of power due to the passage of time, and even if the phone still has power, it is impossible to receive a signal.

In the dense tropical rainforest, the young man closed his eyes.

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