"You don't bark at all."

Kazama, who had just walked out of the haunted house, immediately faced such a complaint, so he walked in calmly, and walked out calmly.

"Actually, I was so scared that I couldn't control my body so that I couldn't react accordingly."


Shen Yu found that indeed all the men were the same as what was said on the Internet, and sometimes they would be full of nonsense and nonsense.

"I lied to you."

Kazama is indeed very calm, to be honest, those ghosts are not as good as real monsters.

In fact, he was still a little embarrassed, because the 'ghost' who jumped out just now seemed to stay in his original position in embarrassment after finding that he didn't respond at all or even stared at him.

Realizing that the haunted house can't scare Kazama, Fukaha pointed to the screaming gathering place on the other side.

"How about sitting there next?"

The tall roller coaster descends rapidly, and then begins to climb after a continuous 360-degree turn, followed by a big downhill.

'I can do this too! '

Kazama complained in his heart that he could make a vertical fall from outside the atmosphere and perform hundreds of continuous large gyres.

Of course, there is no need to object, is there?

"before that."

He pointed to his hair.

"I suggest you tie your hair first."

If Fukaba's shoulder-length black hair just gets in the car like this, it will definitely become very terrible after getting off.

Hearing this suggestion, the girl blinked her eyes.

"There is no mirror here, you help me."


Kazama turned to look to the other side.

"That's the toilet over there."

Women's restrooms generally have mirrors for finishing makeup. This is his experience.

"You come and help me."

Deep Feather emphasized again.

"I don't have a headband."

"Hairband, help me."

The palm reaching into the pocket took out two small black headbands.

Sighing helplessly, Kazama nodded.

"I see, go to the bench over there."

About half a minute later, one was sitting on a bench and the other was behind her.

Kazama stretched out his hand and straightened the other's smooth long hair.

If you get close like this, you can still faintly smell the fragrance of shampoo.

'Did she wash her hair yesterday? '

While running the train endlessly, Kazama skillfully arranged his long hair. It was not the first time he did such a thing.

Just as the movement in the hand was going on, there was a strange fluctuation, which was the vibration of space.

Immediately he raised his head and gazed at the cloudless blue sky.

Chapter 37 The Destruction of the Root Causes the Body

Strange fluctuations kept reverberating in the sky, so strong that even ordinary people could see them.

The people on that street also noticed the abnormal light, which was the result of the contact between the sunlight and the abnormal space.

It is like a huge reflective body floating in the air, refracting dazzling light.


An incomprehensible situation has been staged, and people are looking up at the direction from which the light is transmitted.

Its intensity is rising more and more, because the distance is constantly getting closer.

Descending from outside the atmosphere, the huge object didn't even have due friction with the atmosphere during the fall, but just slowly drifted down and landed in the sky over Tokyo, Japan.

Is it a deliberate choice?

Or a random landing?

In any case, the creation that arrived on the earth from the interior of the different space is slowly floating in the sky 200 meters above the ground.

The first to notice the abnormality was Kazama located in the same city.

The movement of his hands stopped, making Shen Yu feel a little confused.

"what happened?"

The girl turned her head to look at the man behind her, but the man's eyes were not focused on this side, and the little smile she had been carrying before disappeared without a trace.

Looking in the same direction, there is nothing, which is the result of the distance.

Human eyes are not sharp enough to clearly see objects thousands of meters away.

But Shen Yu saw it, saw the refracted light.

Did not see the body, only saw the light.

However, Guangli has an unusual feeling.


The special power that has been with Fukaba since he was a child does not follow his own will and activates on his own. Inside that light, he sees the faces of different people.

Someone caught her before she fell.

"Are you okay?"

Kazama also felt the same abnormality just now, as if there was a thread passing here.

This earth is being targeted by people, and he has known this since chasing Zaki to this earth five years ago.

When we first arrived in this universe, a special wavelength was transmitted. Where did the coordinates come from, and why did they come from?

It is the coordinate sent by humans in the last century to know whether human beings are the only ones in the universe. This coordinate was captured by Zaki, so the battlefield between the two reached this earth.

It is perfectly normal for other beings to notice the earth.

At this time, Shen Yu shook her head, she sorted out her words, and then came to a conclusion.

"That thing is watching us."

"Looking at us?"

Kazama frowned, and he looked at the distant crystal again.

And like him, there are many people watching this crystal.

The citizens discussed the situation here one after another, not understanding what happened.

The TV station's phone has been disconnected long ago, and reporters from different affiliations drove to the scene quickly, wanting to catch the first-hand news.

However, no matter how confused, curious, and puzzled, people have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

There is always fear of unknown objects.

People near the scene have already started to stay away from that street. Unlike those who went out, some people are also going inside.

The patrolmen on the street received instructions from their superiors and began to act quickly.

The horns in their hands spoke instructions to evacuate, and a ringing voice proved it was no joke.

The air-raid siren that could only be heard during an unconcerned exercise reverberated throughout the city at this time, and the screens made up of the surfaces of the buildings not only broadcast news, all the TV stations inserted the latest evacuation warnings.

what is that?

The moment an abnormal situation appeared in the sky over Tokyo, this information had already been delivered to the GUARD's desk.

Anticipating this, a warning sound symbolizing combat equipment also sounded inside the XIG.

In an instant, everyone in the base tensed up.

Everyone performed their duties in their positions, and the commander Shishi looked serious. He had a bad premonition experience before, but this did not make people feel happy.

If possible, he hoped that his bad premonition would never come true.

If an enemy really starts to invade the earth, then all human beings on the earth will face challenges, and will face the test of life and death.

This time, it was the first actual combat.

"Inform everyone that this time it is not an act, but a real combat. We must not take it lightly. What we are about to face is a completely unknown enemy."

Serious words were conveyed to the entire base. At the attack port, the air force unit responsible for combat within XIG had already completed combat preparations.

"The shattering of the root causes the body..."

The entire air force is divided into different teams, and the lightning team led by Captain Kajio Katsumi is the first to attack.

For the first time in actual combat, it was an enemy who came from nowhere.

It is precisely because I don't know what the other party is and what the purpose is, so I roughly call it "the source of the destruction of the source"

"Whether it's an enemy or a friend, you will know once you try it."

From the attack port of the air base, the container-like machinery quickly completed its transformation in the process of falling.

Unlike older fighter jets that needed a run-up to take off, the moment the engine started, the gravity exerted on the fighter jet seemed to cease to exist.

The fighter plane suspended in the air was driven by propellers and rushed towards Tokyo quickly.

GUARD, an organization formed to deal with threats from outside the world, is now paying attention to the situation in Tokyo.

Seniors communicate, unaware that their communications are being tapped throughout by someone outside the organization.

'Future Empat', who arrived in the United States looking for clues, raised his head, knowing the arrival of a new threat.

The question is here, is this really the past it wants to reach?

Or is it just a parallel world with 80.00% similarity?

Is it impossible to reverse time?


It crosses its arms between its foreheads and releases the gathered power.

Immediately afterwards, its entire body became blurred, disappearing from the country as if erased.

There is only one destination to go to, and that is the center of the incident at this time, Tokyo.

Citizens want to evacuate, but the entire area and population of Tokyo cannot be left with just "evacuate".

They just left and stayed away from the block where the crystal was located, and the crystal that reflected light still slowly rotated like it was gathering light.

'Is it intelligence gathering? '

The evacuation siren was still ringing non-stop, and Kazama, who was several kilometers away, took Fukaha and the crowd away while thinking about what Fukaha had said before.

'for what? '

comminicate?Or an invasion?

Before he knew this, he couldn't act casually, otherwise it would be easy to turn the existence that could have been a friend into an enemy.

"Do you care about that?"

At this moment, Fukaba's sudden words interrupted Kazama's thinking.

Before the response came, the girl spoke again:

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