The next moment, the captain's cabin exploded.

The captain and co-pilot were completely unable to understand what was happening, and were drowned in the explosion without even realizing that something was happening.


From the front end to the back end.

The pitch-black figure was like an armor-piercing bullet, directly smashing through the airliner.

At this moment, the flames and explosions began to expand, and someone was about to die inside the shattered airliner.

But all of this was still as if a 'pause' had been pressed. In the future, Enpat's palms faced each other in front of him, and the released Otto thoughts were accurately screened.

The flames, the energy of the explosion, they formed strange lines and were ripped from the inside of the shattered airliner.

In this sky, there are people who try to save people, and there are people who create tragedies.


The sparks that exploded were as bright as fireworks, and the pitch-black figure stepping on Future Empat's belly jumped up again, and the paused video tape started running again.

The tragedy inside the airliner began to unfold.

The pitch-black figure put its palms together in front of its chest, but what gushes out of it is not Ultra-power, but destructive energy.

It forms this energy into a huge purple light ball and throws it towards the sky.

In an instant, the light bullets poured down like a torrential rain.

Inside the circle with a diameter of 500 meters, the falling purple radiance pierced through the remaining wreckage of the airliner, hit the future Empat who wanted to do something, and finally shot down all the existences except the black figure.

After finishing all this, a pitch-black door appeared behind the pitch-black figure. It lay back and disappeared from its original position.

The gust of wind whistled in his ears, and Future Empat fell into the sea together with the wreckage of the airliner.

The 310 passengers who were supposed to arrive in Tokyo in half a day were missing, and about three days later, the salvage ship will find the debris of the passenger plane in the sea.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Gaia, Aguru, Empat, there will be a good show to watch now."

The man keeps shuffling the cards, drawing the gray joker cards.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Waking up like a dream, what I really want to say is waking up like a dream.

In my dream, I found that he was standing where he was originally, with a bottomless gully in front of him, which was the damage caused by Lizali Aso's attack.

But the attack stopped here, because Gaia who appeared blocked the beam before continuing.

"Yes, yes!"

I Meng stretched out my hand, staring at the arms that were the same as before, and there was no difference, and then quickly touched his body, and found that it was still the same soft.

This is his, human body.

At this moment, a strange ball of light floated in front of his eyes.


I don’t know how many times, the ball of light has been revolving around my dream, what is this light?

I instinctively understood its existence in the dream, it was a kind of 'stimulus' or a kind of 'connection'

Call the light of the earth, merge with the light of the earth, and finally become Gaia.

He quickly took out the instrument he was carrying with him from his pocket, and locked the light ball inside.

"it is good......"

After completing this action, I Mengcai carefully looked left and right, fearing that someone would find him here.

However, he just looked around, but didn't pay attention to the above.

Different from the three fighters that fought the monsters before, the bigger fighter is named 'Mirror'

That is an XIG fighter plane that doubles as a transport. Most of the time, it will not participate in direct combat, but will be used as a transfer station on the front line.

The man driving it is named 'Tesme Seiichiro'

Is the captain of all the squads of XIG, and also serves as the frontline commander.

Just now the three giants appeared in the city and then left. The battle is over, and the Mir is now conducting corresponding investigation tasks.

The three giants all appeared out of thin air, making it impossible for people to react.

But at least they saw the whole process of the appearance of the red giant, because Rizari Aso's beam shot had cut several urban areas, and seemed to be planning to cut Tokyo in half.

After that, like a red light gushing out from the earth, a red giant appeared from the light, reaching out to block the attack.

This is where the giant appears, and in this position...

"Citizens who failed to take refuge were found."

Captain Di said so, and in his opinion, Wa Meng with a silly face is like an ordinary person who has been involved in a battle and has no idea what happened.

Thinking about it, this is where the red giant appeared. It's not surprising that such a 'monster' appeared in front of him.

The movement of looking left and right is a clear manifestation of anxiety.

"Take it away now."

Captain Di didn't intend to let an ordinary person walk around in a place where it would not be surprising when a fight broke out again.

So, after ten or so seconds, I was thinking about how to get out of the ruins, and I dreamed that I heard the sound of an engine running.

He turned his head and couldn't help opening his eyes wide.

That's not how ordinary planes land. It's close to the vertical landing of a helicopter.

It's just that there is no propeller on this plane, and it relies on the anti-gravity function.

Why would I dream of knowing this?

Because the anti-gravity device used on the Mir and the GUARD fighter was designed by him.

Since this is the case, there is no need to explain what the existence in front of me is.

"Hey you---"

"Please let me join the GUARD!"

Before the Captain Die who got off the plane could speak, Womeng shouted first.


For this situation, the captain of the dike did not understand what happened.

But he understood one thing, that is, the citizen in front of him is definitely not an ordinary person, and it is impossible for ordinary people to know about GUARD.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Is there such an empty time in a city like Tokyo whose population is almost too large to hold?

All of this stems from the threat of life. Three monsters appeared in the city, and three giants also appeared in the city. As long as they cherish life, no one with a normal mind wants to get close to them.

Coupled with the evacuation alarm, normal people have already followed the command and ran away.

At this time, Fujimiya was walking on this deserted street, the battle was over, no matter how much the future changed and how unreliable it became, at least "I dreamed of becoming Gaia" was still developing according to the original track.


He uttered the name, and the opponent was another giant corresponding to Aguru, who also belonged to the will of the earth and the defense system of the earth.

In the face of threats from outside the earth, the earth chose human beings, and entrusted them with the power to protect human beings and the earth that can protect human beings.

Now, under the attack of the shattered root entity, the situation will definitely become more tense.

The alien beasts haven't been solved yet, let alone new enemies?

The situation is not optimistic, but the things to be done will still not change.

Thinking of this, Fujimiya raised his head again and stepped forward.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"A man of his own accord and a student..."

Just now, Kazama got to know those two people a little bit in the interior of the Meita domain.

Compared with Fujimiya, My Dream is more easy to get along with.

The other party answered every question, without even the slightest precaution. It can be said that he is quite a student, and he is still the kind of excellent three-good student.

Thanks to this, Kazama knew the origin of the two giants.

The defense system of the earth, a giant that appeared in response to the threat from the universe.

At this time, Kazama had to sigh the difference between the universe and the universe.

It can only be said that the earth and the earth cannot be generalized. This earth has produced two giants of light in the face of threats.

If the earth he was on had such a defense system, things would be much easier.


Kazama was thinking about related matters. Could it be that the existence of Gatanjar caused his earth not to conceive such a system?

Or is it caused by the civil war between the giants that caused great damage to the earth?

In any case, there is no point in thinking about it now, the key is the situation at hand.

Huge and powerful alien beasts, unknown attackers, another domain corresponding to the Meta domain.

This is just an inference. If it is said that the powerful alien beasts with potential are actually accommodated in that domain, and the alien beasts left outside are just bait to attract humans...

An operation that the enemy must have started five years ago.

So who is this enemy?

With the ability to form domains and control alien beasts, he started his actions five years ago.

If these elements are combined, the answer will become quite obvious even if you don't want to believe it.


He is still alive, not only alive, but also constantly accumulating strength in the dark.

Kazama was not able to confirm Zaki's death, because he lost consciousness after detonating his power as if it were dynamite, and he didn't even know how he survived.

The only thing he could be sure of was that the crippled Zaki must have been burned to ashes by him.

But is it certain to die if it is burned to ashes?

Kazama knew that even if his head was knocked to pieces and his limbs were cut off, he might not die, so maybe Zaki, who imitated Noah, was the same.

If he is still alive, the purpose must be to resurrect.

How to resurrect?

Find and create darkness, for example, let a large number of alien beasts attack humans, flood the entire earth with strong negative emotions, and then use the darkness formed by negative energy to reshape the body.

Of course, there may not be any need to rely solely on alien beasts now.

Different from Zaki, the source of the destruction of the root causes the body, if it also intends to attack the earth and humans, things will become completely different.

These two are simply a terrible combination. They may not have any plans to join forces, but what they do will have an impact on what each other will do.

What are we going to do in the future?

Before thinking about this, there is probably another thing to do.

After Kazama broke away from his thoughts, the noise of people passing by came into his ears.

People crowded in the underground parking lot didn't know what to do, waiting for instructions to come later.

The monster has been defeated, and the order to evacuate will probably be issued soon.

He dialed the phone and walked in that direction.

The bell rang with vibration, and Fukaha, who was in the crowd, immediately clicked through.


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