'Because it's too weak? '

Ultraman is an energy life form, once the energy is insufficient, the ability will also drop.

Aguru transformed again before his injury healed, and was weakened, so his breath was so shallow.

"Do you care about Ultraman?"

Xi Li, who was very concerned about Kazama's concentration before, asked a new question.

"Can't say... well, I care."

Kazama changed his words halfway through, because he really cared about Aguru's affairs.

"Like it or hate it? There are quite a few people who hate them."

Xili recalled the discussions she saw on the Internet. Although some words were not known to be true or not, some people did attribute the disaster to Altman.

For example, 'Why didn't the silver one take the monster away immediately, and made the city dilapidated! '

Or say 'I lost my job because they were fighting in the city! '

Of course there's also the 'you'd be dead without them' argument.

As for which one is reasonable and which one is not... Xi Li didn't want to participate in the discussion at all, and didn't even take these words seriously.

Because she always remembers what Kazama told her—it is enough to believe one-third of things on the Internet, and sometimes you can't even believe one-third.

This is indeed the case. She has seen a person who was a graduate of Dongda University a year ago and turned into a professor in his 40s a year later.

Kazama hesitated for a while before asking the question, and then gave an answer:

"Like... huh?"

I said I really like it...

"You're not sure either."

Xi Li complained, as for her, she didn't feel it yet, she might as well be more interested in the night raid team that fought in her school back then.

Chapter 69 Similar but Different Techniques

It's already late, and it's time to change shifts. Soldiers who are performing missions during the day should have a good rest at night, so that the mission will not go wrong due to fatigue the next day.

Weiwei, who usually goes back to his room to rest by himself, was different today. He stopped and stood outside the technical layer sealed off by glass.

There was no huge wreckage piled up inside, because the body wreckage of that 'celestial realm' was transported to other places, and only the inner 'core' was brought to the air base.

After Aguru defeated the strange machine, he didn't let the wreckage fall into the water, but took the wreckage to a nearby uninhabited island and put it down before leaving.

Just as Empat deliberately brought XIG into the Meta field before, Aguru is also doing the same thing.

Although the distance between human beings and Ultraman has a sense of inaccessibility and distance in terms of size, Weiwei does not feel alienated inconceivably.


He put his arms around his shoulders and looked down at the newcomers working below.

The role that a technician can play is different. This seemingly childish "Alpine My Dream" has already proved his value before.

Now he is faithfully fulfilling his duties.

Of course, Weiwei's thoughts were completely unknown to my dream below, and my dream just frowned tightly with other researchers.

The result of their investigation is shocking. In order to know whether this result is true, they will contact other branches to take the 'shell' away.

"Are you sure?"

I dreamed to ask again after listening to that side's conclusion, but what I got was shaking my head.

"We also want to confirm this with you, so you have the same conclusion?"

The young Alchemist Star member from the Chinese branch also frowned after asking this question, because my dream's rhetorical question and expression completely explained everything.

After analyzing the wreckage and core of the heavens, an unbelievable conclusion was obtained.

First of all, the metals used in the heavens are the metals that exist on the earth itself.

Secondly, the characters engraved on the heavens are undoubtedly the characters on the earth.

The problem is that the metals on the earth cannot be said to be so rare in the universe, not to mention that the smelting technology of these metals seems to be different from the existing technology.

But there is a new problem here. After cracking the core of the heaven, XIG got a 'sealed black box'

This technology is similar to the technology of the earth.

In other words, the heavens are likely to be machines built with the technology of the earth.

How is this possible!As much as I want to say it, facts are facts.

All the answers may be stored in the black box of the heavens, and deciphering it has become a top priority right now.


I spoke again after dreaming about something.

"Doesn't China have a history of 5000 years? When I read history books, I found that China had the period of Emperor Yan and Huangdi before the Xia Dynasty. Could there have been a splendid ancient civilization in that period?"

Undiscovered ancient civilizations are also a problem that plagues scholars all over the world.

Unfortunately, my dream was about to be disappointed, because the young man on the other side of the screen shook his head, and he replied like this:

"The characters engraved on the heavens are the seal characters that were gradually formed during the Yin and Zhou Dynasties. The time is not right, and it is a bit too jumpy to mention the ancient characters at once. I dream that your mouth is still faster than your brain as before. , like to do things by intuition."

The members of Alchemy Star basically have friendships with each other, so the two have known each other long ago.

"In short, I will contact you as soon as I have new results."

"Well, please excuse me."

The communication was cut off, and I dreamed to look at the core of the heaven lying in the analysis room again. Where did this thing come from?

The air base at night also became quiet, sitting on top of the sea of ​​clouds, surrounded by stars and the moon.

However, this silence did not affect the enthusiasm of the researchers, and they once again devoted themselves to the cracking process.

The air base located above the equator naturally has a corresponding time difference with other regions. For example, it is the early morning time in Japan now.

At this time, people either go home from get off work at night or get up for a morning run.

Even in summer, the temperature looks a little cool.

The man who had just finished his part-time job at the bar yawned as he rode his bicycle slowly home.

He didn't know if there were any other countries, but anyway, Japan didn't have buses and subways that were still operating at this time.

It is always very lively at ordinary times... It would be better to say that half of the people are not seen on the impenetrable road, and the rising sun in the distance makes the color of the sky change from black to dark blue.

In the quiet, it seemed that there was only one person in the world, but the man could hear the sound of the bicycle chain turning under his buttocks.

'The recent world is really bad. '

He sighed in his heart, Japan itself is a country with a lot of social pressure, especially Tokyo, a city with a high population load.

The city has been destroyed twice since the appearance of the Root Shattered summoning entity.

How many jobs can a street provide?

How many workers can be accommodated in a commercial building?

The shattering of the root causes a battle between the body and Ultraman, which constitutes an exaggerated wave of layoffs.

At first, I couldn't tell the difference, but recently, the bar has more and more customers.

They came to seek the comfort of alcohol, some complained, some confided, and some directly cursed with the smell of alcohol.

But what can others say?

Say at least you survived?

It is said that after being laid off, many people competed with other people for a job, some found a new job, some picked up the salute and returned to their hometown, and some struggled while drinking to relieve their worries.

Maybe this society is really twisted, as the bartender in the bar, the man who is now riding home has heard a lot of stories.

Lost job, no stable income.

As a result, many people's families, emotions, all have chain adverse reactions.

It's all because of the word 'money'. Today's society uses such a thing to drive a person crazy.


The pain has only just begun now, and the scars are about to show... Probably such a situation.


The man blinked suspiciously, because there was a person falling down on the road ahead.

He slowed down slowly, wondering if this was another troublesome drunk.

The bicycle approached slowly, and finally moved away from the man.


Five meters, ten meters, 20 meters, the already slow speed completely disappeared.


The man put the bicycle on the side, he didn't want to catch up on sleep during the day and saw the TV broadcast saying that a drunk man was run over by a car on the street, if that was the case, he would not be able to sleep well this year.

Walking towards the fallen person, he knelt down to help the person turn over. The strange thing is that he didn't smell the slightest smell of alcohol.

At the same time, a strange white mist rose unknowingly, covering the lights on both sides of the road.


As if feeling something, the man suddenly turned around, there was nothing there, only inexplicable fog.

When he turned his head again, the shock came.

One minute, two minutes, the previous fog slowly disappeared, and the two people in the fog also disappeared.

The bicycle leaned against the side of the road alone, motionless, just waiting for the time to pass.

The dark blue sky is gradually fading away, and the rising sun will illuminate the earth.

The street cleaner frowned tightly.

"Who is so wicked?"

Leave the car here?

I'm afraid it's not a drunk who is still lying there now!

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Yuan Qihai, return to the team today."

The short-haired woman who stood upright gave a standard military salute. She was Qihai who had to be recuperated in the hospital for a month because of her injuries.

There were a lot of big things that happened during this time, just because she hadn't been involved in the hospital.

But it's only today, the wound on the abdomen is just a scar, that's all.

Staring at the young girl in front of him, the conductor nodded.

"Well, back off."

He didn't have the slightest condolences and care, because this team doesn't need that kind of thing.

Do you want to say 'thank you for continuing to come back and work hard'?


After Nanami answered, she turned and left the office.

She thought about the various things she heard from Kazama, of course, what she heard was not as good as what she actually saw, and knowing something about it was definitely not as good as participating in it herself.

For example, she doesn't quite understand the discussion about 'Captain Kazama also has such a reckless side' when passing the corner just now.

No, isn't it always more reliable and more reliable in the past?

Is this a parallel world?

Another example is the pile of 'game consoles' on the right hand side

Almost everyone in the second unit gathered around to watch, probably it was Ming Jinchester's fighter plane.

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