Compared with powerful civilizations, he prefers to focus on ordinary and weak civilizations like our planet Rachelan.

We are indeed weak, but there is no reason for us to be destroyed just like that.

However, the strength is very different, no matter how hard we try, we can't save the defeat, we can only leave, we have been given a task.

That is to find planets that can be colonized. There are very few planets suitable for life, but no matter how few, we must set off, because we shoulder the mission of race survival.

—————— Karan

tenth day

It has been the tenth day, and today Sohrab complained and vented to me. He said that he could not see any hope. We have traveled for ten days, but we could not find any habitable planets.

His complaint is unreasonable. How could it be possible to find a habitable planet in ten days? If it was really so close, wouldn't we have already discovered it?

I know that the reason he made such irrational remarks is all because of the predicament we are facing now.

We shoulder heavy responsibilities, worry about the situation of our home planet, and pray that our compatriots are safe and sound.

There is darkness outside the universe, the depressive situation is unbearable, and the psychology will affect the physiology. I can only try my best to comfort him, saying how important our mission is, and there are still people waiting for us.

Tell him it's been a long journey, we still have plenty of food, our circulation is fine, and we have plenty of air and water.

—————— Karan

No.20 eight days

Recently, more and more people have come to talk to me. Compared with the beginning, everyone has cheered up a lot. Even if the surrounding universe feels empty, it is better than our home planet.

What's the big deal about a little boredom compared to the daily deaths, explosions, flames, unbearable air, insufficient sleep, and invincible enemies?

Much better than being with death, right?

—————— Karan

No.30 a day

I made a summary of what everyone confides. It is anxiety about the future, guilt about leaving alone, and worry about my compatriots. This is exactly what I was told, and it is also a problem that I need to solve for them.

I don't know why I recorded these things, probably because I have no one to talk to as a psychiatrist.

In order to make everyone feel at ease, I deliberately acted strong. Unknowingly, I found that I can only act strong, and I cannot show weakness, otherwise morale will be affected.

Going on like this is not an option, I have to find some means to vent, otherwise I can't maintain this state forever.

In other words, writing a diary seems to be a good way, and I am already writing.

—————— Karan

No.40 seven days

It's too bad, Sohrab was beaten up by Lisil, because Sohrab said what everyone unconsciously thought.

The already overwhelming nature of our planet may be over for so long.

If we can really find a habitable planet, it's not bad for us to survive.

Li Sier is a soldier, he firmly believes that this is not an escape, but a way to survive, the thoughts we have are too selfish, he cannot tolerate this.

But...we are not soldiers, we are just engineers, scientists, and psychologists selected for maintenance and control. He didn't notice it, but I noticed that the atmosphere in the ship became uneasy again.

—————— Karan

No.60 days

Damn it, I knew what Li Sier did was very bad, if just shouting slogans can make our thoughts positive, then why do I need a psychiatrist?

This is not the army, the army's methods don't work here, he might as well let the scientists develop a gun that can brainwash people, although I think he is the first one to be shot after it is developed.

What nonsense, fists can't solve the problem, it will only deepen the gap.

I told him like this, but I just don't know how much he can listen to.

—————— Karan

No.80 two days

We arrived at this unnamed planet, the atmosphere is very thin, not suitable for survival, and then, someone made a pessimistic speech, and Li Sier did the same thing again.

I can feel that the hostility is accumulating more and more. To be honest, I also really want to complain. When you come to complain to me, who should I complain to?

Just go crazy and write and draw on the wall.

—————— Karan

No.80 five days

They are simply crazy!

They even threw Li Sier out of the spaceship, they are crazy!They are absolutely insane!

There was nothing I could do but before I left, I felt cries for help ringing in my ears.

—————— Karan

No.80 seven days

I was also crazy, during the three days when Li Sier was not around, I actually felt very relaxed and comfortable, because no one would force you to shout slogans, force you to be active, and then I actually felt that they did a good job in an instant.

Is this still me?

With such malice towards his surviving fellow man, and joy at his death, I'm sure something is wrong.

I wanted to talk to someone, but finally found that I could only talk to my diary.

What will this trip be like?

Today, I can only be thankful that everyone has tacitly forgotten about Li Sier, as if this person never existed.

Is this something to be thankful for?

I'm mad.

—————— Karan

No.90 days

When I didn't say it, people started to tell me their guilt, okay, I didn't show mercy when I did it, and now I regret it after people die?

You're having fun venting, what about me?

I'm starting to get bored, I don't want to play this therapist anymore, I'm tired and want to rest and tell them I'm just a normal person.

—————— Karan

[-]th day

We've been attacked by that totally abnormal, inexplicable, monster with a mouth in its belly that eats everything!

God, what the hell is that!

If it wasn't for the fact that there happened to be gravels leading us to the end, but...we lost a lot of supplies, the strange bird seemed to be able to smell the food, and it penetrated the location where we store food up.

Is there any hope for us?

No, it should be said that in order to survive, hope is necessary.

—————— Karan

Day 120 five

Food is running out and we're screwed.

—————— Karan

Day 120

We're not finished, we're finished, everything's out of order, and I don't think any foodie of any kind has ever tasted a Rachelan.

If anything... all I can say is, I don't know.

My mouth seems to still have the taste of blood, how crazy can a person go in order to survive?

On that day, the day when Li Sier was given up, I think the moral bottom line in our hearts has completely collapsed, and it is not surprising that it has developed to such a point.

—————— Karan

160 day

30 people and now there are only seven people left, I know it will be my turn soon, we survived, we died, everything that died, we became monsters.

The next thing I want to meet is the real death.

—————— Karan

Day 160

I survived again, and now I am alone on this ship.

Sohrab, he believed me, he said that I have always kept calm and listened to everyone's ideas, I am the one who can really save our planet, and he committed suicide in front of me with the blood of other people.

Because he was afraid that he would attack me because of hunger, at the very end, I wore a mask as someone he thought was 'strong'.

Am I the only one left, am I going to live?

No, I can only live, I will struggle to the end, my countrymen must be waiting for me, I am the one who can bring hope, it must be so.

If it weren't for this, I wouldn't be able to live.

—————— Karan

two hundredth day

I haven't kept a diary for a long, long, long time. The loneliness almost drives me crazy. I can only talk to myself, and I can only write and draw on the wall.

I always feel like everyone is around me, they are watching me.

Finally, finally arrived, I have arrived in a new galaxy, this sun is very close to the sun on our planet Raculan, and I have also observed artificial drifts.

You can't be wrong, there must be civilization here.

I have finally arrived, everyone, wait for me.

—————— Karan

two hundred and third day

This is probably the last time I will write a diary. Earth, this planet is very similar to Raculan. Although the forms of creatures are far from ours, they do exist and can communicate.

They're thinking about making us a home...without us.

The signal has been sent, why is there no response?

I already know the answer, I'm tired, really tired, let it all end, let my sin and my life end together.

—————— Karan

Countless words were written on the screen. In the base of TPC, the only remaining device was being analyzed. Director Sawai watched these words. He couldn't understand the meaning, but found that many places had the same suffix.

'Why, Karan? '

He felt that the other party didn't seem to be fighting in the end, but more like begging for death.

Without understanding, if there is no dialogue, it will be even more incomprehensible.

What is going on?Could it be said that this universe is really like a pitch-black forest, once discovered, they can only fight each other to the end?

Tiredness surged in my heart.

--------------------------------------------Dividing line

"What's the matter with His Majesty's death!"

Quickly walking into the palace, the good mood of Magma who had just exterminated a race was completely destroyed.

How is it possible, how is it possible that someone can defeat that invincible Majesty!

"Unfortunately, it is possible."

Disnook responded in this way, besides him, there is another person here, that is Grozan from the Groza galaxy, the first wise general and the second fierce general.

Magma turned his gaze to the other person, who also nodded.


Your Majesty is he... dead?

"Which bastard from which galaxy!"

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