Originally, I was still thinking about not writing a single update. Then I checked the update records. From January 1rd of the beginning of the year to July 3nd yesterday, I have never had a day where there was no update at all.

Well, I decided to take a day off and start the second half of the year this month, let's treat it as a day off for the first half of the year.

How the hell am I so dedicated to my work? Is this still me?

?Chapter 110 Conflict between instinct and action

'I can't find it at all. '

Kazama was walking on the street, don't think he is in Tokyo now, in fact he has wandered around the cities all over the world once again.

This was done firstly to confirm whether the spear he stabbed was working normally, and secondly to find traces of Empat in the future.

It's a pity that no matter how hard I searched, I couldn't find a trace of clues. The other party was completely invisible in the online world, and I don't know where he disappeared.

The unknown is terrible, especially the unknown in terms of position.

In the past, Kazama was able to understand why humans were on guard against Ultraman, and now he can empathize even more.

?110 Nine chapters intermission


The obvious sound of prompting came, which was the proof of someone's visit.

A little later, Imeng opened the door. What he didn't expect was the identity of the visitor, and the commander of the stone room was standing in front of the door.

"Commander, why are you... no, please come in! Ah, hiss——"

I Meng gasped, and he saw his masterpiece just as soon as he turned his head. The messy things were stacked together, the books were scattered on the ground, and the equipment on the table was out of order.

Although it is said that the air base has allocated different rooms for the crew, but the stone room has never seen a space like the one I dreamed of.

?Chapter 120 Little Friendship

The eyes moved, and the girl in the ward who looked no more than eleven or twelve years old was looking at Kazama and Qihai with her eyes.

Soon, she showed an ambiguous smile.

"Boy friend?"

She is a small ghost, or because the only means of accessing information in the hospital is a mobile phone, the world of the Internet has brought this girl a lot of good or bad information.

Knowing this, Nanami shook her head very calmly.

"Unfortunately, no."

"What, it's not."

The girl was very disappointed, thinking that she could meet her real lover in reality.

she again

?120 patient stories

In the past, there was a girl who had been in poor health since she was born, and she had to go to the hospital every now and then.

Her parents did not give up on her, blood is thicker than water, how could they give up so easily.

Slowly, as time passed, the girl grew up from a babbling baby, and her body seemed to be improving.

Compared with the first time, I healed a lot. Although I still have some physical problems, I still made friends in school.

But suddenly one day, she passed out in school.

Sent to hospital having to undergo surgery at such an age, anxious parents end up with

?120 Chapter [-] Vulnerabilities

"What do you want to do if you get cured?"

For Mina, this question is too far away, because she has thought about the answer to this question a long time ago.

It's a pity that day after day, year after year, when one thing can't be realized after thinking about it countless times, it will become meaningless.

But the child can understand the meaning of the question, and even if he doesn't hold out hope, he will still answer:

"I want to eat all I can eat fried chicken, and there will always be such advertisements in the video on my mobile phone, and then I want to run, and I want to go to the beach to play, because before I went to the hospital, my father said that after the summer vacation

?120 three chapters family, friendship

The sun in the morning is still fierce, which is the current situation in summer.

"So hot."

Even Qihai, who never liked to complain, couldn't help complaining, she felt that she should actually wear a parasol.

"It's not bad here. In some countries, the high temperature can reach 50 degrees Celsius in summer. Wearing short sleeves there can't be said to cool down, but it will cause sunburn to the skin."

As Kazama said, the increasingly serious desertification deprives the greenery and destroys the plants that alleviate the greenhouse effect.

"To protect the environment is to protect ourselves, why don't you understand."

He sighed, perhaps because the world

?120 Chapter Four Temporary Parting

It was Kazama's original plan to go to a restaurant together for a dinner, and then have a good chat, say goodbye, and say goodbye.

However, this plan will go bankrupt with just one sentence, and that sentence is——You should cook better than ordinary restaurant chefs, right?

Although he didn't deliberately compare, Kazama felt that he should be more capable than ordinary restaurant chefs.

After all, the ingredients he cooks are different from those in restaurants, not to mention, his cooking time is already very long.

So it turned into this Saturday afternoon hustle and bustle in the kitchen.

He covered the pot tightly, and then

?120 five chapters multiplied

Here is the sea, blue and endless, it looks gentle, but in fact it becomes turbulent when it gets irritable.

Standing on the deck, Shirou breathed heavily, feeling nothing special.

If I really want to say the most real feeling right now, it must be——

"The sea breeze...is really comfortable enough...it's no wonder, I've been out to sea so many times, so what's so uncomfortable and uncomfortable, I'm tired of it!"

His thinking was interrupted, and the older crew members also came here to talk to him at this time, and what they said was everyone's true feelings.


?120 Chapter Six Frontal Attack

Could the power of two people combined into one be so strong?

Gaia was amazed by this, but Aguru was not surprised.

This time, on the contrary, it convinced him that both the land and the ocean are part of the earth after all, and perhaps the two sides are divisions of the same force.

So why split the power into two parts?

'Is it for checks and balances? '

It is not a good phenomenon to be dominated by one family, so there are Gaia and Aguru.

At this time, the floating red and blue aurora has not dissipated, but the matter is over.

Aguru did not continue

?120 seven different practices

"Don't rush to fire yet."

The distance is getting closer, and compared to Chrome Chester, Baig Bazun's flying speed is slower.

Compared with the flying alien beasts, the flying team with backup can go straight forward after positioning, so they can outflank and catch up with the enemy in a short time.

But below is now Paris, France, and a war over the city may have very bad consequences.

The virtual screen in front of Tachibana zoomed in and reflected the object that was falling from the opponent's sky.

The translucent saliva fell, and finally shattered and splashed when it touched the ground.

?Chapter 120: Everyone Has a Past

There were only two people in the living room, and a quiet atmosphere was spreading.

Fujimiya walked a full circle in the living room, and now he noticed something after looking carefully.

Brother and sister, father, one person is missing in a family of three.

Fujimiya, who didn't think about it carefully, found something unusual. Nothing was left on the wall, tabletop, or the missing person.

There aren't any photos of it, what's the reason for doing this?

Fujimiya had a hunch that the answer to this question would not make people happy.

He turned around and looked at Erina who was sitting blankly on the sofa.

What to say?

I don't know

?120 Nine chapters of complex entanglement

Men used to be in love...no, not like that.

To be precise, a man once fell in love with someone unilaterally, met on a blind date, fell in love at first sight, and then got engaged at the order of his parents after a period of dating.

There are places where the two can chat, and there are places where they can't.

Now that I think about it carefully, there are still many places that I can't talk to.

Because the man's family has been fishermen for generations, until his generation also inherited this profession.

And because of the influence of his family, he is very good in this line of work, and he is also very well-connected.

?Chapter 130 Warning of Possibilities


It is precisely because I have cracked it before and know the difficulty of it that I Meng is now amazed by the situation in front of me.

At this time, the core of the heaven they were helpless opened in the hands of Catherine, and it took only a short time to completely crack it.

Don't think that one day is very long, from the recovery from XIG to the delivery to Catherine, there are countless 'days'

However, Catherine didn't feel happy at all in the face of this praise-laden exclamation.

She frowned tightly. The reason why she said before is that she can crack the nuclear power.

?Chapter 130 Dark Strike

Relationships between people can be simple or complex.

With billions of people on a planet, someone's situation is different from others.

Yesterday's drinking and chatting only allowed Fujimiya to understand the situation of Natsume's house and let him understand what happened in the past.

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