"I see."

Nangong nodded, and there was no need to worry about the injuries.

In fact, he can completely ignore medical skills and set up a clinic where superpowers and magic can heal and rejuvenate, but there are some rules that need to be followed.

Well, people on Earth are injured because of the invaders, so it's not a violation of the rules, that's all.

"Anyway, I'll change my clothes first."

Shen Yu started to chase people away, she was not in a bad mood, after all, the happy voice was transmitted from the outside to the corridor, and then flew all the way to the ward.

Altman, really can bring hope to the existence.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Ultraman is an existence that can bring hope to people, maybe it is true.

But human beings cannot rely too much on Ultraman, and human beings also have their own things to do.

Now Fujimiya was waiting quietly, and he felt a little nervous, which didn't often arise even when facing the enemy.

"Start the injection now."

With this announcement, dripping 'reagent' above the slime that was brought back along with the ground

This looks like a mixture of two compounds. After a few seconds, the mucus changed from its previous calm and began to flow crazily as if it had been stimulated by something.

The weird active state is creepy, but the swollen mucus is fading quickly.

About 21 seconds passed, and after the color faded, the woman lay on the ground with a dazed face.

She scanned her surroundings, her confused expression slowly changed, and then turned into surprise.

The woman hugged herself forcefully, as if confirming her own existence.

"Ma'am, you're all right."

Such a declaration naturally reached her ears, and after that, a series of physical examinations followed.

The human being transformed into a miserable appearance by Mazar Dienz had the first recovery, all because of the emergence of antibodies.

Kondo, who had already been infected and lost his human form, was not affected after being exposed to the new virus, but instead developed antibodies.

Fujimiya collected his blood, and then professionals conducted research, extraction and experiments, and finally successfully completed the first dose of recovery potion.

This is good news, very good news.

Everyone is cheering for this, but we can't be too happy too early, there may be some side effects, we need to conduct a detailed inspection first.

When I am really convinced that there is no problem, it will be 'that matter'

Fujimiya walked into the elevator, he was the only one inside, he closed his eyes, and waited quietly.

He was still wanted by the GUARD before, but now he is moving freely in the GUARD's base, and then he even has to——

The sound of the elevator door opening interrupted Fujimiya's thinking. He opened his eyes, and he knew the person who walked in from the door.

The commander of the XIG air base, Shi Shi, was walking into the elevator, and the two stood side by side.

The elevator doors closed, and the silence echoed here.

Finally, someone spoke up:

"Sorry, I didn't protect my dream well."

Fujimiya still remembered the various reactions he saw in the scarred air base before, and he realized that unlike people like him, I dreamed of having many, many friendships.

He obviously had the opportunity to save my dream, but he didn't do it, and many people will feel sad about it.

Faced with this apology, Shishi lowered his head slightly, as if he was thinking about something, and finally he said:

"In that case, maybe there is no right choice at all, and in the end we can only choose the lesser of the two powers."

Shishi still remembered Britz Brotz who stood up again. If Aguru hadn't landed in time, the GUARD members present might all be wiped out.

But the price I paid for protecting the GUARD was Gama, who was kidnapped.

Which side is the right choice?

There is simply no right choice.

Ishimuro stepped out of the elevator, leaving behind Fujimiya who didn't know what he was thinking.

Chapter 240 More Than Bitter

The sky was still gloomy as if it was going to rain. It was true that there was joy in the hospital, but not necessarily outside.

Although people got some encouragement from the strange brilliance, these brilliance did not restore the damaged city or restore it to its original appearance.

The uneasy atmosphere was terrible, Nanami and Aikawa, who had been trained as soldiers, understood this very well.

"If this goes on, we will mess ourselves up before the next battle begins."

Aikawa could only see the citizens walking with their heads bowed. The riots of the citizens should not be underestimated, not to mention the surrender faction that is the most frightening.

Anyway, if you can't win, it is better to surrender, but the past history tells us that the loser is not a human being.

"War is such a disgusting thing."

Compared with Aikawa, Nanami cared more about the damage caused by the war. She looked into the distance, and the Tokyo Skytree, which she could vaguely see before, was gone.

Of course it’s gone. In the previous battle, it was destroyed by the gigantic Ulffaya, leaving only a few meters in front. The enemy doesn’t care about your culture or not, attractions or attractions.

The places of interest and historical sites in other countries are also more or less affected. This is what wars on a global scale are all about.

"However, the enemy has already fought, and we have to fight."


Although the focus is different, the two have the same view on the status quo.

It must be fought, it must be fought, the invaders clearly want to exterminate you, do you still raise your hand to express your willingness to accept the massacre?

The problem is that war is not about saying 'OK, let's go to war' and then shooting in 2 minutes. It requires a lot of preparation.

Let's be honest, the Earth just isn't fit for war right now.

Decades have passed since the Second World War, can people who grew up in Hepingli really stand the current atmosphere?

You see this oppressive scene, those lost souls.

"Now as long as the root cause is shattered and the body releases a message on the earth, saying how about surrendering, I think many people will immediately raise the white flag."

Aikawa was able to confirm this, and Nanami did not refute it.

Everyone wants to live, and the drowning climbs grass to survive, but the body whose roots are shattered has never done such a thing so far.

"Why do you think they didn't do that?"

Aikawa had speculations in his mind, but he still wanted to hear other people's opinions.

And Qihai expressed her own thoughts:

"Because Ultraman is here, the Earth's vital force has not been wiped out. That method is only used when one side suppresses the other. If the Earth can directly hit the other side's home planet, the shattering of the root will certainly not attract the body." Dare to show your head casually."

Although she is no longer in the establishment, she knows people in the establishment.

Both Aikawa and Qihai have a good relationship with Tachibana, Tachibana told Aikawa, and Aikawa trusted Qihai, and naturally shared a lot of information with Qihai. Of course, doing so is not in line with military law, but let it be.

According to the information of the two, it is said that at the end of the last attack, at the moment of despair when both Gaia and Empat disappeared, Aguru, who had disappeared for a long time, returned with overwhelming power and crushed him. enemy.

From its appearance to the present, Root Destroyer has launched three large-scale attacks.

The first time was Vassett, a planetary destruction machine equipped with a large number of gobs, the second time was the behemoth Zolim in the Middle East, and the third time was world-wide biochemical weapons and powerful monster weapons.

It's a pity that all three large-scale attacks were resolved, and what the two sides really want to say may be in a tug-of-war stage.

The disintegration of the root causes the body to be jealous of the power of the earth, and it does not appear easily, so even rumors cannot be spread casually, which prevents the earth from becoming chaotic due to the enemy's public opinion war.

The two had the same answer in their hearts, and Aikawa sighed at this moment:

"I don't know when I will be able to call the other party's hometown."

The idea he upholds is very simple, counterattack, hit the opponent until he dare not invade again, new and old grudges will be counted together, anyway, if the opponent intends to exterminate human beings, then exterminate the opponent first.

That intense idea didn't arise suddenly, but was caused by intrusions again and again.

There are not a few people in the upper class who have the same thoughts as Aikawa's, and Qihai is not that radical, she is silent, and she doesn't intend to speak out, and people with normal minds know that they can't expect the mercy of the enemy.

Does the so-called 'second way' really exist?

Who knows, at least for now there isn't any hope in sight.

"Oh, almost there."

Aikawa's words made Qihai look up again, and the two who were chatting and walking were already approaching the residential area, which was not other places, but the place where their captain lived.

I have been unable to contact the other party, and there is no other way. To be honest, even if I find the other party's house now, it is just a sudden illness.

But people are like this, caring makes chaos.

"Speaking of which, if the captain is really at home with his daughter, I will probably be very upset."

As Aikawa said, please report that you are safe. We are anxious like ants on a hot pot here, but you are at home, my daughter, who is leisurely?

To put it bluntly, I give you a punch.

"It's really that good."

Qihai sighed, she knew her captain well, and knew that the other party was not that kind of person.

If that's the case, at least the captain is still alive, right?

The two of them walked and turned around, and then on the same road facing each other, they saw someone they had seen before.


Qihai was a little puzzled, she had been here before, so she remembered that girl, isn't she the captain's daughter Xi Li?

The question is, who is the man in the middle?

team leader?No, although the dress is basically the same, but... the height and face are wrong.

The line of sight was too straightforward, so on the other side of the road, Nangong looked forward and noticed the existence of Aikawa and Nanami.

At this moment, he suddenly had a strange feeling.

It seems that a similar thing happened in the future not long ago, and it seems that it happened here too, and he was almost caught.

How is this going?Scene reconstruction?

The two sides approached each other, Xili and Fukaha looked at Nangong in the middle at the same time, and Aikawa and Qihai also locked their eyes on Nangong because of their clothes.

'Exactly. '

Nangong didn't have any feeling about this focus. If it was to say that he was mentally prepared, he had already made it.

"Aikawa, Nanami, it's me."

He said this after approaching, and then Aikawa frowned.

"Oh, who are you?"

As soon as he said this, his and Qihai's eyes widened.

Because the strange face just turned into a familiar face, and then that familiar face turned into a strange face again.

"What the hell?"

Aikawa suspected that he was hallucinating, and Qihai also showed an incredible expression.

"I am the Kazuma Kazama you know."

Without even the slightest hesitation, Nangong said words that were too shocking for others, and then he continued:

"It's also Empat, whose real name is Nangong Lan, an alien and a person from another world who came to Earth five years ago."

I didn't understand the previous sentence well, so I threw out another sentence that was even more puzzling.

But he didn't intend to be accepted like this.

"Come in and talk."

Nangong walked towards the gate, Aikawa and Qihai looked at each other, and then at Fukaha and Xili, but all she got was a shrug from Fukaha, and she was the least burdened by it among all the people present.

Because she watched 'Nangong Lan' from the beginning

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