So Haruhe held the ingredients in his hands, and luckily the surviving billboard played the GUARD's speech:

"Aguru is our human companion. There is nothing more trustworthy than the official joining of Ultraman. I believe everyone knows their power."

The power of Ultraman must be very special. If someone has seen it up close, they will never forget it.

But yesterday, there was a lot of talk about what the light was falling from the sky.

Even though they did not reach the point of living and dying, people who were still struggling on the hospital bed found that their condition had improved, and the symptoms that were originally judged to be difficult to treat were eliminated.

Medical treatment cannot explain the reason for this, and the ancients used to push the unexplainable things to the head of "God", so many people think that what happened yesterday is a so-called "miracle".

But when I mention it today, does anyone really know what Ultraman is?

Gaia has healed the wounded before, so speaking of it...

At this moment, someone shouted in surprise, because the camera changed, it was blue sky and white clouds.

Slowly, the piece of blue sky and white clouds disappeared due to the decrease in height, and what you can see from looking down is the scarred city.

Yesterday's dark clouds have disappeared, today's sun is also covered, a huge shadow covers the ground, and the blue figure brings wind when it flies.

Aguru passed over Tokyo. He lowered his head, as if he was looking at the people in the city, and then nodded slowly.

This is just the beginning, what is the invigorating agent for people?

It's a 'declaration'

As long as everyone knows that everyone's safety can be guaranteed, and that we still have a strong force, people's hearts will be at ease.

For this reason, GUARD used Aguru, and Aguru was also very happy to be used.

For people, the title of Ultraman has penetrated into their lives, and everyone knows that there is such a silent guardian.

Now the guardian who doesn't know where he came from promised to join hands with humans to protect the earth. He also showed incredible power yesterday. In that case, is it true that there is no need to worry?

Aguru was no longer in Haruhe's line of sight. The giant didn't know which city he was going to go to next, but the camera he was holding was indeed recording in real time, reflecting Aguru's profile.

In front of the TV, Shen Yu turned her head to look at Nangong next to her, and she didn't see any dissatisfaction from the other party.

But now Nangong understood why he saw such a grand scene in the future five years later, maybe it all started from this time.

In the past, no matter when he had never publicized to the public that Empat was a guardian who absolutely stood on the side of human beings, he had always been in a position of ambiguity.

It is precisely because TPC does not know when Ultraman will leave, whether it will suddenly disappear one day, so it is so hard to carry out scientific research, even if some people in the crowd plan to engage in some weird religion, it can't make waves.

But this time is different, Aguru made it clear that his actions may be interpreted in various ways in the future and develop into strange worship.

The future will be left to the future. Nangong must admit that it is also beneficial to do so now. He has known for a long time that the so-called "giants cannot interfere with the internal affairs of civilization" is essentially just a subjective self-restraint.

To put it bluntly, it is wishful thinking.

The existence of Ultraman has already had an impact on civilization, trust, worship, suspicion, jealousy... all kinds of emotions are possible, it is inevitable.

Let alone Ultraman, living alone in this world is enough to have an impact on the surroundings.

The birth of a child changes the concept of young parents forever, the sudden friend dispels a person's loneliness forever, and the two people who love each other have the idea of ​​joining hands and living a lifetime... Don't be afraid of making an impact, the important thing is that you can what to do.

So Nangong has already made up his mind, no matter what the future looks like, he will only do what he can do.

What can be done now is...

"Aren't you going to wake Xili up?"

When Shen Yu asked like this, she felt that compared with the big things in the world, the small things at home were not too much to give way to.

Facing this question, Nangong shook his head and replied:

"She woke up once last night and didn't rest very well. Let her sleep. By the way, I have something to go out next, and the family will leave it to you."

After he said this, Fukaba gave him a weird look.

"Shouldn't you just stay at home at a time like this?"

Shen Yu felt that if the barrier was not resolved by dialogue, what else could it rely on, but imagination?

Regarding her thoughts, Nangong is also very clear, but he does have important things to do, so he can only say this:

"For example, I'm the kind of person who finishes the summer homework a few days before the summer vacation, and must clear the side missions before doing the main missions, so I will come back after I have everything done."

After saying this, Nangong smiled, then turned around and picked up the watch on the coffee table to put it on.

"Before I said that, I wanted to say that you were so weird."

What Shen Yu commented on was Nangong's attire at this time, which was just like the third child's, black-rimmed glasses, a watch, shirt and trousers, a middle-aged office worker's business attire.

Shen Yu, who often uses her mobile phone to surf the Internet, thinks that Nangong's face should be at the age of pursuing fashion, so she dresses flirtatiously and goes to the bar every night to hang out.

"I feel very good."

After Nangong finished saying this, he tore off the half-tie tie again, it doesn't need to be so formal today.

"Is it because of becoming a father?"

Shen Yu asked a little puzzled.

"You will understand when you are ready to become a mother someday."

Nangong smiled slightly, people will always change for some reason, among which maybe it is for a certain person.

After he finished dressing up, he walked to the door, put on his shoes and walked out.

One second, two seconds, suddenly, before Nangong could go out for a minute, the door of Xili's room opened.

Shen Yu raised her eyebrows at this, and could see the dark circles under Xi Li's eyes.

"Do you have to be so stiff?"

"You do not understand."

Xi Li gave the answer, it is impossible to treat such a big event as if it never happened, and continue to live happily as before, no matter which side it is, it needs a buffer time.

She couldn't even deal with the fact that her father was dead, because Xi Li didn't want to treat Nangong as a substitute, even if that person voluntarily became a substitute.

Before Xi Li walked into the bathroom, she took a look at the master bedroom, which was bright because of the daytime. It was clean and tidy, and the double bed seemed to be empty... No, it was true that no one had slept on it.

Although I don't know what kind of physiology Ultraman has, but in the eyes of humans, he is simply an ascetic.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Compared with before, more people took to the streets.

This is the most real feeling of Tachibana walking on the street. Ultraman deserves to be Ultraman. This appeal is really different.

In any case, it is a special existence that saves the earth from danger, and people like him who have actually fought side by side with Empat have a deeper feeling.

To be honest, Aguru's ability to express his exact attitude in this way inspired the people in the army a lot.

Since it's the army...

'Kazama is looking for me, isn't he planning to return to the night raid team? '

What Tachibana thought of was the message he received in the morning, and Kazama asked him to meet this morning.

For the speculation in his heart, Tachibana didn't feel very happy.

Please, don't come out to join in the fun after you've retired, okay?

Tachibana is 24 years old this year. Before joining the night raid team, he was actually just a firefighter. His relatives are alive and he once had a lover.

But the lover broke up three years ago, the reason is actually very simple, just can't bear it.

Yes, I can't stand it. When I was a firefighter at first, the dog was already in fear, and it was even more so when I joined the night raid team.

Why do long-distance relationships basically only end in a breakup?

Because relationships need to be managed, since joining the night raid team, Tachibana can only see his lover once a month or two.

Not only that, but the night raid team is often on the line of life and death. Tasks, training, and time are compressed to a very short time. Even if they have leisure, everyone just seizes the time to rest.

I saw my lover again after a month, but found that the two parties had nothing to chat about.

In the words of the other party, "I don't know you anymore"

So, from Tachibana's personal point of view, he hopes that after retiring, Kazama will go as far as possible and not be involved in it. Isn't it something to be proud of accompanying children to grow up?

Walking while thinking, before I knew it, I had arrived at the place.

Tachibana looked there, as expected, the store was not open at all, and what Kazama held in his hand was a bottle of juice bought from a vending machine.

Taking a deep breath, he walked over there.

240 Chapter Four

"Why do you have time to find me today? You shouldn't have been injured before you said it, right?"

Ju's opening remarks attracted Nangong's attention. What he is using now is not his own face, because it is really more convenient to use this face for the next thing.

He put down his half-drunk juice and raised his left hand, which was another can of energy drink.

"I'm fine here, but something does scare me."

Nangong handed Ju the drink, and what he said was not false.

It doesn't matter if the enemy shows new abilities, or if he himself is seriously injured. After all, since he wants to fight, he must be mentally prepared.

But there is only one psychological preparation that can't be done well, and that is the matter of 'the person who cares is injured'.

So when Fukaha was mortally wounded, he was literally terrified, luckily nothing rushed to his head and knocked him out of his mind... at least not this time.

Listening to Nangong's words, Ju opened his drink without asking any further questions. Since the other party said it was fine, why should he bother?

"It's good that it's okay, so you're looking for something to do with me?"


The question was answered immediately, Nangong put down the black backpack, and took out a black laptop from there.

He opened it, and then quickly opened the document, which listed names and information.

"What is this? Are you doing some monitoring?"

Ju couldn't figure out what was written here, but Nangong immediately gave the answer:

"I use my salary from the Night Raiders and as an armor adaptor to support those who were injured and poor because of the alien beasts."

The information in the computer is the information of those people. It is said that there are many, but in fact there are only 12 people. The manpower is limited, and his money is also limited. He is not the kind of entrepreneur who starts a company and spends money.

Nangong turned his attention to Ju, and then he asked seriously:

"Could you please take over my job, if possible?"


It takes Tachibana a short while to sort out the situation before him, what's going on here?Why are you saying this all of a sudden?

'Totally unprepared. '

He thought he was looking for him this time because of the return of the night raid team, but it turned out it wasn't... um...

'So is that?People will change? '

Tachibana remembered the fearful expression on the opponent's face only a minute ago, maybe something happened in this battle that made the opponent change his mind.

So now, are you going to throw away the past completely and go back to accompany your daughter?

Not bad, but...

"You're treating me as your next family."

Tachibana smiled wryly, this is really a troublesome job.

He shook his head, then looked at the computer screen again, only more seriously than before.

There are men and women in it. The youngest is 12 years old and has not yet entered junior high school, and the oldest is 19 years old and has entered university.

"Okay, tell me more carefully."

In this regard, Tachibana himself does not have much opinion.

He transferred from the fire brigade to the night raid brigade not because of other reasons, but because he failed to save the people he wanted to save in the fire. It was not an accident that caused the sea of ​​fire, but a strange beast.

The corpse turned into coke in the fire, and that scene may never be forgotten in his life.

Being able to help people is also a good thing.

After getting the definite answer, Nangong was relieved. Passing the test as the first candidate really saved him a lot of effort.

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