Lied shrugged and replied:

"That's it."

Perhaps it was because his attitude was too relaxed, so my dream became a little more relaxed. He has a lot of things he wants to know, but the most important thing is to ask first, that is:

"Lead, if you can, can you tell me why you want to invade the earth?"

In my dream, I really can't figure out what the earth did to be targeted. It doesn't make sense at all.

To put it bluntly, human beings have not been able to leave the earth. Could it be that the radio waves sent in the last century caused some trouble?

Hearing this question, Lide was also thinking about what to say. He was quite afraid that my dream would overreact, so he was ready to cover his mouth.

"Let me first declare that our cognition is different from yours. If you react too violently, I will give you a punch, okay?"

Lide didn't want to see Wumeng's violent reaction leading to quarrels, but there were quite a few people in the team staring and ready to find fault at any time.

And my dream nodded to this, he was ready.

Some people in the team were resting, some were on guard, and their attention was not on this side.

Lied took a deep breath, and he explained the reason for the 'invasion of the earth' known to mankind:

"Actually, what the army uses is not invasion, but purification. They think it's purifying the earth."


Just listening to the beginning like this, I feel a little uncontrollable in my dream.

In the Second World War in the history of the earth in the past, fascist imperialism also said that it wanted to "purify" and ended up doing inhumane things.

How similar are the two, doing evil under the banner of justice.

But he still endured it, because the next step may be the key point, besides, the person in front of him does not belong to that side, so I dreamed and asked:

"Purification is to purify what?"

Liede gave a direct answer to this:

"Looking at the earth's time perspective, it was five years ago that a dark disaster flew in this universe. It carried a terrifying virus and finally arrived on a blue planet. wipe out."

There is a sense of déjà vu in what he said.

"If you want to use the naming on your side of the earth, it would be——"

"......and many more!"

I couldn't hold back my dream, he interrupted Lid's words.

"Could the pathogen you're talking about be—"


Liede answered in the affirmative.

240 The Difference Between Six Chapters

Zaki, the existence that arrived on Earth five years ago with the alien beast factor.

Whenever people forget its existence, something will happen to remind him that he may still be hiding somewhere, acting and preparing.

How dangerous is an enemy that has already been defeated?

About this, the world may not know for now, because Zaki is not in a complete state, he was destroyed before he least in my dream perception.

"What the hell does this mean? Why do you need to attack Earth to eliminate Zaki and the Xenomorphs?"

He immediately asked, whether the logical relationship in it made him unable to understand.

What's more, if you want to talk about alien beasts, haven't they completely disappeared from the earth, and there is nothing left?

Since I really don't know anything about dreams, Lid decided to start from the beginning:

"In the words of the earth, Zaki came to this universe five years ago. Maybe you couldn't observe it at the time, but he has another giant who didn't arrive on the earth immediately. They erupted in this starry sky and lasted for a long time. battles, from one galaxy to another, incessantly shifting."

This is the initial situation.

"About that shortly after that, we searched all the way based on the residual energy, and guess what we found?"

Lid continued without waiting for my dream:

"That blue-eyed giant...No, even Empat may not have noticed what Zaki is like. Zaki is indeed an energy life form, but there are other things in his body. That is the alien beast factor."

Hearing this, I suddenly remembered a very important thing in my dream, and now that thing is also said by the alien in front of me:

"Have you ever wondered why after Zaki was defeated by Empat five years ago, a large number of alien beasts suddenly began to emerge on the earth? That is because the alien beast factor contained in Zaki's blasted body That moment was scattered all over the world."

Because of this, Zaki, who was afraid of being discovered due to serious injuries, did not spread the alien beast factor on a large scale. However, in just five years, the disaster of alien beasts spread all over the entire earth.

It only took three years for the alien beasts to grow into a terrifying number. I still remember the anomalies I saw in the Middle East battlefield in my dreams. Creepy, disgusting.

The thoughts are interrupted here, and the next thing to say is what happened outside the earth:

"In the battle between Zaki and Empat, both sides were injured. Do you know what this means? There may be remnants of alien beast factors in the places they passed, floating in the universe, attracted by life, and finally arrived at a certain place. A planet."

Is what Lied told is true?Or is it just a lie to make my dream let down my guard?

My dream has no way to verify this, all he can do is continue to listen, and the words start again:

"Actually, before the earth, we have already been in contact with 13 planets. Fortunately, these planets only have some creatures with a low level of life. They are just animals in our words, and the emotional ups and downs are not too big. Therefore, the disaster of alien beasts has not developed too seriously."

Lide frowned when he said this. He was both happy because his home planet was not contaminated with the factor of the alien beast, and he was also sad that the earth was contaminated with the factor of the alien beast.

"But the earth is different. Human beings have developed to the stage of creating civilization. Emotions are ups and downs. For example, sadness and pain when love encounters setbacks. These are the negative emotions that alien beasts desire. It is impossible for human beings to give up their emotions, but emotions are the food that nourishes alien beasts."

What he said is exactly the reason why the alien beast is difficult to eliminate, it is simply the accompanying beast of civilization, like a shadow.

"We have actually been observing you for five years, and we are also conducting investigations on other planets during this time. The problem is that the universe is so huge, and those alien beast factors that Zaki sprinkled don't know where they went. Maybe there are some left, maybe not, we don't know."

Those factors have simple intelligence, and from this point of view, they are simply weird creatures.

"Because Zaki and Empat are both on the earth, we are also thinking about what to do. For this reason, we tried to contact the people on the earth. His name on the earth should be Klaus. Eck Carter."

"and many more!"

My dream, who has been listening to the situation, has not been silent anymore, because something is really wrong this time.

"Klaus Eckart should be dead already!"

This is what I heard in my dream. At that time, Fujimiya and the others were attacked by a strange beast and died.

Lid, who heard this, couldn't help but widen his eyes, because as far as he knew, Klaus had turned into Bizom, regardless of his combat ability, it was very simple to survive.

"He's dead? No... Could it be... No, no, he's definitely human... What's going on here?"

Lide naturally knew about Bizom. When he transformed the other party, he was sure that the other party was a pure human being. So what happened to the death I mentioned in my dream?

"I'll make a note of it, and I'll sort it out later."

He jotted down one of the doubts, and then went on to tell the reason why the army decided to cleanse the earth:

"The reason why we don't want to really go to the earth is because we are afraid of the existence of alien beasts. Three years ago, we completely destroyed a habitable planet, because what was eroded on that planet was not living things, but the planet itself."

My dream opened my eyes wide, and at this moment he once again recalled the dream he had when he was young.

Turning a planet into a desert and endless sandstorms are not something that can be achieved by relying solely on strength.

'The alien beast factor has eroded the planet'

Is it precisely because of this that the planet itself becomes the enemy of living things?

"Actually, I also participated in that battle."

Lide's astonishing words brought me back to my dream. In my dream, I subconsciously stared at the man in front of me, but I didn't see anything too special. Is it special?

Lid, who doesn't know what I was thinking in the dream, has fallen into the memory, and he continued:

"That day we saw the planet with its huge mouth open and the huge creatures. They were controlled by alien beasts and showed their fangs to us. The first fleet that landed first was directly eaten by the planet, and now I The same void as the parent star also appears."

It's just that it's not the big hole caused by the breakdown, but the hole opened by the planet itself.

"From that hole, the power of the planet turned into bombardment. If the First Fleet hadn't been abandoned and made an emergency space jump, everyone would have died there. Then we looked at the planet and found that it was no longer in its original position. gone."

Lied never thought that such a situation could happen. There is no reason for this. How could a planet defy mechanics and autonomously leave its orbit, but that planet really did so.

"When we found it again, it was like a creature that ate other planets."

Devouring other creatures is the survival instinct of the alien beast and everything it pursues.

"Being ready again, we used the space distortion technology to fire from the parent star, and hit the core of the planet directly at the moment it was eating. The fragments that were torn apart were even wriggling and trying to re-merge. It took us a long time Only then will the asteroid belt with life be completely destroyed."

Lid said so, and then he showed a wry smile.

"Even if I say that, you probably won't be able to understand what kind of scene it is. I don't know where the alien beast factor can erode even the planet. Not only that, it even breaks our common sense. Fear may be the innate instinct of all creatures, we are afraid of the existence of strange beasts."

Incomprehensible, unable to communicate, and even highly contagious.

'If one day our home planet is also eroded'

The government and the military dread this possibility.

"But escaping is tantamount to slow suicide. If there is a certain planet, or even several alien beast planets in the universe, we will die when they develop."

It must be destroyed before it develops.

"This kind of fear has changed our view of the earth. Is Zaki really dead? He just spread the factor and caused such a terrible situation. What if he is still alive?"

That's the point, I dream... No, even Nangong who destroyed Zaki's body at the beginning couldn't confirm whether Zaki was dead or alive, and what kind of situation it was.

"You know, some things are easy to do a second time after doing something once. The planet eroded by alien beasts also gives us a new direction. The power of the planet can be used to transform creatures and send monsters to the earth. All the weapons have been transformed by us, and we grabbed them from other planets."

Take away the original free creatures from their original homes, transform them as props, and use them as weapons... In the current crisis, I can't care too much.

"For us, Zaki is a terrible enemy that will one day lead to the crisis of the entire universe. We neither want to be enslaved nor to be exterminated, so we must deal with him first."

What Lid said was from the standpoint of his own planet.

What about my dream?

What my dream says now is from the standpoint of the earth:

"So we want to destroy humans, the earth, Zaki and the alien beasts together?"

He already understood the enemy's reason for fighting, but some things were understandable and unacceptable.

"We humans have no reason to be obediently destroyed."

This has always been the reason for my dream of fighting. It is not some illusory belief or god, but as a human being, I want to laugh with the people I care about, so I must not die like this, and I cannot lose.

Even in the enemy camp, he can still say so firmly.

Looking at my dream like this, Lide's expression did not change, he just asked the question:

"How do you feel after seeing the current state of this planet?"

My dream's answer to this is quite simple:

"I will feel sympathy, I will feel sad, but even if I have to choose again, I will definitely do it. If only you die, I will fight as a human being, as a person on Earth."

That sentence might irritate the other party, but two seconds later, Lid laughed.


It's as if he doesn't care about the tragedy of his own planet.

"That's the thing, you don't want to be destroyed, and I don't want to be destroyed, so we fight each other. It may be you who destroy me, or it may be me who destroys you, or we all destroy together."

Lide knew that he was not a good person, but how could he be a good person after doing those things.

"When that glow fell, I thought I realized something."

What he's talking about is the shooting of photon streamlines.

"I stood in front of the big void, the sound of the wind blowing seemed to be the mourning of the planet itself, and then I felt that if this continues, we will be destroyed together."

Having said that, Lid took a deep breath.

"Zoliam, Britz Brotz, those biological weapons are just an appetizer. In fact, there are stronger weapons in preparation. The army seems to be planning to end everything in the next attack."

What he said was impossible to ignore. I dreamed that Britz Brotz had caused him so much trouble, but there was a stronger weapon?

"And I found out something."

It was only after Lide understood that that he left the army.

"It's no longer for self-survival. The current army just wants to double the pain suffered by our planet and return it to the earth. In the last attack, even that kind of biochemical weapon was used for the purpose of torturing the people on earth. Not only in this way."

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