Someone shouted like this, but his voice was meaningless to the excitement of the crowd, and was easily drowned out.

"Soldiers at the bottom don't have the right to choose."

Lid commented as he watched the garbage flying from nowhere and fell on the soldiers maintaining order.

People vent their anger on soldiers, but on whom can soldiers vent their anger?

While a bit mean, repressed soldiers who then doubted the legitimacy of their army and current practices were exactly what the rebels wanted.

From bottom to top, it is not bad to overthrow the army directly.

Rebellion?revolution?Call it whatever you want, anyway, they don't want to see another beam of light of unknown color fall from the sky and open a new hole for the planet.

"Okay, let's go."

Lid turned and left. I dreamed to look at the situation over there again, pushing and crowding. If the earth is at a low ebb because of being attacked, then this planet is on the verge of chaos because of differences.

A group of people moved forward all the way, different from hiding in the ruins before, they entered a certain house openly.

"Let's rest first. If you don't recharge your batteries, you won't be able to use your strength when it's time to exert strength."

Lid said so, and Gaimeng also nodded, the people around him dispersed, and he was the only one who didn't know where to go.

Lide, who had only walked a few steps forward, turned around and walked back.

"Sure enough, you should come with me first."

He took my dream all the way to the depths of the house.

240 Chapter [-]: Time for Action

Following Lide's dream, I went all the way up the stairs. The study on the second floor of this house seemed to have been transformed into a new room. There were various equipment in it that he didn't know what they were for because of his different cognition.

"Look at this, can it work?"

Before I dreamed and speculated, I received the container from Lid. The transparent container that looked somewhat similar to a test tube but was much larger contained a mainly red light.

This light is calling and responding, and it also reminds me of the scene when Gaia just got the power. He can only temporarily put the light in the test tube to contain it.

So, I Meng took out the sapphire cone that had been with him all the time from my arms, and the brilliance in the container suddenly became unstable.

The light that is obviously blended together but has a clear color separation does not give in to each other, but this time it is the green entanglement entangled with the red brilliance.

"Entangled and conflicted, no matter which side is in charge, it's the same."

Before I knew it, Lid was standing in front of my dream, and he was evaluating the scene in the container.

"Although there is no way to separate the two forces, it is still possible to simply decide which side has more volume. Also, is that thing in your hand a prop to accommodate light?"

To Lid's question, I Meng nodded and replied:

"The ones I made used to be used to accommodate Gaia's power."

" you want to open it and have a look?"


Lide's sudden words made me stunned, what does this mean?Here to open the container that may cause the disease?

Seeing his doubts, Lied added:

"If your container can absorb the power of the planet that belongs to the earth, it is possible to eliminate impurities, and maybe you can regain the ability to change posture."

Transforming into Gaia again, such a statement is indeed full of temptation.

But before that, I dreamed to set my eyes on Ri's body.

"Aren't you going to avoid it? If you don't succeed, you..."

Maybe he'll get black blood too.

"If I let you act alone, someone will definitely have a problem with me, so forget it, and it's okay, I have taken good protection measures."

Lide said very easily, looking at his natural appearance, I can't say anything more in my dream, he has a sapphire cone in his left hand and a container in his right hand. The way to open it is very simple, just twist open the bottle with your hands cover'

In the next moment, the variegated radiance escaped from the inside hit the sapphire cone, the red color entered, the emerald color separated, and the pure power was absorbed into the sapphire cone again.

"How about it?"

Lide immediately asked, but unfortunately all he got was an answer that disappointed him:

"No, it's too little, it's almost like nothing, and it won't play any role."

The difference is too big, as long as it is on the earth, Gaia can get a steady stream of support, but it is different here, a little brilliance can't even transform.

Thinking of this, I dreamed to put my eyes on Lide again, because he had a question:

"Although it's a bit impolite, let me ask, do you want Gaia's power to save me?"

This premeditated approach is really suspicious, and Lide generously admitted:

"Part of the reason is indeed the case. Considering that there may be conflicts with the army, it would really be of great help if Gaia joined."

My dream may be a smart person, a researcher with scientific research ability, but it is a pity that it is based on the environment of the earth.

Now on this planet, how could he possibly display his talents when he didn't even know what the equipment was doing?Besides, the current situation can't help people to do things slowly.

"After all, I used to do similar work. I hope you can understand that I always measure the shortcomings of others. You who have power are a good target. People always like to regard power as a weapon, and I am no exception."

Lide was apologizing, but he didn't seem to be apologizing. Just when I Meng didn't know how to respond, there was a knock on the door, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

"come in."

After obtaining permission, the door was pushed open, and the person who came was holding a paper letter in his hand.

"New information, we have roughly figured out the area where the new energy is located."

The letter was spread out, and there was also a map inside, with markings and notes on it.

This is good news for Lied, if the place can be occupied, the next thing will be very simple.

"That's right, it's almost time for this to happen."

When every second counts, it is best to do what can be done immediately, otherwise they may not be able to catch up when the army directly moves away.

"Tell the others to rest today and start operations tomorrow."

The person who received the instruction nodded and left, and left the study, I dreamed of seeing such a scene and looked at Lid again.

"Aren't you a big shot?"

"It's hard work for those who can."

Lide accepted it without much burden in his heart, and he was not humble. This is the kind of education he received on this planet.

"But is it really okay to fight in such a hurry?"

I Meng asked worriedly, and Lide responded straightforwardly:

"Before you were captured, we had already made a lot of preparations. For example, we have been looking for the location of the new energy source for a long time. Only now do we understand a general location."

Speaking of this, Lide also realized that I didn't know what everyone knew in my dreams, so he sorted out the language and described the next plan:

"First of all, the fact that the army has new energy is already known to everyone. As you have seen before, everyone is dissatisfied with this situation, so we decided to launch the people and set off an organized riot in a short time .”

Among the opposition, there are rebels who have climbed up to the leadership position. After all, everyone needs a correct line. If you can't see the road ahead, people will hesitate.

"Then, there are also our people in the isolation area over the capital. They will open the isolation area at a fixed time. People will panic when patients appear, causing new confusion. Again, black blood is not contagious."

Lid was quite sure of that, but the point was beside the point, so he went on:

"It is no longer possible to suppress the chaos by relying on pure security forces. The army had to be dispatched. We took advantage of that time to rush to the opponent's base for two purposes. The first is to occupy the energy facilities, and the second is to capture the commander of the army. Card, the so-called beheading plan."

Well, who likes beheading if you can push it straight?

It is necessary to do this because the enemy is strong and we are weak.

"Energy facilities are very important. As long as we can control them, no matter whether we gain the dominance or have to destroy them, the plan to attack the earth will definitely be stopped. This is also a good result for you, right? Win-win."

Like a pair of scissors, Li De's index finger and middle finger open and close. If he attacks the earth, maybe the second shot and the third luminous line will fall from the sky. To prevent another war.

The question is can things really be that simple?

"What if the plan fails?"

Hearing this too realistic question, Lide seemed to sigh in his heart for a while before answering:

"It's hard to stop the riot once it starts. There will be a second time if I fail. If I fail, let other people continue to lead the people to do something. Now that the location of the energy facility is known, Things will get easier."

After all, the analogy of such a facility is a factory, and it is impossible for you to move the factory directly in a short period of time.

"Although the citizens don't know what the government and the military have done in other places, they know that their lives have been greatly affected, so many dead, so much damage, the government's credibility has dropped to the lowest point, Doubts will become the fuse, and with a little guidance, the citizens will develop in the direction we want."

For Lide's plan, I can only comment on this:

"It doesn't look like a decent thing to do."

Lide's response was also very simple:

"It's better than everyone dying together."

So the plan was decided, triggering riots on the first day, waiting for an opportunity, maybe on the same day, or maybe the next day, the rebels would rush into the army base to occupy the energy facilities.

After its existence is established, intelligence will once again be disseminated throughout the world, and doubts about the government must become a powerful force.

The army itself will be in chaos first, because the people who suffer in the energy crisis may be their friends and relatives.

Is it normal to start a war while ignoring the suffering of the people?No matter how you think about it.

However, everything here has not yet begun.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

At this moment in the military facilities in the capital, the bright and dim lights still haven't improved in any way.

Under the orders of the researchers, a new weapon named Zog is undergoing operational testing, perhaps its very existence is a mobile land warship.

The behemoth walking on the ground is a bit dull, because it is only faithfully executing the order of the commander.

The next large-scale attack is getting closer, and the soldiers are very excited about it, because they can't help but want revenge.

The atmosphere of the entire base seemed a little strange. For Zhu Yun, the spy who broke into the regular army from the rebels, everything here was very strange.

In order not to arouse any suspicion, today he is only doing daily training, daily activities, chatting with his colleagues to establish a good relationship, and has not gone near the energy facilities.

Time passed before he knew it, and after everything was over, he returned to the dormitory and planned to write a diary.

Of course, not on paper, but in the brain.

The mental pressure of being trapped in the enemy's camp was a bit high, especially not long after the information was delivered, and the nerves were stretched to the extreme.

'Today's weather is not very good. The big void erupted again a few days ago. I heard that there are no new patients. Could it be that the planet has completed its own purification?Anyway, whenever I think about the Hollow I wonder why instead of dealing with the situation there, we are preparing for a new war. '

Zhu Yun lay on the bed with his eyes closed, and continued to think, as if he was reporting to himself, talking to himself.

'This is what makes me feel the most weird. Others in the base didn't have any doubts about it. At first I thought it was caused by strict military orders, but these days I realized that everyone has a feeling for the earth. The strong attachment is not caused by the task, but because they want to vent their strong hatred to the earth. '

It's completely abnormal. As a soldier, it's best to be serious at all times. Zhu Yun doesn't think the place he's in is like the army, because everyone talks about 'hate' and 'torture'.

'And Commander Huckard, the frequency of his visits to new energy facilities is really abnormal. He goes to some every day, is it because he is worried about problems there?The lights flickering back and forth are annoying, so why don't you simply turn off the lights, as the light has made my eyes a little sore recently. '

Zhu Yun kept thinking, saying that other people don't look like a soldier, and now he doesn't look like a soldier in his brain, complaining about various things.

However, he himself didn't have any self-consciousness, he just slowly became drowsy in thinking, and finally fell into sleep.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

This is what should be called the 'City Hall'. The army is preparing for the next attack, and the government is constantly receiving complaints. Even now, many people gather outside to protest.

It's not just ordinary soldiers who are vented as doormats, but ordinary workers as well.

"I'm afraid someone will throw a stone in."

Some people say this, while others are complaining:

"We're just sorting out the information here. The adults above are hiding well. They don't know where they are doing. If you want to scold them, you should scold them."

"You have to find it."

The voice of the third person came, and what he said was correct. There is no way to vent anger on someone who can't see it, so the person who can see it becomes the target.

Not to mention ordinary people, aren't they the same?

When the big hole erupted, I was worried about getting sick, and I went home empty and ate rations.

How is the agricultural harvest this year?

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