"If one month later, two months later, the army comes down, and who dies, who will take the responsibility, you? Or me?"

"Is that why you don't trust others?"

"I just can't stand the Earth being attacked any longer."

The conversation between the two was interrupted for a while, as they seemed to have understood each other's thoughts.

"Then tell me, why do you believe them, that monster has already shown its malice towards humans."

Nangong asked the other party a question.

"Because I believe in tears, don't you too?"

What Dagu said was the tearing monster.

The other party should also be able to understand, otherwise they would not have saved the boy.

"...I believe in the tears of the earthlings."

"Are you going to deny the conversation altogether?"

The conversation was interrupted again, and both of them had their own reasons.

As Nangong said, they have no way of judging whether what the girl said is true or false. If the earth is attacked again after the other party leaves, who will be responsible?

Also as Dagu said, if the possibility of dialogue is given up, then no matter who is in this universe, he will not be a friend of the earth.

"Do you have evidence that she is not the aggressor?"

"You also have no evidence that she was the aggressor."

After all, no one can convince anyone, thinking, hesitating, and finally, Empat turned around.

"Only this time."

If there is no evidence, he would rather kill the wrong person than let him go. Even Nangong would not be able to do such a thing.

Rising towards the sky, the giant with blue eyes left towards the sky.

"Thank you."

Looking at the disappearing figure, the girl said, for the guardian of the earth, for the guardian who just suffered such a heavy injury, it must be very difficult to make such a decision.

"What's going on here? Empat seems to have given up attacking the monster and left."

What the camera captures is the remaining existence.

"Who is the girl standing on Tiga's palm?"

It was no longer a broadcast, and even the host himself was puzzled by it.


Turning around, Tiga handed the girl to Makina.

And the other party cautiously opened his hands and took over his master.

It opened its mouth and let out a cry, as if to say thank you.

"We will never invade the earth, Dagu, I can assure you."


His name was spoken, which made the young man panic.

"I have never forgotten about you. The long wait is coming to an end, and I am finally going home. I hope that one day, we can meet again in the universe."

The shells were closed to the left and right, and Makina protected himself and his master together in it.

Di Jia took a step back, it turned out that it was not an attack mode, but a sailing mode.

Rising, rising, and rising again, finally, Mackina took the master who had been lost for 200 years, and left towards the universe.

In the combat command room of the TPC Far East Base, Ye Rui received a communication.

"The director, the moon base, the American branch, and the European branch all sent inquiries, do you want to pursue it?"

The current matter is equivalent to letting go of a fire that may ignite.

"No, no pursuit."

I have already decided to believe in the power of dialogue and Altman's judgment.

Director Sawai thought silently.

In this way, an incident came to an end, and Ultraman, who appeared at the same time, had conversations and disagreements, the monster who was let go, and the girl who walked with it, rumors spread rapidly.

What is Ultraman?

What kind of ideas do they have to protect the earth?

What happens when human thoughts collide with their thoughts, and when their thoughts conflict with each other?

There are different opinions, the initial controversy, the subsequent worship, and now it has become a controversy again. For human beings, Ultraman is still full of mysteries in essence, and cannot even communicate.

Their actions have pulled the nerves of many people, and will generate countless inferences and thoughts.

The Internet is a lot of fun, and who is content with brawling on the screen.

They hide in the dark, stare at the earth and human beings, and feel abhorrent to the existence of giants.

Humans are creatures, and giants are also creatures. There will be conflicts between creatures because of different ideas, just like Tiga and Empat before.

Just wait for the moment when all the anxiety and doubts will be detonated.

The demon smiled, waiting for the moment of judgment.

In the endless darkness, there is also someone who is looking forward to and dissatisfied.

"Isn't it enough?"

Camilla can sense her companions outside the seal, or future companions.

There is still something left in the heart of the giant of darkness, just like Di Jia at the beginning, it is precisely because of this remaining ray of light that everything will be different.

Night had already fallen, and the pale-skinned young man fell asleep.

He had the same dream again, no matter how hard he defeated the enemy, the city was still destroyed.

With the construction of the dream, the light wrapped in darkness in its body exudes bright colors

Chapter 55

Waking up from the dream again, the first thing I felt was an uncontrollable sense of anxiety.


what is the problem?

Nangong can be sure that he definitely dreamed of something terrible, but it was always hazy and unable to see clearly, and he was only able to pierce it with one finger, but he still couldn't pierce it.

In layman's terms, the sneeze that was supposed to be sneezed suddenly disappeared in the middle, and that feeling was unbearable.

Thinking, memories, the restlessness in the dream and the restlessness of the present overlap together, and the blurred picture flashes inside the brain.

'Is it... flames? '

The colors are very similar, the blazing flames are drifting toward the blackness, in the symbol of destruction, the phantom of the enemy flashes past.


I have never forgotten in my memory, the monster that overwhelmed Empat with its own strength.

It has been such a long time since the battle, and I have already killed it, why can't I forget it?

'Because he is too strong. '

The Imperial Starman surpassed the giant in strength, speed, and defense. He didn't use any tricks to attack head-on. If he couldn't win, the earth would be destroyed.

'I can't win on my own. '

Without the negative energy generated by people at that time, Empat would have reached the limit in 3 minutes and could not continue to fight.

But no matter how important it is, negative energy is not a good thing.

'Have I become stronger? '

Nangong lowered his head and stared at his palm. Can this hand grasp anything?

There is no doubt that the dark power is growing stronger.

'Is it stronger than the Imperial Stars? '

This question already has an answer in my heart.

Still can't, can't beat him.

That's why I'm afraid, afraid that there will be an invincible opponent again.

That's why I dream, dreaming of scenes of destruction.

That's why I pursue power now, in order not to let precious life slip through my fingers.

Closing his eyes and opening them again, the dark energy in his body surged as if feeling the master's will, trying to swallow the last light.

However, a little spark in it never goes out.

Because that is the origin, the beginning, and the reason to support the motivation.

Standing up, Nangong moved his body, which was actually not stiff. He thought carefully about what he could do, and then remembered something that he wanted to do but was unable to do because of the invasion of the imperial stars. .

Watching the situation through TPC's database these days, there are no inexplicable disappearances.

In that case, it should be possible to be sure that the invaders who were forced to stay on Earth have been dealt with.

'I can't rest assured. '

As a capable person, if someone dies due to his own negligence... Although he does not have the courage to lead humans, he still has the courage to fight against invaders.

Stepping forward, for some unknown reason, Nangong returned to this Kumamoto City after one incident was over.

Maybe it's because he's been in the city for a long time, or maybe it's because for Empat, sleeping underground is comfortable.

The long, chaotic November is over, and now it's December, which is nearing the end of the year.

No matter which country you are in, there is New Year’s Eve. In Nangong’s motherland, it is called New Year’s Eve, although in fact the year in that country is celebrated according to the old calendar, and Japan’s 31st is called "Big Ye Zhong".

In addition, the Emperor's Birthday on December 12 is a statutory holiday, and December 23 is a Western holiday that has entered the country because it can promote consumption.

But no matter which festival it is, it has nothing to do with Nangong, who is actually equivalent to a vagrant.

He was walking on the street, and the temperature has dropped completely now.

This city will not reach the point where it snows, but the temperature of more than ten degrees is not considered warm.

Economic activities have resumed, people are walking on the street, office workers are running business, and shops are open. If you want to ask what is the difference from before, it is the sound of construction and congested roads.

The battle between Empat and the Imperial Stars brought severe damage to the city, smashed buildings, and ravines of more than a kilometer pulled out.

Ultraman, who inhaled negative energy and was affected by internal negative emotions, did not care about the loss of the invaders. The battle between the two did not tear down the entire city thanks to the little remaining energy of the giants at that time.

Walking along the sidewalk, the blue boards on the construction fence spread all the way, as if there was no end in sight.

Just following the road to the place he wanted to go, Nangong raised his head and stared at the sky covered by white clouds.

At the same time, another person is also looking at the sky.

The TPC Far East base is located on the sea, and you can look directly at the waves and the blue sky from the inside.

Dagu sat alone in the lounge, thinking about the controversy not long ago.


Giants and giants, what he inherited is the memory of battle, and he doesn't know anything except battles. He is also curious about the similarities between the two, but he has never had the opportunity to talk to each other.

He never thought that there would be such a big difference in the first formal conversation between the two, but they could understand what the other party wanted to say.

Until now, Dagu still thinks from time to time whether it was a wrong choice to let go of the girl and the monster. Together with the tears, it may also be a disguise.

'So I......'

"What's the matter? Look thoughtful?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came to my ears, but without the majesty.


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