You can't even feel the sun here, only the blue sky like stars floating in the sky, like countless Kongming lanterns lit up in the dark night.


I don't know who said that, and the people who reacted instantly pulled the trigger again, and the shots formed a barrage and flew towards Zaki, successfully hitting him.

At that moment, he did have the feeling of 'pain'.

'it turns out-----'

There is no darkness, the only darkness here is himself, and his energy is suppressed in the pure field of light.

This is not a different space like the Meita domain, it just forms a purer area on this planet than the Meita domain.

Energy life forms are also living beings, and since they are living beings, they inevitably have weaknesses.

Just like now, the dark energy in Zaki's body is suppressed, and the raging light energy becomes even crazier due to the surrounding environment.

He shrank in size because he couldn't use his own power well, and now he became weaker because of the suppression of the environment.

This is the weakness of the energy life form. Even if you have incomparably powerful power, if you don't use it well, it means you are weak, because you can't exert it.

The ore mountain is the proof that Mars once lived, and now the past Mars once had life in order to suppress the only darkness and release it all.

Borrowing the light of an entire planet, Zaki's power was suppressed again, and he was deliberately exiled here.

'ridiculous! '

Even if the surrounding attacks do have an effect, it doesn't make sense, the ore will be shattered in less than a second.

The surging thought power was interrupted at the moment of release, smashing the mountain with one punch, cracking the ground with one foot, there is no problem in describing Zaki like this.

And it was Zaki who was punched in the face, not just a punch.

The man who swung his heavy fist quickly swiped his right arm upwards, and the serrated blade on his wrist cut out a long string of sparks.

The chasing kick was blocked, Zaki grabbed the leg and threw the enemy who dared to approach him, the idiot in his sight was wearing gray-black armor, and changed the 'flight trajectory' before smashing the ore

"It's very useful."

Aikawa, the manipulator inside, said so, what he is using now is the armor called 'Bermura'.

The reason why it can be used is because the 'adaptability' has increased.

The reason for the increase in adaptability is simple, his captain once healed him with his own light.

At this moment, there are more people around Zaki.

They emptied the ammunition, but the energy inside the armor was still sufficient, and it didn't even consume at all.

At the joints of the armor, the eyes, and even the heat dissipation vents overflowed with blue light. The extremely activated ore under this special environment further increased the strength of the armor.

Those who bathe in the light cannot describe this feeling. What they really want to say is that they are stronger and stronger. The so-called adaptability is the key to how much strength they can exert. Now the adaptability is on the rise.

The metal straight knives mixed with ore were almost dyed blue, and the weapons in the hands of the soldiers now looked like some kind of beam weapons.

There was an ear-piercing sound of rubbing, a clear snapping sound, even so the slashing still caused damage to the weapon.

Zaki took the blow with his body, then spun to sweep across with his claws.

There wasn't even a single ounce of energy added, even so, the five people who were raiding around were still sent flying, and fragments of the armor flew around.

One person was still in the air, and Zaki's figure appeared in front of him.


The heavy punch shook the ground, and the rescued Olivia retreated uncontrollably.

'The monster! '

The heavy armor she was wearing was damaged, and the barrier generators on her arms exploded after taking an out-of-range attack.

Just one punch caused such damage.

Aikawa, who fell from the air, stepped hard on Zaki's shoulders with both feet, but the enemy under his feet just swayed slightly before rushing out again.

Even if the energy is blocked, even if the strength is suppressed to an extremely low level, Zaki is still galloping, fighting with his terrifying physical fitness.

'Run, not fly'

When this was noticed, the beams fired by the flying troops tore the ground apart, and Zaki, who had lost his footing, could only jump up.

He, who couldn't change his movements in the air, was targeted, and the beam was fired.

After half a second, another fighter plane was directly pierced through the middle and smashed, and a fierce explosion was set off.


It's not that you can't fly, it's that you don't fly on purpose.

Zaki deliberately suppressed his strength to the point where he couldn't even fly, and the flames of the explosion wrapped around his body, so the flight trajectory was left behind.

The weird broken line hadn't disappeared yet, yet another three fighter planes were directly smashed into pieces.

Zaki grabbed one of the pilots, but instead of killing him, he threw him into the air.

"Heh, ha ha ha ha!"

Laughing back in anger, Zaki thought he would enjoy the process of massacre. As for the poor guy who was thrown out just now... just let him float in the universe until he dies.

270 Chapter Three Poisonous

What if it gets weaker?

No matter how weak it is, it is beyond the reach of mere human beings.

Zaki was flying in the air, and his body even suddenly stopped and turned upside down. Aikawa, who was chasing behind, subconsciously moved away, and a large number of fragments of the armor on his body scattered.

A piece of ore is deeply embedded with sharp blades, and the remaining wings of the fighter plane smashed by Zaki became the so-called 'darts'

If he didn't dodge, then Aichuan would be cut in half directly.

"That starts with you."

He heard such a sentence, and there was a strong sense of oppression in Zaki's words, which was established through an irresistible force.

The moment Zaki moved forward, the floating blue light suddenly started to move.

The already bright ore showed a strange shape again, beams of light shot out like lightning, and they quickly connected with the light spots in the air.

Aikawa's body was pierced directly, and the flowing light energy did not cause any harm to him.

The only one who was injured was Zaki who approached him and wanted to attack him. As a pure giant of darkness, he would feel a burning sensation just by being touched by light.


Unsatisfactory, every time I do half of it, I will be hindered.

The irritability in Zaki's heart became stronger and stronger, and that unpleasant feeling continued to ferment.

Suddenly, the brilliant brilliance of the sky fell down, like thunder from the sky.

Before Zaki could react, the oppression of the strong light pushed him back to the ground again.

He quickly scanned the surroundings with his red eyes, those ores kept a brighter luster than before, and it was they that caused the current situation.

The target changed, but the light that pinned him to the ground completely enveloped the area before running.

If it were on the earth, the most obvious blue star would definitely be reflected in the night sky.

Now Mars itself is shining, this light illuminates everything on half the planet, and the energy released completely suppresses Zaki.


Zaki's left hand quickly covered his right wrist, where it suddenly cracked before, and the residual light of Empat wanted to break out of his body, attracting the surrounding light energy to approach.

Zaki, who had repaired the wound, quickly looked forward, and a large number of bullets came.

Olivia's arms were facing forward, and the machine gun on her wrist was fired quickly, and there were other comrades in arms advancing with her.

Zaki immediately defended, and he waited for the moment when the distance closed.

But different from what was expected, the soldiers who were advancing just now suddenly changed direction and left to a different position.

If there is one common goal that all countries share, it must be firepower.

Covering and bombing are no longer the era of cold weapons in the past, and even the era of cold weapons has the same reason, that is, victory in numbers.

The machine guns fired wildly, and it wasn't just the machine guns. The soldiers carrying beam cannons in other positions pulled the triggers, and the pure light from the weapons engulfed Zaki's figure.

It was a strange scene. Even in such strong light, everyone could see things clearly, and at the same time, they could accurately see the dark shadows inside.

The life born under the light of the sun is undoubtedly the child of light, and the greed and beasts have already turned into pure darkness. It is in the light that the darkness is more obvious.

The attack is continuous, it's not like 'unlimited ammo'

Instead, it has truly become unlimited ammunition. The ore inside the armor and equipment is the core of providing energy, but the energy is not only consumed, but even becomes saturated.

The light of Mars is autonomously coordinating to disperse the darkness, the beam cannon continues to irradiate, the machine gun continues to fire, Zaki's crossed arms slash left and right, and the dark energy of the explosion dispels the surrounding light.

He was getting impatient waiting, so he decided to take the initiative.

Running, advancing, missiles and light beams scattered in the air on the way, on the rough road, Zaki did not waver in the slightest.

He admitted that these attacks did work for him, but he felt that the next thing to do was simple.

These mines are the conditions for human beings to fight against him, so he will destroy these conditions.

Leap up, take the hit, then fall.


It was simply a big earthquake, with Zaki as the center, a large number of cracks began to spread wildly for thousands of meters around.

This was just the beginning, he jumped up again, and fell again, no matter what hit him, it didn't matter, the feet he stepped on for the second time made the cracks spread to the distance again, and the ground supporting the mine was disintegrating.

Jumped up for the third time, but failed to fall.

Aikawa, who directly bumped into Zaki, took him away from his original position. Before he could throw him out with his arms wrapped around him, the heavy blow he received brought a crackling sound that could not be ignored.

Ignoring the system's non-stop flashing red warning, Aikawa accelerated again, and then brought Zaki directly into a mine.

Only one of the two people who crashed into the interior was injured, and the light energy did not hurt Aikawa, but was only attacking Zaki.

'All this cleverness...'

In an instant, the entire mine was shattered, and the shots that hit this side missed.

'Where did you go? ! '

Unlike before, he could see nothing. This time, Aikawa couldn't see anything. When he realized it, his whole body was buried in the wreckage of the mine.

Perhaps it was because there was more light left around here, and the almost non-functioning armor protected him.

Half a second passed, and in front of the soldier holding the beam cannon was Zaki who did not know when to appear.

The moment he was about to react, the mixed flesh and armor fragments exploded.


A bloody scene loomed before his eyes, so another soldier stepped back and fell to the ground, blood gushing from the lower abdomen.

In the harsh environment of Mars, exposed fatal wounds bring more pain.


What I saw was Zaki's forward movement, and then the two of them were completely smashed.


The actions that could be seen before can no longer be seen now. Zaki, who was suppressed before, is now killing non-stop. Could it be that the opponent was just playing before?

Doubt cannot go on thinking because life is gone.

A chrome Chester in the sky collided directly with another, and Zaki, who grabbed the nose, used the fighter jet as a club to beat other enemies, and he held the crippled wing again, using it as a The dart is thrown.

Troops in J-armor activate the barrier, which is then sliced ​​open along with it.

When Zaki landed, his punch pierced through one person's abdomen again, and the sweeping hand knife decapitated one person.

After two seconds, the bodies of ten people were scattered all over the place.

Under the light, Zaki carried out a quick and brutal killing.

The suppressed effect is gone?

No, he was indeed still being suppressed, but the conflict in his body was weakened.

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